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The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized

09-14-2023 , 09:09 AM

More and more studies have come out stressing the negative outcomes related to the recreational legalization of marijuana. Many of its users become susceptible to depression, addiction, and exacerbation of pre-existing mental conditions.

I personally think the effects of alcohol are far worse and didn't think marijuana legalization/decriminalization would become a problem, but it appears to have done so.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 09:57 AM
Its been legal in Canada for 7 years and just have not seen the things you are talking about

You are also forgetting many of the medical benefits of weed as well

I am surprised the Dems have not latched onto the legalization of pot
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 10:15 AM
The average Canadian is not nearly as big of a personal disaster as the average American. Different cultures can handle potentially volatile situations with varying levels of sophistication. We Americans seem truly incapable of behaving ourselves.

I think this argument mostly comes down to the fact that the potheads are getting their weed anyway. Most semi-intelligent people avoid it in the first place for reasons beyond the fact that it's illegal. So how much would this really change?

The legal age for using it should probably be higher than 21, though.

The medical argument is horsehit. You don't need to smoke weed for medicinal purposes. Any beneficial compounds can be isolated and ingested in less harmful ways with fewer side effects.

wreckem is right though, that alcohol is the 800 pound gorilla sitting on the back of society and should be eradicated. Alcohol has ****-all benefits and only exists to cause problems.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 10:21 AM
After spending most of the last 10 or so months in places where weed isn't legal, it's nice to be in a place now where I can go to the weed store to buy it.

Although I do feel like having it be a little scarcer is probably better for my overall productivity, actual results don't seem to confirm that though.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 10:45 AM
Guns cause far more damage than marijuana.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Its been legal in Canada for 7 years and just have not seen the things you are talking about

You are also forgetting many of the medical benefits of weed as well

I am surprised the Dems have not latched onto the legalization of pot
It is not nearly the political strength and financial windfall it was expected to be, for various reasons including but not limited to, "bureaucratic red tape, taxes, bizarre equity requirements (NY especially)".
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 11:01 AM
FWIW I am not advocating to keep it illegal. I think people should do what they want. This is merely highlighting that its use is not as advertised by those who fought to legalize it. My mother is battling cancer currently, and she has started using edibles (not sure of the strength) to help with her nausea and appetite. The article mostly highlights the recreational side of things. To stress again, I find it far less dangerous than alcohol. High people are more likely to drive 5 mph under the speed limit while drunks cannot keep a lane, stay awake, and cause deadly wrecks.

To me, the biggest surprise from recent studies' findings was how much it can exacerbate mental disorders as well as cause disorders to emerge.

Biggerboat, guns don't really cause damage unless you hit someone (pistol whip, etc.) with one. Bullets are the usual cause of damage. Nice troll though! Keep em coming!
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
To me, the biggest surprise from recent studies' findings was how much it can exacerbate mental disorders as well as cause disorders to emerge.
I wish there were a way of convincing my patients that this is true. They come in saying they're very depressed and anxious and that weed is the only thing that helps, not accepting that weed is only making them feel good in the moment but is likely worsening their baseline.

I agree with you overall, somehow. I think legal weed is bad for society in many ways, but I also don't think the government needs to control every bad decision people can make.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Most semi-intelligent people avoid it in the first place for reasons beyond the fact that it's illegal.
Maybe that's what semi-intelligent people do, but actually intelligent people understand that a life of perpetual sobriety is extremely boring.

For many working people, life under capitalism is financially and existentially rough; having a boss's boss's boss's boss (a person whom one might never meet) being the one to set the pay and hours on which your life depends can give the worker a sense of powerlessness. Taking a relatively benign substance such as cannabis to deal with these stressors should not be looked down upon.

National legalization of marijuana would significantly help to reduce our already massively over-crowded prisons. Maybe then we could look to bring justice to the actual malefactors of US society, such as Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, landlords and their assistants, et al. Just kidding, of course, I know we will remain a capitalist hellscape in perpetuity.

Last edited by Karl_TheOG_Marx; 09-14-2023 at 12:24 PM.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Karl_TheOG_Marx
Maybe that's what semi-intelligent people do, but actually intelligent people understand that a life of perpetual sobriety is extremely boring.

