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Luckbox vs. The Media Luckbox vs. The Media

05-28-2020 , 12:11 PM
It was hyperbole.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-28-2020 , 12:12 PM
I'm agin' it.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-28-2020 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
So there is stuff like this. How much of it idk but it does exist. But as shown in the video below is how I always knew it to be and for me, this is the strongest example because I distinctly remember seeing my car one day and being really confused. I don't know the exact year-- only where I was living at the time and it would have been between 2012-2015. And it wasn't until 2017ish that I learned that the Mandela effect was a thing.
I didn't actually go watch this movie in question so for all I know it's a photoshop from hoaxers. But people do claim there is evidence of how things were.
Obviously I am not going to watch that video, but I will make a random guess that it does not have a million views, and I guess that will kind of be my point.

Apparently some people have some proof. There are billions of people on the planet and most of them have cell phones and have access to a ton of information, just as you do.

If real evidence of this existed and you are able to find a few that claim it with their 500 view videos - I would suggest if it was real then others would also have discovered it and presented it in a way that is more effective. Call this a variation of how UFOs always seemed to land in farmer fields in nowhereland where 1 farmer could see them. Aliens really like wheat or something?

That is a problem online poker riggies face as well, as many of them swear they remember stuff that they see with their own eyes. Is it the Mandela effect? Not the same as an understandable as a different word being remembered because it flows better thing, but rather they claim with certainty that they see patterns with their own eyes, yet somehow they cannot prove these exist with actual hand history data. I asked several - do you think the hand histories have been altered and most actually either say no or avoid answering that (as I assume they believe saying yes would be admitting they are crazy or something).

The irony is if they at least said that they do believe the hands are being altered - hey at least I can kind of follow the "logic" flow, even if I think it is imaginary, kind of like how you are presenting a logical approach using your perspective as the foundation. Now, do I agree with your perspective? Of course not, but it is interesting so when I ask questions on the harmless stuff like this it is to get a better feel for how a person like you think it works.

I guess using your perspective as a foundation, I would just wonder why if a time/space shift happened why some people would notice it and some would not, and then if some people notice it - why is it always the equivalent of the farmer in the field where noone else see it.

Also, how do people who believe in it deal with those who have some specific memories of the opposite, like my Mr Rogers memory? Note, mine is not a conventional memory, it is just a specific behavior based on my somewhat odd, literal personality. I will give another example that I would suspect I may be the only kid on the planet who did this.

When growing up I would see some School House Rock episodes. I was extremely literal, and pretty weird with numbers (I was told I discovered the concept of infinity at the age of 3 and freaked out my parents). One of my favorite episodes was "My Hero, Zero" and when we recorded it on the good old VHS I watched it over and over and over to count the zeros when the song sings about "10 billion zeros," because I knew there could not be ten billion of them. There were 187 of them. I still remember deciding that to this day. Do I remember the entire process of how I decided to count each zero (some were only partially seen, etc.) - no idea, but I know with certainty that I saw 187 of them. I also remembering how weird it was when I learned that 187 (many years later) was a police term for murder.

So, while this would never be a change any other human would notice (if it was made) - if you said you remember that scene actually has 300 zeros, I would have to dispute it for the reasons above, and not because I have any kind of freak memory like Marilu Henner (seriously check her out).

So in situations like that is it (using your beliefs as a foundation) that the time shifted and I actually counted 300 zeros initially as that strange kid and that changed as well? How does that really work, as that is kind of what is at play with the Mr Rogers thing, or is the proper thing to do is say "no real explanation, weird" and then move on and not worry about it, because it aint like you will find hundreds of people who sang "in that neighborhood."

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
For our purposes here of course none of this matters and my focus should be on convincing people that democracy is a sham and that the media isn't all virtuous individuals who got into the business to expose corruption--but here we are.
Well, that is an escape button, but not one that is needed quite yet. The above is an interesting chat because it is on something you really, REALLY believe in (was surprised you actually answered that) and your approach to that belief does help show how you approach other things, both in a good and bad way, so if you help fill those gaps like with my above little manifesto that will certainly help others get a better sense of where you are coming from, which can only really happen when the topic is on something that you deeply believe in from a personal life changing experience, like this car logo thing did to you.

