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The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized

09-15-2023 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
And cats as well

The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 08:07 PM
Cats are protected by werewolves

Last edited by LirvA; 09-15-2023 at 08:09 PM. Reason: wreckem, please remember that Alyssa is somebody's daughter too
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Agree 100%

And cats as well
Cats cause diabetes and cavities?
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 08:15 PM
cats cause wuv and belly wubs
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-16-2023 , 10:23 PM
I love when anti-ganja rightwingnuts use the word Pot every ~10words in their rants--fills me with joy
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by wreckem713

Wishing you luck. But I must say, I wish I had never looked up that Bustamante character in your avatar. Every time I see it now, my stomach turns. The crime she committed is about as disgusting as it comes. Being a parent that is just about my worst nightmare
That is a real person in his avatar? I thought it was probably a cosplaying edgelord singer from one of the shitty bands he listens to.

To the topic, it's quite comical to hear the societal arguments against cannabis on a gambling website (in before "poker is NOT gambling").

These are the same people that get incensed when someone makes fun of or "educates" the "fish" because that person may not be inclined to blow his paycheck at the poker table next weekend.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by wreckem713

More and more studies have come out stressing the negative outcomes related to the recreational legalization of marijuana. Many of its users become susceptible to depression, addiction, and exacerbation of pre-existing mental conditions.

I personally think the effects of alcohol are far worse and didn't think marijuana legalization/decriminalization would become a problem, but it appears to have done so.
Correlation is not causation.

Also, not that I agree, but all of the supposedly bad side effects of cannabis are far less dangerous to the individual and society than traditional prescription drugs

Prescription drugs cause suicide, heart palpitations, mania, anxiety, severe chemical dependency, heart problems and impotence.

Do you think that’s worse than the side effects (not proven) of pot?
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Correlation is not causation.

Also, not that I agree, but all of the supposedly bad side effects of cannabis are far less dangerous to the individual and society than traditional prescription drugs

Prescription drugs cause suicide, heart palpitations, mania, anxiety, severe chemical dependency, heart problems and impotence.

Do you think that’s worse than the side effects (not proven) of pot?
For people with a mental health condition, the positive:negative is much better for prescription medications than for marijuana.

Are you talking above just about antidepressants? Because if so, I don't know what you mean about them causing "severe chemical dependency." And if you are referring to more than just antidepressants then it seems silly to compile a list of potential side effects from multiple drugs and compare that list to one from a single drug.

Also, the link between antidepressants and suicide is complicated and far from a given. While a large meta-analysis did show an increase in suicidality (suicidal thoughts and behaviors) in those under 25 taking such medications, there are 2 issues I have with this:
1) There were no actual suicides in this large sample despite that increase.
2) There was no finding of increased suicidality in those 25-65, and there was a decrease in suicidality in those 65+. And yet, there is no noticeable increase in suicides in youth over the past 3 decades that isn't also seen in adults.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
For people with a mental health condition, the positive:negative is much better for prescription medications than for marijuana.

Are you talking above just about antidepressants? Because if so, I don't know what you mean about them causing "severe chemical dependency." And if you are referring to more than just antidepressants then it seems silly to compile a list of potential side effects from multiple drugs and compare that list to one from a single drug.

Also, the link between antidepressants and suicide is complicated and far from a given. While a large meta-analysis did show an increase in suicidality (suicidal thoughts and behaviors) in those under 25 taking such medications, there are 2 issues I have with this:
1) There were no actual suicides in this large sample despite that increase.
2) There was no finding of increased suicidality in those 25-65, and there was a decrease in suicidality in those 65+. And yet, there is no noticeable increase in suicides in youth over the past 3 decades that isn't also seen in adults.
When Oxycontin came out suicide rates went up dramatically. It wasn't prescribed as an antidepressant but people quickly became addicted to it. Overdoses were a result of intentional suicide but also when prescriptions ended, addicts went to drugs like Heroine, Cocaine, Fentanyl, Methadone, etc. sold illegally on the street and overdoses from those drugs were not necessarily intentional.

Marihuana in and of itself even if addictive doesn't cause deaths by suicide and people virtually never die from overdoses.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
For people with a mental health condition, the positive:negative is much better for prescription medications than for marijuana.

Are you talking above just about antidepressants? Because if so, I don't know what you mean about them causing "severe chemical dependency." And if you are referring to more than just antidepressants then it seems silly to compile a list of potential side effects from multiple drugs and compare that list to one from a single drug.

Also, the link between antidepressants and suicide is complicated and far from a given. While a large meta-analysis did show an increase in suicidality (suicidal thoughts and behaviors) in those under 25 taking such medications, there are 2 issues I have with this:
1) There were no actual suicides in this large sample despite that increase.
2) There was no finding of increased suicidality in those 25-65, and there was a decrease in suicidality in those 65+. And yet, there is no noticeable increase in suicides in youth over the past 3 decades that isn't also seen in adults.
I can see you’ve never become addicted to SSRIs.

You will feel suicidal when you try to quit. You will have extreme depression. You will have heart palpitations. That is a severe dependency. In fact it is so severe that doctors have to wean you off and going cold turkey is not recommended.

I’m sure that if you used the same rigorous methods of proving causation you would find cannabis to be far far far safer.

