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09-10-2022 , 10:39 AM
Is this another Jesse Smollet story ?

Seems strange in a arena with fans and the teams and coaches that only one person heard racial slurs. Though what does she gain from this though I can't fathom no one else hearing it
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09-10-2022 , 11:07 AM
Fake racism really is the scourge of society
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09-11-2022 , 11:59 PM
Rightwing bloc heading to victory in Swedish election, 90% of vote count suggests

Far-right Sweden Democrats appear to be close to causing earthquake in Swedish politics with 20% of poll
Another landmark on the very dangerous road we are heading down
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09-12-2022 , 05:42 AM
I like that they're called right wing democrats. Wish the US Dems could be as transparent.
Besides that, it's pretty disturbing but when explosions due to gang warfare becomes a common occurrence there is bound to be some backlash.
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09-12-2022 , 06:12 AM
They are probably left wing pinko communists in the frame of US politics.

Probably, have not checked in anyway.
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09-12-2022 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Is this another Jesse Smollet story ?

Seems strange in a arena with fans and the teams and coaches that only one person heard racial slurs. Though what does she gain from this though I can't fathom no one else hearing it
i haven't looked into the story.. but WE INVESTIGATED OURSELVES AND FOUND NO WRONGDOING WITH OUR OWN ACTIONS!! stories always make me laugh.. they should be immediately trashed
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09-13-2022 , 09:59 AM
eight Sandy Hook families and a first responder are taking
conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to court in a trial that begins today

Jones faced a similar situation in Texas, where a jury recently ruled
that he should pay $49 million dollars to the parents of Sandy Hook victim

Live coverage will begin at 10 a.m. eastern on Tuesday, Sept. 13.

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09-13-2022 , 07:11 PM
Ken Starr (RIP) was a Political Hack Who Did Some Embarrassing Crap.
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09-13-2022 , 10:40 PM
'MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said on Tuesday night that the FBI seized his cellphone while he was at a Hardee’s restaurant.'

'Lindell also posted on social media a grand jury subpoena from a federal prosecutor in Colorado and what appears to be a search warrant.'
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09-14-2022 , 04:39 PM

It’s tempting to dismiss Mike Lindell as a silly sideshow.

everyone from Trump World who’s had their phones confiscated,

Rudy Giuliani
Victoria Toensing
Michael McDonald
Rep. Scott Perry
John Eastman
Jeffrey Clark
Boris Epshteyn
Mike Roman
Mike Lindell

in order for the FBI to take any of these phones, they’d need
probable cause that the phones contain evidence of a crime.
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09-15-2022 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i haven't looked into the story.. but WE INVESTIGATED OURSELVES AND FOUND NO WRONGDOING WITH OUR OWN ACTIONS!! stories always make me laugh.. they should be immediately trashed
CNN has started a new segment and they did cover this incident
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09-15-2022 , 10:22 AM
Looks like a segment to replace the canceled "Reliable Sources" with Brian Stelter'.

I do not know much about this story but it is good, it is getting corrected based on what the findings are. It is good the institutions are not doubling and tripling down on unsubstantiated accusations.

The 'believe all victims (accusers)' nonsense that arose out of the far left during the Mee Too movement's earliest days was very predictably made very toxic, as many people learned that in a dispute with any other, simply first positioning yourself as a victim, even when you were not, could see the other person attacked, subject to every type of slur and '...ism' and then cancelled before any discussion of the merits was even engaged.

The merits simply became a distant second or third if of any value and only the accustation mattered, and it did not have to be verified.

Thankfully society began to see how dangerous that was and there has been some push back, but like all the iterations of the failed "self esteem movement' that keep popping this aspect of Mee Too and leftist Cancel Culture does continue to persist, even as some would deny and say there is no such thing as leftist cancel to protect 'their side'.
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09-15-2022 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Looks like a segment to replace the canceled "Reliable Sources" with Brian Stelter'.

I do not know much about this story but it is good, it is getting corrected based on what the findings are. It is good the institutions are not doubling and tripling down on unsubstantiated accusations.

The 'believe all victims (accusers)' nonsense that arose out of the far left during the Mee Too movement's earliest days was very predictably made very toxic, as many people learned that in a dispute with any other, simply first positioning yourself as a victim, even when you were not, could see the other person attacked, subject to every type of slur and '...ism' and then cancelled before any discussion of the merits was even engaged.

The merits simply became a distant second or third if of any value and only the accustation mattered, and it did not have to be verified.

Thankfully society began to see how dangerous that was and there has been some push back, but like all the iterations of the failed "self esteem movement' that keep popping this aspect of Mee Too and leftist Cancel Culture does continue to persist, even as some would deny and say there is no such thing as leftist cancel to protect 'their side'.

