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ex-President Joe Biden ex-President Joe Biden

12-16-2020 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
They think the only thing wrong with America is that it's not still 1993 and people are easily conned into buying their neo-libera BS.

Still juice in that orange though. It's been a good run.
Still obsessed with 90s era internal Democratic Party political debates I see.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-16-2020 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Still obsessed with 90s era internal Democratic Party political debates I see.
Not at all.

The mainstream Democrats are. Reading comprehension helps. But I'm happy to clarify for you. Free of charge.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-16-2020 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I think it is fair to say the establishment Dems have two Masters and the louder one is their corporate donors.

I do not think that is an inflammatory statement. They take a ton of money that is key to them getting elected and from many who have supported them thru many campaigns.

Those donors on the Dem side accept some shifts to the left but want it small and incremental. Sure raise the minimum wage and implement some health care reform but incrementally. Many support Republicans too and are ok with massive shifts to the right (ie Trump tax cuts). And then the increments back to towards the left but as long as the general direction is continually to the right over time.
Most donors want the candidate to whom they are giving money to win. Certainly the candidate receiving the money wants to win. I can't tell what exactly what you think is going on here. Are you just speculating about the state of mind of a few Democratic leaders and whether or not they are relieved about probably losing the Senate? Or are you claiming that mainstream Democrats consciously tried to blow a few Senate races to avoid pressure from progressives?

I think that is why the bulk of voters stay home and have given up on politics and the politicians have gone from 'Most Trusted' to 'Least Trusted' in society as voters learned, over time, that they were promised one thing in the campaign, to get their votes, and yet the politicians acted as if they were answering to another master, with a defend agenda once in power.
While this perception is common, it is largely false. The evidence shows that politicians generally take their campaign promises seriously. However, I'd argue that one of the reasons why simply running on the policies that are in people's self-interests doesn't always win is for the reason you bring up here - people think politicians lie, including about supporting policies in voter self-interest and whether or not it is really in voter self-interest. Trust comes first imo. And one of the reasons I voted against Bernie in the 16 and 20 primaries is that I think it hurts voter trust to run on policies that have no chance of passing if you are elected.

Like I said, this election is the Dem's to buy. People will vote for self interest when you make it really clear. The Dem's midterms were proof of that with the cry of 'Pre-existing conditions will be lost'. People got up and voted to protect it as it was crystal clear what was at stake.
First of all, no they don't. People have been writing What's the Matter with Kansas style books attempting to explain why they don't for decades. Second, how is it that you propose "making it really clear" to voters that some policy benefits them? Ban Fox News and talk radio? Ban Republican politicians from giving their arguments?

The Dem's should be on that singular type note now. X thousand dollars in your pocket within Y days after we win. Your check will be mailed, we will be asking your banks and landlords to not act in the interim.

Everything should be around that note. I do not see how they could lose, honestly. Make it so the election is NOT about the 2 candidates at all and the perception about them. Make it so much bigger than either of them to the electorate.
I just think you are overconfident about what wins elections based on a simplistic understanding of the populace and why they vote.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-16-2020 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
My worry is that a lot of effort will be put on diluting the leverage points democrats have (for example attempting to do legislative things vs executive things) in the name of being able to work with mitch mcconnell and pass bipartisan things, only for the GOP to intentionally throw as much sand in the mechanism and it to accomplish nothing.
I don't think this is an accurate summation. Democrats don't choose to do things via legislation to be bipartisan, they do it because new legislation is required to do the things they want. An executive order simply could not have given states money to expand medicare or create a marketplace with plans that can't drop people with pre-existing conditions. Obama did use executive orders when he could, like with DACA , but there was a limit to how much could be done with ongress.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-16-2020 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
Most donors want the candidate to whom they are giving money to win. Certainly the candidate receiving the money wants to win. I can't tell what exactly what you think is going on here. Are you just speculating about the state of mind of a few Democratic leaders and whether or not they are relieved about probably losing the Senate? Or are you claiming that mainstream Democrats consciously tried to blow a few Senate races to avoid pressure from progressives?
The point there is that establishment Dems have corporate donors who often have a much louder voice and bigger priority to them then the voters do.
A tie progressive Dems have cut.

And yes, i am suggesting that perhaps the Dems are content enough with the House and POTUS and a Senate that can 'force' them to compromise to Center/Right positions.

If they win the Senate there is really no reason to compromise Center/Right and quite the opposite the pressure will be from Progressives to move Far left.

