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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

08-10-2022 , 09:05 AM
and rococo my friends are well off you could say. one lives in million dollar mansion the other one gets huge paychecks as injured vet. if they lose 100k it's no big deal for them, well kinda. but imagine what the average Joe is going through now. he is completely ****ed if he doesn't make 100k a year.

and you know the majority lives under that threshold. the average family income is less than 50k a year and you know it. they can't even afford to go to burger king anymore, let alone have the gas money to get there.

that's reality now believe it or not.

not everyone is a lawyer, 99.9% are not that fortunate, ya know?

most are living paycheck by paycheck. with under a 1000 dollars in savings. that goes for more than half of your country. the former middle class is now the poor class. something went wrong...
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
What you are saying is possible but not likely to happen.

As you pointed out right now the Republicans are basically a party with no legislative agenda. Under Trump there wasn't even a party platform in the 2020 election. So their goal is to essentially maintain the laws that are on the books while the Supreme court rulings can undo what they don't like. And they can do this whoever controls the Senate because the Democrats are unlikely to get back to a 60 seat majority.

If they were to pass a law bypassing the Fillibuster it would be extremely likely that the Democrats would take back the Senate and House shortly thereafter and not only reverse that law but start on a path of progression that would limit the Republicans ability to maintain control in purple states. A Voting Acts law that limited the wait time on lines in elections (currently it takes more than 10 hours on line to vote in many Democratic leaning counties in Southern states) would quickly pass and allow Democrats to maintain control. Similarly gerrymandering could be addressed and disallow states that are showing a majority of votes for Democrats and a majority of Republican Congressman at the same time to no longer be allowed. Again this would affect purple states like Michigan, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, etc. And again it would strengthen Democratic advantages in the House.

That would be just the tip of the iceberg. Re-writing laws about Federal Regulation would follow as well to undo the recent conservative Supreme Court rulings on the EPA and other regulatory agencies.

And of course assault rifles sales would be banned and background checks for gun purchases would be extended to 100% of gun sales (which close to 90% of the US population supports). It is even possible that the law preventing lawsuits against US gun manufacturers would be reversed.

What would the ultimate point be for Republicans? To try to codify the Pro-Life Supreme Court decision so that it would apply to all 50 states? The irony of that would be that Abortions would rise anyway. The US War on Drugs has been an unmitigated 50 year failure. There is no way to prevent abortion because it can now be done successfully 99% of the time with a pill and no doctor visit. So instead of seeking medical support and risk public knowledge of pregnancy, women would be testing in private and making quick decisions to abort. And in Pro-choice states they would choose not to prosecute anyone at a State level which is essentially leaving things as they are without a Pro-Life federal law.

I hope the Republicans do get rid of the Fillibuster. It is a stupid rule that prevents us from moving forward as a country.
You are making giant assumptions the "progress" Democrats are trying to push will actually make things better, and the people will want it. When there is every indication much of it is making things worse and people are starting to be disillusioned by it very quickly. There is a world in the not very far post Trump future where Republicans can become the majority party very quickly, and Democrats will be very glad they have every tool at their disposal as a minority party to try to block the Republican agenda (such as it is).

In the next 2,4,6 years If inflation keeps up, tax and IRS "reforms" actually do target the middle class, energy gets more and more unpredictable and expensive, crime and social breakdown continue to escalate, and the Democrat party keeps pushing race essentialism people are going to be voting Democrat? I am skeptical.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
read the article. 88% and more than half say middle class gets ****ed by biden.

trump helped the middle class didn't he??
Your article is written by the New York Post...

Here is the poll

The poll was taken in the end of June.

"The full sample is weighted for region, age, education, gender and race based on US Census information" but not economic status. The 88% that are saying the country has "gotten off on the wrong track" are not middle class. They are all respondents of the poll. For the 6 months prior the numbers have gone up from 51% in January to 88% in June. During Trump's presidency it peaked at 74% in mid 2020 and by Nov 2020 was down to 68% (maybe 4% has the sense that Biden would be President).

But its August now. And congress has just passed a bill that I'm guessing a lot of people in the poll will be happy about in terms of the Climate change (Global Warming), Obamacare, Medicaid, drug prices, federal spending, taxes, and inflation.

In other news, online prices have gone down by 1% in July 2022 (from prices in July 2021) for the first time in over 2 years. And gas prices are down about 20% in the last two months. Which should also have an impact on inflation.

