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The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized

09-14-2023 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
It just dont confused communism with socialism to begin with .

Moving on …
Are u for second amendment?
Are u against guns ?
Do a “ minority “ of misuse, collateral incidents (like children killed ) , etc . Prevent you to make gun ownership illegal ?

If not , why you think marijuana is more dangerous then guns and should be ban/illegal ?

U really believe the majority of users of marijuana are in danger ?
Fwiw I am willing to bet , people dying because of gun far exceed the ones dying because of the use of marijuana .
This thread isn't too long at the moment. I invite you to scroll up a little bit so you can see my stance on everything.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 08:26 PM
As somebody who grew up in an Alcoholic home and has been in Al Anon for over 38 years I would say that legalizing Marijuana is a very good thing. Marijuana is probably less damaging than alcohol and at least when people are high they are much less violent than drunks. It also has some medical benefits. And it will reduce the number of people in jail.

But then I think that all drugs should be legal. The taxes on them can be used by the government to fund rehabs for people who want to quit. Right now there is a tremendous shortage of rehabs and insurance companies only support a 28 day stay which is very unlikely to work. When I worked as a facilitator for 2 years in a rehab the success rate was about 20% for those who entered the facility for 28 days (the rating was based on them being sober/off drugs for the next 5 years). So addicts really have almost nowhere to go for help unless of course they come from rich families.

The other reason to legalize drugs is that people who want to take drugs due to addiction will always be able to take them but by legalizing them, the drugs themselves will be much safer to take. Yes people will overdose and die but that will be intentional whereas now it is often due to not knowing the contents of the drugs that were sold illegally. And while it is rare that Marijauna purchased illegally will kill you, it still can be a lot less safe than when it is sold legally.

While it is true that Marijuana probably isn't good for you, it is much better than just about any other illegal drugs (and probably all illegal drugs), legal alcohol (well maybe there are tradeoffs) and cigarettes. For the record I am not a weed user and really aside from trying it a few times many years ago, have never been.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 09:48 PM
Marijuana is fine for the overwhelming majority of folks. I'd imagine if you're battling with some serious mental health issues that Marijuana would obviously -ev in a vacuum but certainly less disastrous than alcohol or a social media obsession.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Border walls are designed to keep people out, not in. You know this trollymctroll
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Karl_TheOG_Marx
I MYSELF spent a brief amount of time in prison for a directly related charge, solely for personal use. Just a 12-hour stay, but that was 12 hours more than could possibly be justified for the offense. Oh, not to mention, a 7k bond for which I had to pay 10% to be released. I'm happy to live in such a legit justice system I could get out because I had enough money to my name, but somebody else has to stay in a cage for the great crime of being too poor to come up with 700 dollars on hand. America! The piggies couldn't get enough that sweet sweet revenue from treating people equitably, after all.

Let me know if this is enough to count me as one of the unlucky 12. I guess I didn't "clog" much in 12 hours, so no biggie, amiright?
You were in jail not prison. There is a big difference, so no you were not one of the unlucky 12.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
when people are high they are much less violent than drunks
Yup. There's a reason there's a podcast where you get high with MikeTyson, but there ain't one where you get drunk with him.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by ArcherOfLoaf
Yup. There's a reason there's a podcast where you get high with MikeTyson, but there ain't one where you get drunk with him.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
I wish there were a way of convincing my patients that this is true. They come in saying they're very depressed and anxious and that weed is the only thing that helps, not accepting that weed is only making them feel good in the moment but is likely worsening their baseline.

I agree with you overall, somehow. I think legal weed is bad for society in many ways, but I also don't think the government needs to control every bad decision people can make.

Yeah that cannabis is some bad stuff, how it makes people eat a bunch of chips and have hour long debates over whether or not Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing because of a certain scene in 2001: A Space Oddyssey and pictures on the walls in The Shining. Bad bad bad stuff!

Thank god we have good drugs like prozac that turn emotionally disturbed teenagers into killers! That's the good stuff, certainly no negative effects from that!