Last edited by Monteroy; 05-28-2020 at 12:18 PM.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-28-2020 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I'm agin' it.
I probably overuse it.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-28-2020 , 12:45 PM
It's alright. The last post was mostly just me joking. It's definitely easy to infer too much in disagreements, and I suffer from that as much as everyone else, so maybe it's my fault. But it hasn't been clear to me that it was hyperbole. *shrug*
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-28-2020 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by well named
Like I think you and kelhus are convinced that (for example) the Unstuck cohort have such a view of media, but there's a thread over there for complaining about how awful the MSM is.
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Again--my side is winning. Even the people at Unstuck now understand that the media is trash. They lol at the NYT and WaPO. That was not the case 10 years ago. Or even 5 years ago. More and more people are awake to the corporate controlled nature of politics and the world. It's now an argument about the extent of it.
The funny thing is the Unstuck view of the media came up here last week and I had to walk my post back a bit.
But I do think that attitudes toward the media have shifted in favor my view in the last 10+ years.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-28-2020 , 12:58 PM
But hyperbole is so much easier than having a meaningful critique of the media.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-28-2020 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
But hyperbole is so much easier than having a meaningful critique of the media.
Even better is whatever you do.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-28-2020 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
The funny thing is the Unstuck view of the media came up here last week and I had to walk my post back a bit.
But I do think that attitudes toward the media have shifted in favor my view in the last 10+ years.
I responded to that, and it was in reference to WaPo specifically, not any other MSM. I think WaPo is a reliable source of information with decent journalism and tend to defend it when I see someone saying otherwise.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-28-2020 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by well named
One thing I'm never clear on -- who is supposed to believe that the media is full of virtuous individuals? I'm pretty sure everyone thinks a great deal of the media sucks. Usually the argument is just about which media sucks more.

Like I think you and kelhus are convinced that (for example) the Unstuck cohort have such a view of media, but there's a thread over there for complaining about how awful the MSM is. Clearly they have different complaints than your average twitter conservative, and different from yours and kelhus', but at least on the internet AFAICT just about no one is really positive about the contribution of news outlets? Hating on the media is pretty popular (and relatively justified, of course).
No the argument is about censorship:
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-28-2020 , 08:43 PM
Here is the media hard at work spreading lies about cures for 5G infection:

Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 02:17 AM
How has Trump’s most recent tweet not been discussed yet? It’s one of the most aggressive and controversial tweets he’s ever made.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 05:40 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Hugely significant.

Here also

Essentially the health passport will allow or deny access to work and services based on a rating, similar to a credit rating - 'this person is healthy enough to use our gym/restaurant/etc'. Travel will be one of the more advanced industries to pilot this, it is underway already, but this will be rolled out across the economy. Linked to immunisation and general health records. Will eventually be linked to purchases - as you buy everything digitally it will record types of purchases, if you buy cigarettes for instance you lose points, same as at present when you default on a payment you lose credit points. Social crediting. Brave New Normal. Wonderful isn't it?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by 1&onlybillyshears
Hugely significant.

Here also

I like how it's marketed as "The people's passport"-- by the people, for the people.
How long do you think before it's all fully implemented? 10 years?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by LDLC
How has Trump’s most recent tweet not been discussed yet? It’s one of the most aggressive and controversial tweets he’s ever made.
Some people choose to concern themselves with other things than what the media tells us to be concerned about.


Those who don’t watch the news are uniformed, those that watch the news are misinformed
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by LDLC
How has Trump’s most recent tweet not been discussed yet? It’s one of the most aggressive and controversial tweets he’s ever made.
Not in this thread. Probably elsewhere. Which one was it?
I'll assume it's the one discussed in this NYT article.

Yeah it's pretty bad.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 05-29-2020 at 10:04 AM.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
But hyperbole is so much easier than having a meaningful critique of the media.
The media is always fair game for criticism, but I am absolutely astonished that people think the MSM is one of the bigger problems facing the country right now.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
The media is always fair game for criticism, but I am absolutely astonished that people think the MSM is one of the bigger problems facing the country right now.
They've always been a big problem. Just because other problems come along doesn't make the media less of a problem. Remember: Trump himself is a creation of the media.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 10:09 AM
Guessing that Mandela thing chat is done. Makes sense as it was likely not going in quite the direction you wanted, but I did appreciate you being honest about that being your somewhat unusual top conspiracy for you because you saw a couple movies.

I am still curious at some of the mentality of how that works, and what is done with people that kind of break the belief structure, but that can be saved for another day.

I was mildly inspired to watch a bit of Mr Rogers the other day as a result, and the recordings from decades ago all start with him singing "this" so I assume those were all changed, and even more sneaky was a scene in the make believe land (on the episode featuring the artist Eric Carle) which starts with King Friday also saying how beautiful a day it is in "this" neighborhood. After that, a freaky fortune cookie guy comes out handing people cookies from his weird hat, which is the stuff of nightmares. Anyway, the people who changed it all even found random dialogue bits by puppets to change as well. Very thorough!!

All this best.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Obviously I am not going to watch that video, but I will make a random guess that it does not have a million views, and I guess that will kind of be my point.

Apparently some people have some proof. There are billions of people on the planet and most of them have cell phones and have access to a ton of information, just as you do.

