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Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread

02-09-2023 , 06:14 PM
It's true. I've only barely ever been banned and I lack both self-control and decency. Fortunately I have impeccable judgement.
02-09-2023 , 06:36 PM
Are you two posting some kind of challenge to the forum?

Bold moves following the recent departures!
02-09-2023 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
Are you two posting some kind of challenge to the forum?

Bold moves following the recent departures!
Hold my ipad.
02-09-2023 , 08:01 PM
Uke managed to defeat Cuepee in the war of words.

02-09-2023 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
As you leave, here is my truth: I've genuinely, honestly, never intentionally lied or gaslight you. Not once. I'm sure there has been misinterpretations, forgetting, hyperbole, etc. But in every interaction you and I have had, I've always told you the things I genuinely believe. I guess this is unfalsifiable, but in this parting moment perhaps my words are more believable now than otherwise: I'm not and have never gaslight you.

It's disappointing that you are choosing to leave the forum over what is ultimately a complete and utter character misread. My hope is that with some time and separation these words will have some positive impact in your life. Good luck!

(Also, ha, pretty stoked that I correctly predicted that Cuepee was quitting for good over this issue of not being able to accuse me of gaslighting when I noticed he hadn't returned the day after his temp ban. It looks like my Cuepee-ometer will go in storage for a bit, but nice to see it was perfectly calibrated to the very end.)
You were the nicest person that ever had back and forth exchanges with Cuepee.
02-09-2023 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I am always amazed me at how many people find the rules of this forum unbearable or impossible to follow. In the embarrassing number of years I have posted in this forum, I have never been banned. I haven't even been warned by a mod in a pm to knock it off.

And it isn't because I am careful about what I post or circumspect about revealing what I think. It isn't because I avoid arguments. It's just very, very, very easy to avoid getting banned if you have even a bare minimum of self-control, judgment, and decency.

I'm quite an ******* and never got banned once.
02-09-2023 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Parting Words: ( a screed if you will)

Since i see speculation being attributed to me about why i have not returned and have no intention to under the current format, particularly by uke (something I thought was to be against the new 'nice' rules, (which i disagreed with btw)). I will clear it up.

Today was the first glance at that forum since that point and the question has been begged, so i will answer.
While there are many silly complaints that i could take issue with, with the new moderation, i do fundamentally believe Forums have a right to moderate as they wish, even if that is poor and inconsistent moderation.

So when Browser jumps in to an exchange between uke and i, were i point out that uke is wrongly replying to my post and points with complete non-sequiturs, that neither address the points i made and instead offer a pretense of doing so, and i call that a bad faith debate technique that leads to forum deterioration... and Browsers reply is 'I cannot force uke to answer what i actually said' and in other ways defends him, but then immediately after i am banned Browser calls out Trolly for doing EXACTLY that, in breaking down his post, point by point, and saying how the reply was in no way a response to what was asked or said and thus bad faith, that type of inconsistency is not something I can continue under. It cannot be acceptable if it only is done to me and i will be the one cited, for calling it out, and the opposite stance taken when done to others. It is one thing to have posters taking 'sides' and another to have the mod doing so.
But that is not the big issue.

The big issue is this push for nice, that uke and Laggy and others pushed for and won, that disallows the attributing of terms like 'gaslighting', 'lies' and other identifiers of the posting techniques that have become common in discussions today.

Below in the spoiler box is a Master Class in gaslighting and lies by Rick Scott who now denies he ever called for cutting key Entitlement programs. The best way to address what Rick Scott is doing is by calling it Gaslighting and Lies. He knows if he can demand 'nice' and instead just get you to debate him on it, that makes it seem to many as if it is simply 'just a difference of opinion', WHEN IT IS NOT. That has been weaponized on TV land and brought in to Forumland.

So you all will read that and think 'Yes some of the right do that and it is fine to call them out, but that does not mean we do that, and since we do not agree, you should be prohibited from accusing us of that'. You can see Rick Scott also does not agree.

You will hand wave that away thinking 'but we are different and right...and they are wrong and gaslighting and lying so its ok'.
MY POINT, is not that i am right or wrong in my accusation, or you are right or wrong in your rebuttal, either could be true. The point is you DO NOT have functional debate, if there is a prohibition in being able to call that out, if you believe that is what is being done.

