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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

07-17-2022 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
He won a recall campaign against air. The republicans didnt have a single candidate to run against him.
You have no idea what a recall election is, you don't have to post every time a thought flits across your "mind"

LOL@Politics reg having a looser grip on US politics than advanced placement middle schoolers.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-17-2022 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
He won a recall campaign against air. The republicans didnt have a single candidate to run against him.
not understanding that this is a significantly harder task than running against an opponent shows you dont really understand the process.

running against the perceived imagined candidate is significantly more difficult than running against another actual human with flaws and skeletons.

it's why republicans are willing to fund these things to begin with.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-17-2022 , 08:23 PM
I am drinking mango margaritas. For you to truly appreciate this post you need to be drinking too. Go grab a 40 ounce malt liquor. Grab a Schlitz, Colt 45, Mickey’s, Olde English 800 or King Cobra. Let’s get to it.

I feel like I threw Vice President Kamala Harris under the bus. I wrote about how Biden could get re-elected and I even wrote about how Newsom could get elected. But, I didn’t write how Harris could win. To show Harris some love, I’m going to give her 10 years.

You can only be elected president twice, but you don’t lose your eligibility if you serve out no more than half of another president’s term. Biden should run in 2024. And if Biden wins, then he should pull the ultimate transitional move and step down half way through his term for undisclosed "health reasons." Harris would serve out the last 2 years of Biden’s term without Harris losing her eligibility to get elected twice. Harris could then run as an incumbent president with 2 years of experience.

Over the last 50 years the US economy has taken some huge swings. But whenever it goes down, it eventually comes roaring back big time. Several years from now, if Russia isn’t trying to invade Finland or take back Alaska, then the US economy might be on an upswing during Harris’ 2 year term to the point she could get elected and re-elected and serve a total of 10 years.

Just remember you read it on 2+2 long before it happened.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-17-2022 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
not understanding that this is a significantly harder task than running against an opponent shows you dont really understand the process.

running against the perceived imagined candidate is significantly more difficult than running against another actual human with flaws and skeletons.

it's why republicans are willing to fund these things to begin with.
I’ll give you and befuddled a pass for not understanding California recall rules. You vote on possible alternatives on the ballot at the same time you vote whether to recall or not. Obviously having no viable alternative makes voters less likely to vote to recall.

I am no fan of Newsome, but when I saw there was literally no viable other option, I didn’t bother to vote at all.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-17-2022 , 09:08 PM
Right. Like he said the Cali republicans who led the recall effort were a much of loons taking advantage of easy recall laws when Newsome was obviously the only [erson for the job.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-17-2022 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Right. Like he said the Cali republicans who led the recall effort were a much of loons taking advantage of easy recall laws when Newsome was obviously the only [erson for the job.
Well, Arnold Shwarzenneger won a recall election in a similar spot not too long ago. Under different circumstances a more conservative leaning celebrity might have tried to throw his hat in the ring. But even most celebrity right wingers want nothing to do with the R Party dominated by Trump.

The guy who got the most votes, and would have theoretically been Governor if the recall had succeeded, is a local right wing Los Angeles AM radio personality name Larry Elder. Most people in Los Angeles have probably never heard of him, forget the rest of California.

I have listened to Elder a little. He is actually a pretty great troll in the Trump vein. He actually argued that if anyone deserved reparations it was slaveholders and their descendants, for having their property taken from them.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-17-2022 , 11:26 PM
Schwarzenegger won back when Colin Powell was a potential Republican presidential candidate. Doesn’t have much to do with the modern Republican Party. Both of those guys stopped voting Republican in presidential elections. Powell in 2008 and Arnold in 2016.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-18-2022 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by TheNoGod2
I have listened to Elder a little. He is actually a pretty great troll in the Trump vein. He actually argued that if anyone deserved reparations it was slaveholders and their descendants, for having their property taken from them.
And you find this kind of slavery apologia entertaining?
President Joe Biden Quote
07-18-2022 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
And you find this kind of slavery apologia entertaining?
He just called Elder a troll. And as we all know, no trolls are entertaining.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-20-2022 , 08:24 PM
Biden says he has cancer??

President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Biden says he has cancer??

Of course like so many other times Biden speaks the Whitehouse had to clarify what he said

White House spokesman Andrew Bates said the president was referring to non-melanoma skin cancers that were removed before he assumed office.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Wasn't that the BLM protests?
You think the BLM protests happened because Obama lost his bid for real-election and refused to peacefully transition to a new administration as outgoing president’s have done for 200+years?
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 11:33 AM
While the BLM riots were far more dangerous and likely to result in the fall of our democracy* than the Jan 6th riots I don't think they had all that much to do with obama. He deserves some blame for his attempts to divide the country, but not significantly more than all the dem politicians who supported or stayed silent about the violence of the BLM riots.

*Neither the Jan 6th or BLM riots were likely to result in the fall of democracy. They were both doomed to fail, just like the occupy wall street protests before them, because they were all based on lies and mis-truths that would eventually be uncovered.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
While the BLM riots were far more dangerous and likely to result in the fall of our democracy* than the Jan 6th riots I don't think they had all that much to do with obama. He deserves some blame for his attempts to divide the country, but not significantly more than all the dem politicians who supported or stayed silent about the violence of the BLM riots.

*Neither the Jan 6th or BLM riots were likely to result in the fall of democracy. They were both doomed to fail, just like the occupy wall street protests before them, because they were all based on lies and mis-truths that would eventually be uncovered.
What part of black lives mattering do you think is a lie or mis-truth?
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 12:00 PM
Probably the part where society itself has more impact on their lives than the personal choices that were made along the way.

