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Leftist cancel culture writ large. Leftist cancel culture writ large.

03-30-2022 , 12:40 PM
QP, you know this isn’t healthy, right? Take a walk or something.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Nope. No help. Not confused at all. Just silly whataboutism by you.

You are saying 'the right is worse'(and they are) so no talk about the left offenses should be done as we will keep calling you out and saying 'the right is worse'.

you are positing a world where it is impossible to discuss left leaning cancel culture and what the impact or problems of it are BECAUSE THE RIGHT IS WORSE and using legislation, etc.

I reject such wahtaboutisms as any sensible person would. Talking about the former does not mean I do not recognize the latter is worse and i have said as much repeatedly as part of my core thesis.

So again you are speaking nonsense. Hope that helps.
I'm sorry that you have jumped to the stupidest possible interpretation. Nobody said it was impossible to talk about that left or that no talk should ever be done. Obviously. However, noting how massive the asymmetry between elected majorities and the laws they pass versus some kids talking about transphobia or whatever on an elite campus somewhere, it is completely reasonable that one might choose to focus more on the former.

Let me give an analogy that might help. Imagine there was some issue where one side was causing incredible harm and destruction on the other. And then imagine one spent thousands of posts focusing instead on the one marginal case where maybe, debatably, the harm went the other way. Can you think of any issues like that?
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
- don't go trying to create issues to enflame things where you are not facing harm but do have a right to.

Example would be searching out a bakery in a rural State who will not make a 'gay' cake and then deliberately ordering there so you can then be turned down, whip this up into an issue and try to get them cancelled.

- stick to facts and truth and drop the use of smear tactics and trying to bury the 'perceived offender' under the weight of accusations.

This is one of the main tactics used by the cancelling left and one of the most deplorable. A person commits what is perceived to be a cancellable offense and that is seen as reason to allow any accusation, true or not, to be thrown at them. There is not only no requirement to establish the accusation but it is considered 'right' to do it as they are already judged a bad person. The goal of this tactic is to add so much volume to this discussion that most people will find it impossible to fact check it and thus just 'take a side', which denies the accused the ability to use facts to establish their position.

Example was the recent Joe Rogan thread on this site. Those wanting Rogan cancelled started to pile on every single thing anyone would ever say about the extreme right. He was not just a Vax Denier per the opening accusation, but he was soon charged with being a 'racist' and 'war monger' and so many other things.

It did not matter that video after video could be posted where he is nothing but adamantly anti war and a peacenik hippie type. Nope, just kept repeating it, without offering a shred of evidence because...

What this tactic does is two fold. We saw with one poster, I consider very reasonable in Rococo, who basically said he is not aware, nr interested enough to review the source complaints and material and as such has no strong view on the accusations so he is instead inclined to believe the truth lies somewhere in between. That is exactly what the radical left wants. Few, innocent or not can survive the view they are somewhere in between contemptable and innocent. They should still step down (as Al Frankken did) and thus the cancelling has succeeded, even if the accusations were not even remotely trust.

The second thing this tactic does is allow people on the deplorable right to cherry pick clear instances of exaggeration or lies (Rogan is a war monger) and use that to discredit, to their side, the entirety of the complaints against the individuals. So even if you get it 90% correct and the person should go, the other side will now doubt that 90%, rightly, when they can see you are clearly willing to use lies to bury the person as in the 10%.

Separate to this cancelling is to understand the world is not twitter and some battles have real consequences on the people you purport to want to protect.

I've spoken about my friend in Edmonton who is a gay man who was often sought out to mediate situations that had the potential to blow up into bigger issues. Edmonton Alberta is an oasis of diversity for LBGTQ+ and POC in a Province that otherwise has the ability to be very conservative Texas like.

The goal is to try and find compromise settlements that people in the community LBGTQ+ and other can all live with while making as little news as possible. Everyone recognized these issues could very easily be used by those seeking a polarizing agenda on the right, to wake up deplorable voters and to then enact much of the types of draconian legislation and measures we see happening in US States.