This push, in the name of nice, that if i think you are wrong in that attribution, then you should be prohibited from saying it, IS NOT debate.
I offered in reply to this the proper way to deal with it which is not difficult. If i accuse uke, for example, of gaslighting, and he disagrees, then the rule should simply be, you can level the accusation, the other person can rebut, it if they wish, and then you both get one post to make and rest your case, and then any further pushing or rehash would be considered spamming. that would end the back and forth 'no i am I am' which IMO is the real problem.

I am not the only one who believes gaslighting and lies are the biggest growing cancer in chat forums and social media as there are many articles on it. It is being taken from the political sphere into casual debate and discussions. It does not matter if any of you agree with me on that point, or would ever agree with my identification of it. What matters is a forum that says 'WE have decided you cannot hold or state that view here and make that case here...". Once you have prohibited that case even being allowed to be offered or made, in the name of 'nice', you have lost real debate.

I genuinely hope however the new rules do make the forum a better place for those of who remain here in terms of what you want, just as Elon taking over Twitter is making that place more enjoyable for a certain group, in terms of what they wanted. Everyone wants to control the dialogue of others in very disingenuous ways and that is the threat. This is not about rules generally, as all forums need rules. This about tactics used to allow for the growing phenomena of gaslighting and lies to not be called out as such, and those who want to weaponize that ultimate push that it is not 'nice' to suggest or say they are doing that, as a way to make you stop. STOPPING is the problem.

And if you read that and think 'but you are wrong when you do it QP, you simply are incapable of understanding the point. Rick Scott thinks you are wrong. The persons being accused cannot set the standard and saying 'ya but he deserves it, as he is actually doing it but we don't because we do not', as a way to silence is wrong.

This overwhelming fear, as if QP saying you are gaslighting or lying' when he genuinely believes it, as the highest form oif offense ('how dare he be allowed to think or say that') as opposed to just an 'asked and answered, move on' step, or putting the person on ignore, (as i did with Washoe when i saw no value in reading his posts) is a need to 'control'. A need to force me into debating Rick Scott or any of you, without calling out what I believe. And i would NOT debate Rick Scott on that dishonesty, if i was denied being able to call him out as that only helps his misinformation. I will not do the same with any of you. I would move on, rather than being forced to engage Rick Scott or you, in the manner which precludes calling the most common, growing, dishonest tactics, what they are.

And once again, if you think 'but you are wrong when you do it' is the answer, that means you believe each individual should be the arbiter of their own disingenuousness, but no one believes that. Not when it comes to others. They only want that standard when applied to themselves and thus will say 'it is fine to call Rick Scott out (or those in the BFI)... just not me'. If you do it to me, i am going to seek a friendly mod to put down the hammer and end it. If that mod is willing to end it on your behalf, that is where real debate ends, imo.

All the best.
(I was going to edit for brevity, but alas I must go out, being me. ME, ME, ME)


02-09-2023 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I am always amazed me at how many people find the rules of this forum unbearable or impossible to follow. In the embarrassing number of years I have posted in this forum, I have never been banned. I haven't even been warned by a mod in a pm to knock it off.
It's amazing if you assume Mods know what what they are doing, understand the posts they are modding, don't troll themselves etc. There's petty much no reason to think any of that is true though.
02-09-2023 , 11:41 PM
I've been temp banned once by Wookie about a decade ago and fully deserved it, probably warned 3 times in 15 years and all of those warnings could have deserved its own temp ban. I'm generally the last to know who's in charge around here and almost always post with blatant honesty to what I feel is right.
02-09-2023 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
I've been temp banned once by Wookie about a decade ago and fully deserved it, probably warned 3 times in 15 years and all of those warnings could have deserved its own temp ban. I'm generally the last to know who's in charge around here and almost always post with blatant honesty to what I feel is right.
He gave me 10 point infraction a long time ago (2012 I think) for telling someone "You're a fool" in an income tax argument.

And this was the wild wild west twoplustwo politics era. Couldn't believe it at the time.
02-10-2023 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
It's amazing if you assume Mods know what what they are doing, understand the posts they are modding, don't troll themselves etc. There's petty much no reason to think any of that is true though.
I disagree. It has been trivially easy for me to avoid bans no matter who was moderating the forum.
02-10-2023 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I disagree. It has been trivially easy for me to avoid bans no matter who was moderating the forum.
And as a well off white guy I could talk about how "trivially easy" it has been for me to avoid run ins with the police. But maybe that purposelessly obscures actual problems.
02-10-2023 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
And as a well off white guy I could talk about how "trivially easy" it has been for me to avoid run ins with the police. But maybe that purposelessly obscures actual problems.
This is ridiculous for so many reasons. Really the first is that this interaction has nothing to do or resembling a police interaction. That's just way outta left field. Same with equating being white with this posting place. I'm not going on but to say you're likely better than that post by a mile
02-10-2023 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I am always amazed me at how many people find the rules of this forum unbearable or impossible to follow. In the embarrassing number of years I have posted in this forum, I have never been banned. I haven't even been warned by a mod in a pm to knock it off.
I've never gotten a warning either in a decade of being here. Perhaps I'm just really, really good at gaslighting?