For many working people, life under capitalism is financially and existentially rough; having a boss's boss's boss's boss (a perhaps one might never meet) being the one to set the pay and hours on which your life depends can give them a sense of powerlessness. Taking a relatively benign substance such as cannabis to deal with these stressors should not be looked down upon.

National legalization of marijuana would significantly help to reduce our already massively over-crowded prisons. Maybe then we could look to bring justice to the actual malefactors of US society, such as Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, landlords and their assistants, et al. Just kidding, of course, I know we will remain a capitalist hellscape in perpetuity.
Capitalism isn't perfect but it sure beats the hell out of every other system.

The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 01:26 PM
One day, people will stop making idiotic claims that marijuana offenses are clogging our prisons. Today is not that day, but I know it's coming.

The twelve unlucky sonsofbitches who somehow landed in prison for smoking weed appreciate the support, though.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 01:52 PM
Seems like a thing that should fall under personal choices. We can restrict where it is sold and consumed. But outlawing someone from smoking weed in their home is insane. It's a waste of our time.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by caseIIclosed
Seems like a thing that should fall under personal choices. We can restrict where it is sold and consumed. But outlawing someone from smoking weed in their home is insane. It's a waste of our time.
You are not a very bright reader as the legal aspect is not the topic of this discussion. It is about the negative aspects of using marijuana since legalization/decriminalization
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 03:08 PM
You brought it up, you should write better.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
The average Canadian is not nearly as big of a personal disaster as the average American. Different cultures can handle potentially volatile situations with varying levels of sophistication. We Americans seem truly incapable of behaving ourselves.

I think this argument mostly comes down to the fact that the potheads are getting their weed anyway. Most semi-intelligent people avoid it in the first place for reasons beyond the fact that it's illegal. So how much would this really change?

The legal age for using it should probably be higher than 21, though.

The medical argument is horsehit. You don't need to smoke weed for medicinal purposes. Any beneficial compounds can be isolated and ingested in less harmful ways with fewer side effects.

wreckem is right though, that alcohol is the 800 pound gorilla sitting on the back of society and should be eradicated. Alcohol has ****-all benefits and only exists to cause problems.
Tell that to cancer patients on chemo
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
One day, people will stop making idiotic claims that marijuana offenses are clogging our prisons. Today is not that day, but I know it's coming.

The twelve unlucky sonsofbitches who somehow landed in prison for smoking weed appreciate the support, though.
I MYSELF spent a brief amount of time in prison for a directly related charge, solely for personal use. Just a 12-hour stay, but that was 12 hours more than could possibly be justified for the offense. Oh, not to mention, a 7k bond for which I had to pay 10% to be released. I'm happy to live in such a legit justice system I could get out because I had enough money to my name, but somebody else has to stay in a cage for the great crime of being too poor to come up with 700 dollars on hand. America! The piggies couldn't get enough that sweet sweet revenue from treating people equitably, after all.

Let me know if this is enough to count me as one of the unlucky 12. I guess I didn't "clog" much in 12 hours, so no biggie, amiright?

The drug war has imprisoned COUNTLESS people for victimless crimes, and marijuana is the most popular illicit drug in America. I'm not sure offhand how many people have been imprisoned for marijuana-only offenses, but it's definitely many thousands more than one dozen.

I like how you said, "...for smoking weed", as though the act of consuming cannabis is the only time when someone involved with cannabis risks imprisonment or other severe punishment. I could instantly link you 20 different cases of people getting thrown in a cell for decades for victimless marijuana "crimes", but you would handwave them away for some dumb reason or another, so whatever.

(oh, and let's also release recreational users of many/most/all types of drugs from prison as well. Let me know if eliminating the vast majority of drug charges will somehow NOT serve to thin out the prison population)
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Tell that to cancer patients on chemo
My own uncle, who is in remission from cancer, uses marijuana products to help him. Ins0 is half-way right, shockingly enough, that one can extract the pain-management benefits of marijuana into a form that does not get you high, but there are other tangential medical effects that CBD and other things don't address, to my knowledge. For instance, CBD doesn't help increase appetite, but THC does, which is pretty damn important for someone losing a ton of weight during chemo. My uncle tried all the other options first. He's not a person who enjoys getting high whatsoever.

