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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

08-06-2022 , 07:03 PM
Brandon thing was funny for a minute. People still waving Let’s Go Brandon flags like it’s the funniest thing they’ve ever heard is just sad. It’s like when a child wants to watch the same kids movie 40 times in a row.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-06-2022 , 07:09 PM
I’m sure the National Review has been running those kind of shoddy pieces where official visits that were publicly declared a decade ago now have some tenuous link to Hunter because somehow that’s what the Obama Whitehouse was for 8 years but magically nobody knew it until they needed to politically attack Joe Biden.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-06-2022 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
I’m sure the National Review has been running those kind of shoddy pieces where official visits that were publicly declared a decade ago now have some tenuous link to Hunter because somehow that’s what the Obama Whitehouse was for 8 years but magically nobody knew it until they needed to politically attack Joe Biden.
So now that Yahoo news is running the "shoddy pieces", what does that mean? I seriously doubt this is some rogue editor out to make a name for himself. Someone very high up gave the green light to have this piece published for a reason.

Do you have any thoughts about the game within the game and what this means?
President Joe Biden Quote
08-06-2022 , 07:20 PM
Do you not get how news aggregators work?
President Joe Biden Quote
08-06-2022 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Do you not get how news aggregators work?
I'll mark that down as "no thoughts".
President Joe Biden Quote
08-06-2022 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
By bahaha logic that must be proof of how mad far right cultural conservatives are over the irrelevance of Lets Go Brandon.
you said no Biden voter cares at all about Lets go Brandon. Then that Bucky guy got absolutely triggered by it. So one out of what, 8 people that post here admits to caring about it? That's 12.5% right there.

Stay insane.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-06-2022 , 07:54 PM
I don’t really have any thoughts about your fictional high level Yahoo news executive deciding to link to a National Review story when it’s so obviously an automated process.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-06-2022 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
you said no Biden voter cares at all about Lets go Brandon. Then that Bucky guy got absolutely triggered by it. So one out of what, 8 people that post here admits to caring about it? That's 12.5% right there.

Stay insane.
Literally who?
President Joe Biden Quote
08-06-2022 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by natediggity
you said no Biden voter cares at all about Lets go Brandon. Then that Bucky guy got absolutely triggered by it. So one out of what, 8 people that post here admits to caring about it? That's 12.5% right there.

Stay insane.
Here’s you completely understanding how hyperbole works

Originally Posted by natediggity
1) if we're going to twitter for "evidence" then yeesh.
2) Biden never talks.
Yet you pretend hyper literalism is the only way words can be interpreted because it helps you make a (terrible) argument. I’ve heard of people being too smart to convincingly play dumb, but being too dumb to play dumb has gotta be embarrassing even by your standards
President Joe Biden Quote
08-06-2022 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
You are missing the point, the point being another administration other than Biden would not have USA in a better place when every country in the G7 is experiencing high inflation.

Sure you could argue there might be a small difference, but in general if its a global problem being experienced by admins of all colours of political administration then the idea the USA would still have low inflation right now if not for Biden is a ridiculous assertion.
There isn’t a republican administration that could have won the presidency that would have inflation this bad. All of them would have put pressure on schools to go back to in person learning sooner, encouraged business to get back up and running and would have reduced the length of time and amounts people received in unemployment. Many dem candidates likely would have done the same which have resulted in less inflation too.

Remember that the US economy is massive and has the power to shift the world economy. As the saying goes the US economy is the dog and the rest of the world is just the tail.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-06-2022 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
It’s not some other governments, it’s all of them…..

The inflation we suffer is about supply chain and oil price by a huge margin .
The « printing of money » arguments is long gone with interest rates raising that much and that fast .
Liquidity in the system gets drained pretty quickly and still Inflation ain’t coming down .
That should give u a hint .
What caused supply chain issues = huge parts of economies were shut down.

What was a massive cause of oil prices going up = then candidate Biden’s promise to aggressively attack non-renewable energy.

Lol at saying printing literally 3x the normal rate of money doesn’t have a major long-term inflation problem. Money doesn’t get zapped out of an economy if you don’t drastically reduce money printing going forward.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-06-2022 , 11:09 PM
Our city has voluntary water rationing rules because of drought, where we are "instructed" to only water once/week at night. There isn't really any enforcement, but most people are good sports and follow along, meaning a lot of dead lawns.

Anyways, I was driving down a random side street in the middle of the day one day, and some middle aged dude with a flagpole on his property flying a giant "Lets Go Brandon" flag was unashamedly watering his lush green lawn from a garden hose. Definitely on brand.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
What caused supply chain issues = huge parts of economies were shut down.

What was a massive cause of oil prices going up = then candidate Biden’s promise to aggressively attack non-renewable energy.

Lol at saying printing literally 3x the normal rate of money doesn’t have a major long-term inflation problem. Money doesn’t get zapped out of an economy if you don’t drastically reduce money printing going forward.
Baham …..oil prices are high because Russian war and the lack of refineries .
You can expand or increases any oil rig you want it won’t change a freakn thing if you don’t have enough refineries to process it …

It’s the world market that set up oil price , not freakin biden administration ffs …..

About supply of money, do u disagree that velocity of money play a part in inflation ?
It’s in the algebra formula of Milton Friedman.

Velocity of money is at all time low still , which means this inflation is far more likely due to supply chain issue and oil price and not due to « money supply » .

Again , Interest rates going up ( worst crash in bond market for the last 200 years means nothing to you ?) and still inflation goes up ?
Why u think that is when rising Interest rates means a reduction in money supply ?

« Changing Short-Term Interest Rates
The Fed can also alter the money supply by changing short-term interest rates. By lowering (or raising) the discount rate that banks pay on short-term loans from the Federal Reserve Bank, the Fed is able to effectively increase (or decrease) the liquidity of money.

