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Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread Politics and Society Moderation Discussion Only Fans Thread

10-29-2023 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by vajennasguy
I guess I was a little too subtle. Trolley would have got it. Chez originally came to politics to defend Brucez's honour during that drama. He hasn't left.
This doesn't surprise me. Chez is the perpetual self-appointed champion of the broken, the beaten and the damned.

If only he could help himself as much as he tries to help others, he could turn into a tolerable human being.
10-29-2023 , 06:12 AM
I've got your back d2
10-29-2023 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
d2 reads shakespeare and misses all the double entendres. its actually really sad to think about.
Was never a big fan of Shakespeare - full of cliches.
10-30-2023 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw

Modding like PC is mostly about language use, not meaning.
Modding is about exercising arbitrary no-backsies power over other people.
10-30-2023 , 04:08 PM
And!.... it's fun!
10-30-2023 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
And!.... it's fun!
Ok, because I have an idea, and it involves modding,...

things are crazy these days and I don't see the world in the left/right red/blue dualities that the most loud people do with regard to dualistic content ...rather I am thinking about the type of people or observations that step beyond this type of divisive thinking. We have the israel/pal thread, and its just full of people with obv bias. And same with the russia/ukraine thread although there seems to be an attempt to control the narrative to be anti-russia and pro nato, which is obv unbalanced.

How about an experimental PURPLE ONLY thread. (meaning balanced posts only, you can type in black) It could about one of those topics or just a general one. The way it works is anyone gets to make color claims about others posts. So you can requote them and show that you think they are super red or super blue compared to whatever the opposite balancing point is. Then in doing so you are making purple posts.

And then the mods or moderation will try to hard mod unbalanced posts, and give warnings and stuff. You have to balance ur posts or you get kicked out etc.
10-30-2023 , 08:02 PM
+1, there should be an all-purple thread.
10-30-2023 , 09:01 PM
So are both these posts balanced:

1. That’s a great idea, I can’t believe a Towel thought of it!
2. That is an acceptable idea from someone with average intelligence.
10-30-2023 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
How about an experimental PURPLE ONLY thread. (meaning balanced posts only, you can type in black) It could about one of those topics or just a general one. The way it works is anyone gets to make color claims about others posts. So you can requote them and show that you think they are super red or super blue compared to whatever the opposite balancing point is. Then in doing so you are making purple posts.

And then the mods or moderation will try to hard mod unbalanced posts, and give warnings and stuff. You have to balance ur posts or you get kicked out etc.
No, sounds awful.
10-30-2023 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
No, sounds awful.
You've fostered a community that all they can do is make one-sided arguments back and forth and have irreconcilable views, while claiming to understand the usefulness of game theory. Its insanity. If you allowed me to color the entire two threads of the conflicts (i don't need to, my point is illuminated) would just be insanity. red/blue/red/blue/red/blue....

I'm not the only one who sees it. But I seem to be the only one that thinks there is a higher order for dialogue.

If the poker players can't reason beyond duality, how could the rest of the world be expected to?
10-30-2023 , 10:12 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
You've fostered a community
I've done no such thing.
10-30-2023 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by jbouton
You've fostered a community that all they can do is make one-sided arguments back and forth and have irreconcilable views, while claiming to understand the usefulness of game theory. Its insanity. If you allowed me to color the entire two threads of the conflicts (i don't need to, my point is illuminated) would just be insanity. red/blue/red/blue/red/blue....

I'm not the only one who sees it. But I seem to be the only one that thinks there is a higher order for dialogue.

If the poker players can't reason beyond duality, how could the rest of the world be expected to?
these are the most hands off mods ever. you gotta understand that you are not a mainstream liberal poster so you will always get a little objectively unfair treatment and face unpunished abuse from people like d2.
10-31-2023 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
these are the most hands off mods ever. you gotta understand that you are not a mainstream liberal poster so you will always get a little objectively unfair treatment and face unpunished abuse from people like d2.
lol, please. You are living proof that a "not liberal" poster can run amok in these forums with no consequences, whatsoever.
10-31-2023 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Ok, because I have an idea, and it involves modding,...

things are crazy these days and I don't see the world in the left/right red/blue dualities that the most loud people do with regard to dualistic content ...rather I am thinking about the type of people or observations that step beyond this type of divisive thinking. We have the israel/pal thread, and its just full of people with obv bias. And same with the russia/ukraine thread although there seems to be an attempt to control the narrative to be anti-russia and pro nato, which is obv unbalanced.

How about an experimental PURPLE ONLY thread. (meaning balanced posts only, you can type in black) It could about one of those topics or just a general one. The way it works is anyone gets to make color claims about others posts. So you can requote them and show that you think they are super red or super blue compared to whatever the opposite balancing point is. Then in doing so you are making purple posts.

And then the mods or moderation will try to hard mod unbalanced posts, and give warnings and stuff. You have to balance ur posts or you get kicked out etc.
I have no intention of spending the sort of time that would be required to moderate such a thread or listening to the endless complaining about modding that such a thread would invite.
10-31-2023 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I have no intention of spending the sort of time that would be required to moderate such a thread or listening to the endless complaining about modding that such a thread would invite.
ya you would need a mod happy mod. Someone that likes the hammer. For sure. But it could be easy to if you weed out all the red/blues.

