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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

04-17-2021 , 07:49 PM
That's not even a premise. More immigration may increase the luck. Up to a point I'm pretty sure it does.

I also strongly suspect that the reality of 'surface friction' means it's not a real concern and I dont much care if it is.

Last edited by chezlaw; 04-17-2021 at 07:54 PM.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 02:40 AM

Imagine choosing to still be a conservative in 2021, watching these utter idiots just lie to you about the dumbest **** imaginable over and over again and still checking that box like "yes please, more of this"
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 03:11 AM
LOL, I hadn't heard about this before - so awesome. UK tabloid puts out a highly speculative story about this, Fox News manages to distort it, and then Republican politicians put it out as fact.

It's the political equivalent of money laundering. Story laundering? Except that unlike money laundering, we can see every step of the process.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 03:32 AM
Just imagine if he wears a tan suit.

I kind of like that pretend 4 pounds of red meat per year is a hot button issue for the derps.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Just imagine if he wears a tan suit.

I kind of like that pretend 4 pounds of red meat per year is a hot button issue for the derps.
Going to start telling any conservative I run into that Biden is going to replace all the red-state McDonald's with Sweetgreen's and Clover's
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 10:36 AM
but surprisingly, none of the 2+2 conservative media police brought their feinting couches in here to talk about it.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
but surprisingly, none of the 2+2 conservative media police brought their feinting couches in here to talk about it.
Cause we know it was BS . Though sadly all the Comrade Biden folks seem to be silent on Joe's border fiasco

Joe has been very smart ram as much through as you can in the first two years as your not gonna get anything done in the next two

Its a smart strategy that Obama should have done
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 11:35 AM
it is a very insidious tactic.

If you are the originator of the story as News Forum, you should fact check and verify before running with it. Thus there should be some bar to not spamming misinformation.

However if others report garbage (even a tabloid) you can report on the claims of that report without having to fact check them yourself. You are just 'reporting what was reported'.

Rudy Giuliani tried to use this tactic at the start of the Hunter Biden garbage he was trying to drive onto the news. He filed the most specious and utter garbage lawsuit early on, knowing he would pull it.

He knows that then allows the Media to report on the 'Claims in the Lawsuit' and ask Joe Biden to confirm or deny. Something they would never do had they been forced to source and verify the allegations themselves first.

It angered Giuliani and Trump and many other Republicans such as Rand Paul who said the Press is now betraying their obligations and deciding what is news worthy, up front. He argued they had an obligation to print it all and if they thought it was in dispute then they could bring in experts on the 'other side' to counter it. But he said the Press should not be the ones deciding that something, like what Rudy was pushing was wrong or biased and should not be published.

In a normal world where there were consequences for such blatant and overt lying I would generally agree with Rand but where it is clear that the Republicans have zero ethics and before every election will file something like a 'Pedophile' accusation, knowing it will cost you the election up front and then retract or not pursue it after, there is now an OBLIGATION of the media to not fall into that trap.

The republicans have created a new normal with their utter lack of morals, in their 'any goes' pursuit of a win knowing if they gain power it is very hard then to hold them to account.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Joe has been very smart ram as much through as you can in the first two years as your not gonna get anything done in the next two

Its a smart strategy that Obama should have done
Lol. All Obama did in his first 2 years was save the economy and ram through the most consequential healthcare reform bill of the last half century.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Lol. All Obama did in his first 2 years was save the economy and ram through the most consequential healthcare reform bill of the last half century.
Going to nitpick a little.

Yes to your first point, unreservedly.

To the second one, almost any Healthcare reform would fit into that definition as so little has been done in that area but in saying that I am not denying it did good for a lot of marginalized people.

The issue is in how it was accomplished, by putting a slight spin on the RomneyCare model which is a blatant and gross capitulation to the HealthCare Private Industries at the cost of mostly the rest of the Middle class.

