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Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread)

09-29-2022 , 10:34 AM
Are we even allowed to comment on this if we're not in commodities
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo

No explanation really makes sense.
Once you understand that the leaders of countries don't care about their citizens, then a new world of possibilities opens up.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 11:05 AM
If other pipelines can't be defended then it makes total sense
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
How vulnerable are other pipelines to this sort of attack? And can they be effectively defended against such attacks?
Probably pretty vulnerable.

Whether the Russians did this to the pipeline or not, they do have the ability to use subs to start cutting underwater fiber optic cables all over the place. To me, there's a bigger risk of that than them using a tactical nuke in Ukraine.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Once you understand that the leaders of countries don't care about their citizens, then a new world of possibilities opens up.
Not so much in this instance. And I wasn't assuming that world leaders were subordinating their personal interests.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 11:27 AM

US military helicopters habitually and on numerous occasions circled for hours over the site of the Nord Stream pipelines incident near Bornholm Island earlier in September, Flightradar24 data showed.

Earlier this month, a US Navy Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk helicopter spent hours loitering over the location of the damaged natural gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea near Bornholm for several days in a row, September 1, 2, and 3, in particular.
No claims by me re the accuracy of these reports or the flight tracking data discussed
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I can point to countries that are letting significant numbers in (see the war thread), so what you say is not a proper counter. I would not point at the Canadian border as proof the US borders are not receiving in mass amounts of migrants.

But that misses the point. What I had said and Victor replied to was the IDEA that it would be 'strategically a good move, other Nato nations to make it known to Russian men seeking to flee Russia to avoid conscription, that if they end up conscripted and can desert on the field of battle, they will be welcomed as asylum seekers in 3rd party, NATO, countries.'

That is a win/win for both Ukraine (who would not have to fight them) and Nato, in weakening Russian military.

No one can hand wave my point away. At best it can be countered with an argument that leaving them in the field and forcing them instead to fight, and them being poorly trained and of low moral, might be more harmful. But I do not think a single good field general would opt for that strategy is given the choice. That we would want the opposing force to get maybe a million more troops over time, because they would be poorer quality, if instead he had an option to have them not appear on the field of battle.'

To make that argument would be to say Hitler and Germany benefitted from the Russian front being continually filled with conscripts of low quality and it would have been worse for Germany had the Russians not thrown mass numbers of troops at them.
I agree with your point, but, for the most part the Western Countries have not done this. Finland is a bit of an exception, but not much. A few other Western Countries have taken a few thousand Russians. Georgia, Kazakstan, and I forget the other Central Asian country have taken a fair amount of Russian refugees/asylum seekers.

And as far as I've seen, I've been the one pointing to countries in these threads and how many people they are taking, while you're making some abstract arguments, which may be good arguments, but the West just isn't opening wide to Russian asylum seekers. The simplest explanation for that is that citizens in countries like Germany, France, UK would get pissed if there were a lot of Russians coming in.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
No explanation really makes sense.
Ukraine is at war with Russia and has already attacked Russian infrastructure. It makes sense for them to attack more.

Poland and other countries benefit from shutting down the Nord Stream because it promises to increase flow of gas through other pipelines, which is taxed.

Western fossil fuel companies benefit from continued increased prices for fossil fuels.

Green terrorists may feel that damaging the pipeline speeds up the transition from fossil fuels.

Lots of explanations make sense. The only one that doesn't is that Russia blew up their own pipeline that makes them money and they could just shut off whenever they want.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Ukraine is at war with Russia and has already attacked Russian infrastructure. It makes sense for them to attack more.

Poland and other countries benefit from shutting down the Nord Stream because it promises to increase flow of gas through other pipelines, which is taxed.

Western fossil fuel companies benefit from continued increased prices for fossil fuels.

Green terrorists may feel that damaging the pipeline speeds up the transition from fossil fuels.

Lots of explanations make sense. The only one that doesn't is that Russia blew up their own pipeline that makes them money and they could just shut off whenever they want.
You are describing how various groups might benefit. But you aren't accounting for the risks. If you take the benefits and the risks into account, would it make sense for Poland, Kazakhstan, etc., to sabotage the pipeline? I'm no expert in this area, but it is far from obvious to me that the answer is yes.