Not sure how Trump helped the middle class other than allowing what Obama had done to continue. Trump's China Tariffs crippled a lot of US farmers. His handling of Covid led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and perhaps a greater economic downturn than was necessary. The one major piece of legislation in Trump's 4 year term was the tax cuts which basically didn't impact the Middle Class at all (over 90% went to stock buy backs/dividends which primarily helped wealthy investors and the companies themselves - they didn't affect prices or wages).
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 09:22 AM
rising energy prices do hit the middle class the most, who else? they are the sole idiots having to spend all their money on energy. with that money they are supposed to save for the future. but no they can't do that now. they got f.

poor people on welfare don't have to worry about paying energy bills. they get that for the state. rich have enough.

so who really gets screwed over now?

mostly the middle class since they have no more room to move and their money power evaporates into nirvana.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick

But its August now. And congress has just passed a bill that I'm guessing a lot of people in the poll will be happy about in terms of the Climate change (Global Warming), Obamacare, Medicaid, drug prices, federal spending, taxes, and inflation.

In other news, online prices have gone down by 1% in July 2022 (from prices in July 2021) for the first time in over 2 years. And gas prices are down about 20% in the last two months. Which should also have an impact on inflation.
Unfortunately, worrying about climate change is a luxury for people that are having their basic needs met. No-one gives a **** about climate change when things are going bad. When your immediate future is uncertain, the last thing you have the luxury to worry about is the far future. This is a basic reality of 4 billion years of evolution and natural selection. The ONLY way to get people to invest in the future of the planet is to make things as good as possible for them right now. Telling them they need to sacrifice (especially when the people lecturing them aren't sacrificing themselves) is completely untenable.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
Your article is written by the New York Post...

Here is the poll

The poll was taken in the end of June.

"The full sample is weighted for region, age, education, gender and race based on US Census information" but not economic status. The 88% that are saying the country has "gotten off on the wrong track" are not middle class. They are all respondents of the poll. For the 6 months prior the numbers have gone up from 51% in January to 88% in June. During Trump's presidency it peaked at 74% in mid 2020 and by Nov 2020 was down to 68% (maybe 4% has the sense that Biden would be President).

But its August now. And congress has just passed a bill that I'm guessing a lot of people in the poll will be happy about in terms of the Climate change (Global Warming), Obamacare, Medicaid, drug prices, federal spending, taxes, and inflation.

In other news, online prices have gone down by 1% in July 2022 (from prices in July 2021) for the first time in over 2 years. And gas prices are down about 20% in the last two months. Which should also have an impact on inflation.

Not sure how Trump helped the middle class other than allowing what Obama had done to continue. Trump's China Tariffs crippled a lot of US farmers. His handling of Covid led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and perhaps a greater economic downturn than was necessary. The one major piece of legislation in Trump's 4 year term was the tax cuts which basically didn't impact the Middle Class at all (over 90% went to stock buy backs/dividends which primarily helped wealthy investors and the companies themselves - they didn't affect prices or wages).

I have to read and think you kinda have a lot of infos there.

all I can tell you is what I hear and observe now. the middle class is suffering the most. they are the ones having to lift all this bs and at the same time are the ones with the least room to do so.

economy was great under trump, wasn't it? stocks went up, people were happy. employment rose, people could go on vacation. now look now. it's going only in the opposite direction. everyone is complaining.

we have companies with a few employees. I get to hear stories all day if I want to. those people do not have enough to live anymore. can't do vacations, heck can't to jackshit anymore.. and they get an average middle class income. we pay what's standard for that kind of work sometimes give extra. it's still not an. not enough in all sectors or the economy. all people are suffering from this in Europe too. and these are people with what used to be good jobs! and plenty of income.

that was different a few years ago. and it hit the middle class like a nobody else. sure the poor too but they were used to poverty. we are talking poverty in the former middle class to make sure. and we can't even pay them more or we go broke. it's a big problem.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
What you are saying is possible but not likely to happen.

As you pointed out right now the Republicans are basically a party with no legislative agenda. Under Trump there wasn't even a party platform in the 2020 election. So their goal is to essentially maintain the laws that are on the books while the Supreme court rulings can undo what they don't like. And they can do this whoever controls the Senate because the Democrats are unlikely to get back to a 60 seat majority.

If they were to pass a law bypassing the Fillibuster it would be extremely likely that the Democrats would take back the Senate and House shortly thereafter and not only reverse that law but start on a path of progression that would limit the Republicans ability to maintain control in purple states. A Voting Acts law that limited the wait time on lines in elections (currently it takes more than 10 hours on line to vote in many Democratic leaning counties in Southern states) would quickly pass and allow Democrats to maintain control. Similarly gerrymandering could be addressed and disallow states that are showing a majority of votes for Democrats and a majority of Republican Congressman at the same time to no longer be allowed. Again this would affect purple states like Michigan, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, etc. And again it would strengthen Democratic advantages in the House.