The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Karl_TheOG_Marx
My own uncle, who is in remission from cancer, uses marijuana products to help him. Ins0 is half-way right, shockingly enough, that one can extract the pain-management benefits of marijuana into a form that does not get you high, but there are other tangential medical effects that CBD and other things don't address, to my knowledge. For instance, CBD doesn't help increase appetite, but THC does, which is pretty damn important for someone losing a ton of weight during chemo. My uncle tried all the other options first. He's not a person who enjoys getting high whatsoever.

Ins0 spent two minutes reading something that was like "CBD has all the good medical stuff THC doesn't, while not getting you high!", and that was enough for him to go ahead and spout off ignorantly in this thread.

I have glaucoma and cannabis effectively lowers my inter ocular pressure. Without any treatment at all, my pressure numbers are low to mid 20s. With just cannabis, they go down to mid to high teens. With cannabis and eye drops, they go down to low teens.

My doctor informed me that THC is the only compound in cannabis that lowers inter ocular pressure. CBD does nothing. It's a good bit of information that I bet most people don't know about.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
I have glaucoma and cannabis effectively lowers my inter ocular pressure. Without any treatment at all, my pressure numbers are low to mid 20s. With just cannabis, they go down to mid to high teens. With cannabis and eye drops, they go down to low teens.

My doctor informed me that THC is the only compound in cannabis that lowers inter ocular pressure. CBD does nothing. It's a good bit of information that I bet most people don't know about.
Lirva, based upon the study and Gansta's commentary (from his prof. experience), it might be worth taking a month or so off from the weed to see if it makes you feel any better or more stable. I don't see how there could be any negatives from trying it out and you will have more money in your pocket to seek the professional care you desire.

Wishing you luck. But I must say, I wish I had never looked up that Bustamante character in your avatar. Every time I see it now, my stomach turns. The crime she committed is about as disgusting as it comes. Being a parent that is just about my worst nightmare
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by ArcherOfLoaf
Yup. There's a reason there's a podcast where you get high with MikeTyson, but there ain't one where you get drunk with him.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:42 PM
Cannabis is far less harmful than prescription anti depressant drugs. And of course less harmful than alcohol or any of the benzodiazepines or narcos that doctors prescribe.

Bad parts of legalization is probably that people will have less disposable money as weed additions are expensive. Weed is highly addictive and it’s a great time for most people maybe for all people so I expect addiction rates to increase and people to have less money because of it

The answer is to have the govt give people money for cannabis or to have the govt send people cannabis directly or inderctly.

Once it’s legalized then pharma will be able to prescribe it and I think eventually Medicaid and after a decade I’d that it should become a universal right
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Cannabis is far less harmful than prescription anti depressant drugs. And of course less harmful than alcohol or any of the benzodiazepines or narcos that doctors prescribe.

Bad parts of legalization is probably that people will have less disposable money as weed additions are expensive. Weed is highly addictive and it’s a great time for most people maybe for all people so I expect addiction rates to increase and people to have less money because of it

The answer is to have the govt give people money for cannabis or to have the govt send people cannabis directly or inderctly.

Once it’s legalized then pharma will be able to prescribe it and I think eventually Medicaid and after a decade I’d that it should become a universal right
Really, thats the answer? Give people money for recreational weed. I think people who need money would be better off with food
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Weed is highly addictive and it’s a great time for most people maybe for all people so I expect addiction rates to increase and people to have less money because of it
Where u got that ?
Would u say then coffee is highly addictive too ?
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 05:56 PM
it should just be legalized and regulated. skip the will they wont they medical/recreational decisions..

there are 10s of thousands of people in prison for marijuana related offenses and/or probation violations involving marijuana. arguing this is the same as arguing if the natural disaster killed me because it turned the power off my respirator or was it actually the disease that killed me listed on the death certificate. someone's always going to say there aren't any people in prison for just marijuana as their lone offense in their entire life, so all the people that were picked up and app'd on probation violations for simple possession on their other crime don't count, blah, blah, blah..