That doesn't mean this was an accident. Sometimes none of the remotely plausible explanations makes sense. But nonetheless, the act occurred. So one of those seemingly improbable explanations must be the actual explanation. As I said, leaders, states, and other groups sometimes miscalculate or act irrationally out of desperation.

It is also indisputably true that I don't have enough expertise in this area to understand all the implications of damaging the pipelines, so take anything I have to say with a large grain of salt.

Last edited by Rococo; 09-29-2022 at 12:17 PM.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Ukraine is at war with Russia and has already attacked Russian infrastructure. It makes sense for them to attack more.

Poland and other countries benefit from shutting down the Nord Stream because it promises to increase flow of gas through other pipelines, which is taxed.

Western fossil fuel companies benefit from continued increased prices for fossil fuels.

Green terrorists may feel that damaging the pipeline speeds up the transition from fossil fuels.

Lots of explanations make sense. The only one that doesn't is that Russia blew up their own pipeline that makes them money and they could just shut off whenever they want.
There have been several non-ridiculous explanations as to possible Putin motives upthread.

Back to US involvement: The most plausible way I can see them having their hands in this at all is simply that they were aware of some other actor planting bombs on the pipeline and chose to do nothing to stop them.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
You are describing how various groups might benefit. But you aren't accounting for the risks. If you take the benefits and the risks into account, would it make sense to Poland, Kazakhstan, etc., to sabotage the pipeline? I'm no expert in this area, but it is far from obvious to me that the answer is yes.

That doesn't mean this was an accident. As I said, sometimes people (and states) miscalculate or do things out of desperation.
There's not a lot of risk if there's the tiniest bit of plausible deniability and it's so easily foreseeable that people will be looking to blame Russia, whether that makes sense or not.

I don't think Poland is especially likely, but it's possible. Doubt they would do it without US support. Same goes for Ukraine really, though they are much more likely as they are in the middle of blowing stuff up all the time right now. Fossil fuel companies would be unlikely to act directly, but certainly have all kinds of influence - and wouldn't necessarily be too concerned with risks. Green terrorists/activists would obviously be taking a lot of personal risk, but might not worry about the risks I think you are thinking about.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:01 PM
I suspect that if the US did do it, that that would be widely known by the people whose business it is to know such things. People have claimed that it would be too risky for the US to do it--- as if getting caught would actually matter.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
There have been several non-ridiculous explanations as to possible Putin motives upthread.

Back to US involvement: The most plausible way I can see them having their hands in this at all is simply that they were aware of some other actor planting bombs on the pipeline and chose to do nothing to stop them.
Dunno what you are talking about. Putin doing it to protect himself seems especially ridiculous. He became perhaps the richest person in the world through Gazprom and Rosneft and now he's going to destroy the pipelines they built to protect himself?
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I suspect that if the US did do it, that that would be widely known by the people whose business it is to know such things. People have claimed that it would be too risky for the US to do it--- as if getting caught would actually matter.
The actor with the most risk would be Ukraine because they could get blamed for rising energy prices which might cost them support in Western Europe. That may happen regardless. I think people are really keen to just blame Russia. But, Ukraine is at war and are by far the most likely to have just done it because they are actually at war and doing something like this wouldn't be a wild conspiracy kind of thing...just a not-crazy decision on what to target.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I suspect that if the US did do it, that that would be widely known by the people whose business it is to know such things. People have claimed that it would be too risky for the US to do it--- as if getting caught would actually matter.
I just don't see the upside for the current administration.

Further ****ing up the economy just doesn't seem like a good political move if you want to get reelected, even if you think you can get away with blaming Russia.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:17 PM
Disgruntled employee, one time!
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This was my initial reaction.

Simultaneous leaks in two different pipelines makes an accident seem unlikely.

Ukraine doing something that inflicts pain on Europe seems incredibly risky and ill-timed.

The current U.S. administration doing something that is certain to amplify the greatest political threats to the administration (inflation, market turmoil, etc.) seems very, very stupid.

Inflicting economic pain on Europe obviously is in Putin's interest, but sabotaging one of Russia's main sources of leverage against Europe doesn't seem like the best way to put pressure on Europe.