While this perception is common, it is largely false. The evidence shows that politicians generally take their campaign promises seriously. However, I'd argue that one of the reasons why simply running on the policies that are in people's self-interests doesn't always win is for the reason you bring up here - people think politicians lie, including about supporting policies in voter self-interest and whether or not it is really in voter self-interest. Trust comes first imo. And one of the reasons I voted against Bernie in the 16 and 20 primaries is that I think it hurts voter trust to run on policies that have no chance of passing if you are elected.

First of all, no they don't. People have been writing What's the Matter with Kansas style books attempting to explain why they don't for decades. Second, how is it that you propose "making it really clear" to voters that some policy benefits them? Ban Fox News and talk radio? Ban Republican politicians from giving their arguments?

I just think you are overconfident about what wins elections based on a simplistic understanding of the populace and why they vote.
The key is making the issue clear. People understood in the mid terms that their Pre-existing conditions were at risk in a GOP win no matter what Fox and other right media said.

There is no reason to believe a simple message of X thousand dollars in your pocket, if we win, is not something they can and would deliver if they won. No reason to conflate it with pie in the sky promises when it would also make sense for the Dems to do it to help their constituents, kick start the economy and give Biden that great boost out of the gate.

So, ya I am searching for reasons why an obvious winner with voters that would serious compromise the republicans, forcing them to go against it, would not be the main tool used now.

Right now that message is buried in more 't
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-16-2020 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
In 94 I was 1 year away fr9m old enough to get life in jail for a dimebag.
In what scenario do you envision a cornersack was getting you a life sentence in fed prison?
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-17-2020 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
You think there is a tradeoff here between executive and legislative action? My view is that they mostly run alongside each other, and executive action is typically taken when there is no hope of legislative action since it is so much more easily overturned.

I don't really worry about diluting leverage points much myself. More or less, if we pass legislation over the next few years is mostly up to Republican Senators, not the Democratic President. Biden has little leverage over them that I see, even less than Obama did.
I mean to raise executive action as just one example of leverage points, although I do I think there are plenty of examples of Obama trying to do something executively (immigration and environmental reg are most prominent) that only happened after years of absolutely failed outreach to republicans legislatively. But I’m actually more worried about diluting legislative leverage points around all the must-pass stuff that, even today, are legitimate negotiations and not just McConnell wins everything. So those become questions of strategy. People actually criticized Obama in BOTH ways. Some said he should have been pressing super hard on every pressure point, using the bully pulpit to exert maximum force in negotiations. Others says he didn’t do enough to wine and dine McConnell and should have tried to work with him more. Regardless, we know how poorly attempts at reasonable compromise worked, and I worry that once again a focus on good faith negotiatiating that tries to lower the temperature by not maximally exerting pressure are going to just fail hard.

*wow my metaphors got twisted there, I gotta review my PV=nRT
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-17-2020 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by wet work
In what scenario do you envision a cornersack was getting you a life sentence in fed prison?
Victor, innocence cant be lost, it just needs to be maintained.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-17-2020 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
You think there is a tradeoff here between executive and legislative action? My view is that they mostly run alongside each other, and executive action is typically taken when there is no hope of legislative action since it is so much more easily overturned.

I don't really worry about diluting leverage points much myself. More or less, if we pass legislation over the next few years is mostly up to Republican Senators, not the Democratic President. Biden has little leverage over them that I see, even less than Obama did.
I made executive actions as just an example of one of multiple leverage points. But yes, there are some at least partial trade offs in strategy, for example Obama spent literally years as I understand it trying to work with republicans legislatively on some issues (immigration and environment come to mind) before going the executive route. The basic negotiation tactic is "compromise with us on something reasonable legislatively where we can really do something important, or we are going to push as much as is possible executively". It was a reasonable strategy.

Focusing on legislative pressure points instead, the better tension to consider is between senate republicans and house democrats. There is a lot of so called "must pass" legislation and even in bitterly divided partisan times, a lot of things do get passed in some of the brinkmanship negotiations we've seen. So again there are questions of strategy. Do you try to ameliorate and wine and dine and have good faith and reasonable debates about compromise? Or do you push your own leverage points as far as possible, maximize the bully pulpit, etc because republicans have consistently shown that good faith attempts to compromise isn't something they are going to engage with? Again, different dynamcs, but 2008-2010 obama had both houses but looking back arguably wasted a lot of time trying to work with republicans that ultimately were never going to give him anything and just wanted to throw sand in the machine. These are debates about strategy, and I don't think is nearly as black or white as the loose sketch above implies, but I nevertheless have a lot of worries that going more on the good faith compromise side is just not goign to work out.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-17-2020 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Victor, innocence cant be lost, it just needs to be maintained.
lol u clown. I've had friends get only ~10yrs for ~5grams of acid ffs another got 5 for 3or so. That was federal.

