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The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street) The Moderation Discussion Thread (And I hear him every night, On every street)

08-18-2020 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Fly was only toxic if you tried to hide your true intentions behind doubletalk political BS. The entire world could use more of that level of honesty.

People just can't handle the truth.
"Truth without love is obnoxious, while love without truth is insipid."

(Paraphrasing a famous quote)
08-19-2020 , 04:26 AM
Cleaned up several threads and moved some slugfests to the containment thread.

The containment thread is not an invite to flamebait, troll people or post extremist content, more a way to clean up clutter in other threads without using direct censorship, as even in the slugfests there might crop up some semi-coherent points from time to time. Nor does it mean that we won't also use other moderation tools (deletions, warnings, infractions and upwards) at our disposal.

I know there are heated opinions about posters or specific lines of arguments, often based on partisan lines. We listen to comments and reports and discuss them. This takes time and will not always lead to the results some want. When it does lead to results, it will never lead to results everyone wants.
08-19-2020 , 03:02 PM
Can we bribe you with baked goods?
08-19-2020 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Can we bribe you with baked goods?

08-20-2020 , 12:46 PM
Strong move re-hashing the COVID truther stuff after you got banned for posting COVID truther stuff.
08-20-2020 , 12:50 PM
BFI "Coronavirus" thread is by far the best forum to have an actual discussion of science without being censored for challenging official narratives. This is probably the worst forum.

08-20-2020 , 01:02 PM
Yes, I agree with Kelhus. Take it there.
08-20-2020 , 01:04 PM
I don't know about the covid conspiracy stuff, but this seems like the censoring of arguments that counter the prevailing wisdom that indicated hormone blockers and hormones were safe to give to kids, only to find out months later those same sources of conventional wisdom had to amend their position to indicate they have no idea if they're safe, or not. Nor are they even aware of the long-term implications.
08-20-2020 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
BFI "Coronavirus" thread is by far the best forum to have an actual discussion of science without being censored for challenging official narratives. This is probably the worst forum.

Related, this forum is probably a bad place to discuss the science behind steel towers melting when airplanes crash into them and explode - you may find BFI, or maybe POG, a much better discussion forum for that.
08-20-2020 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I don't know about the covid conspiracy stuff, but
08-20-2020 , 01:12 PM
No, I don't think you're going to stop me.
08-20-2020 , 01:20 PM
I hereby censor your anti censorship post.
08-20-2020 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I don't know about the covid conspiracy stuff, but this seems like the censoring of arguments that counter the prevailing wisdom that indicated hormone blockers and hormones were safe to give to kids, only to find out months later those same sources of conventional wisdom had to amend their position to indicate they have no idea if they're safe, or not. Nor are they even aware of the long-term implications.
Sounds like you and Kel should switch over to BFI, where resident expert TS is giving some not-at-all bullshit takes on virology.
08-20-2020 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
BFI "Coronavirus" thread is by far the best forum to have an actual discussion of science without being censored for challenging official narratives. This is probably the worst forum.

A bunch of conservatives discussing “science” sounds like a regular hootenanny.

Bet fish tank cleaner regiments are popular there!
08-20-2020 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Related, this forum is probably a bad place to discuss the science behind steel towers melting when airplanes crash into them and explode - you may find BFI, or maybe POG, a much better discussion forum for that.
Also this place sucks if you want a real discussion on child crisis actors who participate in cover ups and perpetrate fraudulent mass shootings.

POGS is good on that one.

Of course this place is also donkey balls on chemtrails but I keep up to date on that on BFI.
08-20-2020 , 02:29 PM
I cleaned up the thread a bit, a poster decided to re-hash the arguments that lead to censorship, warnings and a temp-ban. The conversation might seem off.

We can debate the merits and price of censorship, and it is frankly not something I enjoy doing. But we laid down the guidelines and they will be used until they are changed.
08-20-2020 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I don't know about the covid conspiracy stuff, but this seems like the censoring of arguments that counter the prevailing wisdom that indicated hormone blockers and hormones were safe to give to kids, only to find out months later those same sources of conventional wisdom had to amend their position to indicate they have no idea if they're safe, or not. Nor are they even aware of the long-term implications.
There is no relation between those two things. The National Health Service in England has lately, and drastically, revised its advice on 'puberty blockers' (drugs such as Lupron, intended for terminal care in prostate cancer cases but recently forced on underage patients presenting with gender dysphoria), noting that it is 'not known' whether they cause brain or bone damage or psychological damage. And such undue medicalisation tends to lead on to 'cross-sex hormones', the effects of which are certainly damaging and will produce sterility.

This abrupt change in NHS advice a few weeks ago is obviously to do with legal liability. At the same time, the BBC removed the advocacy group Mermaids, which agitates for children below the age of consent to be made to undergo such treatments, from its list of recommended charities in gender-dysphoria matters. Again that is obviously to do with legal liability. Mermaids, a 'trans away the gay' lobby group, is basically an individual called Susie Green who had her son castrated (in Thailand, where that operation has since become illegal -- it was already illegal in the UK) because she thought he might be gay.

The 'institutional capture' of British officialdom by groups like Mermaids and Stonewall (once a gay charity, but now simply a TRA org, which means MRA) is indeed the result of conspiracy -- a conspiracy which now appears to be fraying at the edges, just a bit -- but Covid isn't a conspiracy, it's just a viral outbreak, and we're looking for a vaccine and meanwhile trying to stop people passing it on too much.
08-20-2020 , 05:42 PM
Would it be excessively silly/vain if I started my own containment thread slash pseudo-blog? Every once in a while I want to post random things but I've been too busy to really keep up with threads and I'm not sure my random thoughts each need their own thread? I guess there's the LC thread, but I did mention vanity.
08-20-2020 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Would it be excessively silly/vain if I started my own containment thread slash pseudo-blog? Every once in a while I want to post random things but I've been too busy to really keep up with threads and I'm not sure my random thoughts each need their own thread? I guess there's the LC thread, but I did mention vanity.
By all means, start one. I think that's the least this forum can oblige after you flied solo as mod here for so long.
08-20-2020 , 06:15 PM
WN, only if you also install the Trumpbot.
08-20-2020 , 06:41 PM
Also WN gets to mod the thread.
08-20-2020 , 09:32 PM



Iwreckshop has been exiled


That is all. Carry on.
08-20-2020 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Would it be excessively silly/vain if I started my own containment thread slash pseudo-blog? Every once in a while I want to post random things but I've been too busy to really keep up with threads and I'm not sure my random thoughts each need their own thread? I guess there's the LC thread, but I did mention vanity.
Only if you promise to honeypot the poo flingers in there with you.
08-20-2020 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by EADGBE



Iwreckshop has been exiled


That is all. Carry on.
Was it because of the 100k prop bet thing?
08-20-2020 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Was it because of the 100k prop bet thing?
He contributes nothing substantive to discussions. That only confirmed what we had already deduced: he's only here to troll.

Originally Posted by Iwreckshop

Nothing gets me more off more than triggered libs