While the Fed can directly influence a market rise, it is more commonly held accountable for market downturns than it is lauded for upswings.
Lower rates increase the money supply and boost economic activity; however, decreases in interest rates fuel inflation, and so the Fed must be careful not to lower interest rates too much for too long ».

The fed doing QT ( quantity tightening ) , raising interest rates and still Inflation went up while stock and bond market are crashing since the beginning of the year ?
Explain that to me why inflation still persist after all of these measures if it’s not due to supplie shock ?

Am I saying the money printing we had had no effect ?
No but it is far less likely the reason we still suffer Inflation today
compare to the reasons are already gave u .

If it was due to solely money supply , stocks would go way up like they did in 2020-21 .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 08-07-2022 at 12:09 AM.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 12:20 AM
Montreal, if you can’t admit that Biden’s anti-non renewable polices had a major effect on increasing oil prices and therefore inflation I don’t see a point in engaging you. Denying that the M2 money supply increasing at 3x it’s normal rate isn’t a major factor in inflation is complete nonsense and I’m not going to debate someone who is making this claim.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 12:22 AM
Biden keeping up the stimmies long after covid was over has had absolutely no impact on the inflation we are seeing now. Its something something about Putin, and also the supply chain. And please, let's not talk about how the stimmies increased demand and what impact that has had on the supply chain. Biden's actions and the supply chain are completely separate. Completely separate I tell you.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Montreal, if you can’t admit that Biden’s anti-non renewable polices had a major effect on increasing oil prices and therefore inflation I don’t see a point in engaging you. Denying that the M2 money supply increasing at 3x it’s normal rate isn’t a major factor in inflation is complete nonsense and I’m not going to debate someone who is making this claim.
Let’s say biden anti renewable policies are the reason of high oil prices .
Which actions u speak of ?

U do realize expanding and building more oil rigs and refineries takes years to become effective online right ?
So how biden action changes anything ?
Let’s say biden changes stand tomorrow , u think oil prices would drop significantly right away ?

Tell me what action can biden take today that u think would be powerful enough to drop the oil prices ?
His already dropping millions of oil barrel weekly from the SPR , and still oil prices are high ….
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 01:01 AM
Baham here is a chart of oil price since around beginning of trump presidency and biden .

If it was because of biden , why oil prices exceed trump era only around this year , just before Russia invasion ?
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
So now that Yahoo news is running the "shoddy pieces", what does that mean? I seriously doubt this is some rogue editor out to make a name for himself. Someone very high up gave the green light to have this piece published for a reason.

Do you have any thoughts about the game within the game and what this means?
Yahoo News is an aggregator. What you see is based on your cookies. You know from being tracked viewing websites. Yahoo isn't publishing a damn thing. They are just relaying a website that yiu visit and getting the money from your click.

You should know this. It's 2022.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Denying that the M2 money supply increasing at 3x it’s normal rate isn’t a major factor in inflation is complete nonsense and I’m not going to debate someone who is making this claim.
Im not denying anything , I just know maths …
Money supply by itself means nothing for inflation if there is no velocity of money .
It’s in the algebra .

U can give 1 millions $ to every citizen , inflation still wouldn’t increase if none of them would spend it (no increase in velocity of money ) …..
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Biden keeping up the stimmies long after covid was over has had absolutely no impact on the inflation we are seeing now. Its something something about Putin, and also the supply chain. And please, let's not talk about how the stimmies increased demand and what impact that has had on the supply chain. Biden's actions and the supply chain are completely separate. Completely separate I tell you.
Again, please let us know how $1200 caused inflation? Seriously please give me an example or just shut the **** up. It's tiresome wading through ignorance.

If you don't understand how one of the largest economies (and one of the largest oil suppliers) waging war against a country that produces 1/3 of the world's wheat AND the country (China fyi) that produces 90% of our daily goods STOPS production for 6+ months can cause world wide inflation (due to supply chain, not stimulus $) then there is no help.

You are not smart. You are on here and you "both sides" a lot to try to hide what yiu are, but we all see it. It's tolerated, but you're not fooling anyone.

So again, please tell us all how Biden extending stimulus $ caused world wife inflation.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Montreal, if you can’t admit that Biden’s anti-non renewable polices had a major effect on increasing oil prices and therefore inflation I don’t see a point in engaging you.
Yea Montreal, if you dont agree with mickeys not related to actual realities fox news narratives, there is no point in him trying to step outside his echo chamber and learn something.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 07:15 AM
Let's go Brandon
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 07:23 AM
Anyway, itt I learn to blame the high inflation in the UK run by a highly right wing conservative government on Joe Biden.
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by BuckyK
Again, please let us know how $1200 caused inflation? Seriously please give me an example or just shut the **** up. It's tiresome wading through ignorance.

If you don't understand how one of the largest economies (and one of the largest oil suppliers) waging war against a country that produces 1/3 of the world's wheat AND the country (China fyi) that produces 90% of our daily goods STOPS production for 6+ months can cause world wide inflation (due to supply chain, not stimulus $) then there is no help.

You are not smart. You are on here and you "both sides" a lot to try to hide what yiu are, but we all see it. It's tolerated, but you're not fooling anyone.

So again, please tell us all how Biden extending stimulus $ caused world wife inflation.
When everyone has an extra $1200 to buy stuff that increases demand. What happens to price when demand increases? I could go further, but I feel like the Dad on Step Brothers trying to tell them that building the bunk beds is a bad idea.

Also, what exactly am I trying to hide?
President Joe Biden Quote
08-07-2022 , 12:43 PM
What specific W Bush and Republican policies lead to all time high oil prices in summer of 08?
President Joe Biden Quote