If this was an act of sabotage by a state actor, it feels like a grave miscalculation or a true act of desparation.

I obviously can think of a million non-state actors who would benefit from a leak, but Bond-villain theories seem inherently improbable. And to t_d's point, I assume that sabotaging these pipelines would require a fairly high degree of sophistication.

No explanation really makes sense.
We'll have to see. I've seen pipeline welds that wouldn't fly in an off-the-books back-alley car garage, so I'll await more information.

Originally Posted by 5 south
One would have to access somewhere above ground for this? The two pipelines originate in different places, but meet up together in Germany. Have to think the German side of things would have pretty good security.
I would be very surprised if there was any kind of security at all. In terms of looking for sabotage, that is.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I suspect that if the US did do it, that that would be widely known by the people whose business it is to know such things. People have claimed that it would be too risky for the US to do it--- as if getting caught would actually matter.
Getting caught would matter a lot in terms of US relationships with countries that may have hoped on that pipeline flowing again in the future and it would matter if that decision was made without their involvement. It would also matter in terms of optics if a president from the party championing the environment wilingly let a bunch of methane loose into the atmosphere.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I just don't see the upside for the current administration.

Further ****ing up the economy just doesn't seem like a good political move if you want to get reelected, even if you think you can get away with blaming Russia.
The day before the attack there was a rally in Germany demanding that they get the gas flowing.

And political pressure on this was only going to continue as winter approaches.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
The day before the attack there was a rally in Germany demanding that they get the gas flowing.

And political pressure on this was only going to continue as winter approaches.
This is fringe stuff on the level of antivax rallies and not representative of the larger population.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
It is you who needs to learn to read Victor as you struggle terribly with it.

You replied to MY point. MINE. And my point was my opinion that it would be good STRATEGY for them to receive the Russian wannabee defectors.

Read this next part closely and try to comprehend it. I DID NOT SAY or ARGUE others want them. That is entirely a separate point I NEVER stated.

If could be both a good strategy to take them while at the same time others may not want them.

A person who argues with logic and not emotion as you do can understand that.

So again BACK to my point. It would be a good strategy for Ukraine and Nato to make it known to, and to allow for, those Russian men conscripted and who wanted to flee Russia, to defect on the field and seek asylum instead of leaving them in the field where they would be forced to fight.

That statement is not really deniable and saying 'no one wants them' is not a counter to it.
it counters the idea that Ukraine and NATO are at all what you perceive them to be. in fact, it counters your entire premise.

whats the saying? if my Aunt had balls...
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:55 PM
Kim Dotcom has an interesting Twitter thread on US-German politics from earlier this month

Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:57 PM
According to wiki this pipeline destruction almost happened in 2015 as well:

"In November 2015, Nord Stream found a disabled underwater drone with a small amount of explosives on the pipeline near Öland, and requested the Swedish Navy to remove it."

I don't see that it makes make sense for anybody to destroy the pipeline in this way. You have to be crazed, irresponsible maniacs to do something like this. It will cost NATO countries plenty of money to contain the leak though.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I suspect that if the US did do it, that that would be widely known by the people whose business it is to know such things. People have claimed that it would be too risky for the US to do it--- as if getting caught would actually matter.
ya its completely mind-bottling that people think the USA is worried about rik or blowback. we did the Iraq War ffs. abu gahrib, extraordinary rendition, torture, drone strikes killed 90% of civilians.

Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
The blowback the US would experience if they were caught doing this seems not at all worth whatever gains they might achieve that they could likely gain in other ways. The risk/reward seems really bad.
Originally Posted by Hoopie1
these same people would say Trumpers are brainwashed.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
09-29-2022 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
ya its completely mind-bottling that people think the USA is worried about rik or blowback. we did the Iraq War ffs. abu gahrib, extraordinary rendition, torture, drone strikes killed 90% of civilians.

these same people would say Trumpers are brainwashed.

If the US were "caught" you'd see op-eds within a week titled "Here's why blowing up the Nordstream pipeline was a good thing" and people here would defend it.
Nordstream leaks (excised from Ukraine-thread) Quote