If real evidence of this existed and you are able to find a few that claim it with their 500 view videos - I would suggest if it was real then others would also have discovered it and presented it in a way that is more effective. Call this a variation of how UFOs always seemed to land in farmer fields in nowhereland where 1 farmer could see them. Aliens really like wheat or something?
I'll need to respond to this before it gets too lost in the shuffle. But this is typical of your sorts of argumemts that basically go "if this were true, more people would think it". Needless to say I don't think it works that way and since you do there will never be much agreement between us. I did do a google trends search for Mandela effect.

And like I said--I learned about it in 2017ish so that fits. And no doubt if you combine all of the videos on the subject on youtube you'll find that there is quite a lot of views.

Also, how do people who believe in it deal with those who have some specific memories of the opposite, like my Mr Rogers memory? Note, mine is not a conventional memory, it is just a specific behavior based on my somewhat odd, literal personality. I will give another example that I would suspect I may be the only kid on the planet who did this.

When growing up I would see some School House Rock episodes. I was extremely literal, and pretty weird with numbers (I was told I discovered the concept of infinity at the age of 3 and freaked out my parents). One of my favorite episodes was "My Hero, Zero" and when we recorded it on the good old VHS I watched it over and over and over to count the zeros when the song sings about "10 billion zeros," because I knew there could not be ten billion of them. There were 187 of them. I still remember deciding that to this day. Do I remember the entire process of how I decided to count each zero (some were only partially seen, etc.) - no idea, but I know with certainty that I saw 187 of them. I also remembering how weird it was when I learned that 187 (many years later) was a police term for murder.

So, while this would never be a change any other human would notice (if it was made) - if you said you remember that scene actually has 300 zeros, I would have to dispute it for the reasons above, and not because I have any kind of freak memory like Marilu Henner (seriously check her out).

So in situations like that is it (using your beliefs as a foundation) that the time shifted and I actually counted 300 zeros initially as that strange kid and that changed as well? How does that really work, as that is kind of what is at play with the Mr Rogers thing, or is the proper thing to do is say "no real explanation, weird" and then move on and not worry about it, because it aint like you will find hundreds of people who sang "in that neighborhood."
I've never discussed this topic before with anyone outside of my family and like I said--my dad was dumbfounded by the Mr Rogers stuff. So the only example I have of someone "dealing with someone with specific different memories" is me right here with you. And I think it's really interesting. Does it cause me to doubt my own recollection? No it doesn't. I no doubt watched Mr Rogers hundreds of times growing up-- just as you apparently did. So it's interesting for sure but given as we're already far out in left field, there isn't a reason to think that it couldn't have been different for different people. I'm not too inclined to believe that but I don't want to call you a liar either so it is what it is.
Originally Posted by Monte
Guessing that Mandela thing chat is done.
Nope just had to put the kid in the bath.
Makes sense as it was likely not going in quite the direction you wanted, but I did appreciate you being honest about that being your somewhat unusual top conspiracy for you because you saw a couple movies.
No direction is fine. It's as expected. I didn't respond yesterday because when you write walls of texts I want to try to give them a proper response.

Last edited by Luckbox Inc; 05-29-2020 at 10:32 AM.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
They've always been a big problem. Just because other problems come along doesn't make the media less of a problem. Remember: Trump himself is a creation of the media.
This makes it sound like the media picked Trump out of thin air to serve some ulterior motive (other than making money) and that Trump had no say in the matter. There is no evidence that is true.

Trump's life was widely covered in NY tabloids in the 1980s and 1990s mainly because Trump had a huge personality, he was deliberately provocative, and he actively courted the tabloids.

