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10-12-2019 , 12:59 PM
I thought it was a joke about how he's the zodiac killer

Edit: Ponied??? Are you ****ing kidding me!
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10-12-2019 , 01:06 PM
I mean I'd take a picture with the Zodiac Killer or Manson.
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10-12-2019 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by WaitingForMPJ
There’s a huge swath of AOC’s fangirls on here/twitter/etc that LIVE to shame Cruz and think he’s ~Hitler.

Are they sincere or virtue-signaling?
I think they're sincere - not the obvious trollies but most of the rest. I wouldn't call it virtue signalling, it's more akin to tilting at very understandable and often justified political frustration.

It's also part and parcel of the polarisation process.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-13-2019 , 02:43 AM
If they are sincere, and they constitute a sizable percentage of the left, then TIWTAB!
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-13-2019 , 09:02 PM
Ted Cruz is a legit monster. If your reactions to monsters is posing your young child next to them for a fan pic then we've got nothing to talk about.


Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-13-2019 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I think they're sincere - not the obvious trollies but most of the rest. I wouldn't call it virtue signalling, it's more akin to tilting at very understandable and often justified political frustration.

It's also part and parcel of the polarisation process.
It’s wild how the blatantly sexist “fangirl” crack from MPJ gets a free pass from you, our resident PC tone policeman.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-14-2019 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Ok. Fair enough. I don't twitter or newspaper.

Anyways, in the case of China it certainly is interesting to view in real time how our neoliberal capitalist machine navigates its mandate for margin and its progressive narrative of supporting human rights, equity, democracy, etc. And it probably shouldn't be too big of a surprise which side they seem to land on most of the time when push comes to shove.
I agree. lets tear down this neoliberal capitalist society. welcome comrade!
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-14-2019 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
I think they're sincere - not the obvious trollies but most of the rest. I wouldn't call it virtue signalling, it's more akin to tilting at very understandable and often justified political frustration.

It's also part and parcel of the polarisation process.
I can confirm that I know people who think Ted Cruz is like Hitler. Which I agree is a bad sign.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-15-2019 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson

It’s wild how the blatantly sexist “fangirl” crack from MPJ gets a free pass from you, our resident PC tone policeman.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-15-2019 , 12:56 PM
Originally from the United Kingdom, the two couples and their three young children were driving near the U.S.-Canada border on Oct. 3 during a visit to Vancouver when an animal ventured into the road, forcing them to make an unexpected detour. But before the family could get very far, flashing lights from a police car appeared in their rearview mirror. The officer that pulled them over was American — they had accidentally crossed the border.
Cliffs: British family gets to experience the joys of the American immigration experience with freezing cold cells, no blankets, very little food, a facilities kept in terrible conditions, told one thing and then flown to another place, family can't get in touch with them. Their baby gets sick of course, officials want to take their kids from them.

Once they get in touch with the British embassy, all of a sudden, staff start being nice to them, their cells get cleaned up and their kids are treated better

But they still haven't been able to leave yet and it's been over a week

Just imagine how it is for people who aren't so lucky to be British citizens
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-15-2019 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I can confirm that I know people who think Ted Cruz is like Hitler. Which I agree is a bad sign.
Do they really think that? I suspect/hope it's just hyperbole, which is rampant.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-16-2019 , 11:42 AM
More than half of the debt in collections stems from medical care, which, unlike most other debt, is often taken on without a choice or an understanding of the costs. Since the Affordable Care Act of 2010, prices for medical services have ballooned; insurers have nearly tripled deductibles — the amount a person pays before their coverage kicks in — and raised premiums and copays, as well. As a result, tens of millions of people without adequate coverage are expected to pay larger portions of their rising bills.

The sickest patients are often the most indebted, and they’re not exempt from arrest. In Indiana, a cancer patient was hauled away from home in her pajamas in front of her three children; too weak to climb the stairs to the women’s area of the jail, she spent the night in a men’s mental health unit where an inmate smeared feces on the wall. In Utah, a man who had ignored orders to appear over an unpaid ambulance bill told friends he would rather die than go to jail; the day he was arrested, he snuck poison into the cell and ended his life.

