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Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread

05-25-2024 , 07:41 AM

A 2020 Eurispes report revealed that 15.6% of Italians contend that the Holocaust never happened, and that 23.9% of the population adhere to the anti-Semitic conspiracy theories which claim that Jews control their economy.[18]

You must be one of those 24%.
Be honest with us.

And what is it with people from napoli?
Why are they being discriminated?
Why is the vesuv supposed to get them??
Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Quote
05-25-2024 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
You must be one of those 24%.
Be honest with us.

And what is it with people from napoli?
Why are they being discriminated?
Why is the vesuv supposed to get them??
I don't know you have to ask the people who say that (I have never voted lega)
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05-25-2024 , 07:51 AM
You said you are a right winger.
What do you vote for?


Last edited by washoe; 05-25-2024 at 08:06 AM.
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05-25-2024 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
I don't know you have to ask the people who say that (I have never voted lega)

What is wrong with napoli people??

You never explained that.

Last edited by washoe; 05-25-2024 at 08:07 AM.
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05-25-2024 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by washoe

What is wrong with napoli people??

You never explained that.
I said you have to ask others, Lega for many years was at the forefront of anti -southern sentiment (it was called the "lega nord" and was on the ballot only in half of the country basically)
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05-25-2024 , 08:12 AM
I dont get why napoli. Sicily is south.
Not napoli.

Why not rome? Or venice?

Last edited by washoe; 05-25-2024 at 08:17 AM.
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05-25-2024 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
I dont get why napoli. Siccaly is south.
Not napoli.

Why not rome? Or venice?
Lega also attacked Rome a lot, seen as the symbol of "centralism" vs their wish for federalism, but not roman residents much afaik (similarly to when some Americans say bad things about Washington DC, they usually mean the federal government and the bureaucracy).

Venice regions has long been a stronghold of Lega votes so why should they talk against themselves?

Btw according to Lega original stance the south is everything down the Rubicon river (the famous river Caesar passed with armies, the old border of Rome province proper). So even Tuscany wasn't interesting for them when they formed as a party and for the first decade +. They run on a separatist platform initially, the. Federalist
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05-25-2024 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
You said you are a right winger.
What do you vote for?

This round yes, but every round I vote for the person/party who can credibly do the most to reduce the role of the state primarily in the economy, secondarily ok society at large. That once met what was a center left leader (Renzi) and can mean independents in local elections.

I am a one issue voter, less state everywhere (priority the economy).
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05-25-2024 , 08:26 AM
Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Quote
05-25-2024 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Protection from thalassemia is literally one gene, and that determines which areas you can live in decently as a group before the invention of modern medicine.
And what's your point? That there are a few genetic differences between humans based on geography? You don't say. If you thought about it you'd realise that's why you share more of your genes with Africans than Italians.
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05-25-2024 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
You must be one of those 24%.
Be honest with us.

And what is it with people from napoli?
Why are they being discriminated?
Why is the vesuv supposed to get them??
He's highlighted Napoli because it has a large and very poor African community that certain Italians hate with a vengeance and think are little better than animals, the kind of Italian that likes to talk about Vesuvius erupting and killing them all.

So he's avoided answering your question because he doesn't want to get banned but uses the Trumpian "Some people say xxx" instead.

Last edited by jalfrezi; 05-25-2024 at 09:16 AM.
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05-25-2024 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
This round yes, but every round I vote for the person/party who can credibly do the most to reduce the role of the state primarily in the economy, secondarily ok society at large. That once met what was a center left leader (Renzi) and can mean independents in local elections.

I am a one issue voter, less state everywhere (priority the economy).
No that's not true - you want an overbearing authoritarian state that hands out death sentences like parking tickets to anyone who doesn't obey or even agree with government policy, and we know this is true because you've told us.
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05-25-2024 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
No that's not true - you want an overbearing authoritarian state that hands out death sentences like parking tickets to anyone who doesn't obey or even agree with government policy, and we know this is true because you've told us.
You are offending my libertarian ethnicity, this is very racist
Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Quote
05-25-2024 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
He's highlighted Napoli because it has a large and very poor African community that certain Italians hate with a vengeance and think are little better than animals, the kind of Italian that likes to talk about Vesuvius erupting and killing them all.

So he's avoided answering your question because he doesn't want to get banned but uses the Trumpian "Some people say xxx" instead.
No, Napoli has far fewer immigrants as a % of the population than basically any mid-size + city in the north (immigration in italy is almost all in the center-north for obvious economic reasons). It's actual italians from napoli (an in general the south, but napoli and the napoli region campania the most), that some northern italians hate.