That would be just the tip of the iceberg. Re-writing laws about Federal Regulation would follow as well to undo the recent conservative Supreme Court rulings on the EPA and other regulatory agencies.

And of course assault rifles sales would be banned and background checks for gun purchases would be extended to 100% of gun sales (which close to 90% of the US population supports). It is even possible that the law preventing lawsuits against US gun manufacturers would be reversed.

What would the ultimate point be for Republicans? To try to codify the Pro-Life Supreme Court decision so that it would apply to all 50 states? The irony of that would be that Abortions would rise anyway. The US War on Drugs has been an unmitigated 50 year failure. There is no way to prevent abortion because it can now be done successfully 99% of the time with a pill and no doctor visit. So instead of seeking medical support and risk public knowledge of pregnancy, women would be testing in private and making quick decisions to abort. And in Pro-choice states they would choose not to prosecute anyone at a State level which is essentially leaving things as they are without a Pro-Life federal law.

I hope the Republicans do get rid of the Fillibuster. It is a stupid rule that prevents us from moving forward as a country.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
What you are saying is possible but not likely to happen.

As you pointed out right now the Republicans are basically a party with no legislative agenda. Under Trump there wasn't even a party platform in the 2020 election. So their goal is to essentially maintain the laws that are on the books while the Supreme court rulings can undo what they don't like. And they can do this whoever controls the Senate because the Democrats are unlikely to get back to a 60 seat majority.

If they were to pass a law bypassing the Fillibuster it would be extremely likely that the Democrats would take back the Senate and House shortly thereafter and not only reverse that law but start on a path of progression that would limit the Republicans ability to maintain control in purple states. A Voting Acts law that limited the wait time on lines in elections (currently it takes more than 10 hours on line to vote in many Democratic leaning counties in Southern states) would quickly pass and allow Democrats to maintain control. Similarly gerrymandering could be addressed and disallow states that are showing a majority of votes for Democrats and a majority of Republican Congressman at the same time to no longer be allowed. Again this would affect purple states like Michigan, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arizona, etc. And again it would strengthen Democratic advantages in the House.

That would be just the tip of the iceberg. Re-writing laws about Federal Regulation would follow as well to undo the recent conservative Supreme Court rulings on the EPA and other regulatory agencies.

And of course assault rifles sales would be banned and background checks for gun purchases would be extended to 100% of gun sales (which close to 90% of the US population supports). It is even possible that the law preventing lawsuits against US gun manufacturers would be reversed.

What would the ultimate point be for Republicans? To try to codify the Pro-Life Supreme Court decision so that it would apply to all 50 states? The irony of that would be that Abortions would rise anyway. The US War on Drugs has been an unmitigated 50 year failure. There is no way to prevent abortion because it can now be done successfully 99% of the time with a pill and no doctor visit. So instead of seeking medical support and risk public knowledge of pregnancy, women would be testing in private and making quick decisions to abort. And in Pro-choice states they would choose not to prosecute anyone at a State level which is essentially leaving things as they are without a Pro-Life federal law.

I hope the Republicans do get rid of the Fillibuster. It is a stupid rule that prevents us from moving forward as a country.
Which is why the Dem's should do away with the Filibuster.

This 'but omg what would the GOP then do' fear, used to try and stop the Dems is just a way for many of those who like the status quo to protect the system from real changes and the Dem brass are happy to seize on that.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
You are making giant assumptions the "progress" Democrats are trying to push will actually make things better, and the people will want it. When there is every indication much of it is making things worse and people are starting to be disillusioned by it very quickly. There is a world in the not very far post Trump future where Republicans can become the majority party very quickly, and Democrats will be very glad they have every tool at their disposal as a minority party to try to block the Republican agenda (such as it is).

In the next 2,4,6 years If inflation keeps up, tax and IRS "reforms" actually do target the middle class, energy gets more and more unpredictable and expensive, crime and social breakdown continue to escalate, and the Democrat party keeps pushing race essentialism people are going to be voting Democrat? I am skeptical.
there is no denying that issue by issue most the Dem agenda items they put forth in election campaigns enjoys some of the highest levels of support across the country not just amongst Dems but also with Republicans and the unaffiliated. The only time you see any support drop is when it is framed in culture war type ways but stripped of that and just asked directly about the issues the US citizens want these changes.