This is doubly apparent in most of the "newsworthy" cases that keep BLM funded.

It's astoundingly easy to avoid being shot by police if you don't do things that draw the attention of law enforcement.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 12:17 PM
Lol at blm having more chance of toppling democracy than POTUS holding meetings in the Oval about how to steal an election he lost.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What part of black lives mattering do you think is a lie or mis-truth?
None. No doubt that black lives matter.

Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Lol at blm having more chance of toppling democracy than POTUS holding meetings in the Oval about how to steal an election he lost.

LOL at thinking a couple hundred whackjobs can overthrow the most powerful country in the world. Terrorists and every other country in the world would be scratching their heads asking themselves "Why didn't we think of that?"
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
None. No doubt that black lives matter.

LOL at thinking a couple hundred whackjobs can overthrow the most powerful country in the world. Terrorists and every other country in the world would be scratching their heads asking themselves "Why didn't we think of that?"
Probably because they didn’t have inside help like your 1/6 homies did.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
LOL at thinking a couple hundred whackjobs can overthrow the most powerful country in the world. Terrorists and every other country in the world would be scratching their heads asking themselves "Why didn't we think of that?"
You mean get elected President and lie about election results after? That’s obviously the most straightforward way to end democracy and exactly what the Trump Republican Party tried.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey

LOL at thinking a couple hundred whackjobs can overthrow the most powerful country in the world. Terrorists and every other country in the world would be scratching their heads asking themselves "Why didn't we think of that?"
You should look at how avalanches works….
Doesnt take much once a critical mass is attain to create a devastation by 3-4 snow flakes
( u got 2 snow flakes that finally didn’t want to engage in the avalanche and decide to fall elsewhere luckily-> Barr and pence )

And that critical mass becoming pretty big in the Republican camp not believing in anything (stolen election , fake news, conspiracy , theory, anti science , etc.) except the actual president still in power in early January ….

But u are right , all fail coup d’état are always easy to dismiss .
Until it works …

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 07-21-2022 at 04:04 PM.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 04:18 PM
Anyone see 2000 Mules? Biden isn't running in 2024. Trump will be seeking the R nomination in 2024. Hard to tell what his prospects are. The 1/6 dust up is hurting his chances for sure. I can say for sure though that when the Rs win the House back in the mid terms 1/6 will be taken up again but with a different set of questions. Pretty sure Pelosi will get a subpoena to testify. Also expect articles of impeachment for Biden in not too long after the new House members are seated.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey

LOL at thinking a couple hundred whackjobs can overthrow the most powerful country in the world. Terrorists and every other country in the world would be scratching their heads asking themselves "Why didn't we think of that?"
Do you agree that Trump and the lawyers advising him believed they had a path via causing a Constitutional crisis?

What that means is that if they could stop Pence from certifying the election with crazies entering the Chamber (or he voluntarily refused to) that would leave no Constitutional option to complete the count for the election. Pence just can't say 'oh we'll do it tomorrow' as the Constitution leaves no such option.

The Constitution calls on it going to the House for a vote if the count is not conclusive and received and counted by the VP, and Trump and the 'R' in the House had a plan for that as they had the majority vote there to appoint a Potus in the event the Senate could not conclude its duties.

So if you are so certain it could not have worked, what do you think could have been done, had Pence got in the car with the Secret Service and Trump then gave the SS an order to take Pence far away as Pence was advised? That he was told if he got in that car, they would not let him out as Trump would over ride his orders.

If you are so certain it could not work then tell us what the extra constitutional method is that you know of, that they could have used?
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by adios
Anyone see 2000 Mules? Biden isn't running in 2024. Trump will be seeking the R nomination in 2024. Hard to tell what his prospects are. The 1/6 dust up is hurting his chances for sure. I can say for sure though that when the Rs win the House back in the mid terms 1/6 will be taken up again but with a different set of questions. Pretty sure Pelosi will get a subpoena to testify. Also expect articles of impeachment for Biden in not too long after the new House members are seated.
Isn't that the complete fiction nonsense made by the Pillow guy?

Ya I agree the House will be dominated by such nonsense, if the R's retake it. I suspect at least 1, if not 2 impeachments of Biden,along with many House investigations. I am still betting on Jim Jordan over Kevin McCarthy as Speaker as Trump will not tolerate anyone, imo, he thinks may not want to run the House as a circus focused on one purpose and that is rehashing Jan6th with a Trumpian spin. McCarthy may not want the entire agenda dominated by that stuff.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Probably because they didn’t have inside help like your 1/6 homies did.
How do you figure that the BLM rioters have had less help from politicians than the jan 6th rioters have? The Jan 6th rioters are in jail or on their way to court. The BLM rioters are free.

Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
You mean get elected President and lie about election results after? That’s obviously the most straightforward way to end democracy and exactly what the Trump Republican Party tried.
Again, neither the jan 6th rioters or the BLM rioters had a real shot to overthrow the government or destroy a democracy, but the BLM were by far closer and the Jan 6thers never had a shot.
President Joe Biden Quote
07-21-2022 , 05:28 PM
google tells me that the Repubs are saying that Pelosi was the one who blocked the National Guard on 1/6. I think that is what he is referring to.

so there are some clear contradictions with that criticism even if she did.

I really hope he is correct tho. and esp hope they impeach Biden. the absolute climax will be when the Supreme Court allows state legislatures to pick the president and Trump wins that way. BartScott_CantWait.gif.
President Joe Biden Quote