One has to wonder...if all the posters in the thread were purplers, and it was only purple talk...what would the content be?!
10-31-2023 , 07:41 AM
Also can we change the 'russian invasion of ukraine' thread title to 'Russian/nato ukraine proxy war'? The current title is holding a bias up in the thread that's not a reflection of reality. I think its causing a lot of unnecessary conflict because of the misnomer.
10-31-2023 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by jbouton
You've fostered a community that all they can do is make one-sided arguments back and forth and have irreconcilable views, while claiming to understand the usefulness of game theory. Its insanity. If you allowed me to color the entire two threads of the conflicts (i don't need to, my point is illuminated) would just be insanity. red/blue/red/blue/red/blue....

I'm not the only one who sees it. But I seem to be the only one that thinks there is a higher order for dialogue.

If the poker players can't reason beyond duality, how could the rest of the world be expected to?
Wait, is this why you colour in your posts?
10-31-2023 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Wait, is this why you colour in your posts?

Originally Posted by d2_e4
Insulting you as a person does not in and of itself make my post an "ad hominem". "Ad hominem" means "attacking the person, not the argument". Your argument is so ****ing stupid and meaningless that it's not even worth attacking, so I am reduced to attacking the person.

I am not sure who is winning the race to the bottom of the IQ ladder, you or chez, but you are both certifiable ****ing cretins.
Originally Posted by d2_e4
You, chez and button are basically the biggest morons on the planet. Proving any of you right or wrong is ****ing meaningless.
10-31-2023 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by jbouton
You colour your posts in different colours on occasion. I recall one of them being purple.

Not sure what your other point is. Yes, I posted that several days ago.
10-31-2023 , 08:12 AM
There is problem in the Ukraine russia thread. The prevalent mod in there will not let posters claim that the war is a proxy war between nato and russia. Here is the definition from wiki:

A proxy war is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors, one or both of which act at the instigation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities.[1] In order for a conflict to be considered a proxy war, there must be a direct, long-term relationship between external actors and the belligerents involved.[2] The aforementioned relationship usually takes the form of funding, military training, arms, or other forms of material assistance which assist a belligerent party in sustaining its war effort.[2]
The war is a clear proxy. Only one poster here disagrees. But if that poster is a mod, and will continually fill the thread with false spam denying that truth....they the mods will just threaten to ban the non-mods claiming its a proxy because of the 'circularity'.

Its a tactic that many posters thats push untrue narratives use. If some someone calls them out...they just 'no im not, you are' 'no im not, you are' 'no im not, you are' over and over until the mods take their side and relieve them from admitting they are wrong. Anyone can create circularity instead of admitting they are wrong. And they we can talk about what is actual truth.
10-31-2023 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by jbouton
There is problem in the Ukraine russia thread. The prevalent mod in there will not let posters claim that the war is a proxy war between nato and russia.
I was curious about what you were talking about, so I had a gander at that part of that thread. If a politics mod forbade you from calling the Russia/Ukraine war a "proxy war", that would be pretty ridiculous, after all. Of course, what you are claiming is complete nonsense. I am not sure that even calling it a lie is enough, as it is so divorced from reality that it borders on delusion. Why can't you just make your points without this insatiable need to make yourself out to be a victim?
10-31-2023 , 09:10 AM
Originally Posted by DonkJr
I was curious about what you were talking about, so I had a gander at that part of that thread. If a politics mod forbade you from calling the Russia/Ukraine war a "proxy war", that would be pretty ridiculous, after all. Of course, what you are claiming is complete nonsense. I am not sure that even calling it a lie is enough, as it is so divorced from reality that it borders on delusion. Why can't you just make your points without this insatiable need to make yourself out to be a victim?
Go call it a proxy war in that thread and see what happens. There isn't a single person here who does think its a proxy war, why is the title a mainstream media narrative lie? I'm not claiming victimhood.
10-31-2023 , 09:24 AM
Jbouton, how can you know that your assessment of what’s “purple” is unbiased?
10-31-2023 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
Jbouton, how can you know that your assessment of what’s “purple” is unbiased?
If we had a purple thread I would show you the answer to your question. Its not that my purple is unbiased but it gives me a syntax to express how I would color things. If the focus become 'what is red/blue dualistic thinking' versus what is 'purple and balanced thinking'. The content would change. Would would be thinking and engaging in a different direction. And I claim that would alleviate our insanity.

There an interesting observation to be made here, and I'll sort of wait till someone says it.

cliffs: the action of coloring together would change our nature. My colors are defo subjective to my views yes.
10-31-2023 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by jbouton
Go call it a proxy war in that thread and see what happens. There isn't a single person here who does think its a proxy war, why is the title a mainstream media narrative lie? I'm not claiming victimhood.
You claimed that there was mod action preventing you from calling the conflict a proxy war. If a mod deleted those posts, then I stand corrected and apologize. If not, then you are completely misrepresenting what is going on in that thread, then coming in here crying the blues. Anybody can go into that thread, see the exchange, and see that you are not being truthful. I don't even understand what your motives are anymore.