He does a masterful job as getting these compromises and if you look at the beginnings of the Trans thread, I pointed out almost everyone of his type compromises would be labeled wrong, bad, other, because in online wars compromise, when you are in the position of right, is seen as a betrayal and terrible thing. You push, you push and you push, and when the bad people awaken and push back with Bills like 'don't say gay' etc you then label them as deplorable. Checkmate you got the deplorables to play their hand and now people like uke can truly point out 'look how deplorable they are'.

If that is your win, then great. But there are real victims in your win. My win, is seeing them avoid that and to still have the services in place and if that means quiet compromises in areas where deplorable push back will have real impact and real victims so be it.

And i understand why compromise is seen by some as bad/wrong when a person has a right and via compromise they do not assert it strongly. That should not be the case. Sometime pragmatism and avoiding the conflict is the better path. Extremists never see it that way.
I hope you know that I only find out you have put my name in your mouth again because it is sometimes faster to just search the thread for "uke". Because nobody actually reads these endless D- English Writing 101 essays.

Regardless, I'm always amused by how you manage to blame things like the "don't say gay" bills as nothing but reactionary consequences to the evils of the left, as you imagine them. No bud, the republicans are doing this **** all on their own. Nobody is ever thinking "but but but the college kids heckled too loudly, we need to ban talking about sexual orientation in schools". This is a construct purely of your own mind.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 12:50 PM
You grade on a curve.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 12:56 PM
It's true. People who don't know what paragraphs are probably shouldn't pass. But I need to be nice to Cuepee, he has a thing about tone.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 12:57 PM
Y'all remember that racist, transphobic, right-wing cretin/poster FoldNDark, who, practically daily, launched into 20-paragraph-long diatribes about "the woke mob" and "cancel culture"?

Cuepee making ol' FoldNDark proud. Call it the Cuepee Remix.

And no, man, you can't just ignore the entire massive universe of cultural/social issues that exist in the political sphere and declare yourself on the left. LOL.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by DifferentName
And no, man, you can't just ignore the entire massive universe of cultural/social issues that exist in the political sphere and declare yourself on the left. LOL.
QP, all we know about you is that you rail against Facebook Boomer issues like “cancel culture” and transgender stuff. If people think you’re right-wing because you’re indistinguishable from Tucker Carlson, that’s on you.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I hope you know that I only find out you have put my name in your mouth again because it is sometimes faster to just search the thread for "uke".
Looks like I am mentioned as well. I know that my lack of interest in Joe Rogan was frustrating to Cuepee, but I'm not much interested in that lack of interest in Joe Rogan being used as an example of what is wrong with America. Life is too short to go down every rabbit hole that someone on the internet asks you to go down.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I am not going to waste a lot of time on this but you are cribbing his words and doing so deliberately.

You are stopping before the rest of the context which say 'because I have many times before'.
One of my other replies to you on this acknowledged that that was his given justification. I said that's fair. You can insert it back in and I don't see how it changes whether he was canceled or not. It doesn't change the timeline of events or the fact that he wasn't denied the job but withdrew because he no longer agreed to the terms. That he feels he did enough apologizing already doesn't mean the people who are offering him the job must accept that as enough.

Btw, this made me look into the substance of his past apologies and I have not found any evidence online of him actually apologizing in the past. There's evidence of him saying he would not make jokes like that anymore and that they were a reflection of his own insecurities but he doesn't actually say he's sorry he made them. If you can find an example of the many times he's apologized prior to the oscar event I'll happily concede on that point but if you can't that goes to prove he either never actually apologized as people have claimed or they are so difficult to find that the academy asking him to clear the air is not unreasonable. I've found this, from admittedly liberal sources:

I’ve emailed Hart’s PR firm for help finding the apologies to which he’s referring. As far as I can tell, they’re not online. What is online is a 2015 Rolling Stone article in which he explained the source of his fears about having a gay son and said, “I wouldn’t tell that joke today, because when I said it, the times weren’t as sensitive as they are now.” That’s not an apology. There’s also a Get Hard Q&A in which he defends an arguably homophobic bit by saying, “Funny is funny.” That’s not an apology. There’s also a 2014 interview in which he said he doesn’t joke about gay people anymore because “I don’t want that problem. I don’t want any enemies.” That’s not an apology. In fact, each statement implies a jab at LGBT folks: You’re snowflakes.

