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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

01-31-2024 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
sure man, I answered to someone claiming verbatim that "democrats don't call Trump election illegitimate" but please go on
Sorry if you thought I meant anyone who is a registered democratic voter. I thought it was clear we were talking about democratic office holders and leadership figures.
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
is this a joke?
I don't watch cable news channels 24/7 like some of you do, so I may have missed something. Please link any democratic leadership figures calling for an increase in the size and scope of government due to Covid.
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
she literally goes further and says outright that it was, you're applying your own bias and thereby giving the benefit of doubt that it was taken out of context when you should instead just watch the video yourself
Well to my defense I can’t see the video but knowing the poster accuracy on many things , yeah I find it normal I’m bias with doubt shrug .
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Well to my defense I can’t see the video but knowing the poster accuracy on many things , yeah I find it normal I’m bias with doubt shrug .
Just Google "Hillary Clinton 2019 interview Trump illegitimate president"
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Just Google "Hillary Clinton 2019 interview Trump illegitimate president"
Why should anyone care about what she said 3 years after the end of her political career?
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I don't watch cable news channels 24/7 like some of you do, so I may have missed something. Please link any democratic leadership figures calling for an increase in the size and scope of government due to Covid.
Do you really want a link proving that democrat governors used emergency powers (=expanded the role of government) more, and for longer, than republican governors?
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Why should anyone care about what she said 3 years after the end of her political career?
Sure, would this guy qualify instead?

President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Do you really want a link proving that democrat governors used emergency powers (=expanded the role of government) more, and for longer, than republican governors?
No, because I agree with that. But that's not what his claim was, and it's not really relevant to federal elections.

Do you want a link showing that all the shutdowns and free money handouts were started by a republican administration? Because that seems far more relevant to me, especially since the republican who shut things down and started the inflation spiral is the one running for president.
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Sure, would this guy qualify instead?

It depends on the context and what exactly was said. You sent a photo instead of a link.
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
It depends on the context and what exactly was said. You sent a photo instead of a link.
Aside from the fact that no, it doesn't depend on context, there is no way to frame "illegitimate president" that doesn't include election fraud allegations, here is the context
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
No, because I agree with that. But that's not what his claim was, and it's not really relevant to federal elections.

Do you want a link showing that all the shutdowns and free money handouts were started by a republican administration? Because that seems far more relevant to me, especially since the republican who shut things down and started the inflation spiral is the one running for president.
The inflation spiral (if you refer to the massive deficits passed during and after COVID and their inflationary effects) started with an act unanimously passed in the Senate (so fully bipartisan) (CARES), followed by an act of similar magnitude passed exclusively with democrat votes (American Rescue Act), and ending in another act (inflation reduction act), passed again exclusively with democrat votes.

Fiscal power stays with congress not with presidents btw.

During COVID, the government who has the power to abuse citizen freedoms, the power democrats wanted expanded as much as possible mich more than republicans, is mostly states governments, not the feds.

POTUS has very little power on that matter, because, you know, the constitution doesn't explicitly give that power to the feds and commerce clause shenanigans can't be used to illegally expand those powers.

So it's in the actions of governors and state legislatures that you have to check who wanted to expand the role and scope of government.

And in the aftermath, republicans tried in several states to limit government power for the future, toa void a repeat of the horrors of emergency power abuse, while no democrats (afaik) asked for the same

President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 05:56 AM
Well, that's not significant context, all he said was that he agreed be with the woman, and neither gave any reasons.

I don't think this implies anyone thought there was election fraud involved. Though you and some others here don't seem to be able to tell the difference, in neither Clinton nor any leader of the democratic party took any steps to overturn the 2016 election. No lawsuits were filed, there were no attempts to send rival slates to the electoral college, and no one spent the next four years complaining about fraud and fixed elections.

Biden as VP even was in charge of running the official count which made Trump president, with no democratic mob trying to stop the count and hang him. Obama was even there fur the swearing in, and I'm pretty sure Biden was as well. No one snuck out of town in embarrassment to put an end to the tradition of a gracious and peaceful handing over of power.

