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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

10-22-2020 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
Objective in the sense that Christians reference divinely inspired truth opposed to their own subjective feelings or man made ideologies for what is right or wrong. Sure, non-believers would not subscribe to this regardless of what Christians think is the source of their supposed "truth" is. Christians essentially have the same core beliefs when you sort through the fluff.
If the core beliefs are obvious human stuff like "murder is wrong" and "stealing is bad" then Christians and atheists also have the same core beliefs when "you sort through the fluff".
President Joe Biden Quote
10-22-2020 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by namisgr11
insistence on adding "euthanasia", something that is completely irrelevant to the upcoming election, is nothing more than a red herring.
It does matter because Joe Biden is a fraud and anti-life policies conflict with his supposed Catholic faith.

Originally Posted by namisgr11
As for what constitutes murder? Medicine does not agree with you that an early embryo is a human being. It does not support your claim that a fertilized egg or a zygote is a human being. You want to ban the intrauterine device, go ahead and try, but it won't be from any legitimate moral high ground.
Taking innocent life and the below scientific quotes show that life begins at fertilization.

Originally Posted by namisgr11
And as to morality? Everyone's is different. Some believe that eating meat is murder. Some think that being married three times and cheating on your third wife by sleeping with prostitutes is immoral. But there isn't consensus either among society or across religions on these matters. It's not the right or the place of any individual in the absence of this societal and religious consensus to make laws that impose their singular view of morality on others.
You have the freedom of choice to believe what you like and no one is imposing anything (especially if Trump is elected).
President Joe Biden Quote
10-22-2020 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
Objective in the sense that Christians reference divinely inspired truth opposed to their own subjective feelings or man made ideologies for what is right or wrong. Sure, non-believers would not subscribe to this regardless of what Christians think is the source of their supposed "truth" is. Christians essentially have the same core beliefs when you sort through the fluff.
Except you don;t really have to follow any of the rules because of those nice little outs--well we're all sinners whatya gonna do and all you have to do is ask forgiveness so you get a clean slate until the next time. With those built-in outs it allows for the people who abuse things the most to get most rewarded for it

I guess this is how you get to christians thinking someone like donnie is practically the second coming. Supported by stuff like a (corrupted)feedback loop on the internet telling them that's what they're supposed to think/everyone like them thinks too
President Joe Biden Quote
10-22-2020 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Should we change the thread title to Joe "Bug Guy" Biden?

It will baffle me that Biden does not go on the offensive tonight and bring up the fact his kids will not be part of the administration nor will they get loans from Qatar or patents from China. How much money Donald do you have deposited in your hidden bank account?
I suspect Biden will take a 'there you go again' approach and say something like the stuff about his son is just a distraction because Trump doesn't want to talk about real issues, like health care, the pandemic, and the recession.

Then he may pivot and say something like, 'But I have to say, it's funny to hear someone like Donald Trump talking about corruption with respect to China, when it was just revealed a few days ago that he has a secret bank account in China that he's been raking in millions of dollars from, since he's been in the White House. Where did that money come from? $12.5 million dollars directly into Donald Trump's personal account!' etc etc

Trump is all out of weapons. Even his attack dog can't go on the air anymore because he was caught, literally, with his hand in his pants.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-22-2020 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Trump is all out of weapons. Even his attack dog can't go on the air anymore because he was caught, literally, with his hand in his pants.
Henceforth known as the "Inso0 shuffle".
President Joe Biden Quote
10-22-2020 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Trump is all out of weapons. Even his attack dog can't go on the air anymore because he was caught, literally, with his hand in his pants.
Like Trumpers care Rudy Giuliani was caught in a hotel room with a girl he thought was a teenager.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-22-2020 , 02:07 PM
They don't, but the people who book him on shows do.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-22-2020 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by heater
Huh. I thought this was a thread about Joe Biden.
Remember the FBI reopening an ultimately fruitless investigation on Hilary 10 days before the 2016 election? That's what this is about. Ultimate smear.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-22-2020 , 08:00 PM
Bobolinsky presser.. Wow. This story is definitely not a nothingburger like some are trying to suggest!
President Joe Biden Quote
10-22-2020 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
Bobolinsky presser.. Wow. This story is definitely not a nothingburger like some are trying to suggest!
Huh. Is not liking the children of US government officials to profit on the family name in foreign countries a standard you apply universally?
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by nohands
Taking innocent life and the below scientific quotes show that life begins at fertilization.
Biomedicine doesn't demonstrate that, and medical practice doesn't practice that. Sorry.

But good luck with your quest to ban the intrauterine device.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 08:10 AM
Lord help the US if Biden gets in and implements a federal minimum wage of $15 in the US in the current economic conditions as there is no way as Trump said that all the businesses no matter what State they are in could afford it.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Lord help the US if Biden gets in and implements a federal minimum wage of $15 in the US in the current economic conditions as there is no way as Trump said that all the businesses no matter what State they are in could afford it.

How would that hurt? Everyone could use a little extra money right now. Just think of the extra jobs required to put plexiglass up in every restaurant. We’re talking about a ton of new jobs demolishing buildings and rebuilding them as well. This will be a labor boom like no other and it will all pay for itself.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Lord help the US if Biden gets in and implements a federal minimum wage of $15 in the US in the current economic conditions as there is no way as Trump said that all the businesses no matter what State they are in could afford it.
Even if we take the hyperbolic fear-mongering to be true, passing laws is up to congress.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by bundy5
..... as Trump said ....
Stopped reading here
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 11:44 AM
raising the minimum wage to $15 wouldn't work overall.

