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Luckbox vs. The Media Luckbox vs. The Media

08-05-2019 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
The WaPo sports section has more virulent hate speech than that.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What am I wrong about here?
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
LMFAO what an amazing lack of self-awareness, 21 people dead over the weekend from white nationalist terror and you’re furious that we don’t want to spend the day re-hashing the time that poor MAGA teen had his feels hurt.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Sorry, I should have said eco-nationalist terrorist.

But by all means, let’s relitigate that time teens put on racist paraphernalia and were poorly received by the residents of DC.
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
At least we’ve finally put Milkshakeghazi to bed.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
LMFAO what an amazing lack of self-awareness, 21 people dead over the weekend from white nationalist terror and you’re furious that we don’t want to spend the day re-hashing the time that poor MAGA teen had his feels hurt.
A contrived media tsunami based on faux racism, that enraged almost everyone, especially those on the left, when most of the discussion in the other thread is about how pundits and Trump rhetoric led to mass murder....and you think I'm the one who is not self-aware?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Part of the thesis for this thread is that media deliberately pushes divisiveness. This story is a good example of how that works. Nothing more nothing less. But you definitely aren't wrong there. Obviously the race of the black israelites is a factor in how they are covered. The media is extremely racial.
No, the media sells stories people want to consume.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
No, the media sells stories people want to consume.
No this is incorrect and we will argue about this. Maybe not today.
In the meantime please read as much of this Matt Taibbi stuff as you can. It's part of his book Hate Inc on the media due out in October.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 04:20 PM
Guys, you can’t spend an hour telling us the media is downplaying how racist and abominable the Black Israelites are and then also tell us it was all just a faux racist narrative the media ginned up to divide us and make us think there’s racial tension in America. It gets confusing.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Guys, you can’t spend an hour telling us the media is downplaying how racist and abominable the Black Israelites are and then also tell us it was all just a faux racist narrative the media ginned up to divide us and make us think there’s racial tension in America. It gets confusing.
It isn't my fault that some of the narratives that are explored are a little advanced. No one is claiming that the Black Israelites don't exist or weren't there. Just that they weren't included in the coverage because the angle that the media wanted to push was smug white kid in maga hat. And the media wanted to do this because division is a part of what the media does.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
No this is incorrect and we will argue about this. Maybe not today.
In the meantime please read as much of this Matt Taibbi stuff as you can. It's part of his book Hate Inc on the media due out in October.
I read it, but the conclusions are based on conjecture and anecdotes (examples). For sure the media editorializes their product to what they think is important, but the bottom line is, if it's not interesting to people, it's not going to be sold, and if it does not get sold, they don't get to write interesting things. As media becomes more fragmented, the stories become more sensational...because the competition is much fiercer.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 04:34 PM
Don't worry guys, Charles Murray is a relentless racist crank. His racist policies aren't news worthy because it's the same spiel he's had for 30 years

I feel like this point has some legitimacy to it, but it's nice to see some of my detractors get caught up in a reasoning they previously rejected
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Guys, you can’t spend an hour telling us the media is downplaying how racist and abominable the Black Israelites are and then also tell us it was all just a faux racist narrative the media ginned up to divide us and make us think there’s racial tension in America. It gets confusing.
If you can be honest for a minute...

Take a lower-middle class white person, who may not necessarily be racist, but has some prejudices. Do you think a contrived story that portrays a mid-western white kid as the symbol of racism, and that perspective gets plastered all over the place....and it turns out to be entirely made do not think there is not going to be some resentment/blow back? You do not think that's going to push those prejudicial folks further into their own corner?

You are insane if you do not think stories like Convington contribute to the divide, and it was completely contrived.

My take is, you do not care, you want them angry so you have someone to fight, and, more importantly, shout down at the rest of us less righteous folks, and I think that's despicable.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Don't worry guys, Charles Murray is a relentless racist crank. His racist policies aren't news worthy because it's the same spiel he's had for 30 years
*has* Charles Murray been in the news lately? Pretty sure the mainstream press got bored with his shtick and moved in like the late 90’s.

Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
It isn't my fault that some of the narratives that are explored are a little advanced. No one is claiming that the Black Israelites don't exist or weren't there.
The guy above me just said it was “entirely made up” and “completely contrived.”
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 04:46 PM
I'm not even going to bother to correct you, other than to say "story" has an important contextual meaning.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Don't worry guys, Charles Murray is a relentless racist crank. His racist policies aren't news worthy because it's the same spiel he's had for 30 years

I feel like this point has some legitimacy to it, but it's nice to see some of my detractors get caught up in a reasoning they previously rejected
Has a leftwing Podcaster had any Black Israelites on lately while lamenting what an undeservedly bad wrap they've gotten in the mainstream press?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Looks like Kelhus just checkmated you guys.
I had my doubts at times in this discussion because, like Micro, I hadn't heard of Sandmaan either until this thread and the idea that it was pushed mostly by the right has a lot of merit.
But Kelhus makes a strong case that the media was libelous and spun things in a particularly biased way.
Again, just a stunning development from you over here.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Don't worry guys, Charles Murray is a relentless racist crank. His racist policies aren't news worthy because it's the same spiel he's had for 30 years

I feel like this point has some legitimacy to it, but it's nice to see some of my detractors get caught up in a reasoning they previously rejected
You appear to be innately worse than analogies than other people.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Again, just a stunning development from you over here.
Keep on contributing to great discourse Fly. What are you taking issue with?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Again, just a stunning development from you over here.
I think part of the issue here is that I require some logical consistency to how I think. And I don't see this as a team sport the way that you do. So I don't really care about the Covington kids. Yeah--if you don't want to be presented badly on the news probably don't go to protests wearing maga hats. I get that.
But it does seem pretty clear that the story was slanted in order to do everything I've claimed the media does. Is it a big deal? Well...that depends on whether you want to treat this in isolation or not. If you treat it in isolation it obviously isn't a big deal. But if you treat it as prototypical behavior from the media then it points to a pretty big problem.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I think part of the issue here is that I require some logical consistency to how I think. And I don't see this as a team sport the way that you do. So I don't really care about the Covington kids. Yeah--if you don't want to be presented badly on the news probably don't go to protests wearing maga hats. I get that.
But it does seem pretty clear that the story was slanted in order to do everything I've claimed the media does. Is it a big deal? Well...that depends on whether you want to treat this in isolation or not. If you treat it in isolation it obviously isn't a big deal. But if you treat it as prototypical behavior from the media then it points to a pretty big problem.
The El Paso story blew up for the same reason Convington blew up. It feeds the narrative they believe in. The same for the Smollet story. None of them are discussing Dayton. I do not want to say these folks like it when something like this happens (under these circumstances), but they for sure feel validated, you can tell by their post, and their righteous indignation when they say "I told you so", to which Fly has specifically done. They look for the racist angle. Which also tells you who the media is selling too.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:23 PM
Your claim that the media divides seems unfalsifiable. There is no such thing as political coverage that you can't argue is divisive.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Your claim that the media divides seems unfalsifiable. There is no such thing as political coverage that you can't argue is divisive.
That's a fair point. However, when they start calling people racist, who are not necessarily racist, they make it personal. When the media feeds a narrative like this one, it makes the left angry at the right, and the right defensive. That narrative, in the case of Covington, was built upon lies.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
The El Paso story blew up for the same reason Convington blew up..
This is where you've got to take a second and think before posting and you're going to get attacked pretty hard by the others. 21 people reported dead from white supremacists terrorists is going to be a big story for that reason alone.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
This is where you've got to take a second and think before posting and you're going to get attacked pretty hard by the others. 21 people reported dead from white supremacists terrorists is going to be a big story for that reason alone.
They are not talking about 21 dead, they are talking about white supremacy, Trump and radicalization.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
They are not talking about 21 dead, they are talking about white supremacy and radicalization.
Yeah, and why can't they just talk about 6 million dead without mentioning their Jewishness?
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
They are not talking about 21 dead, they are talking about white supremacy, Trump and radicalization.
That distinction--while debatable--won't go over well.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yeah, and why can't they just talk about 6 million dead without mentioning their Jewishness?
Why are you not talking about Dayton? Further, go look at the LA times op-ed I posted. You spent most of your time arguing that pundits and Trump leads to radicalization and violence like El Passo. Oddly enough, researchers do not see radicalization as common factor in mass shooters, and coincidentally the things they do find in common are things I presented in one form or another...and I was called out for holding water for white supremacist...

So, until you start talking about something else, I can only go by what you've talked about.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
08-05-2019 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
That distinction--while debatable--won't go over well.
That could be the case...but what I see is focus on white supremacy instead of mass shooting, and that makes me angry because it's missing the forest for the tree.
Luckbox vs. The Media Quote