Those are the reasons most sensible people consider Trump to be a loser who acted like a spoiled child and who the country should be ashamed of having elected.
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 06:03 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
The inflation spiral (if you refer to the massive deficits passed during and after COVID and their inflationary effects) started with an act unanimously passed in the Senate (so fully bipartisan) (CARES), followed by an act of similar magnitude passed exclusively with democrat votes (American Rescue Act), and ending in another act (inflation reduction act), passed again exclusively with democrat votes.

Fiscal power stays with congress not with presidents btw.

During COVID, the government who has the power to abuse citizen freedoms, the power democrats wanted expanded as much as possible mich more than republicans, is mostly states governments, not the feds.

POTUS has very little power on that matter, because, you know, the constitution doesn't explicitly give that power to the feds and commerce clause shenanigans can't be used to illegally expand those powers.

So it's in the actions of governors and state legislatures that you have to check who wanted to expand the role and scope of government.

And in the aftermath, republicans tried in several states to limit government power for the future, toa void a repeat of the horrors of emergency power abuse, while no democrats (afaik) asked for the same

Yes, I said I agreed that democratic governors did more to extend covid shutdowns than Republicans. I believe the governor of Oregon abused her emergency powers in a way that seemed unconstitutional to me (though again, IANAL).

But the shutdowns were still begun under pressure from the Trump administration.

And I understand that presidents can't officially start a bill in congess, he can greatly influence its creation and passage. Trump claimed full credit for the first unneeded stimulus checks and made sure his signature was on them so we would know who was mostly responsible for them, so I will do him the favor of taking him at his word.
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Well, that's not significant context, all he said was that he agreed be with the woman, and neither gave any reasons.

I don't think this implies anyone thought there was election fraud involved. Though you and some others here don't seem to be able to tell the difference, in neither Clinton nor any leader of the democratic party took any steps to overturn the 2016 election. No lawsuits were filed, there were no attempts to send rival slates to the electoral college, and no one spent the next four years complaining about fraud and fixed elections.

Biden as VP even was in charge of running the official count which made Trump president, with no democratic mob trying to stop the count and hang him. Obama was even there fur the swearing in, and I'm pretty sure Biden was as well. No one snuck out of town in embarrassment to put an end to the tradition of a gracious and peaceful handing over of power.

Those are the reasons most sensible people consider Trump to be a loser who acted like a spoiled child and who the country should be ashamed of having elected.
Please guide me through a possible scenario, where you consider a president illegitimate but you are not implying any election fraud, because I don't see any.

They spent the years following the election claiming that there had been illegal electoral Russian interference if i remember correctly, did I imagine that?
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
So now the posting strategy is to just make things up?
The loozen strategy.
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
So now the posting strategy is to just make things up?
I think it was just a joke about this
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Please guide me through a possible scenario, where you consider a president illegitimate but you are not implying any election fraud, because I don't see any.

They spent the years following the election claiming that there had been illegal electoral Russian interference if i remember correctly, did I imagine that?
No, I did not hear anyone complain about Russian election interference for years. There's no way you think any Democrat talked as much about that as Trump has about how he was cheated out of the 2020 election.

But one reason to consider him illegitimate would be because of that election interference, which is not at all the same as voter fraud.

Personally I consider any president who didn't win the popular vote to be illegitimate. But that doesn't mean I believe fraud or cheating were involved, I just think the constitution is very flawed.
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
No, I did not hear anyone complain about Russian election interference for years. There's no way you think any Democrat talked as much about that as Trump has about how he was cheated out of the 2020 election.

But one reason to consider him illegitimate would be because of that election interference, which is not at all the same as voter fraud.

Personally I consider any president who didn't win the popular vote to be illegitimate. But that doesn't mean I believe fraud or cheating were involved, I just think the constitution is very flawed.
If you can call illegitimate an election won according to the rules, because you dislike the rules, then certainly Trump can claim 2020 was illegitimate because voting from home was allowed ever for people without health problems (for example) in many states, something which he and his guys actually claimed among many other things.

