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Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine")

10-31-2022 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I believe it bc I watched millions of people go from not knowing a damn thing about Ukraine to falling over themselves to cheer on death and destruction of orcs, risk nuclear war, and ship billions of dollars a week.
I haven't seen a single person cheering on death and destruction. I'm getting closer to believing you actually are insane, unless you want to show me where to find these millions of people you watched and where they are cheering.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
10-31-2022 , 09:42 PM
I fully admit to wanting to see Putin and his fellow band of murderers, thieves, and rapists put on trial for war crimes. If given a free choice, would the majority of the citizens of Russia, including the hundreds of thousands who fled Russia, agree with this? yes
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
10-31-2022 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Pokerlogist
I fully admit to wanting to see Putin and his fellow band of murderers, thieves, and rapists put on trial for war crimes. If given a free choice, would the majority of the citizens of Russia, including the hundreds of thousands who fled Russia, agree with this? yes
Putin is massively popular in Russia.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
10-31-2022 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by IAMTHISNOW
Putin is massively popular in Russia.

Don't you think that the public arrest of dissenters tends to encourage false approval? These days, who in the heck is going to tell some questioner in Russia that they disapprove of Putin? Putin's own god-daughter has to escape the country.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
10-31-2022 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I haven't seen a single person cheering on death and destruction. I'm getting closer to believing you actually are insane, unless you want to show me where to find these millions of people you watched and where they are cheering.
twitter is absolutely full of war porn.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
10-31-2022 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by washoe


martin luther king, malcom x, muhammed ali, :

Just wars, its always just wars.

she is feisty but I like it, can you guys check what she says? i watched it after I posted it. it does make sense a bit what she says.

did martin luther king and malcom x say simliar things? they must have bc they mention them. and che guevara wasnt he a socialist too? thats all in line with all the black power movements right? thats why muhamed ali changed his name right?
why do they all have muslim names?
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
twitter is absolutely full of war porn.
You're going to have to do better than twitter or reddit. You really think those are reliable sources for the sane?
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Unless Putin detonates a nuclear weapon or does something crazy like invade a NATO country, in which case all bets are off, I would bet a lot money that in the next three years:

1) Neither the U.S. president nor any member of U.S. congressional leadership will call for a ground invasion or occupation of Russia.
2) No head of state in Western Europe will call for a ground invasion or occupation of Russia.
3) If Putin loses power, his replacement will not be generally perceived as friendly to the interests of the U.S. or Western Europe.
Correct. Geographical ambition is minimal in the major European players, outside Russia.

Geography also ensures that it is a completely impossible task. People who make these claims simply do not know or realize the sheer scale of Russia. And that is for invasion, occupation is well... an absurd notion.

Strategically it also could not be done, there is not enough soldiers, weapons, weapons systems or ammunition.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 11-01-2022 at 04:24 AM.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 07:27 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
You're going to have to do better than twitter or reddit. You really think those are reliable sources for the sane?
Twitter is the largest aggregation of news and media in world history. And it is full of engagement from 10s of millions of active users.

Yes ofc its inne.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Correct. Geographical ambition is minimal in the major European players, outside Russia.

Geography also ensures that it is a completely impossible task. People who make these claims simply do not know or realize the sheer scale of Russia. And that is for invasion, occupation is well... an absurd notion.

Strategically it also could not be done, there is not enough soldiers, weapons, weapons systems or ammunition.
Agreed. Anyone who is capable of reading a map should immediately understand why no serious person talks about invading or occupying Russia. It's absurd.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 08:00 AM
not to mention the nukes
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
The issue is not that. The issue is that something you may see as gaining a quicker peace, often leads to less peace overall.

The thought was that for the sake of peace Putin not be engage when he took Crimea and Chechnya, etc and all it lead to was more war and aggression later.

It is absolutely clear that what Putin does is weigh the short cost of whatever sanctions, etc he is hit with and how long it takes to return to normal versus his Border and resource gains. And to date, he has considered the price, he and Russia has paid as worth the gains.

So now, as Ukraine has key advantage and real chance to take back not just the land Putin invaded in this current conflict but also Crimea and land Putin took prior, you want to give Putin the chance to say 'yes to peace if you just leave me Crimea and these lands in the Donbas and other areas that voted via referendum to be a part of Russia'.

That is nutty. It may lead to short term peace as Putin is eager to stop his ass kicking, but it again tells Putin it is worth it, when he attacks Ukraine again in a few years to take yet another big piece.

So for those interested in REAL peace, the best thing that could happen is that Putin and Russia see the invasion cost them more than they gained. That they lose more territory than they started with. THAT is what makes Russia and Putin not invade the next time and gives everyone real peace.
Some good points. Problem is everyone has nukes. So let's just let er rip until we beg for peace instead of actively seek it?
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Some good points. Problem is everyone has nukes. So let's just let er rip until we beg for peace instead of actively seek it?
No the problem is there is always in society people who believe Chamberlains path to peace, negotiate and appease, hoping they will stop, is the best one.

I say that with no disrespect but people who are not you have learned that what you might think is the best way to avoid nuclear is actually the best way to ensure we have one in the future.

There is no indication Putin has any plans to stop at Ukraine and quite the opposite he has openly suggested it would not stop there and rebuilding the prior USSR is the end goal.