How many studies are you quoting here? None of them had any increases?
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
When Oxycontin came out suicide rates went up dramatically. It wasn't prescribed as an antidepressant but people quickly became addicted to it. Overdoses were a result of intentional suicide but also when prescriptions ended, addicts went to drugs like Heroine, Cocaine, Fentanyl, Methadone, etc. sold illegally on the street and overdoses from those drugs were not necessarily intentional.

Marihuana in and of itself even if addictive doesn't cause deaths by suicide and people virtually never die from overdoses.
But we don't prescribe oxy for depression or other mental health conditions, so this seems like a non sequitur.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
I can see you’ve never become addicted to SSRIs.

You will feel suicidal when you try to quit. You will have extreme depression. You will have heart palpitations. That is a severe dependency. In fact it is so severe that doctors have to wean you off and going cold turkey is not recommended.

I’m sure that if you used the same rigorous methods of proving causation you would find cannabis to be far far far safer.
I have taken hundreds of people off SSRIs, and though you state these effects to be a certainty, they truly aren't. Plenty of my patients have stopped cold turkey and none have been suicidal as a result. I agree that cannabis is relatively safe, but for depression it isn't safer than an SSRI.

Originally Posted by PointlessWords
How many studies are you quoting here? None of them had any increases?
Are you referring to my comment about changes in youth suicide vs adult suicide vs geriatric? This isn't from a study that I know, but instead looking at the actual CDC data.

Edit: or do you mean the meta-analysis that found increased suicidality in youth that didn't find any increase in those 25+ or any suicides at all? That was from the analysis that led to the black box warning.

Last edited by ganstaman; 09-18-2023 at 11:31 AM.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I have taken hundreds of people off SSRIs, and though you state these effects to be a certainty, they truly aren't. Plenty of my patients have stopped cold turkey and none have been suicidal as a result. I agree that cannabis is relatively safe, but for depression it isn't safer than an SSRI.

Are you referring to my comment about changes in youth suicide vs adult suicide vs geriatric? This isn't from a study that I know, but instead looking at the actual CDC data.
None have been suicidal? How do you know that? Or do you mean to say none have told you they were suicidal. Are you a known psychic?

Over hundred of patients quitting cold turkey I am 95% sure many of them will have the side effects the FDA lists, which I also listed above.

Quite bizarre that myself and the community of ssri takers that I belong to almost all have feelings of suicide when trying to quit.

Are your patients able to express themselves?
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
I definitely named this thread incorrectly as debating the legalization was not my intent. If I could change it, it would be "Negatives of marijuana use since legalization"

Legalization leads to more widespread use. Apologies for any confusion
It (legalization) also leads to a decrease in the use/abuse of alcohol. Clearly a net gain for society.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by wet work
I love when anti-ganja rightwingnuts use the word Pot every ~10words in their rants--fills me with joy
heh yep, it's a real tell

I personally prefer to call it "loud". Smokin' on that loud!
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 11:51 AM
As a person who has been diagnosed with depression (more than once), I can say that SSRIs have helped me immensely in this regard, and weed doesn't. Then again, I've never tried to quit SSRIs. Why would I? They work in some delightful way in which the negative/suicidal thoughts just get... blocked. It's as if I can still "see" these thoughts, but not actually feel them. And I have never felt side-effects whatsoever.

I enjoy taking weed for the simple reason that I like the high.

Sorry for the triple post. Pretty stoner behavior there; where you forget what you were gonna add until you've already clicked "submit reply".
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Karl_TheOG_Marx
As a person who has been diagnosed with depression (more than once), I can say that SSRIs have helped me immensely in this regard, and weed doesn't. Then again, I've never tried to quit SSRIs. Why would I? They work in some delightful way in which the negative/suicidal thoughts just get... blocked. It's as if I can still "see" these thoughts, but not actually feel them. And I have never felt side-effects whatsoever.

I enjoy taking weed for the simple reason that I like the high.

Sorry for the triple post. Pretty stoner behavior there; where you forget what you were gonna add until you've already clicked "submit reply".
Does your dick work
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Does your dick work

I just said I felt no side-effects. I've heard of impotence as a potential side-effect of SSRIs, but honestly, even if that were happening to me, I'd take that trade (compared to being heavily depressed) in a god-damned second. Depression is ROUGH.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Karl_TheOG_Marx

I just said I felt no side-effects. I've heard of impotence as a potential side-effect of SSRIs, but honestly, even if that were happening to me, I'd take that trade (compared to being heavily depressed) in a god-damned second. Depression is ROUGH.
That sucks. I value my dick way more than that. A duck that doesn’t work is far more depressing than almost anything else. I’ll never forget one of the hottest girls I ever ****ed leaving my apt disappointed on her birthday cause my dick didn’t work

I take it back. There is depression worth having your dick fail

Last edited by PointlessWords; 09-18-2023 at 01:06 PM.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
That sucks. I value my dick way more than that. A duck that doesn’t work is far more depressing than almost anything else. I’ll never forget one of the hottest girls I ever ****ed leaving my apt disappointed on her birthday cause my dick didn’t work

I take it back. There is depression worth having your dick fail
I recommend that you never age.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew
I recommend that you never age.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 02:36 PM
the brits remember this one I suppose. Gamma tv star murdererd by pothead brother:

I will give you my opinion on weed and cannabis later.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 03:09 PM
I would like to know your opinions on them
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-18-2023 , 03:16 PM
I give it to you later, it's very complex and you'll be surprised. Don't have so much time for it now.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-19-2023 , 12:43 PM
Police wants CBD to relieve stress.
I don't think that's a good idea.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