We are talking the people italians in the north discriminated against 50-60 years ago (there was a huge wave of internal migration south to north at the time), with rental listing specifically going like "no terroni" (terroni is a very loaded derogatory term for southerns in general, based on the idea they were farmers -terra means land- and so rural and so uncivilized and so on). Some places also had signs like "vietato l'ingresso ai cani e ai terroni" (no entrance for dogs and terroni) in bars and the like.

Btw yours was a completly unprovoked personal attack again here, based on some silly idea you have of what i wrote about napoli, basically a completly clueless comment wrote simply to attack me and claim i am racists against the africans in napoli (???) while i was describing how residents of an area can often be insulted heavily, hated even for remote cultural reasons by some, but that doesn't mean being from that area is an ethnicity.

You should just stop all personal attacks as per forum rules.
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05-25-2024 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
You are offending my libertarian ethnicity, this is very racist
Libertarianism for you (freedom to be a fascist), fascism for everyone who disagrees with you - is not libertarianism, it's fascism.

And as you know political beliefs aren't ethnicities.
Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Quote
05-25-2024 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
No, Napoli has far fewer immigrants as a % of the population than basically any mid-size + city in the north (immigration in italy is almost all in the center-north for obvious economic reasons). It's actual italians from napoli (an in general the south, but napoli and the napoli region campania the most), that some northern italians hate.

We are talking the people italians in the north discriminated against 50-60 years ago (there was a huge wave of internal migration south to north at the time), with rental listing specifically going like "no terroni" (terroni is a very loaded derogatory term for southerns in general, based on the idea they were farmers -terra means land- and so rural and so uncivilized and so on). Some places also had signs like "vietato l'ingresso ai cani e ai terroni" (no entrance for dogs and terroni) in bars and the like.
Well the divide in Italy between wealthy modern North and agricultural, poorer South is well known. The political party Lega you cite is really called Lega Nord and was originally the Northern League which formed part of Berlusconi's coalition.

I assume you're in the North hence the sour grapes about the treatment of Southerners moving to the North, or maybe your family were some of those who migrated North?

Last edited by jalfrezi; 05-25-2024 at 09:54 AM.
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05-25-2024 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Libertarianism for you (freedom to be a fascist), fascism for everyone who disagrees with you - is not libertarianism, it's fascism.

And as you know political beliefs aren't ethnicities.
Libertarianism is a culture, and as such an ethnicity per your claim
Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Quote
05-25-2024 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Well the divide in Italy between wealthy modern North and agricultural, poorer South is well known. The political party Lega you cite is really called Lega Nord and was originally the Northern League.

I assume you're in the North hence the condemnation of Napoli.
I didn't condemn Napoli at all, stop lying and stop the personal insults and attacks. I told you what some people say of residents of Naples because you claim it could be nothing of the sort of calling blacks savage, when it was about geographical residence. Instead, it is.

It's obscene how you keep attacking me personally, inventing stuff while you do it, and you should stop.
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05-25-2024 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Libertarianism is a culture, and as such an ethnicity per your claim

Try again.
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05-25-2024 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi

Try again.
You are still undefeated in your personal record of being always objectively wrong when debating with me

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05-25-2024 , 10:31 AM
googling " Libertarian Culture" and posting the first thing you find is a magnificent self-own (as if anarchists would have anything to do with the fascism you support).

As I already said, your views are not at all libertarian because you support the denial of freedom of expression to other people. Well, actually you do allow them to speak out against your ideal government but they will be killed shortly thereafter.
Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Quote
05-25-2024 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Well, actually you do allow them to speak out against your ideal government but they will be killed shortly thereafter.
It's only fair
Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Quote
05-25-2024 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
googling " Libertarian Culture" and posting the first thing you find is a magnificent self-own (as if anarchists would have anything to do with the fascism you support).

As I already said, your views are not at all libertarian because you support the denial of freedom of expression to other people. Well, actually you do allow them to speak out against your ideal government but they will be killed shortly thereafter.
anarchist and libertarian culture lol. different cultures with stuff in common
Moderation Questions and General Chat Thread Quote
05-25-2024 , 11:16 AM
What is this weird culture/race/ethnicity debate?

Culture is a set of shared customs and beliefs amongst a group of individuals.

Race doesn't really exist in humans but to the extent that It does, it represents clusters of genes. In biology it's mostly synonymous with subspecies.

Ethnicity is just a term that we use to describe a person's genetic background.

Hopefully that helps
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05-25-2024 , 11:21 AM
Luckbox with a surprisingly rational post.
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