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My way from Ukraine to berlin My way from Ukraine to berlin

03-08-2022 , 05:40 AM
I'm an a pro since 2008 that finally after almost two week managed to to escape ukraine.
This was crazy , 12 hour standing outside in the cold and snow on the border, and about the same in "welcome centers" (some stay there much longer as they don't do enough to get out of there) which are horrible places and there's nothing welcoming there .
Along the way we sort of combined into a group of 10 people that were supposed to stick together , but it didn't work and at the end we were 5 pps that started making our way from those centers.
The 5 was me ,a female i met right from the start and two brothers and their mother who we met a bit later. One of the brothers promised to all of us that if we all get to berlin we will have a house that is empty to stay in for at least a month and some support so we all believed that and made the trip.
I myself was looking for a place to relax from all that stress , regroup and figure out my next steps ,so i went. But i wouldn't go to berlin without that promise and probably would have done the same in poland as its much cheaper there and there's more help at the moment .
Only when we arrived to berlin i realised that the promised house is not ready "yet" , but we will probably would still get some accommodation in that house or another place that the same guy that helps will provide. The guy that helps did provide us with a room in a hotel for two night ,which was very generous of him , but still all along the brother who was the only one in direct contact with the helping guy kept saying that we will have a place to stay soon. Which was a lie basically as about 10 hours before check out and when it's time to go to bed he told me to find my own way as there will be room for them only . The female friend of mine had some contact in berlin so i'm glad she found a place to stay at least for a while , but there was only room for one there.
At the moment i'm in a room that someone rented for me from abroad , but i need to check out tomorrow 11am. So i sort of have 24 hours to find a place to stay while i'm basically running out of money and what i do have will be enough for food only.

Wanted to post this here to see if any fellow pro or recreational player will be willing to help and provide some accommodation in berlin or any where around , until i figure out how to proceed from here.

To be honest the only thing i'm thinking about is about finding a place to stay and then realize how can i help best to those people stuck in the border crossings and those horrible centers.

So if any one can take me in please contact me , or answer here , and it will hopefully help exponentially through me to many others.
Also will help if you can repost this or send a link to this any where you can.

Thank you very much either way
03-08-2022 , 10:48 AM
Hi Inarush. You should contact the Ukrainian embassy in Berlin, and also seek out local officials to help you, likely at a Berlin immigration office.

Here is a page from the German "Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community" that answers some questions for Ukrainians who have arrived in Germany:

I'll close this thread, but let it remain visible on the page here. I don't have any way of confirming your story, and posters should be aware of that.
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