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Oberlin College Oberlin College

09-13-2022 , 07:03 AM
From the Wiki link nicley burried.


Verdict and responses

In June 2019, the jury found in favor of the Gibson family, awarding $11 million in compensatory damages, before further hearings on punitive damages and legal fees.[22]
Oberlin released a statement disagreeing with the outcome, asserting it not only did not defame the bakery, but also attempted to repair the damage caused by the protests. "Colleges cannot be held liable for the independent actions of their students. Institutions of higher education are obligated to protect freedom of speech on their campuses and respect their students' decision to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights."[10] Attorney Lee Plakas representing the Gibson family in the trial responded "The recent efforts of Oberlin College and President Ambar to reframe this as a First Amendment issue, while undermining the jury's decision, should be incredibly concerning to us all. Oberlin College was never on trial for the free speech of its students. Instead, the jury unanimously determined that Oberlin College libeled the Gibsons." Oberlin College president Carmen Twillie Ambar told CBSN, "The jury found those statements in the flyer, and in the Senate Resolution, were statements that they thought were libelous. What we've been saying is we didn't write those statements... The college didn't construct the flyer, the college didn't condone the flyer, it didn't write the Student Senate resolution... There was one administrator there who was representing the institution, and the student handbook requires her to be there... There may have been some professors who were there operating in their own individual capacity, but they weren't representing the institution."[23]
The jury later awarded the plaintiffs $33 million in punitive damages, for a total award of $44 million. At the end of the month, Judge John Miraldi reduced the total award to $25 million because state law limits punitive damages.[24] In July 2019, the court ordered Oberlin to pay an additional $6.5 million as reimbursement for Gibson's attorney fees and other legal expenses.[25]

Trial evidence

Oberlin's dean of students, Meredith Raimondo, as well as other college officials joined the protestors, bringing them pizza, authorizing the purchase of winter gloves for students protesting in cold weather, and helping pass out flyers urging passersby to boycott Gibson's.[8] Jason Hawk, a reporter and editor with the Oberlin News-Tribune testified that Raimondo blocked him repeatedly from photographing the protest, telling him that he did not have a right to photograph the student protestors and handed him a flyer that read "This is a RACIST establishment with a LONG ACCOUNT of RACIAL PROFILING and DISCRIMINATION."[7][20]
Local police records showed no previous accusations of racial profiling by Gibson's Bakery.[8] Of the forty adults arrested for shoplifting from the bakery in a five-year period, only six were black. As a part of the three students' guilty plea in August 2017, each read a statement saying, "I believe the employees of Gibson’s actions were not racially motivated. They were merely trying to prevent an underage sale." Reporters obtained an email written by Emily Crawford, an employee for the school's communications department, telling her bosses that she found the protests "very disturbing," saying, "I have talked to 15 townie friends who are poc (persons of color) and they're disgusted and embarrassed by the protest. In their view, the kid was breaking the law, period... To them this is not a race issue at all."[10] During the trial, Eddie Holoway, a black man who worked his way through technical college while working at Gibson’s Bakery, testified that the racist allegations against his former employer were untrue. "In my life, I have been a marginalized person, so I know what it feels like to be called something that you know you’re not. I could feel his pain. I knew where he was coming from."[10] Clarence 'Trey' James, a black man employed at Gibson's since 2013, testified that he had observed no racist treatment of customers or employees. "Never, not even a hint. Zero reason to believe, zero evidence of that."[21] Trey also told the student-run Oberlin Review, "When you steal from the store, it doesn't matter what color you are. You can be purple, blue, green; if you steal, you get caught, you get arrested."[18]
During the trial, the defense said that the lawsuit was an attempt by the bakery to "profit from a divisive and polarizing event..."[7] Oberlin argued that purchasing food and gloves for protesters was not an endorsement of the protests. It also argued that the two-month suspension of Gibson's dining hall agreement was an attempt to de-escalate the protests, but Gibson's replied that students interpreted the decision as the school taking the side against the bakery, inflaming the protests instead.[8] Oberlin also argued that any statements that may have been made about the Gibsons being racist or having a history of racial profiling were opinions and could not be libelous.[19]

Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
With as much time as washoe spends on the internet, he should know this.

Its a disgrace, no I have not seen anything like it, never on wiki.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 07:08 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Holy Christ man, your difficulties with basic information literacy and navigating a Wikipedia entry are not the fault of Oberlin.

I think it is, I think someone at the top level of the school is manipulating the wiki page, definetely, and I also think they are at fault for denying and gaslighting to this day. Its a complete disgrace. How is this possible?

Do you see that? They are still rejecting the verdict. They tried to appeal 2 times at least. Bastards. Complete lying, incompetend bastards. "They werent involved", thats a lie.

Do you know what the dean of students does, trolly? He directs 3000 students, thats like an army. And here the dean brought them tea, leavlets and instructed them to join the fight. Incredible. Gaslighting and distortion. Complete and utter bloody lies.