In jurisdictions with lax laws and willing judges, jail is the logical endpoint of a system that has automated the steps from high bills to debt to court, and that has given collectors power that is often unchecked.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-16-2019 , 11:53 AM
So Columbus Day came and went and the only reason I ever even knew it happened was because I went to the local library to drop off a book and there was a sign it was closed for "Indigenous Day." Other than that, I literally would not have even known it happened at all, it has been so completely scrubbed from society and history (at least in the progressive So Cal bubble I live in)
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-16-2019 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
So Columbus Day came and went and the only reason I ever even knew it happened was because I went to the local library to drop off a book and there was a sign it was closed for "Indigenous Day." Other than that, I literally would not have even known it happened at all, it has been so completely scrubbed from society and history (at least in the progressive So Cal bubble I live in)
You confirmed it was completely scrubbed from the history books in that progressive bubble library you were at? Wow, I guess I don't believe you.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-16-2019 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
So Columbus Day came and went and the only reason I ever even knew it happened was because I went to the local library to drop off a book and there was a sign it was closed for "Indigenous Day." Other than that, I literally would not have even known it happened at all, it has been so completely scrubbed from society and history (at least in the progressive So Cal bubble I live in)
it's more amusing here where i live because you have all the redneck conservatives angry about "erasing are histories" but also almost all of them are part native american since it's so prevalent.. also the state officially doesnt celebrate it. fed buildings are closed while state courthouses are open.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-16-2019 , 06:53 PM
Here's a long (and somewhat daunting) Twitter thread that suggests how very extensive foreign meddling in many many elections has been, besides those already known. Included is the Catalan Referendum and (for those of us in Ontario) the puzzling rise to power of known drug-dealer Doug Ford!
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10-16-2019 , 08:28 PM
Powerful ableists are arguing about who really had a “meltdown”. Aren’t they so elite and powerful?

In other news the two month drought in my area just broke with 2 days of pouring rain.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-16-2019 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I don’t get this. We don’t have debtor prisons. Short of writing a bad check or committing outright fraud there is not a legal mechanism to be arrested for having debt.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-16-2019 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
I don’t get this. We don’t have debtor prisons. Short of writing a bad check or committing outright fraud there is not a legal mechanism to be arrested for having debt.
It's laid out in the article. They don't get arrested for being in debt they get arrested for failure to show up in court, but the courts in these small towns are captured by the debt collectors who try and maneuver the courts' policies to make defendents falling into contempt very easy so the debt collectors can use it as leverage.

In the particular court mentioned in the article the judge doesn't even have a law degree and let's the debt collector decide if they want to hold the defendant in contempt. The debt collector says that the judge decides (but not really). You can see how that goes.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 10-16-2019 at 09:27 PM.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-17-2019 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
Do they really think that? I suspect/hope it's just hyperbole, which is rampant.
Yes. In other good news my mind, although better than at poker, doesn’t work so good at politics. I look forward to only posting kitchen / relationship advice exclusively
I am doing this because delusions aside and friendships aside I am so so so stupid

I like it this way, bye bye
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-17-2019 , 12:03 PM
Take care, Bryce. It's good to see you.
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-17-2019 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Take care, Bryce. It's good to see you.
Thank you very much . I enjoyed talking to you. I am totally serious in this post and the last . All you people who DO have brains , please don’t blow up the world or whatever.
Sincerely, Bryce
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-18-2019 , 01:30 AM
So Chapo's son got arrested by the Mexican state, so his cartel broke into a prison, released and armed the prisoners and basically started shooting up all of Culiacan, so the Mexican government let Chapo's son go

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10-18-2019 , 02:09 PM
A US fast-food chain will cease trading at its first UK outlet amid a row over donations to anti-LGBT groups.

Gay rights campaigners called for a boycott of Chick-fil-A, which opened its first branch at The Oracle shopping centre in Reading on 10 October.

A spokeswoman for the centre said "the right thing to do" was to not extend the restaurant's lease beyond the "six-month pilot period".
The (ostensibly) Low Content Thread Quote
10-18-2019 , 04:42 PM
I’m here for the Russian grooming of candidates for USA POTUS. Apparently they’ve been targeted by bots! Breaking News! Groomed by Bots! It’s like 2016, 2017, 2018 never happened. Hold on tight, here comes the end 2019. Let’s get groomed by bots and they’ll take the whole year away. Groomed By Bots is also an excellent band name. Dibs!
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