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10-25-2021 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I still have no understanding why they require live ammo on a set
I don't know why there would be real ammunition anywhere near the set. That needs to be investigated and someone held responsible.
Live blanks I guess have their use case. Like think of matrix style slomo where the slide of the gun is going back while ejecting shells. Sure it can be done by CG but increases the budget and is still never going to look right as opposed to using the real thing. Maybe that's what they were doing here. I know the vast majority of gunshots in movies are VFX now but have to assume something very "gun centric" like John Wick is probably still using a lot of blanks for some of the scenes.
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10-26-2021 , 03:34 AM
There's probably no need to ever fire a gun while pointing at someone. Even if a 'real' gun and live human camera operator are somehow vital then technology can cope with a cameras you dont stand behind to operate.

Surgeons can operate remotely. I think we can cope with filming a shot while standing in a safe place.
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10-26-2021 , 07:59 AM
I read something from a guy who claims to be a Movie Set prop's guy veteran and he said 'Blanks' on set with a gun are considered and treated as 'live ammo' because they want everyone to treat them like the deadly threat they are. He said there are never real bullets brought on set and if someone did and this type of accident happened that should be criminal negligence. What he was saying made sense to me.
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10-26-2021 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
I still have no understanding why they require live ammo on a set
From what I've read there are a few people with what I imagine are some nice cushy gigs renting real guns to movie sets/filmmakers. And there are also some dedicated crew jobs carved out for handling them. So in addition to the realism factor there are probably quite a few people who have a stake in things continuing that way.

Sounds like a case of--don't piss off the guys who make sure no bullets are in the guns on set imo
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10-26-2021 , 11:18 AM
Reports are now saying that real bullets may actually have been on set. That some times they get secreted in because set 'down time' can be boring and some enjoy getting out and doing some real target shooting.

We know certain celebs really enjoy live fire training and feel it gives them a more authentic experience to draw from for their acting. We see Youtube videos all the time of actors being trained with real guns.

If that is the case here, if someone did sneak real bullets on to the set, loaded some into a gun even if only for 'down time play' and that is what ended up being fired I think some type of negligent homicide type charge would be warranted.

Even if that person was not the 24-year-old armorer, who was admitting to nervousness about her experience, i think the entire Production is going to get sued into oblivion on this.

They are responsible for putting a 24 year old in charge who may not have had the gravitas to control the set and the weapons in a way a more seasoned vet would and certainly that is what a lawyer would attack amongst other things.
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10-26-2021 , 02:51 PM
Make sure there are no real bullets in the gun.
Think at 24yo I could sort that out.
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10-26-2021 , 03:40 PM
Was not the gun a flint lock pistol?
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10-26-2021 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Was not the gun a flint lock pistol?
Was it? That would make it even more unlucky. I swear firing even cap&ball it seems like2-3/6 misfire/don't nail the cap properly. I've only fired actual muskets a few times.

Can't imagine getting in a real gunfight with those back in the day. Total pita to reload etc. Guess that's why josey wales was carrying an armory They are kinda cool though--shot the pistols a bunch.

Last edited by wet work; 10-26-2021 at 04:19 PM.
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10-26-2021 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Make sure there are no real bullets in the gun.
Think at 24yo I could sort that out.
victim blaming doesn't do anyone any good
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10-26-2021 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by ejames209
victim blaming doesn't do anyone any good
The victim is dead. The person who put bullets in the gun can be blamed.
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10-26-2021 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
There's probably no need to ever fire a gun while pointing at someone.
You would think actors on set would be told to fire a little to the left, or a little to the right of other actors on set. In this day and age, there's no need to actually point a gun at another actor while pulling the trigger. Pointing in the general direction is more than sufficient.

While rehearsing a scene, do you really need to pull the trigger while aiming directly at someone? Or even have allegedly fake bullets in the gun.
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10-26-2021 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by iwasbanned
You would think actors on set would be told to fire a little to the left, or a little to the right of other actors on set. In this day and age, there's no need to actually point a gun at another actor while pulling the trigger. Pointing in the general direction is more than sufficient.

While rehearsing a scene, do you really need to pull the trigger while aiming directly at someone? Or even have allegedly fake bullets in the gun.
Seems like the shot (no pun intended) called for the actor to be pointing the gun directly at the camera while firing.
Chez had the 2nd best solution to this of not having people behind the camera during these kind of takes.
Best solution is check if the gun has real bullets in it or not ffs.
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10-26-2021 , 10:12 PM
Uh oh.

Time for everyone to do a self check up!

A ‘flesh eating’ STI causing 'beefy red' sores is becoming more common. Should Americans worry?

A flesh-eating sexually transmitted infection that causes "beefy red" ulcers is becoming more prevalent in the United Kingdom, a new report out Friday revealed.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the STI, donovanosis, is most common in parts of India, Papua New Guinea, central Australia and the Caribbean and southern Africa.

But research in the UK suggests that donovanosis has been steadily growing in cases since 2016. While the numbers are nowhere near the prevalence of other STIs – only 30 cases occurred in the UK in 2019, per public health records – the potential for more infections in the past two years (that data is not released yet) poses concern for more spreading, especially since it was even rarer to be found in the UK prior to five years ago...

The STI, donovanosis, leads to thick sores on the genital region and can progressively damage body tissue, ...

Donovanosis does not eat at the flesh in actuality, but the disease has been called "flesh-eating" due to its gory appearance from "beefy red" ulcers on the skin...

"The initial symptoms – genital ulcers with a bright red color – are painless but should not be ignored,"
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10-28-2021 , 09:31 AM

state legislature may decide that because your majority-Black county voted
Democratic in the presidential election, there must have been fraud involved.