Last edited by washoe; 09-13-2022 at 07:14 AM.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
They still dont confess to anything.

Lets clear they can afford the 4 million interest and the 36 million as they have a 1 billion endowment fund

Im sure they will raise tuition though which is $61,000 a year add in housing and food and its $80,000
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by lozen

Im sure they will raise tuition though which is $61,000 a year add in housing and food and its $80,000
Someone needs to tell their students they can land the same job at a Starbucks without spending all of that.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 09:25 AM
What sort of courses does it charge 80K a year for?

You can do a degree in medicine in the UK for 10K a year.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
What sort of courses does it charge 80K a year for?

You can do a degree in medicine in the UK for 10K a year.
It actually charges $62k, he just pulled an extra $20k out of his ass.

Also, I don’t know why we’re looking down our nose at the Air Force Academy. That’s not an easy school to get into.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It actually charges $62k, he just pulled an extra $20k out of his ass.
Read the post you Dumb xxxxxx xxxxxx I listed the tuition at $61,000 and with housing and food its $80,000

And hears the link if you think im making it up
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 09:33 AM
62 still seems like a lot to an European.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
62 still seems like a lot to an European.
Sure you have affordable education,but you have to suffer under the evils of socialism!

$62k is well above average but it’s a well above average school. Don’t think it’s out of line relative to other fancy liberal arts colleges.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Sure you have affordable education,but you have to suffer under the evils of socialism!
Was totally free until the banks ****ed it up and we had to bail them out so had to cut somewhere.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 09:54 AM
its best to not get mad at this, but the liberals are not gettin my vote ever again, I think. I voted for them for 20 years almost, and cant believe what im seeing here. shocking.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
its best to not get mad at this, but the liberals are not gettin my vote ever again, I think. I voted for them for 20 years almost, and cant believe what im seeing here. shocking.
Getting your vote in what country?
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
its best to not get mad at this, but the liberals are not gettin my vote ever again, I think. I voted for them for 20 years almost, and cant believe what im seeing here. shocking.
Your votes have been worthless for 20 years almost. You voting was always like two 10 year olds in a trenchcoat, showing fake id at the booth.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Getting your vote in what country?
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 12:42 PM
Voter fraud ITT.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Heh, I bet you feel very clever now.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
So the behavior of U.S. liberals and progressives has convinced you that you need to vote a particular way in Germany?
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 01:30 PM
are punitives not capped at like 350k total in ohio? i haven't read anything about this case, but seems like any large punitive amount is just click bait..

also 6million dollars in attorney's fees certainly doesnt make this seem david vs goliath-y..
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
So the behavior of U.S. liberals and progressives has convinced you that you need to vote a particular way in Germany?

yes, I lived in the US too and backed liberals and leftists. Still would in many areas. But look at this here, this is not right.

They are lying, as a college, as a leading college. did you expect this? I didnt.

They denounced the verdict for what?, 6 years and still do, can you believe this? And then they started to gaslight, whitewash, stonewall, .... its sickening to me. I cant back this. I mean look at it. They wanted to sit them out until they died, and they did. Its delusional. It is truely pathetic, I almost have no words for it.

I need a vacation now and focus on my stuff, so probably wont reply to you for a while.

But look at it, man. Its a mess and completely unjust. They are supposed to be a role model, teaching students whats right? lol

Last edited by washoe; 09-13-2022 at 01:44 PM.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
yes, I lived in the US too and backed liberals and leftists.
Whether you ever lived in the U.S. isn't relevant to my question. Why is the behavior of liberals and leftists in the U.S. a determining factor in how you vote in Germany?
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
are punitives not capped at like 350k total in ohio? i haven't read anything about this case, but seems like any large punitive amount is just click bait..

also 6million dollars in attorney's fees certainly doesnt make this seem david vs goliath-y..
For legal reasons I don’t understand, the judge lifted the cap and let the bakery go to valuetown.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
For legal reasons I don’t understand, the judge lifted the cap and let the bakery go to valuetown.
Do you have a source for this or are you making **** up again.

The trial judge reduced the punitives to 2x the damages at a post trial hearing.

Ohio's punitive damage cap of $350k is targeted at non catastrophic personal injury and employment law plaintiffs.
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 06:27 PM
im late and not sure if I got the facts right but I read a comment on reddit saying the college fully backed and bought the stuff for protesters? that was weird to read and it ended up being a false accusation in the end.

not sure if those are the facts but that's what I last read. if so its pretty crazy since dawn staley also cancelled a game against BYU which majority of people felt it was a false accusation yet she doubled down on her stance.

f 40 mil was the "reward" and to be payed, then I guess that family never has to work again? there isno way someone attains all that 40 million right? how is it payed out and where does it all go?
Oberlin College Quote
09-13-2022 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
For legal reasons I don’t understand, the judge lifted the cap and let the bakery go to valuetown.
Judges don't have the authority to ignore statutory caps on punitive damages.
Oberlin College Quote