People who understand that, can then see how foolish it is to let Putin gain strength and resources and to increase his fighting capacity over time, such that when he rolls into the next country it is not the cluster**** it was with him rolling into Ukraine and his caravan stranded.

The best time to try and take the long term threat out of Putin and the nukes is now when he is weaker and not when he is stronger and there is no way to stop his march, short of risking nuclear war, as his armies cannot be matched by those countries he targets.

Putins troops are already bolstered by Chechens. Imagine had Zelenski fled the country and the resistance just collapsed ala, Afghanistan, and Putin added these formidable Ukrainian troops to his own.

NOw imagine emboldened, he rolls into Finland and Sweden and refuses to stop.

I know, I know, you would say 'negotiate, negotiate, negotiate' which means give Putin what he wants to stop the fighting now, because you believe that protects the rest of us. Most of us would call you foolish though.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
Some good points. Problem is everyone has nukes. So let's just let er rip until we beg for peace instead of actively seek it?
The West won't need to beg for peace at any point. Putin has put himself in a corner and the West will keep him there until he gives up, loses power or dies, whichever is the sooner.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by IAMTHISNOW
Putin is massively popular in Russia.
There are no reliable opinion polls in Russia.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
There are no reliable opinion polls in Russia.
That’s certainly true, but Putin does seem to have extensive support. Many of the people most unhappy with him take issue on the execution of the war, not the fact they are fighting it.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
No the problem is there is always in society people who believe Chamberlains path to peace, negotiate and appease, hoping they will stop, is the best one.

I say that with no disrespect but people who are not you have learned that what you might think is the best way to avoid nuclear is actually the best way to ensure we have one in the future.

There is no indication Putin has any plans to stop at Ukraine and quite the opposite he has openly suggested it would not stop there and rebuilding the prior USSR is the end goal.

People who understand that, can then see how foolish it is to let Putin gain strength and resources and to increase his fighting capacity over time, such that when he rolls into the next country it is not the cluster**** it was with him rolling into Ukraine and his caravan stranded.

The best time to try and take the long term threat out of Putin and the nukes is now when he is weaker and not when he is stronger and there is no way to stop his march, short of risking nuclear war, as his armies cannot be matched by those countries he targets.

Putins troops are already bolstered by Chechens. Imagine had Zelenski fled the country and the resistance just collapsed ala, Afghanistan, and Putin added these formidable Ukrainian troops to his own.

NOw imagine emboldened, he rolls into Finland and Sweden and refuses to stop.

I know, I know, you would say 'negotiate, negotiate, negotiate' which means give Putin what he wants to stop the fighting now, because you believe that protects the rest of us. Most of us would call you foolish though.
@rococo, @chillrob, @all the people who were trying to say the liberals arent fully supportive of doing whatever it takes to oust Putin and get Russia to heel including invasion. this is how bloodthirsty one gets after reading a Twitter and Reddit completely propagandized by the West.

you guys dont think this dude would find a way to fully support an invasion? hes already imagined that Putin is gonna take over half of Europe soon.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
Twitter is the largest aggregation of news and media in world history. And it is full of engagement from 10s of millions of active users.

Yes ofc its inne.
No idea what inne means.

But you're claiming liberals on Twitter are loving the deaths of Russians, while quoting a post about a group of liberals calling for negotiation.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 04:33 PM
chillrob what is a progressive?

progressive = liberal?

what are white progressives?

someone said to they live in a neighbourhood of white progressives.

it was a chick (on a date I guess)

but after she said that I hated her for saying that. who says they live in a neighbourhood of white progressives? she was a dumb bitch it later turned out how dumb she was.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 04:39 PM
yeah they seem to be lefties.

only now when you say that you are viewed as fat right. wtf?

what's going on?

Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
chillrob what is a progressive?

progressive = liberal?

what are white progressives?

someone said to they live in a neighbourhood of white progressives.

it was a chick (on a date I guess)

but after she said that I hated her for saying that. who says they live in a neighbourhood of white progressives? she was a dumb bitch it later turned out how dumb she was.
I have no idea why you're asking me what a progressive is, I don't use that term at all.

And the rest of this post is just a misogynistic rant that has nothing to do with this thread.

You need to get your head together, seriously.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
No idea what inne means.

But you're claiming liberals on Twitter are loving the deaths of Russians, while quoting a post about a group of liberals calling for negotiation.
"Yes it's insane." Typo. I was agreeing.

And you should read the comments on that tweet.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I have no idea why you're asking me what a progressive is, I don't use that term at all.

And the rest of this post is just a misogynistic rant that has nothing to do with this thread.

You need to get your head together, seriously.

I admit I dont know what "a white progressive" is nor what a progessive is and hoped you could explain to me what it is and why anyone would use that terminology.
she was from the west coast. oregon I think.

after thinking about it means lib dem, right?
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 05:04 PM
I googled it now, so progessives are commies?

"What is an example of progressivism?

Purification to eliminate waste and corruption was a powerful element as well as the progressives' support of worker compensation, improved child labor laws, minimum wage legislation, a limited workweek, graduated income tax and allowed women the right to vote."

Progressivism in the United States - Wikipedia

Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
11-01-2022 , 06:02 PM
no they arent close to commies. they arent even social democrats.
Are peace talks realistic? (excised from "Russian invasion of Ukraine") Quote