I worked for a very large company when there was law passed where the company was required to pay benefits to those who worked over 30 hours a week. Guess what happened? Company managed all part-timers hours to work under 30 hours and now were making less than before.

Companies see dollar signs and are driven to create the most profit possible. They will adjust to whatever laws come out to best suit them, not the workers. The only reason companies pretend to care about you is so that you don't quit so they don't have to spend more money to train someone else. Companies should do what's best for themselves and workers should do what is best for them.

When an employee works for a company they freely enter in the contract to get paid the agreed amount. Forcing a company to cut into their profits is either going to sink companies (especially small & low profit business) or reduce the number of jobs so they can survive.

If the worker doesn't think the company pays enough quit find another job or improve your skillset.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by nohands
raising the minimum wage to $15 wouldn't work overall.

I worked for a very large company when there was law passed where the company was required to pay benefits to those who worked over 30 hours a week. Guess what happened? Company managed all part-timers hours to work under 30 hours and now were making less than before.

Companies see dollar signs and are driven to create the most profit possible. They will adjust to whatever laws come out to best suit them, not the workers. The only reason companies pretend to care about you is so that you don't quit so they don't have to spend more money to train someone else. Companies should do what's best for themselves and workers should do what is best for them.

When an employee works for a company they freely enter in the contract to get paid the agreed amount. Forcing a company to cut into their profits is either going to sink companies (especially small & low profit business) or reduce the number of jobs so they can survive.

If the worker doesn't think the company pays enough quit find another job or improve your skillset.
Counterpoint: Paying the lowest paid workers more than they're paid now works as evidenced by countries who do that and do just fine
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 11:58 AM
The thing that is always missed in MW debates is that of course raising it raises aggregate demand.

In the UK there has been aggressive raising of MW over the last few years, and the consensus is that its led to increased GDP growth entirely for this reason.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Lord help the US if Biden gets in and implements a federal minimum wage of $15 in the US in the current economic conditions as there is no way as Trump said that all the businesses no matter what State they are in could afford it.
The minimum wage in Australia is $AUS19.84/hour.


Last edited by problemeliminator; 10-23-2020 at 12:09 PM. Reason: Yes, 19AUS$ =$13.50US, but do you think Bundy would support that either?
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
raising the minimum wage to $15 wouldn't work overall.

I worked for a very large company when there was law passed where the company was required to pay benefits to those who worked over 30 hours a week. Guess what happened? Company managed all part-timers hours to work under 30 hours and now were making less than before.

Companies see dollar signs and are driven to create the most profit possible. They will adjust to whatever laws come out to best suit them, not the workers. The only reason companies pretend to care about you is so that you don't quit so they don't have to spend more money to train someone else. Companies should do what's best for themselves and workers should do what is best for them.

When an employee works for a company they freely enter in the contract to get paid the agreed amount. Forcing a company to cut into their profits is either going to sink companies (especially small & low profit business) or reduce the number of jobs so they can survive.

If the worker doesn't think the company pays enough quit find another job or improve your skillset.
If you had a union represent you as a whole you may have had a better outcome.

Sitting at the table means a lot when the policies are made.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by bundy5
Lord help the US if Biden gets in and implements a federal minimum wage of $15 in the US in the current economic conditions as there is no way as Trump said that all the businesses no matter what State they are in could afford it.
Robots will be doing everyone's job by the end of the next term anyway.

You heard it first form me. Invest now.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds

Sitting at the table means a lot when the policies are made.
The union people I've worked with were definitely good at sitting around.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by nohands
raising the minimum wage to $15 wouldn't work overall.

I worked for a very large company when there was law passed where the company was required to pay benefits to those who worked over 30 hours a week. Guess what happened? Company managed all part-timers hours to work under 30 hours and now were making less than before.

Companies see dollar signs and are driven to create the most profit possible. They will adjust to whatever laws come out to best suit them, not the workers. The only reason companies pretend to care about you is so that you don't quit so they don't have to spend more money to train someone else. Companies should do what's best for themselves and workers should do what is best for them.

When an employee works for a company they freely enter in the contract to get paid the agreed amount. Forcing a company to cut into their profits is either going to sink companies (especially small & low profit business) or reduce the number of jobs so they can survive.

If the worker doesn't think the company pays enough quit find another job or improve your skillset.
If this were true then we would've seen massive failure every other time the minimum wage was raised.

But, that's not what happened. Liberals proposed it, conservatives bitched about it, and then when implemented everyone just gets used to it and goes on with their lives.

Besides, more money in the hands of low income people is generally good, because unlike higher income earners they tend to spend it. Which as pointed out earlier leads to higher GDP, not less.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
The union people I've worked with were definitely good at sitting around.
You seem like a real high functioning widget counter.
I'm sure no one can compete.
President Joe Biden Quote
10-23-2020 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
The minimum wage in Australia is $AUS19.84/hour.

Are you getting rid of tips for it though?
President Joe Biden Quote