You had a group that was under represented in terms of medical insurance and providing something was a good thing, but taking that cohort and using gov't money to now pay their premiums is they type of dream gift insurers would think would be too blatant to ask for.

No reform to how much they are billed, while putting the gov't on the hook (taxpayers) to pay for it is the gift that keeps on giving. Suddenly the Insurers have a 'low enrollment, inconsistent paying group', how becomes a zero default payment group.

No wonder all their stocks shot up as a result.

At a minimum Obama should have put in a billing limit structures for those
wanting access to that gov't agreed to cash. No way the insurers turn that down.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Lol. All Obama did in his first 2 years was save the economy and ram through the most consequential healthcare reform bill of the last half century.

That is like saying Trump had a great economy . When you borrow like crazy to create it Its not that great.

If Obama had used Joe's strategy he could have accomplished more.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 02:28 PM
You're just throwing out kitchen sink arguments that don't make any sense. Obama's first two years were the most legislatively consequential of any recent president. Biden has not yet come close to surpassing it, in 100 days. He may or may not surpass it at the end of 2 years.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
You're just throwing out kitchen sink arguments that don't make any sense. Obama's first two years were the most legislatively consequential of any recent president. Biden has not yet come close to surpassing it, in 100 days. He may or may not surpass it at the end of 2 years.
I am just saying that Clinton had a great economy as he was also running a surplus

Obama delivered on Obama Care . As a CDN I think whoopee You get to buy overpriced insurance and still have ridiculous priced health care and drugs.
Hey I think he was a really good president but.....

Its like talking about systemic racism and not pointing out that Biden voted or championed legislation that affected African Americans poorly like the crime bills and Bankruptcy legislation
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
LOL, I hadn't heard about this before - so awesome. UK tabloid puts out a highly speculative story about this, Fox News manages to distort it, and then Republican politicians put it out as fact.

It's the political equivalent of money laundering. Story laundering? Except that unlike money laundering, we can see every step of the process.
The conservative news cycle is a wondrous thing, it has an amazing ability to inject complete imagination, process it and present it as fact in the other end.

The process has been largely the same for many years now:
1. A blog, pundit or opinion piece presents a theory.
2. A news article quotes said piece as a source of fact.
3. Pundits and groups push the articles with tweets, memes and slogans.
4. Politicians run with the now completely accepted version reality.
5. A large swathe of followers, listeners and viewers are part of every step of the process and see them as affirmation. Dissenters are almost invariably silenced through bans or deletes in forums where such things are possible.
6. Bots, a lot of bots.

I witnessed one of the largest conservative political forums in the world (on a social media platform which will remain unnamed) almost completely switch views on net neutrality over a period of two weeks. It is one of the most politically intriguing phenomena I have seen in my entire life, but the brutal efficiency of it was daunting.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-26-2021 , 04:11 PM
Should probably add that there there does undoubtedly exist a similar eco-system for other political movements, but they are either on no-where near the same scale or they are far more fractured.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-27-2021 , 09:21 AM
And btw the coming battle between Bernie and Nancy Pelosi is about the below.

Nancy is on the side pushing, once again a massive corporate welfare, 'Big Pharma Dream Gift' package that will increase the number of people who become guaranteed buyers of Insurance while allowing the gauging to continue. Taxpayer guaranteed payments with no real reform. Increasing the profits and power of Industry while putting citizens who want reform in a much weaker spot.

Originally Posted by Cuepee
To the second one, almost any Healthcare reform would fit into that definition as so little has been done in that area but in saying that I am not denying it did good for a lot of marginalized people.

The issue is in how it was accomplished, by putting a slight spin on the RomneyCare model which is a blatant and gross capitulation to the HealthCare Private Industries at the cost of mostly the rest of the Middle class.

You had a group that was under represented in terms of medical insurance and providing something was a good thing, but taking that cohort and using gov't money to now pay their premiums is they type of dream gift insurers would think would be too blatant to ask for.

