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01-06-2024 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
lol so the Zionist wife of the guy who led the charge against the Harvard president for plagiarism just got guessed it...plagiarizing.

from wikipedia lol
Given you think pretty much everyone is a Zionist, is this a slur (in your mind at least) you are going to be using a lot moving forward, or are you going to be saving it for Israeli's/Jews?
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01-06-2024 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
What were they supposed to be thanking him for?
You dont seem very familiar with the Epstein story. He donated A LOT of money to scientific research labs in elite East Coast schools, including MIT.
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01-06-2024 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
Given you think pretty much everyone is a Zionist, is this a slur (in your mind at least) you are going to be using a lot moving forward, or are you going to be saving it for Israeli's/Jews?
there are plenty of non Jew and non Israeli Zionists. look at just about everyone in the USA govt. look at just about all liberals and conservatives in the West.

its not a slur. is Nazi a slur? no, its just an accurate moniker for evil, like Nazi.
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01-06-2024 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
there are plenty of non Jew and non Israeli Zionists. look at just about everyone in the USA govt. look at just about all liberals and conservatives in the West.

its not a slur. is Nazi a slur? no, its just an accurate moniker for evil, like Nazi.
I already acknowledged you think most people are Zionists. I was just asking whether you are going to call everyone Zionists moving forward, or just save it for Jews?
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01-07-2024 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
I already acknowledged you think most people are Zionists. I was just asking whether you are going to call everyone Zionists moving forward, or just save it for Jews?
and I attempted to inform you that I have been using that term for non Jewish people for a long time. for instance, corpus vile is a non Jewish Zionist. so is Joe Biden and John Fetterman.

and the term in deed connotates violence, theft, mass murder, oppression, apartheid, and maybe even soon enough genocide. if you find those attributes to mean a slur, then so be it. I find the description truthful.
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01-07-2024 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
You dont seem very familiar with the Epstein story. He donated A LOT of money to scientific research labs in elite East Coast schools, including MIT.
I'm not very familiar with Epstein apart from the underage sex vacations bit.
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01-07-2024 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
and I attempted to inform you that I have been using that term for non Jewish people for a long time. for instance, corpus vile is a non Jewish Zionist. so is Joe Biden and John Fetterman.

and the term in deed connotates violence, theft, mass murder, oppression, apartheid, and maybe even soon enough genocide. if you find those attributes to mean a slur, then so be it. I find the description truthful.
Well it's obvious that you believe it connotates these negatives, but I feel safe thinking it does not to the majority of people.

It originally just meant someone who supported the creation of a Jewish state in the middle east, before anything negative (or positive) had resulted from that belief.

Today it seems to mean anyone who supports the continued existence of the state of Israel.
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01-07-2024 , 08:59 AM
today, as in right now at this moment, it means people who support the continued mass murder of a captive civilian population.
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01-07-2024 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
today, as in right now at this moment, it means people who support the continued mass murder of a captive civilian population.
I am certain that no one who considers themselves Zionist would agree with that definition.

I also don't know who you consider to be keeping the Palestinians captive.
I suppose the Egyptians, who sealed their border with Gaza, would partiality qualify. Israel didn't even want this land and attempted to give it back to Egypt.
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01-07-2024 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
I am certain that no one who considers themselves Zionist would agree with that definition.

I also don't know who you consider to be keeping the Palestinians captive.
I suppose the Egyptians, who sealed their border with Gaza, would partiality qualify. Israel didn't even want this land and attempted to give it back to Egypt.
this is the wrong thread for this. but all of the Zionists posting on social media believe this. they say it literally.

and its not my definition of a captive population. its literally the definition from the UN and international law. Israel is by occupying Palestine by those terms.
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01-07-2024 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
this is the wrong thread for this. but all of the Zionists posting on social media believe this. they say it literally.

and its not my definition of a captive population. its literally the definition from the UN and international law. Israel is by occupying Palestine by those terms.
So, every Zionist (which, as you say, includes most Americans) who post on social media literally say they "support the continued mass murder of a captive civilian population".

That's odd, because I've read lots of posts on social media by Americans, many of whom I'm sure support Israel, and I've never seen a single person say that.
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01-07-2024 , 12:59 PM
victor would gladly accept a break on his student loan payments from a zionist mass murdering genocidal...anyone.
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01-07-2024 , 12:59 PM
last I checked over 80% support the bombing or want more bombing.
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01-07-2024 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by #Thinman
victor would gladly accept a break on his student loan payments from a zionist mass murdering genocidal...anyone.
nah that **** got wiped out already. thanks GenocideJoe. really, I should thank the Republicans bc it gave me a second chance to consolidate and then it got wiped under the 20 yr forgiveness.

which kinda shows how little I cared since I didnt even consolidate when I should have when it was initially mandatory.
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01-07-2024 , 07:48 PM
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01-07-2024 , 08:05 PM
Bombs away.

There are no bombs falling in Egypt or Jordan... That is, if those places let their 'Arab Brothers' into their countries. Which, given the History of those two Nations, they WILL NOT.

