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12-17-2021 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You've said versions that often and you and I have argued over it often. Not sure what hair you are trying to split to deny it but no i am not interested in trying to use the search function to find it.

Fact is many time you have suggested atheist lack a moral framework (bible or god) and thus there is nothing really preventing them doing very immoral things. There is not limits on them. Those who believe in the bible/god have that as basically a governor or guider of their actions and thus are not as vulnerable to that.

I've address and corrected you on variations of that point at least 6 times.
If you're too lazy to find even one instance of something that you claim has been has been "oft said" by me, then I won't waste my time with you any more.

Have a good day!
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12-17-2021 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
This is not a catchall thread for religion and its discussion. Take it to proper forum please.
Will do, sir!
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12-17-2021 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Sounds like he should set up shop in the religion subforum, then.
Most of the time that religion comes up, it is someone else who brought it up first, and I am responding to a post.
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12-18-2021 , 09:07 AM

revenge of the monkeys

from the article:

"A group of monkeys in a small town in India took "revenge" on the local dog population this month by throwing them off of the top of tall buildings and trees. It is reported that the monkeys have killed about 250 pups in the process and are now targeting villagers.

The monkeys, located in Majalgaon, India started the rampage after some of the dogs allegedly killed an infant monkey. News18 reported that when the monkeys see a dog approach, they catch them and throw them from a significant height to the ground.

In the neighboring village of Lavool the monkeys have fully eradicated all of the dogs. After all of the dogs were killed in the village, residents contacted forest department officials to catch the monkeys. But when officials attempted to catch the monkeys, they were unable to capture a single monkey.

Villagers believe the monkeys are taking revenge on the dogs, News18 reported. Now, villagers in Lavool are being chased by the monkeys, some have even been attacked.

According to Stephanie Poindexter, an assistant professor at SUNY Buffalo whose research focuses on primate behavioral ecology, said studies have shown that animals—primarily monkeys—can practice revenge."



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12-18-2021 , 11:53 AM
Sounds like planet of the apes is finally gonna happen. gg humans
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12-18-2021 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
There's evidence of both. They aren't even mutually exclusive
No there isn't, when asked to provide evidence you simply said it seemed that way but you've provided nothing to support your presumption
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12-18-2021 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
What kind of dumb question is this? Seriously? I am not offering it as a strong suggestion... court evidence ... or fact. I am simply saying that is an impression I got.
Okay. From where? Seems like you pulled it outa thin air. So your estimation is based on nothing so doesn't need to be entertained. Haven't bothered with the rest of your post as it's too long/rambling but the white house has since stated Smollett's lies are "shameful" so it's all good. Be more concise next time if you wish your posts to be addressed.
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12-18-2021 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
No there isn't, when asked to provide evidence you simply said it seemed that way but you've provided nothing to support your presumption
It's a fair point but what would you accept as evidence that a psychcological evaluation was warranted other than such an evaluation having already reached the conclusion that there is a condition?

I could accept every conviction automatically requiring a psychological evaluation if that helps resolve the problem. Actually seems like a good idea.
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12-20-2021 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
If you're too lazy to find even one instance of something that you claim has been has been "oft said" by me, then I won't waste my time with you any more.

Have a good day!
It is not lazy. Unless you now have dementia you know very well that is one of the most common arguments you and I have had. You are saying some version of 'god/bible is some form of governor on the religious people that atheist do not have and thus atheist don't have the same preventing them doing very bad things'.

I am not wasting my time to search for the 5 or so instances we danced on that only for you to then hand wave them away as 'who cares' once I do.

Let me put it this way. If i do go find them and they are what I say, what benefit do I get for the wasted time? Will you add an Av and Sig bet to it and who ever loses gets to chose (within forum rules) whatever Av and Sig for the other person for one month?
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12-20-2021 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Okay. From where? Seems like you pulled it outa thin air. So your estimation is based on nothing so doesn't need to be entertained. Haven't bothered with the rest of your post as it's too long/rambling but the white house has since stated Smollett's lies are "shameful" so it's all good. Be more concise next time if you wish your posts to be addressed.
This is honestly a very weird discussion.

You are doing the exact same thing. You do not have conclusive facts, you have an impression.

If you and I meet a person tomorrow and chat with him you can walk away thinking "i think the person seems very trustworthy' and I can walk away thinking 'I think the person seems a bit too polished and shady' and both takeaways ar not only fine, but we cannot help ourselves forming impressions.

It is not up to you to then act as if I need really hard substantiating data for my view, or me to do the same for you, as long as we are not stating it as if based on data and fact.

If I say, or you say, it is just an impression, that is not only fine but again IMPOSSIBLE for us humans not to form.

I gave you MY impression and you gave yours. Yours is not fact either. You are simply extrapolating from certain facts, what you think seems clear to you. But weirdly you think it wrong for anyone to have come to any different view than you.
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12-20-2021 , 10:48 AM

Very interesting concept and possible a game changer.

And what a great leap for science. This idea of using the wind to move large ships over the Oceans. Hmmmm????
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12-20-2021 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

Very interesting concept and possible a game changer.

And what a great leap for science. This idea of using the wind to move large ships over the Oceans. Hmmmm????
I get the joke, but effective harnessing of wind and weather is not a done science. Neither for energy or propulsion.

Cheap coal and later cheap fuel made large sailships redundant, when we return them to the drawing board there is room for plenty of development yet.
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12-20-2021 , 04:05 PM
ya the joke was just too obvious to not make.

That said I am kind of surprised, despite cheap costs that wind has not been harnessed as an augment. Wind in the mid oceans is very predictable and you would think that despite fuel being cheap (coal) it is still one of, if not the largest costs for cross ocean transport. Saving 10% (x%) of fuel due to wind, should be pretty meaningful.
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12-21-2021 , 04:40 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
ya the joke was just too obvious to not make.