I've gotten probation for 200plants and ~25lbs back in the 90s.

If I wrote out all the crap by friends of mine who didn't get LiFe!! for a frigging gram of buds this comment would be miles long.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-17-2020 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
lol u clown. I've had friends get only ~10yrs for ~5grams of acid ffs another got 5 for 3or so. That was federal.

I've gotten probation for 200plants and ~25lbs back in the 90s.

If I wrote out all the crap by friends of mine who didn't get LiFe!! for a frigging gram of buds this comment would be miles long.
Ok boomer
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-17-2020 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Ok boomer
I'm not a boomer. Stop embarrassing yourself. But I have been in that biz for well over 25yrs(own multiple/3 CA licenses as well as a decent piece of an east coast project) and have known tons of people in our scene since we were practically kids. And I've seen a ridic amount of my friends as well as myself bump up against the govt on this issue. But feel free to establish your bona fides and tell us all about all the people you know who have gotten LIfe!! sentences in federal prison for a single nug lol.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-17-2020 , 04:43 PM
Wet work , we are both talking way past each other. Like way past each other because we mean totally different things. I did not say I knew someone who got life in prison for that. That’s for starters.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-17-2020 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
lol u clown. I've had friends get only ~10yrs for ~5grams of acid ffs another got 5 for 3or so. That was federal.

I've gotten probation for 200plants and ~25lbs back in the 90s.

If I wrote out all the crap by friends of mine who didn't get LiFe!! for a frigging gram of buds this comment would be miles long.
admitted hyperbole. but there are people in jail for that long for small amounts due to old statutes for 3 strikes. I think Louisiana in particular is a state that maintains that. Im not gonna look up the stories now as they are depressing and obv proly not a 15 yr old. I did just read about a guy who got life for stealing hedge clippers from someone's yard that had been left outside. he was recently released after like 30 some years.

point is, Biden helped write that crime bill that jailed a ton of people for absurd amounts of time. Godgers supports such measures which amount to simply cruelty for the sake of cruelty. there is no societal or personal positive impact from that. none at all. not for anyone. except the for profit prison system and the police. so.....

its sick. and defending it is sick. I dont think you were defending it fwiw.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-17-2020 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Wet work , we are both talking way past each other. Like way past each other because we mean totally different things. I did not say I knew someone who got life in prison for that. That’s for starters.
Well, you were kinda snarkily defending a post and also implying you know how things were back then--which is what the post was really about. Then you took a cheap shot at my age(which is 49fwiw) as if being a little squirt back then would somehow give you more credibility

Originally Posted by Victor
admitted hyperbole. but there are people in jail for that long for small amounts due to old statutes for 3 strikes. I think Louisiana in particular is a state that maintains that. Im not gonna look up the stories now as they are depressing and obv proly not a 15 yr old. I did just read about a guy who got life for stealing hedge clippers from someone's yard that had been left outside. he was recently released after like 30 some years.

point is, Biden helped write that crime bill that jailed a ton of people for absurd amounts of time. Godgers supports such measures which amount to simply cruelty for the sake of cruelty. there is no societal or personal positive impact from that. none at all. not for anyone. except the for profit prison system and the police. so.....

its sick. and defending it is sick. I dont think you were defending it fwiw.
You're kinda mixing up state and federal my man--though they've been plenty capable of having a couple feds in the convoy when they want to cut thru a bunch of properties with the chipper to make things easier. I've actually been raked over the coals by the ***** feds(not about the one I listed but a more recent one) in the past and they don't tend to swoop in for single grams--hell they can cause enough trouble without even technically getting involved at all In general you have to be coloring pretty far outside the lines to really get their attention. And the only reason I even spoke up was because of the hyperbole--getting life in fed prison just really isn't close to any kind of standard outcome for dust bunnies. Having a stack of priors etc coupled with a nug>>extreme sentence is pretty far from a standard situation ime. Which is why I even said anything in the first place.

The Ds have been pretty far from perfect on this issue--but they've also mostly been the only ones willing to work with us at all over the years. And that's just reality. As much as I'm sure a lot of us would love to be able to wave a magic wand and have things be exactly the way we envision them that just isn't how things really work--other people/interests have a say too even if we may not agree with their perspective at all. The conservatives trying to hang the entire drug war on Biden's head might be one of their bigger messaging victories in recent years. Of course--they haven't been pitching in much to help change things
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-18-2020 , 01:21 AM
If this OpEd is accurate, this seems like a huge ****ing deal. What do people think the appropriate government response should be?