No reform to how much they are billed, while putting the gov't on the hook (taxpayers) to pay for it is the gift that keeps on giving. Suddenly the Insurers have a 'low enrollment, inconsistent paying group', how becomes a zero default payment group.

No wonder all their stocks shot up as a result.

At a minimum Obama should have put in a billing limit structures for those
wanting access to that gov't agreed to cash. No way the insurers turn that down.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-27-2021 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
And btw the coming battle between Bernie and Nancy Pelosi is about the below.

Nancy is on the side pushing, once again a massive corporate welfare, 'Big Pharma Dream Gift' package that will increase the number of people who become guaranteed buyers of Insurance while allowing the gauging to continue. Taxpayer guaranteed payments with no real reform. Increasing the profits and power of Industry while putting citizens who want reform in a much weaker spot.

Any system were Medical Bankruptcy exists is a failure .
President Joe Biden Quote
04-27-2021 , 11:33 AM
And that is why many people call Obamacare a win without being critical of how it got the win.

Without a doubt, removing that cost from societies most vulnerable is a huge win for those on the margins.

But it is because of that, that corporate Dems can then hide the massive undeniable gift they are giving their corporate donors in Healthcare all paid for with guarantee by the taxpayer.

It is not hyperbole to suggest that if the Healthcare industry could fantasize about what the biggest corporate welfare gift they could ever imagine would look like, this is exactly it.

You take a significant percent of the populace who was not insured or under insured and suddenly get them fully insured. But you do so in a zero default way (tax payer funded). And you do so allowing the industry to gauge mercilessly because they know they now cannot default.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-27-2021 , 11:52 AM
Did I see correctly that there were no updates to this thread for more than a week? Unthinkable under Trump.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-27-2021 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Morphismus
Did I see correctly that there were no updates to this thread for more than a week? Unthinkable under Trump.

Because Joe is perfect When he does screw up or make a mistake its Trump's fault
President Joe Biden Quote
04-27-2021 , 12:48 PM
Haha except that was literally the reason Trumpers used for many of his failings.

I was arguing last week in the BFI with TS who was saying 'Trump was not at fault for the lack of PPE in the strategic Stockpile, that is on Obama. Why would Trump fix someone else's created problem?'

Yup, just last week
President Joe Biden Quote
04-27-2021 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by wiiziwiig
Right now, we need VP Biden, we need him to step down and drop out so Bernie sanders can save this country from this global crisis just like FDR.

A thread to debate the efficacy of a Joe Biden Presidency in the midst of a global pandemic and impending Great Recession/Depression.

Where is Joe Biden? Can he beat Trump and is he even trying to? What would a Joe Biden Presidency look like in these times? Where is he and why isn't he leading?
President Joe Biden Quote
04-27-2021 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Because Joe is perfect When he does screw up or make a mistake its Trump's fault
Perfect? No, not perfect. It is also far too early to pass final judgment.

But so far? Honestly, as far as I am concerned, still on track to become a very good president. Doesn't automatically tell people what they want to hear or peddle only for political brownie points, and an administration with people who actually know stuff.

Granted, I'm a foreigner so my views probably do not matter all that much.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-27-2021 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Going to nitpick a little.

Yes to your first point, unreservedly.

To the second one, almost any Healthcare reform would fit into that definition as so little has been done in that area but in saying that I am not denying it did good for a lot of marginalized people.

The issue is in how it was accomplished, by putting a slight spin on the RomneyCare model which is a blatant and gross capitulation to the HealthCare Private Industries at the cost of mostly the rest of the Middle class.
You're not wrong but don't act like it was Obama's choice to do that. So called 'centrist' Dems wouldn't go for things like a single payer model, or even a public option and made that known throughout the debate on the bill. Thus the Obama administration was left with the option of either passing nothing, or getting the ACA. But the way you're framing it you're acting like that was the plan all along, and it wasn't.
President Joe Biden Quote
04-27-2021 , 07:11 PM
Of course Obama was in bed with health care industry/big business.
President Joe Biden Quote