Both takes are a distortion of the meaning of the word "legitimate" and i disagree with the delegitimization of rule-following outcomes.

Legitimate literally means conforming to laws and rules. To be able to claim illegitimacy, you need to claim rules/laws have been broken.
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
No, I did not hear anyone complain about Russian election interference for years. There's no way you think any Democrat talked as much about that as Trump has about how he was cheated out of the 2020 election.
They went about it for 4 full years. Pelosi final statement on the matter , 18 august 2020
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
I think it was just a joke about this
Yes that was my intent . His policy resulted in major social media blocking things .

I guess I could only post authentic news like steamraise and post Rachel Maddows
That’s a joke as well FYI
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 09:27 AM
Joe Biden to visit East Palestine a year later ?
Must be an election year now he cares about border security and East Palestine

I’m sure he will tell the story how he can relate to these folks when his HGauge railroad went off the tracks
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Yes that was my intent . His policy resulted in major social media blocking things .

I guess I could only post authentic news like steamraise and post Rachel Maddows
That’s a joke as well FYI
Are you sure that's about Trudeau policies and not just very normal copyright holders' choices?
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Are you sure that's about Trudeau policies and not just very normal copyright holders' choices?
When I click on a news link here most times it’s blocked due to a policy that Justin put in place that social media must pay CDN news media for posting it . Since most have refused they block it .

No post that is blocked tells me why but 99.9 % of the time it’s due to the policy

This state media article from CBC explains it
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
*hardly any democrats did any of these

I live in Portland, one of the most liberal cities, where they actually did reduce the size of the police force, but it didn't come from the party leaders, it came from the populace (or at least the noisiest members). I never heard the president or any national party leaders call for this.
This, like all of these other points, are well documented, but I do appreciate you taking the time to prove my point that dems are trying as hard as ever to erase their sad history.

"Every one of the "no" votes came from Democrats, and as a group Democrats voted 87-117 against the measure." This was dems showing their support for cutting police budgets.

Originally Posted by chillrob
I never heard anyone call for increase in the size and scope of government due to covid, nor did I notice that happening.
To my knowledge the gov't has never stepped in to pressure schools and businesses to close their doors on any scale similar to what they did during covid. Government spending was way up and a lot of that money went to things not related to covid. Because of this reckless spending the government printed money at 18% each year for the 2 years after covid when the average is 6%.

Originally Posted by chillrob
I definitely never heard any democratic leaders, local or national, call for violence.
US Rep Anayya Presley "There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. And unfortunately, there's plenty to go around"

Rep Maxine waters "There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there's unrest in our lives. And unfortunately, there's plenty to go around"

Pelosi "I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be"

senator cory booker "Please don't just come here today, and then go home, go to the Hill today. Get up and please get up in the face of some Congress people and tell them look, I'm advocating for easy stuff. It's not complicated...And you should get in the face of your Congress people and tell them about common sense solutions."

hillary “You can’t be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for and what you care for”

senator jon tester “I don’t think even in states where Donald Trump won big that it does you any good running away from [him],” Tester said. “I think you need to go back and punch him in the face. I mean, the truth is, is this guy is bad for this country.”

This is only a few examples, but I hope it shows you connected dems are to political violence. This doesn't even include all the dems that supported people standing outside of the supreme court justices house to try to intimidate them or their support for the BLM riots.

Originally Posted by chillrob
The only actual thing I agree with is that democrats generally advocated for longer shutdowns, but I only saw local leaders do that, not Biden or other national figures.
LOL ok.

Last edited by bahbahmickey; 01-31-2024 at 02:30 PM.
President Joe Biden Quote
01-31-2024 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Joe Biden to visit East Palestine a year later ?
Must be an election year now he cares about border security and East Palestine

I’m sure he will tell the story how he can relate to these folks when his HGauge railroad went off the tracks
Still just making **** up since Mar 2011.
President Joe Biden Quote