Last week, the cybersecurity firm FireEye said it had been hacked and that its clients, which include the United States government, had been placed at risk. This week, we learned that SolarWinds, a publicly traded company that provides software to tens of thousands of government and corporate customers, was also hacked.

The attackers gained access to SolarWinds software before updates of that software were made available to its customers. Unsuspecting customers then downloaded a corrupted version of the software, which included a hidden back door that gave hackers access to the victim’s network.
Evidence in the SolarWinds attack points to the Russian intelligence agency known as the S.V.R., whose tradecraft is among the most advanced in the world.
The magnitude of this ongoing attack is hard to overstate.

The Russians have had access to a considerable number of important and sensitive networks for six to nine months. The Russian S.V.R. will surely have used its access to further exploit and gain administrative control over the networks it considered priority targets. For those targets, the hackers will have long ago moved past their entry point, covered their tracks and gained what experts call “persistent access,” meaning the ability to infiltrate and control networks in a way that is hard to detect or remove.

While the Russians did not have the time to gain complete control over every network they hacked, they most certainly did gain it over hundreds of them. It will take years to know for certain which networks the Russians control and which ones they just occupy.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-18-2020 , 03:05 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
So now Biden's sin is working with Republicans and conservative/moderate Democrats as a Senator? Good for him. I prefer legislators who want to pass legislation, which typically requires bipartisan support.
It's not a two party system, it's a one party system. Trump broke that up a bit, but hopefully that shift to a one man system was temporary.

There still is no alternative to a candidate backed by corporate and hedge fund money and their interests. Biden is an archetypal example. The legislation he can and has gotten passed is mostly a solid implementation of the corporatist economic agenda that has dominated the US during most of his incredibly long tenure as an elected official.

The only piece of legislation in recent memory that was at all out of the mold was Obamacare, even though it was firmly in the mold, well adapted to the interests of insurers, it was perceived as something else and getting it through took some real effort. The price Obama paid was continuing the Reagan/Bush/Clinton foreign policy and hard line on immigration.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-18-2020 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
If this OpEd is accurate, this seems like a huge ****ing deal. What do people think the appropriate government response should be?
Well, Trump appears to be on top of it:

Trump remains silent as massive cyber hack poses 'grave risk' to government

But, at least Biden will be taking over soon:

"Our adversaries should know that, as President, I will not stand idly by in the face of cyber assaults on our nation," Biden said in a statement on Thursday, making no specific mention of Trump or his administration, but also not naming Russia as the culprit.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-18-2020 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
If this OpEd is accurate, this seems like a huge ****ing deal. What do people think the appropriate government response should be?
Does anyone really care ?

The Russians have been doing this since Obama at least. Nothing ever happens.

Maybe we can put Hunter on the job.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-18-2020 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
If this OpEd is accurate, this seems like a huge ****ing deal. What do people think the appropriate government response should be?
No ****in chance do I believe a single word that a George W Bush homeland security adviser puts out there. I’m going to need at least 10 people to corroborate anything he says
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-18-2020 , 10:03 AM
Trump was on it from the start of his Admin so people should not worry.

ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-18-2020 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by watevs
No ****in chance do I believe a single word that a George W Bush homeland security adviser puts out there. I’m going to need at least 10 people to corroborate anything he says
It seems unlikely that the author of the OpEd is making this up out of whole cloth. Microsoft has disclosed that it found malware on its systems. It also said that it had identified 40 of its customers that had the same hacked software on their systems. Large public companies don't make those sorts of disclosures lightly.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-18-2020 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Does anyone really care ?

The Russians have been doing this since Obama at least. Nothing ever happens.

Maybe we can put Hunter on the job.
I have no idea whether this is a big deal or not. But it seems a little silly to say, "well my iphone still works so it must be nothing."
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-18-2020 , 12:16 PM
The current chaos that is US politics ofcourse emboldens various actors to strike directly or undertake actions that would otherwise be deterred. Chaos means less scrutiny and less clear decisionmaking.

That’s just how the world works and has done for thousands of years. I can pretty much guarantee that the last four years have been a blessing for many countries and organizations opposed to, in conflict with or competing against the US.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
12-18-2020 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
The current chaos that is US politics ofcourse emboldens various actors to strike directly or undertake actions that would otherwise be deterred. Chaos means less scrutiny and less clear decisionmaking.

That’s just how the world works and has done for thousands of years. I can pretty much guarantee that the last four years have been a blessing for many countries and organizations opposed to, in conflict with or competing against the US.
Of course. That's why people like Putin wanted Trump to win. A Trump presidency virtually ensured chaos.
ex-President Joe Biden Quote