The earliest interview where Hart addresses his homophobia appears to be a Men’s Health interview from 2013, three years after Seriously Funny, where he’s asked if there’s anything he won’t joke about and says “things have really changed” in comedy when it comes to jokes about gay people:

I’m not big on joking about politics or on jokes pointed at the gay community. That’s not my agenda. That’s not what I strive to do. I leave those things alone. Things have really changed between where comedy is now and where it used to be.

In a 2014 interview with Playboy, he goes on, saying that “it’s too dangerous” to joke about gay people:

I’m not a political guy. I don’t really deal with Democrats or Republicans. I don’t find that funny. And I don’t talk about the gay community, be it male or female. No thank you! It’s such a sensitive subject. I’ve seen comics get into serious trouble by joking about gay people. It’s too dangerous. Whatever you say, any joke you make about the gay community, it’s going to be misconstrued. It’s not worth it.

In a 2014 Reddit AMA, Hart was asked presumably about his Playboy response and why he changed his mind about gay material, and he said this:

It’s just a sensitive topic and I respect people of all orientations. So, it’s just best left alone.

While promoting Get Hard with Will Ferrell in early 2015, Hart was asked by HitFix’s Louis Virtel if he thought some of the scenes in the movie were “a little bit dated” when it came to homophobic humor and countered by saying that “funny is funny”:

I said to myself, This is funny. And at the end of the day, funny is funny, regardless of what area it’s coming from. So, you know, when doing it, I felt that the scene called for the actions and reactions that we gave. And for the individuals that we’re portraying, the characters that we’re playing, it’s what fit them for those moments. So once again, I just look for the laugh, man, and the best way to get there.

Later in 2015, Hart addressed the gay-son joke in an interview with Rolling Stone, saying that people “love to make big deals out of things that aren’t necessarily big deals”:

I wouldn’t tell that joke today, because when I said it, the times weren’t as sensitive as they are now. I think we love to make big deals out of things that aren’t necessarily big deals, because we can. These things become public spectacles. So why set yourself up for failure?
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Looks like I am mentioned as well. I know that my lack of interest in Joe Rogan was frustrating to Cuepee, but I'm not much interested in that lack of interest in Joe Rogan being used as an example of what is wrong with America. Life is too short to go down every rabbit hole that someone on the internet asks you to go down.
What if a lesbian said something mean about him in 2003?
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Looks like I am mentioned as well. I know that my lack of interest in Joe Rogan was frustrating to Cuepee, but I'm not much interested in that lack of interest in Joe Rogan being used as an example of what is wrong with America. Life is too short to go down every rabbit hole that someone on the internet asks you to go down.
If I never have to hear about Joe Rogan it will be too soon. Although I guess the general thrust of anxieties about the left as evidenced by students at elite colleges is sort of vintage Cuepee so we are hearing the ideas repeated endlessly here regardless.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I'm sorry that you have jumped to the stupidest possible interpretation. Nobody said it was impossible to talk about that left or that no talk should ever be done. Obviously. However, noting how massive the asymmetry between elected majorities and the laws they pass versus some kids talking about transphobia or whatever on an elite campus somewhere, it is completely reasonable that one might choose to focus more on the former.

Let me give an analogy that might help. Imagine there was some issue where one side was causing incredible harm and destruction on the other. And then imagine one spent thousands of posts focusing instead on the one marginal case where maybe, debatably, the harm went the other way. Can you think of any issues like that?

Not only is what you say false. It is stupid.

You say it is not 'impossible', but by the standard you set as long as the GOP offense is greater (it is) then your argument on only focusing on their transgressions is apt.

That you are unable to connect the most stupid of logic fails in your post and how it is template whataboutism, is on you.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Looks like I am mentioned as well. I know that my lack of interest in Joe Rogan was frustrating to Cuepee, but I'm not much interested in that lack of interest in Joe Rogan being used as an example of what is wrong with America. Life is too short to go down every rabbit hole that someone on the internet asks you to go down.
Which is the point of the vas majority of leftist cancel culture.