If is US corporate interests and the wealthy elite that do not.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
there is no denying that issue by issue most the Dem agenda items they put forth in election campaigns enjoys some of the highest levels of support across the country not just amongst Dems but also with Republicans and the unaffiliated. The only time you see any support drop is when it is framed in culture war type ways but stripped of that and just asked directly about the issues the US citizens want these changes.

If is US corporate interests and the wealthy elite that do not.
Then why is Biden polling under 40%? So the Democratic agenda is wildly popular, but its incumbent president has one of the lowest approval ratings ever, they are probably going to lose the house, are in a dogfight to lose the Senate. And the only reason this isn't even worse is the LOL Supreme Court overturning a popular decision, Roe vs Wade.

Your post doesn't have much overlap with reality IMO.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
Not sure how Trump helped the middle class other than allowing what Obama had done to continue. Trump's China Tariffs crippled a lot of US farmers. His handling of Covid led to hundreds of thousands of deaths and perhaps a greater economic downturn than was necessary. The one major piece of legislation in Trump's 4 year term was the tax cuts which basically didn't impact the Middle Class at all (over 90% went to stock buy backs/dividends which primarily helped wealthy investors and the companies themselves - they didn't affect prices or wages).
I agree with you that trumps tariffs were bad as I think all tariffs are bad, but his intentions seemed to be good as he was trying to punish them for stealing intellectual property among other things. His tax cut was good for the middle class class because tax cuts are good for long-term growth. He also raised the standard deduction which is a massive tax cut for the poor.

Where did you come up with trump caused a bigger economic downturn than a dem would have coming out of Covid? That seems border like insane after we saw what Biden did with spending and printing money and keeping parts of the economy shut down for far too long.

Site for your claim that “over 90% went to stock buy backs/dividends”?
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
you dont know, seriously?
I tell you why.

because I'm talking to 2 friends in the U.S. regularly and they keep telling me this. trump was very good for the economy and it's people. while Biden is the opposite, or seemed to bring the opposite.
As you might imagine, I know a lot more than two people in the United States.

one lost about 60k on wallsteet due to change of presidents and the other one about the same. (for one it is more due to inflation, not being able to spend so much anymore and loss of quality of life) but yeah both lost a big chunk of savings and it doesn't get any better when they have to pay a loot more for everything now.
The policies of a sitting president don't typically have much impact on real time fluctuations in the stock market. Ditto for inflation. Inflation in the United States is a product of events that are outside the control of the U.S. government, and decisions by the government that span multiple administrations, including Trump's administration. For example, if you want to argue that we are experiencing inflation in the United States in part because we kept interest rates artificially low, that's fine. But I've been hearing that message for more than ten years, and Trump was as big a fan of the Fed keeping interest rates low as Obama was.

Last edited by Rococo; 08-10-2022 at 10:07 AM.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
its incumbent president has one of the lowest approval ratings ever
Anti-political sentiment is so high in the U.S. right now that approval ratings are likely to be low for any sitting president, Republican or Democrat, for the foreseeable future.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Anti-political sentiment is so high in the U.S. right now that approval ratings are likely to be low for any sitting president, Republican or Democrat, for the foreseeable future.
Cupee was making an argument the Democratic agenda is wildly popular. So your statement that anti-political sentiment is very high doesn't exactly gel with this argument, given Democrats control the executive and have small minorities in both houses.

I understand it wasn't your argument, so I am not asking you to defend it. Just pointing out a pretty big discrepancy IMO.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 10:26 AM
So The "the Inflation Reduction Act" announced a $7500 credit for buying EVs (courtesy of the taxpayer) and immediately Ford announces they will be increasing the price of F150 EVs that amount. Seems about right.
"Ford F-150 Lightning Prices Rise $6000 to $8500 as Order Books Reopen for the EV Pickup"
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
Cupee was making an argument the Democratic agenda is wildly popular. So your statement that anti-political sentiment is very high doesn't exactly gel with this argument, given Democrats control the executive and have small minorities in both houses.

I understand it wasn't your argument, so I am not asking you to defend it. Just pointing out a pretty big discrepancy IMO.
There is a difference between policies being popular and politicians being popular. Regardless of how popular Democratic policies are, the political class is not very popular the moment.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
Cupee was making an argument the Democratic agenda is wildly popular. So your statement that anti-political sentiment is very high doesn't exactly gel with this argument, given Democrats control the executive and have small minorities in both houses.