Ins0 spent two minutes reading something that was like "CBD has all the good medical stuff THC doesn't, while not getting you high!", and that was enough for him to go ahead and spout off ignorantly in this thread.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Capitalism isn't perfect but it sure beats the hell out of every other system.

Damn I just got memed on! I may never recover.

Anyway, just keeping with the medical theme, please compare healthcare outcomes (level of service, cost, availability, all holistically) of the US, vs. another developed nation with some moderate level of socialized/nationalized health care such as the Scandinavian countries, Britain, and others, and get back to me.

Even CUBA, this little developing island nation that has been the victim of decades-long brutal economic sanctions from the US, has been able to drum up a pretty impressive healthcare system. Far from perfect, but yeah, reducing or eliminating the profit motive of medicine sure seems to help the health of the average citizen.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Capitalism isn't perfect but it sure beats the hell out of every other system.

Haha yeah if there’s one thing freedom-loving Republicans hate it’s border walls, amirite? Only socialists want heavily guarded border walls.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Haha yeah if there’s one thing freedom-loving Republicans hate it’s border walls, amirite? Only socialists want heavily guarded border walls.
Border walls are designed to keep people out, not in. You know this trollymctroll
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Karl_TheOG_Marx
I MYSELF spent a brief amount of time in prison for a directly related charge, solely for personal use. Just a 12-hour stay, but that was 12 hours more than could possibly be justified for the offense. Oh, not to mention, a 7k bond for which I had to pay 10% to be released. I'm happy to live in such a legit justice system I could get out because I had enough money to my name, but somebody else has to stay in a cage for the great crime of being too poor to come up with 700 dollars on hand. America! The piggies couldn't get enough that sweet sweet revenue from treating people equitably, after all.

Let me know if this is enough to count me as one of the unlucky 12. I guess I didn't "clog" much in 12 hours, so no biggie, amiright?

The drug war has imprisoned COUNTLESS people for victimless crimes, and marijuana is the most popular illicit drug in America. I'm not sure offhand how many people have been imprisoned for marijuana-only offenses, but it's definitely many thousands more than one dozen.

I like how you said, "...for smoking weed", as though the act of consuming cannabis is the only time when someone involved with cannabis risks imprisonment or other severe punishment. I could instantly link you 20 different cases of people getting thrown in a cell for decades for victimless marijuana "crimes", but you would handwave them away for some dumb reason or another, so whatever.

(oh, and let's also release recreational users of many/most/all types of drugs from prison as well. Let me know if eliminating the vast majority of drug charges will somehow NOT serve to thin out the prison population)
What you are describing is called jail, not prison.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Border walls are designed to keep people out, not in. You know this trollymctroll
Socialism prevent people to travel or to do economic trading on global stage ?
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
You are not a very bright reader as the legal aspect is not the topic of this discussion. It is about the negative aspects of using marijuana since legalization/decriminalization
Nothing is poison, it’s all about the dosage .
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Socialism prevent people to travel or to do economic trading on global stage ?
Depends. During the time associated with the meme photo, yes. Unless you were a good little party member, then you were allowed to visit sympathizing countries.

This thread is about negative (recreational) marijuana side effects and how they might impact society. I realize this can be difficult for most PS posters sometimes. I will do my part to resolve this by discontinuing responses to trolls trying to derail what shouldn't really be a controversial topic.
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
09-14-2023 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Depends. During the time associated with the meme photo, yes. Unless you were a good little party member, then you were allowed to visit sympathizing countries.

This thread is about negative (recreational) marijuana side effects and how they might impact society. I realize this can be difficult for most PS posters sometimes. I will do my part to resolve this by discontinuing responses to trolls trying to derail what shouldn't really be a controversial topic.
It just dont confused communism with socialism to begin with .

Moving on …
Are u for second amendment?
Are u against guns ?
Do a “ minority “ of misuse, collateral incidents (like children killed ) , etc . Prevent you to make gun ownership illegal ?

If not , why you think marijuana is more dangerous then guns and should be ban/illegal ?

U really believe the majority of users of marijuana are in danger ?
Fwiw I am willing to bet , people dying because of gun far exceed the ones dying because of the use of marijuana .
The Negatives of Marijuana being Legalized Quote