eta- to explain my point better i'll use an example.. A is 2 years in on a 6yr suspended sentence for burg 2. A gets picked up for marijuana possession. prosecutor files marijuana charges and an "application to revoke" on the suspended sentence.. at the hearing the plea deal is laid out on the "app" because police contact is most likely enough to get an app revoked and the rules of evidence are much more lenient in an app hearing than in a trial.. A pleas guilty on the app and goes in for 2 years on the burg2(rather than risk being put in for the full remaining time on the burg2 probation) marijuana charge is dismissed. did A go to prison for marijuana? depends on your politics.

Last edited by Slighted; 09-15-2023 at 06:09 PM.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Where u got that ?
Would u say then coffee is highly addictive too ?

Yes both weed and coffee are addictive. I thought that was common knowledge
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by wsopfinaltable
Yes both weed and coffee are addictive. I thought that was common knowledge
Sure that is why I was asking .
Should we ban coffee too then just because it’s addictive ?
That is the other question .
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Really, thats the answer? Give people money for recreational weed. I think people who need money would be better off with food
Who is discussing better off? We can give them food and weed. It’s that easy

Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Where u got that ?
Would u say then coffee is highly addictive too ?
From life? It’s highly addictive and hard to quit , is also a gateway drug cause you realize govt was lying about how dangerous drugs are

Originally Posted by wsopfinaltable
Yes both weed and coffee are addictive. I thought that was common knowledge

Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Sure that is why I was asking .
Should we ban coffee too then just because it’s addictive ?
That is the other question .
Ban coffee cause it’s bad for environment
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Lirva, based upon the study and Gansta's commentary (from his prof. experience), it might be worth taking a month or so off from the weed to see if it makes you feel any better or more stable. I don't see how there could be any negatives from trying it out and you will have more money in your pocket to seek the professional care you desire.

Wishing you luck. But I must say, I wish I had never looked up that Bustamante character in your avatar. Every time I see it now, my stomach turns. The crime she committed is about as disgusting as it comes. Being a parent that is just about my worst nightmare

Sorry to make you feel that way, it's not my intention.

I can't really stop taking it cause it greatly lowers my inter ocular pressure. The negatives from stopping taking it would be higher pressure, a good five or six points, which is pretty significant. Glaucoma is damage to the optic nerve causing permanent, irreversible vision loss, of which I have some upper peripheral vision loss in my left eye, just a very small amount at this point. Higher pressures leads to more damage to the optic nerve, and permanent vision loss. I'd say that's a pretty big negative to stopping.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Who is discussing better off? We can give them food and weed. It’s that easy

From life? It’s highly addictive and hard to quit , is also a gateway drug cause you realize govt was lying about how dangerous drugs are


Ban coffee cause it’s bad for environment
I hear y’a .
We should ban human birth as well, humans are bad for environment too .

Fwiw sugar is atrociously addictive too .
We should ban it as well to eradicate diabetes, cavities , etc . And probably bad for the environment too .

Last edited by Montrealcorp; 09-15-2023 at 07:35 PM.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 07:19 PM
You can't take something else for your glaucoma? It isn't the recommended drug for it.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Sure that is why I was asking .
Should we ban coffee too then just because it’s addictive ?
That is the other question .

No, why would you ban something just because it’s addictive?
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
I hear y’a .
We should ban human birth as well, humans are ban for environment too .

Fwiw sugar is atrociously addictive too .
We should ban it as well to eradicate diabetes, cavities , etc . And probably bad for the environment too .
Agree 100%

And cats as well
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by wsopfinaltable
No, why would you ban something just because it’s addictive?
That was my point too .
Weed mild addiction isn’t something to worry about .

It’s not like cigarettes, cocaine, alcohol, etc .
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-15-2023 , 07:55 PM
I definitely named this thread incorrectly as debating the legalization was not my intent. If I could change it, it would be "Negatives of marijuana use since legalization"

Legalization leads to more widespread use. Apologies for any confusion
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