During that same time, there were plenty of other comparable celebrities who were covered far less in the media because they did not make themselves available to the tabloids and they kept their private lives private.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 11:31 AM
You're right that I shouldn't imply that Trump himself has no volition--obviously he does.
It's interesting though that the only credit most of his detractors will give Trump is for his self-marketing skills. As if he did it all by himself. My argument is that he hasn't and that he's gotten assistance from 'high places'. It's true that there isn't direct evidence of that-- sure he had an NBC show, was protrayed on The Simpsons idk how many times, and has been the most famous developer in America since the 1980s. But there isn't a lot of direct evidence. In fact the only direct evidence comes from the wikileaks 'pied-piper' stuff and I discount that.
But there is lots of indirect evidence that comes from an understanding of how the world works and how narratives are crafted that points to Trump being every bit a part of the exact same ruling elite that every other big name politician is a part of and that the media is as well. That's what I mean when I state that Trump is a media creation. Getting into it all is beyond what I want to do right now-- I'd have to talk about the qanon psy-op amongst other things. But it's undeniable that the media has helped put Trump in the position he's in today. Your assumption is that it was all an accident because Trump has a marketable persona. And while his persona definitely does sell, I disagree about it being an accident. I'll try to write another post later on this idea.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I like how it's marketed as "The people's passport"-- by the people, for the people.
How long do you think before it's all fully implemented? 10 years?
I think China already claim to have most of this implemented don't they? (There is also I think a bit of a paradigm shifting trick - such as pumping out images of Chinese schools kids 'learning' in horseboxes which allows westerners to more easily adapt to less extreme social distancing - both could be true of course).
We have "test and trace" surveillance implemented in the UK from yesterday which Hancock (health guy) has said will be voluntary but could become mandatory 'and we have the power to mandate it if we need to' words to that effect. This "allows" citizens to be quarantined in *their own homes* (recall that the Coronavirus Act allows for the arrest of persons 'suspected of infection' and a statement by a rep from WHO is recorded as saying they should be looking at physically removing the infected from their own homes) on the basis of being in close contact with a 'carrier'. So a lot of Brits will be leaving phones at home to avoid tracking I expect - hence the threat of compulsory tracking.
Next there is the spectre of 'second wave theory' which, despite having no evidential basis given covid cases are declining everywhere, is a fait accompli given the extent it is being pushed in media and government. Then there is 'the local lockdown' - again this is being pushed so hard it is difficult to imagine this won't be a thing within the next 12 months at most. The only way out is the health passport, or yes peoples passport I mean, allowing access to services/work, which itself will shaft a lot of people.
I think 10 years is always a reasonable estimate at this point (Agenda 2030 right) but this immunity/health passport game much sooner imo.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I'll need to respond to this before it gets too lost in the shuffle. But this is typical of your sorts of argumemts that basically go "if this were true, more people would think it". Needless to say I don't think it works that way and since you do there will never be much agreement between us. I did do a google trends search for Mandela effect.

And like I said--I learned about it in 2017ish so that fits. And no doubt if you combine all of the videos on the subject on youtube you'll find that there is quite a lot of views.
Hard to really gage those graphs as what is an interest level in something like this (when at 100) vs interest level in a more mainstream topic that bursts on a scene then fades, like twerking or something

Was there something specific in 2015-7 that caused this (ie: a specific event). Did someone do a research paper on it or something that caught a bit of attention? I mean I still have no idea why it is called the Mandela effect, when that is one of the worst examples, so I am curious if that name was given in some research that was done with the intent of actually mocking this whole effect.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I've never discussed this topic before with anyone outside of my family and like I said--my dad was dumbfounded by the Mr Rogers stuff.
I was kind of surprised by Smokey the Bear being Smokey Bear, but my first inclination would not be that the matrix was re-programmed around me. Smokey the Bear sounds better, so kind of logical stuff like that gets remembered in ways that sound better and are easier to remember.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
So the only example I have of someone "dealing with someone with specific different memories" is me right here with you.
That is a byproduct of you not talking about this to anyone before this except your family. Understand that I am not pushing this memory of mine as anything significant either, and I was a bit surprised that the Mr Rogers thing was high on your list, but then I have no idea what is high on that list. Field of Dreams seems to be, but Lord of the Rings and Wall Street lines are not? The car logo is high on the list but Oscar Meyar and Jif are not? Not saying this to be dismissive, it is just a bit tricky to get why somethings matter more than others in that regard.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
And I think it's really interesting. Does it cause me to doubt my own recollection? No it doesn't.
I would never assume you would change your views, and you know by now that I do not ever post attempting to get you to change your views, because I know they cannot be changed.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I no doubt watched Mr Rogers hundreds of times growing up-- just as you apparently did. So it's interesting for sure but given as we're already far out in left field, there isn't a reason to think that it couldn't have been different for different people. I'm not too inclined to believe that but I don't want to call you a liar either so it is what it is.
There is nothing really here to "lie" about. It just happened to be an example that fell high on your list, whereas I assume a similar example I gave from Schoolhouse Rock is not even on the list.

The thing is, there are plenty of people who will have quirky specific memories based on not always their actual memory, but their behavior around something. As well, there are people with the freak like memories as well, so it would seem some of these concerns could be handled asking people like that, knowing that regardless of what they said it would not change a person's mind.

And the key there is what I refer to as the catch-alls. One conspiracy person I spoke to who had a booth in a park years ago had an explanation for everything, even trivial events. When I asked if there was no reasonable explanation, is there something that describes that situation and she, without hesitation, said "mind control." She was not kidding, she believed that, and that allowed her to essentially always have an explanation for anything. Guess the better term these days is psyop, and as you also put it above - it can be different for different people, so that works perfectly as a catch-all when needed.

Anyways, I do appreciate you being honest about this conspiracy and where it rates in your life, and I hope my chat in response reflected it, and other than some lingering curiosity as to why certain things matter (Forest Gump line) and certain things do not (Lord of the Rings line), I am happy with how it went, and I accept in the end that some of the unknown will have to be placed in the catch-all.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
05-29-2020 , 10:06 PM
Lb, what are some mandella effects that you are sure are originally correct? I have quite a few and imagine that you have some as well.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
