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Locked CRT thread Locked CRT thread

07-15-2021 , 07:03 PM

"Critical theory where stuff gets real..."

I mean it's not real at all, it's entirely theoretical, and is not provable according to its own doctrine because critical theory doesn't believe in rationality, or standards of proof..

I can only imagine what would happen if a kid would object to what she was teaching... Not to mention I could teach critical theory better than her.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 07-15-2021 at 07:13 PM.
07-15-2021 , 07:37 PM
Bro can you please explain what it is that you are objecting she said? I listened to both videos and can't figure out wtf she said that is wrong. I really don't understand your outrage. I mean, yes this is not the most pleasant topic to be talking about in schools. But factually she said nothing wrong.
07-15-2021 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
Bro can you please explain what it is that you are objecting she said? I listened to both videos and can't figure out wtf she said that is wrong. I really don't understand your outrage. I mean, yes this is not the most pleasant topic to be talking about in schools. But factually she said nothing wrong.
That post is demonstrating critical (race) theory is being taught in school, and that critical praxis is occurring, among the many other examples I've cited. This directly contradicts mainstream media metanarratives about "conservative" reaction.

At this point, I can't help you if you don't understand my objection to critical race theory. The basic objection isn't an emotional one, it's an intellectual and moral one. What she is teaching is racist (racially discriminatory), marxian, and wrong. This is outside the fact that she doesn't even really understand the concept of critical race theory herself, yet she's indoctrinating these kids into this theory. She states with certainty whites have power over blacks.. that's an unproven theory, stated as a truism, and it's a racist dichotomy (not binary, as she stated). It prejudges her student solely on the basis of race, with no other consideration of their individual characteristics, or background.

I'll point something out to you, though. Almost 100% of white people don't have the power to shut her up, which is why people are switching to homeschooling.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 07-15-2021 at 07:58 PM.
07-15-2021 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
That post is demonstrating critical (race) theory is being taught in school, and that critical praxis is occurring, among the many other examples I've cited. This directly contradicts mainstream media metanarratives about "conservative" reaction.

At this point, I can't help you if you don't understand my objection to critical race theory. The basic objection isn't an emotional one, it's an intellectual and moral one. What she is teaching is racist (racially discriminatory), marxian, and wrong. This is outside the fact that she doesn't even really understand the concept of critical race theory herself, yet she's indoctrinating these kids into this theory. She states with certainty whites have power over blacks.. that's an unproven theory.

I'll point something out to you, though. Almost 100% of white people don't have the power to shut her up.
She says white people have power over black people,
She says Whites have privileges over Blacks.

Nothing really wrong with that, but if I had a kid that's coloured I wouldnt want them to hear this at school. I think this would be bad for their confidence.

She said Black people are getting shot unwarranted by police. That part is also true and millions of really really smart people would agree with, and without dancing around the bushes.

I agree with you, If that's what you are saying , that this stuff seems to come across pretty strong and should probably be tought at a later stage, maybe to seniors in highschool only. Especially that teacher with that tone and voice I wouldn't want around my kids. I'm still on the verge of CRT is a good thing or not.

Almost 100% of white people don't have the power... I don't completely understand. Why should/would they have the power to shut her up?

You mean 100% of white people would want to shut her up? That can't be accurate. This thing is coming from academic boards, not Marxists, pretty surely.
07-15-2021 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
She says white people have power over black people,
She says Whites have privileges over Blacks.

Nothing really wrong with that, but if I had a kid that's coloured I wouldnt want them to hear this at school. I think this would be bad for their confidence.

She said Black people are getting shot unwarranted by police. That part is also true and millions of really really smart people would agree with, and without dancing around the bushes.

I agree with you, If that's what you are saying , that thus stuff seems to come across pretty strong. Especially that teacher with that tone and voice I wouldn't want around my kids. I'm still on the verge of CRT is a good thing or not.

Almost 100% of white people don't have the power... I don't completely understand. Why should/would they have the power to shut her up?

You mean 100% of white people would want to shut her up? That can't be accurate. This thing is coming from academic boards, not Marxists, pretty surely.
Your last point, 100% of white people could not get this teacher fired, even if they all agreed. That's not a bad thing, mind you. That's the value of due process, and is it a check on the group power to which she's critiquing. With that said, if she taught that critical race theory was wrong, marxian, and racist, she would be out of a job, without due process, and she would have to sue the school district for the violation of her civil rights.

Moving on. How does a purportedly systemically racist system allow her to teach what she's teaching?

There's many problems with critical race theory being taught. This particular example demonstrates a rather critical one. It's theories being taught as truisms, and it takes it from the abstract, and attributes it to the individual.

For example, I reject the concept of white privilege, however I understand it is a concept that people want to explore. I don't have an issue with that. The issue arises when you take a concept, and turn it into a truism, and teach as if that's uncontrovertible truth. An analogy would be a religious one... The concept of Christianity I reject as well, but I don't object to people exploring that concept. However, the issue arises when it is being taught as the truth. I oppose Christian praxis in public institutions, just as much as I oppose critical praxis.