Originally Posted by Tien
Uke managed to defeat Cuepee in the war of words.

This is my second greatest forum accomplishment.
02-10-2023 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
And as a well off white guy I could talk about how "trivially easy" it has been for me to avoid run ins with the police. But maybe that purposelessly obscures actual problems.
This is a strange analogy. As an anonymous poster on an internet forum, I don't have any sort of immutable characteristic like skin color that gives me an inherent advantage in avoiding negative interactions with the forum "police."
02-10-2023 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I've never gotten a warning either in a decade of being here. Perhaps I'm just really, really good at gaslighting?
Nah. It's just really easy.

I have the same reaction whenever there is a discussion of sexual harassment in the workplace. No matter what the rules are, I have always found that it requires no effort or planning at all to avoid sexually harassing people at work.
02-10-2023 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
This is ridiculous for so many reasons. Really the first is that this interaction has nothing to do or resembling a police interaction. That's just way outta left field. Same with equating being white with this posting place. I'm not going on but to say you're likely better than that post by a mile
You’re not really following the conversation. I said there are hidden assumptions to the notion of “ since I’ve never been infracted there must be something fundamentally different about the posts that do draw infractions”. That of course assumes a level of competence to the mods that’s frankly a little crazy.
02-10-2023 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This is a strange analogy. As an anonymous poster on an internet forum, I don't have any sort of immutable characteristic like skin color that gives me an inherent advantage in avoiding negative interactions with the forum "police."
Bad policing, like bad modding is inconsistent. I haven’t been infracted by the new mod either, but when crazy posts about child rape are left up because the mod simply didn’t understand what they were saying, it’s silly to pretend like infracted vs non-infracted is as non-arbitrary and meaningful a distinction as you’re claiming.

Last edited by ecriture d'adulte; 02-10-2023 at 10:54 AM.
02-10-2023 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Bad policing, like bad modding is inconsistent. I haven’t been infracted by the new mod either, but when crazy posts about child rape are left up because the mod simply didn’t understand what they were saying, it’s silly to pretend like infracted vs non-infracted is as non-arbitrary and meaningful a distinction as you’re claiming.
My point was that the banhammer is wielded so lightly that it is trivially easy to avoid. It may be the case that some people who deserve bans avoid the hammer, but that is a different issue.
02-10-2023 , 11:08 AM
My previous account was completely nuked because I said 2+2 wasn’t a well run business and should have made a ton more money from where they were positioned pre poker boom. Not really against any rules and points that have been made here thousands of times with no mod actions.
02-10-2023 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This is a strange analogy. As an anonymous poster on an internet forum, I don't have any sort of immutable characteristic like skin color that gives me an inherent advantage in avoiding negative interactions with the forum "police."
On a forum it's not skin color, its political views. This doesn't apply nowadays, but way back when disagreeing with Wookie was an easy way to get banned.
02-10-2023 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
On a forum it's not skin color, its political views. This doesn't apply nowadays, but way back when disagreeing with Wookie was an easy way to get banned.
What was your disagreement about?
02-10-2023 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
Pretty sure this Let's Pile On QP direction didn't start until your ban was served and over......
I didn't do anything to pile on QP. I said that he was not the person I would have expected to voluntarily walk away from the forum (not an attack). Then I made a general comment about how easy it is not to get banned.
02-10-2023 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Alright you guys have baited me back since the comprehension of this issue is just so poor.

In the above there is an assumption that 'avoiding being banned via simple compliance, is desired'.

What if that premise is wrong on its face? What if i told Browser from our very first PM exchange I knew i would get banned under the rules he was pushing and was perfectly fine with that?
My comprehension is fine. My point was that I say whatever I want, to whomever I want, without getting banned. I don't feel unduly constrained by forum rules. That's why avoiding bans requires virtually no effort on my part and seems very, very easy to me.
02-10-2023 , 02:15 PM
It is a rule of the internet that anyone giving an over-long goodbye will always come back.

For QP, his inability to resist posting after his goodbye is directly related to his not being able to follow a few simple rules to avoid being given a temp-ban.