Gaza Needs to go away permanently and be replaced by a Israel governed territory... AND EVEN THEN, the Palestinians would be allowed to stay and Prosper under Israeli rule... Just like they were allowed to stay and prosper after being denied access to Arab nations, post armistice in 1949.

To hell with the two state solution.

Last edited by MSchu18; 01-07-2024 at 08:18 PM.
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01-07-2024 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by MSchu18
Bombs away.

There are no bombs falling in Egypt or Jordan... That is, if those places let their 'Arab Brothers' into their countries. Which, given the History of those two Nations, they WILL NOT.

Gaza Needs to go away permanently and be replaced by a Israel governed territory... AND EVEN THEN, the Palestinians would be allowed to stay and Prosper under Israeli rule... Just like they were allowed to stay and prosper after being denied access to Arab nations, post armistice in 1949.

To hell with the two state solution.
Ok so do u let Palestinians votes while they live in the Gaza band or u just consider them tourist ?

Apartheid ftw ?
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01-07-2024 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Ok so do u let Palestinians votes while they live in the Gaza band or u just consider them tourist ?

Apartheid ftw ?
Palestinians already vote in Israel, and they always have. They currently make up about 20% of the electorate, and their votes are important in deciding who is elected:
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01-07-2024 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Palestinians already vote in Israel, and they always have. They currently make up about 20% of the electorate, and their votes are important in deciding who is elected:
Im not a specialist in that Part of the world but

« The Palestinian Authority Basic Law provides for an elected president and legislative council. There have been no elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip for Palestinian Authority offices since 2006, and Palestinians there do not have the right to vote in Israeli elections. »
So what would happened to that population of Gaza would become Israel territory?

And from One of the link of your own article , agree it’s an opinion piece but he surely knows better then me .

« Israel claims to be a Jewish and democratic state. In fact, it is neither. It boasts of being “the state of the Jewish people” everywhere, when less than half of the world’s Jews live in the country. Today, Israel rules over 15 million people between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, half of whom are not Jews; most can’t vote in Israel. »
Fwiw I’m not sure it would be in Israel interest to gain Gaza if they had to give all those people the right to vote ….
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01-08-2024 , 12:07 AM
Yes, the residents of Gaza cannot vote in Israeli elections - they held their own elections, that's how Hamas became the ruling group.

In the west bank, some can vote and some cannot, it depends on which zones they live in.

I don't know what rights the residents of Gaza would be given if they were annexed by Israel, but the leaders of Israel also don't seem to think it would be in their interests, or they would have done it already. They don't even want the territory, but Egypt refused to take it back (the land or the people living there).

IMO the real villain of the situation is Egypt. This area was part of Egypt, it was occupied by Israel when they were attacked by Egypt, but then when a peace treaty was signed they refused to take it back, turning it into a tiny crowded area with no allies.
If they cared about their fellow Arabs and Muslims, they would be accepting refugees from Gaza instead of locking down the border.
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01-08-2024 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by chillrob
Yes, the residents of Gaza cannot vote in Israeli elections - they held their own elections, that's how Hamas became the ruling group.

In the west bank, some can vote and some cannot, it depends on which zones they live in.

I don't know what rights the residents of Gaza would be given if they were annexed by Israel, but the leaders of Israel also don't seem to think it would be in their interests, or they would have done it already. They don't even want the territory, but Egypt refused to take it back (the land or the people living there).

IMO the real villain of the situation is Egypt. This area was part of Egypt, it was occupied by Israel when they were attacked by Egypt, but then when a peace treaty was signed they refused to take it back, turning it into a tiny crowded area with no allies.
If they cared about their fellow Arabs and Muslims, they would be accepting refugees from Gaza instead of locking down the border.
you are immensely ignorant on the situation. crack open wikipedia at least before drawing your conclusions. or go read the other thread.
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01-08-2024 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
you are immensely ignorant on the situation. crack open wikipedia at least before drawing your conclusions. or go read the other thread.
Sure dude. You even think that Al Jazeera is biased against the Palestinians now?
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01-08-2024 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp

Fwiw I’m not sure it would be in Israel interest to gain Gaza if they had to give all those people the right to vote ….
Israel doesn't want Gaza anymore than Egypt does, which is to say not at all. Which is actually amazing when you consider the value of beachfront Mediterranean land. This pretty much tells you all you need to know about how everyone really thinks about the Palestinians.

Israel just controls Gaza as a means to blunt the Palestinian war effort. And the last couple months have been the first instance in a long time they have actually taken actions to completely stop the war effort through occupation.

Israel would love for a good faith actor to come in and actually pacify the population. But of course no one wants to do this, because no one wants anything to do with the Palestinians.
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01-08-2024 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
I dont know what you are talking about. you are the most ignorant and lazy person on this forum so I dont expect your worthless opinion to ever change.

Oh, I guess you were too lazy to read the article I linked then. And to say what part of my post you disagreed with. But not too lazy to do some name-calling, which has just been reiterated as being prohibited.
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01-08-2024 , 10:27 AM
This story baffles me. So the Defense secretary is in ICU and nobody knows and he doesn't inform anyone. Hey its not like there are any world conflicts going on .Who authorized taking out the Iranian in that drone strike? His next in command on vacation in Puerto Rico
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