They may remove your local election officials and replace them with their own handpicked
people who will “find” enough votes to “fix” the outcome of the election for the Republican —
all legal because the Senate failed to pass the law that would have prevented states from doing this
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10-28-2021 , 03:40 PM
Someone needs to end up in Jail over this. Maybe a few people depending on who authorized it, if anyone.

Live bullet was in gun fired by Alec Baldwin in fatal movie-set shooting: Sheriff
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10-29-2021 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Someone needs to end up in Jail over this. Maybe a few people depending on who authorized it, if anyone.

Live bullet was in gun fired by Alec Baldwin in fatal movie-set shooting: Sheriff
live ammo everywhere on the set WTF
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10-29-2021 , 11:14 AM
I suspect that happens a lot.

Sets are said to be very boring between shoots (ouch) and when your scenes are not the ones being shot (ouch again but those are the best words).

A lot of actors, especially in movies where firing guns enjoy going out and experiencing the feeling of real gun fire, recoil, etc and say it helps inform their acting. Plus its fun, if that is your thing.

This is Keanu doing real gun training (not on a set) for his John Wick movies.

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10-29-2021 , 02:11 PM
This seems to be a very crazy case of a Corporation (Chevron/Texaco) using a biased and/or corrupt judge to get revenge against a Lawyer who won a massive Class Action suit against him.


- No US Prosecutor would prosecute him
- Judge does not accept the D.A won't prosecute and instead assigns a Private law firm to then do the Prosecution as a first in US history
- The firm doing his prosecution has represented Chevron in the past
- Chevron pays millions of dollars to Ecuadorian Witnesses to slander the lawyer and even when the witnesses recant and admit the payments
- lawyer has already served over 600 days in custody as the Judge finds him in contempt for appealing the Judges rulings. Another first in US history.
- MSM ignores this case and ties to donors are suspected

Steven Donziger won a multibillion-dollar judgment against Chevron in Ecuador. The company sued him in New York, and now he’s under house arrest.
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11-02-2021 , 09:21 PM
McAuliffe going down hard with 79% of the vote in. The question is will the extra 300,000 votes for him show up at 2am or 3am?
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11-03-2021 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
McAuliffe going down hard with 79% of the vote in. The question is will the extra 300,000 votes for him show up at 2am or 3am?
My first post here in a while:

Virtually all of my relatives were born in or were raised in Virginia. (Roanoke area mostly). My 91-year-old Dad currently lives in Waynesboro. (He graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in Electrical Engineering in the mid-1950's.)

I am delighted that the Mob of Pea Brains went down in the Old Dominion.

Maybe this will be a harbinger of at least a partial return to sanity. If so, I'm glad to see it begin in Virginia!

Hope y'all are all well and staying safe.

Last edited by lagtight; 11-03-2021 at 02:21 AM.
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11-03-2021 , 04:02 AM
lagtight what are you trying to say? did terry really do that piss poor of a job? I already said my peace in the biden presidency, I saw a **** ton of ads form terry saying glenn=trump and glenn ding some overview stuff. didn't learn about policy from either aside from some quips
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11-03-2021 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
lagtight what are you trying to say? did terry really do that piss poor of a job? I already said my peace in the biden presidency, I saw a **** ton of ads form terry saying glenn=trump and glenn ding some overview stuff. didn't learn about policy from either aside from some quips
This was a vote on education and Biden Will the Dems learn anything from this? Nope
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11-03-2021 , 09:59 AM
I think this was more a vote against the Dem's. People frustrated that once again lots of talk amounts to little that is tangible in their lives.

I think had the Dem's moved expeditiously on the Biden Agenda and the citizens were actually seeing and enjoying the benefits in their lives, I think they vote to keep the status quo.

This is where the Republicans are much better. They realized the benefit of getting Trump checks in peoples hands. Give them something real they will remember.

Dem's have given up on that. They promise the world while actually planning to give almost nothing. Biden actually just bold faced told the donors not to worry as "nothing would fundamentally change". It was never in the 'real' plan to make meaningful changes.

Instead the Dem's rolled out the same old playbook. 'LESSER OF TWO EVILS. We need high voter turnout as Youngkin is Trump!!!!'

it is awesome seeing the MSM do the clean up work this morning though as I have seen consistently them talking about 'is this vote a rejection of Progressive ideas and policy'.

The MSM are so overwhelming corrupt on this. Joe Biden WINS on promising the world on a ton of Progressive planks. Does NOT deliver and when the Dems start losing they act as if the 'ideas' are unappealing and it has nothing to do with the lack of delivery.

So sad. And exactly why Trump resonated with his Fake News, don't trust the media stuff. Even though Trump used it speciously he nailed that people increasingly did not trust nor should they trust the MSM, which is clearly a propaganda arm of the donors who pay their salaries.
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11-03-2021 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
I am delighted that the Mob of Pea Brains went down in the Old Dominion.

Maybe this will be a harbinger of at least a partial return to sanity. If so, I'm glad to see it begin in Virginia!
Seems like an odd coalition to return sanity. Youngkin voters are split down the middle on basic fact questions like who got the most votes in 2020 and do vaccines work. The strategy was “ I need a bunch of insane pea brains to vote for me, but the state is too educated to go full on pea brain”. What’s kind of funny is nobody even talks about this strategy for 2024 because everyone on both sides knows you have to go full on crazy now to win the Republican primary when the whole nation votes.
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11-03-2021 , 10:49 AM
Big day for anti-critical race theory! Whatever that is!
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