I understand it wasn't your argument, so I am not asking you to defend it. Just pointing out a pretty big discrepancy IMO.
The statement is that the 'STATED democratic agenda is wildly popular' and it is. Issue by issue record polling.

What that DOES NOT mean is sentiment for the politicians and process is high.

It can be true that a promise of $1MM cash would be popular with the individual promised it.

It can also be true that the non delivery post, would make sentiment towards the 'promisor' very poor.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
and you know the majority lives under that threshold. the average family income is less than 50k a year and you know it. they can't even afford to go to burger king anymore, let alone have the gas money to get there.

that's reality now believe it or not.
That's not even close to reality. For example, median household income for married filers is around $100K.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by John21
That's not even close to reality. For example, median household income for married filers is around $100K.
Only around half of American adults are married. And they skew wealthy. So your stat doesn’t invalidate his argument at all. Quite the opposite.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by John21
That's not even close to reality. For example, median household income for married filers is around $100K.
thanks, I knew I was off there a bit. I've heard this 50k number somewhere. it's probably the average income of one individual.

but do the math, even 100k doesn't get you through nowadays.

let's make an example.

family in California, 2 kids- with 100k

house rent or mortgage= 3k/month (at least) probably more like 4k (you can't find a house under 3k now imo, not anywhere near a city)

that's 48k for housing alone, probably not incl. all costs)

then you need a car and gas=
probably another 20k a year

probably x 2 since you have two working people needing 2 cars.

food= 500/ a month per person?

that's 24k a year. and that's probably more like 6-800/ person/ month idk.

then you need to pay for school and vacation of the kids, also clothing etc., computer/phone/ sports
= 25k/per kid, if both kids go to a private school impossible.

oops, money is used up. can't live in California with that income. that's why you see working people living in trailer parks in California now btw. they come out of the car with suit and ties and they live in that car.

that's the middle class. I think they might have a hard time even in Iowa with 100k. they would have to buy a farm and do home schooling and growing food.

Last edited by washoe; 08-10-2022 at 11:24 AM.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
As you might imagine, I know a lot more than two people in the United States.

The policies of a sitting president don't typically have much impact on real time fluctuations in the stock market. Ditto for inflation. Inflation in the United States is a product of events that are outside the control of the U.S. government, and decisions by the government that span multiple administrations, including Trump's administration. For example, if you want to argue that we are experiencing inflation in the United States in part because we kept interest rates artificially low, that's fine. But I've been hearing that message for more than ten years, and Trump was as big a fan of the Fed keeping interest rates low as Obama was.
your lawyer friends don't count as typical.

now is anything but typical, the US is in a major war in the middle of Europe. the sitting president seems to be a 80 year old who belongs in a retirement home and can't call any shots and if he does it seems to benefit the rich and never the poor or middle class. and most of the times he seems to not know what he is talking about. his son is going crazy around the world especially in Ukraine. all is nuts and we are killing our economy and worrying about a virus that kills 0.2 of the population, or how much was it?

Last edited by washoe; 08-10-2022 at 11:27 AM.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
trump helped the middle class didn't he??
Originally Posted by washoe
because I'm talking to 2 friends in the U.S. regularly and they keep telling me this.
trump was very good for the economy and it's people.
These middle class friends?
Originally Posted by washoe
my friends are well off you could say. one lives in million dollar mansion the other
one gets huge paychecks as injured vet. if they lose 100k it's no big deal for them
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
your lawyer friends don't count as typical.

now is anything but typical, the US is in a major war in the middle of Europe. the sitting president seems to be a 80 year old who belongs in a retirement home and can't call any shots and if he does it seems to benefit the rich and never the poor or middle class. and most of the times he seems to not know what he is talking about. his son is going crazy around the world especially in Ukraine. all is nuts and we are killing our economy and worrying about a virus that kills 0.2 of the population, or how much was it?
You blame Biden for the war in Ukraine?

Also, do you think people would suspect that you had cognitive problems (dementia, mental disorder, etc.) if you were a head of state?
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
your lawyer friends don't count as typical.
You think my friends are mostly lawyers? I hang out with as few lawyers as possible.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-10-2022 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
These middle class friends?
yeah I added that to asure you they are middle class. they have a typical middle class income. one inherited a piece of land and they took a mortgage and build a 500k house. that price rise up to the roof now. the other one is a vet, nothing special. and both don't have enough monty now and say it was all so much better when trump was president. everyonr had money then. and they are no racist, in fact both are minorities. so this is purely based on non racial politics.
President Joe Biden Quote