I agree with you I like this as well. CNN seems to be heading in a whole new direction with the new leadership. Sadly Brian Stelter was one of the most unreliable sources
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09-18-2022 , 10:08 AM

The stench of hypocrisy from Mississippi leaders smells as bad as the
water that was flowing through the capital city’s pipes until a few days ago.

Republicans, who run the state, have not proved themselves to be proper keepers of the state’s money.
I’m not just referring to the fit of conservative pique that caused Gov. Tate Reeves to
effectively send Mississippians’ share of federal tax dollars to other states by refusing
to take the state’s full allotment of federal aid meant to help people avoid eviction.

Favre was previously questioned by the FBI for receiving $1.1 million of federal welfare
funds from Mississippi in 2017 and 2018 to give motivational speeches he never gave.

a text from Favre that reads,
“If you were to pay me is there anyway the media can find out where it came from and how much?”

a text to Favre that reads:
“No, we never have had that information publicized. I understand you being uneasy about that though …”
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09-18-2022 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
CNN has started a new segment and they did cover this incident
So Dawn Staley has decided to resume the BYU series right? Now that the facts are out.
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09-18-2022 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Jimmy Proffett
So Dawn Staley has decided to resume the BYU series right? Now that the facts are out.
From what I have read the school stands behind the students accusation
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09-18-2022 , 11:29 PM
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09-19-2022 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
They are doing the lord's work.

You cannot have poorer people getting that tax money in the form of welfare as they need to pull up their boot straps and getting tax payer money will only spoil them.

So the answer is to instead find ways to give that tax payer money to some of the richest citizens in the State because if you are already rich, your boot straps are already pulled all the way up, thus getting the free money cannot really do any harm.

It is for the greater good.
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09-20-2022 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
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09-20-2022 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
They are doing the lord's work.

You cannot have poorer people getting that tax money in the form of welfare as they need to pull up their boot straps and getting tax payer money will only spoil them.

So the answer is to instead find ways to give that tax payer money to some of the richest citizens in the State because if you are already rich, your boot straps are already pulled all the way up, thus getting the free money cannot really do any harm.

It is for the greater good.
Getting welfare in that state is a task in itself. Damn Brett looks horrible in this as does the governor

Keep in mind they are able to do this as Obama had changed the welfare system Though I am sure he never anticipated this would happen
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09-20-2022 , 04:16 PM
I knew this was somehow Obama's fault, but I just couldn't put my finger on it
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09-20-2022 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
I knew this was somehow Obama's fault, but I just couldn't put my finger on it
I never said it was Obama's fault. It is clear that Brett and the Governor all took advantage of change to the welfare system. Under the old system this could not happen

Though the fact remains changes to how the dollars are distributed allowed this. The admin that changed it was Obama
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09-20-2022 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I never said it was Obama's fault. It is clear that Brett and the Governor all took advantage of change to the welfare system. Under the old system this could not happen

Though the fact remains changes to how the dollars are distributed allowed this. The admin that changed it was Obama
You are 'whatabout' Obam'ing though, and it makes me curious what media you just watched that circled it back to Obama? Because I am guessing this is not a policy change that you just had in the back of your head regardless of this story or not.

And this 'whatabout' Obama, seems to be saying something like "i wouldn't have been able to rob that company if that company was not created by Person X'.

You are not saying Person X or Obama did anything wrong but you are just creating a casual attachment to them creating a company (law) when it comes to someone else exploiting that.
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09-21-2022 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You are 'whatabout' Obam'ing though, and it makes me curious what media you just watched that circled it back to Obama? Because I am guessing this is not a policy change that you just had in the back of your head regardless of this story or not.

And this 'whatabout' Obama, seems to be saying something like "i wouldn't have been able to rob that company if that company was not created by Person X'.

You are not saying Person X or Obama did anything wrong but you are just creating a casual attachment to them creating a company (law) when it comes to someone else exploiting that.
Well first off I am the biggest fan of Brett Favre and originally saw the story on the 11 Th Hour with Stepanie Rhule on that Right Wing news channel MSNBC Than later I watched a piece on Breaking Points that delved deeper in it all the way back to the Clinton Presidency.
Though they are clear how disgusting it all is by the folks that perpetrated it .

What makes it even more disgusting is what is going on In Jackson Mississippi with clean drinking water

I must correct myself Obama did not implement the policy that allowed this it was Bill Clinton instead Obama changed a few other policies in the welfare system . I had googled it after the story and got 10-15 links about Obama changing the welfare system My bad Suspend me a week

Here is the link to breaking points I am not sure if the 11 th Hour posts on you tube

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