That said I am kind of surprised, despite cheap costs that wind has not been harnessed as an augment. Wind in the mid oceans is very predictable and you would think that despite fuel being cheap (coal) it is still one of, if not the largest costs for cross ocean transport. Saving 10% (x%) of fuel due to wind, should be pretty meaningful.
Most of us know about the advantages of maximum speed, high cruise speed and reliable speed that coal and oil brought. One of the less known drawbacks to using wind to cross oceans is that you become dependent on fairly narrow corridors of travel, known as trade winds. They are dependable to a point, but coal-powered and later oil-powered ships made far more of the globe easily connected. The new technology also more easily allowed for artificial canals based on distance, you could largely ignore wind patterns.

The disadvantages to being confined isn't just down to making your profitable regions for travel more limited either. Modern day equivalents of being geographically limited such as the Suez canal, Persian gulf and Gulf of Aden shows us other problems; weakness to instability, over-dependence on certain key points / ports and piracy.

And yes, your question is apt. But the reality is that coal and oil have historically been cheap and abundant sources of energy that allowed us to ignore some rather large inefficiencies.

Last edited by tame_deuces; 12-21-2021 at 04:48 AM.
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12-21-2021 , 10:00 PM
Chicago: "Temperatures during the first 20 days of this December have averaged 7.4 degrees above normal, and the overall weather has been more typical of October,"

Record breaking: No Snow in Chicago.
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12-23-2021 , 02:00 AM
This kid dropped out at 14, started reselling shoes, now provides luxury concierge services to some of the biggest sports stars in the world. Even has his own documentary that follows him around as he sources the merchandise. Just a good story about a super successful young entrepreneur
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12-24-2021 , 01:27 AM
Japanese and US armed forces have drawn up a draft plan for a joint operation for a possible Taiwan emergency, Japan’s Kyodo news agency has reported, amid increased tensions between the island and China.

Under the plan, the US marine corps would set up temporary bases on the Nansei island chain stretching from Kyushu – one of the four main islands of Japan – to Taiwan at the initial stage of a Taiwan emergency and would deploy troops, Kyodo said on Thursday, citing unnamed Japanese government sources.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivers remarks on the Biden administration's Indo-Pacific strategy, in Jakarta<br>U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken delivers remarks on the Biden administration's Indo-Pacific strategy at the Universitas Indonesia, in Jakarta, Indonesia, December 14, 2021. Olivier Douliery/Pool via REUTERS
Antony Blinken warns China to stop ‘aggressive actions’ in Asia-Pacific
Read more
Japanese armed forces would provide logistical support in such areas as ammunition and fuel supplies, it said.

Japan, a former colonial ruler of Taiwan, and the US would likely reach an agreement to start formulating an official plan at a “2+2” meeting of foreign and defence ministers early next year, the news agency said.
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12-24-2021 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Yeah, that is signal that things are heating up. It is still at the posturing stage for sure, but this is a very aggressive signal because it involves Japan.
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12-25-2021 , 02:10 PM
Has anybody seen "Don't Look Up"? It's not too well-reviewed, but I thought it was brilliant. It's the one about a comet coming to wipe out life on Earth, discovered by some scientists, who then frantically try to warn the world, only to find a distracted populace ignoring them and instead spending 1000x more attention on the love life of these two pop stars and other random stuff.

They did good work making these beautiful actors, Jennifer Lawrence and Leo DiCaprio, look like regular people of the nerdy variety, and then (intentionally) pulled off the hilarious trope of making small changes to their appearance and suddenly, look how gorgeous they are! They shaved Leo's beard and gave him some cooler clothes and boom, from awkward nerd to international sex symbol within two scenes. And Jonah Hill is hilarious. Don't care what anybody says, this guy is one of the best actors in the world, no qualifier.

Late in the movie a large group of red-hat-wearing comet deniers gain influence, promoted by President Meryl Streep, with the catch phrase "Don't Look Up!", which reminded me of "Let's Go Brandon" so much, even though the ideas promoted by the two catchphrases are separate.

I also liked how, (spoiler)
the Earth ends up obliterated, and a select few thousand of the superrich escape and succeed in finding a new habitable planet, whereupon POTUS Meryl gets eaten by a giant bird

And perhaps best of all, the villain is this unholy combination of Elon Musk with the voice of Jordan Peterson. A thoroughly creepy son of a *****. Awesome movie. A+.

Last edited by DifferentName; 12-25-2021 at 02:25 PM.
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12-26-2021 , 06:43 AM
One of the greats
Desmond Tutu, the cleric and social activist who was a giant of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, has died aged 90
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12-26-2021 , 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
One of the greats
Prob too soon, and chez didn't want to say it out of respect, but over here, a score in any game of 2-2 is known as a "Desmond". RIP, sir.
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12-26-2021 , 07:43 AM
A lower 2nd class degree (2 2)is often called a Desmond.

A man held in such high regards that we never had to worry anyone would think it was any sort of negative comment about him.

One memory is him telling with delight about how when he first came to England and unknown he would ask policeman for the time. Just because he could.
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12-26-2021 , 10:30 PM
December 26,1946
Bugsy Siegel opens Flamingo Hotel
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12-27-2021 , 10:23 AM

Sen. Ted Cruz argued he is particularly well-positioned to win the 2024 Republican presidential nomination
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12-27-2021 , 01:17 PM
Republicans Lay The Groundwork To Subvert the 2024 Election

what Trump's "slow-rolling" coup means for the next presidential election.
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