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President Joe Biden President Joe Biden

Yesterday , 09:24 PM
Lol, a guy "looks like a pervert" vs the guy banging and paying off pornstars while his third wife is giving birth.
President Joe Biden Quote
Yesterday , 10:12 PM
The daddy daughter public lap dance photo is…..unsettling.
President Joe Biden Quote
Yesterday , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Lets just pretend for a minute that we all agree with his policies. He still looks like an old pedophilic dementia patient. Now whether he is any of those things or not doesn't matter. That's what he looks like. I don't think the right wing media needs to be taking anything he does out of context. He is an embarrassment to the office.
which one are you talking about?
President Joe Biden Quote
Yesterday , 10:31 PM
the election isn't between Biden and a perfect candidate. the election is between biden and a complete moron that says things like batteries sink boats and electrocute sharks and is only in this race to enrich himself and stay out of court. today Trump forgot the name of his doctor. said the wrong name twice. i'm not a biden fan or an eDem fan, but the choice is obvious. dont hide behind one is 3-4 years older than the other, just be courageous and just come out and say you like the racism.
President Joe Biden Quote
Yesterday , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
The daddy daughter public lap dance photo is…..unsettling.
I haven't seen that one! 😢
President Joe Biden Quote
Yesterday , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by mongidig
Lets just pretend for a minute that we all agree with his policies. He still looks like an old pedophilic dementia patient. Now whether he is any of those things or not doesn't matter. That's what he looks like. I don't think the right wing media needs to be taking anything he does out of context. He is an embarrassment to the office.
I guess that is why trump still poll so high .
Reality is less important then the perception of reality shrug .

We got a convict here but nah, the guy that look like a convict is the real problem… …
President Joe Biden Quote
Yesterday , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
I guess that is why trump still poll so high .
Reality is less important then the perception of reality shrug .

We got a convict here but nah, the guy that look like a convict is the real problem… …
You guys all love immigration and democracy and think having as many low information people voting as possible is good. Well, guess what, low information people go off of perception, because they dont know policy and positions.
President Joe Biden Quote
Yesterday , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
You guys all love immigration and democracy and think having as many low information people voting as possible is good. Well, guess what, low information people go off of perception, because they dont know policy and positions.
Yeah I guess it means we still give a **** about people .
Unfortunately it’s not a sentiment shared by the other side…
And it’s damning .
President Joe Biden Quote
Today , 12:33 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Yeah I guess it means we still give a **** about people .
Unfortunately it’s not a sentiment shared by the other side…
And it’s damning .
You can give a **** about people without giving them voting rights by the way.

“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” H.L. Mencken, 1920.

Dude called it 96 years in advance.
President Joe Biden Quote
Today , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
the election isn't between Biden and a perfect candidate. the election is between biden and a complete moron that says things like batteries sink boats and electrocute sharks and is only in this race to enrich himself and stay out of court. today Trump forgot the name of his doctor. said the wrong name twice. i'm not a biden fan or an eDem fan, but the choice is obvious. dont hide behind one is 3-4 years older than the other, just be courageous and just come out and say you like the racism.
there is no need to frame it this way.

the election is simply between two very different policy platforms on how to use the (numerous and significant) powers of the president.

in both cases people are voting for a team of officials not just for POTUS. they are voting for POTUS + indirectly all the people POTUS will nominate.

and so they are voting for a party machine.

for the vast majority of people, the two parties are different enough that they have a clear preference on which set of policies is closer to their preferred ones. for you it's obviously the Democratic platform.

yes this also works for low information voters.

some people really hate illegal immigration. some people really want abortion to be as free as possible. some people want america to stop using it's militaries abroad. some people want america to be the world policeman. and so on and on.

ironically, among voters, these two blocks are distributed in such a way that the election (going through EC votes) nowadays is very close every time.

and so it's up to the few who consider the two platforms very similar (they like something of one and something of the other).

people hating both platforms, or thinking everyone is corrupt in politics and so on don't matter.

so both teams are after the elusive 1-2-3-4-5% of actual voters (depending on the state) who, unlike most other voters, think there is good in both platforms and are undecided while they still intend to vote.

those people are WEIRD. REALLY WEIRD. there is the obama-trump-biden voter which none of us possibly ever met in real life (but they exist). there is the romney-clinton-biden voter who fears the Democratic party more today and hates Trump but he wants to vote at all costs and wants his vote to matter.
there are the voters who voted third party when they lived in a state that wasn't close, as a signal to the establishment, who now moved to a state where their vote matter and aren't sure.

and so on.

it's only them looking at character, signs of dementia and so on FOR REAL not as theater.

most Democratic party voters would vote for a convincted pedophile, or serial rapist as president if it means democratic judge nominations, democratic secretaries, democratic foreign policy and democratic immigration policy. you would slighted. you would vote for the most horrendous person as a democratic candidate vs the most splendid person as a republican candidate. and it's fine because you care about abortion, immigration and so on

same for republicans of course. most of them would vote Satan for republican over Jesus as democratic candidate because of abortion, the 2a, illegal immigrants, green climate frauds, BLM, mutilation of minors and so on

so when discussing among us, given there are no undecided, why lie? there is no need to make Biden appear in better shape than he is at all, no one on this forum (among those who live in the USA) would change his mind even if Biden was diagnosed as completely demented. they would still vote for Biden/Harris as they prefer them to Trump
President Joe Biden Quote
