Entire news networks are dedicated to spreading the lie that America is weak,
spreading the lie that the U.S. military is not the strongest in the world. Those are lies.
The hatred for America continues from the extreme MAGA Trumpers.
Why do they hate America? Why do they fly their flags upside-down?
One sick man says, "Let’s keep the southern border in chaos for another year," and says, "You can blame me."
Okay, Donald, I’m blaming you. Because we had a solution for the southern border, and you said no.
Donald Trump says,
"Keep the fentanyl flooding in for another year.
Keep the illegal immigrants flooding in for another year.
Keep the humanitarian crisis growing for another year,
making the lives of people who live on the border — a living hell."
Border Patrol, the men and women who put their lives on the line every day and are fighting an unwinnable
battle right now because they’re not getting the resources they need from politicians in Washington, D.C.
They beg Republicans to pass this bill. What do Republicans tell them? "Drop dead."
Republicans have abandoned their patriotism and complain about the U.S.'s economic success