They make it deliberately so going down every rabbit hole is near impossible as they crush the person under the weight of accusations.

Do you really want to do the research to see if Rogan is a anti vaxxer. Go to it.

Ok now I have to see if he is really a racist. Ok

Wait now, he is a war monger to. OK I will dig in.

The cancel culture left knows few people will do that. So pile on the accusations no matter how specious or even obvious lies hoping they get people who are considered more moderate to say in the public sphere 'the truth likely lies somewhere in between'. Checkmate.

it is going to have significant impact on many to be thought of as probably somewhat racist, anti vax and a war monger. Rogan was big enough to not have to step down, largely because his audience would not cancel him. But if you are Al Frakken or others, you are often forced to step down just to not be a distraction any more as you realize the accusations will not stop. As it is the accusation and not the truth of them that is the weapon.

Just like demanding Kevin Hart apologize IS the tactic. It is not about the actually apology as he has given that maybe a dozen times prior, very publicly. So any pretense of that is a lie. It is about burying him under the accusation. About repeating it over and over and over as if not addressed.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

Not only is what you say false. It is stupid.

You say it is not 'impossible', but by the standard you set as long as the GOP offense is greater (it is) then your argument on only focusing on their transgressions is apt.

That you are unable to connect the most stupid of logic fails in your post and how it is template whataboutism, is on you.
I don't think you know what whataboutisms are. Consider what you said:
I think it is mistake to only recognize the deplorable right (as many in this forum do) while not calling out the activist left (which many won't do)
Your position is "template whataboutism" at the most general level. It is opposing as a mistake to be criticizing the right without going all WHATABOUT the college kids! They are the worst!

Nonsense. It is perfectly reasonable to focus on criticizing the GOP, given that they are getting majorities passing laws like the "don't say gay bill" that actually cancel certain types of speech. This isn't - contrary to your misinterpretation - the same as suggesting one should never talk about the left, it is saying it is quite reasonable to focus your attention on the more egregious case of actual laws actually being passed without having endless WHATABOUT the excesses of some kids on elite college campuses.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
I don't think you know what whataboutisms are. Consider what you said:
Your position is "template whataboutism" at the most general level. It is opposing as a mistake to be criticizing the right without going all WHATABOUT the college kids! They are the worst!

Nonsense. It is perfectly reasonable to focus on criticizing the GOP, given that they are getting majorities passing laws like the "don't say gay bill" that actually cancel certain types of speech. This isn't - contrary to your misinterpretation - the same as suggesting one should never talk about the left, it is saying it is quite reasonable to focus your attention on the more egregious case of actual laws actually being passed without having endless WHATABOUT the excesses of some kids on elite college campuses.
Nope you are confused and do not understand what a whataboutism is.

In a thread I created to discuss 'leftist cancel culture' your arguments that it is not appropriate because 'right does worse' is classic whataboutism.

If you are not smart enough to understand that is on you. I am under no obligation to create what you think would be a more balanced or focused topic because GOP sins are worse.

Be smarter.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Which is the point of the vas majority of leftist cancel culture.

They make it deliberately so going down every rabbit hole is near impossible as they crush the person under the weight of accusations.
I don't view the problem you are describing as a problem for me personally. It's easy enough to figure out which people on the left and the right are prone to playing fast and loose with facts and characterizations. I attach little or no weight to what those people say. If I care enough, I'll dig around for the real answer. But life is short, and sometimes I don't care enough about the issue or have enough time to bother, so I just ignore what those people are saying and move on with life.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
You are wrong Cuepee because.....

are you ready....


Two things can be true at the same time and every complaint you say can be accurate. If you believe that means that we should not look at or discuss the failings of the far left and how they play in to an increasingly toxic culture, then so be it. You have that right to that opinion.

I do not agree with that and think that type of view (and you are far from alone) is a big part of the problem.
Describing anything as far left in this country is kind of silly--aoc and bernie etc are pretty frigging far from leftist geurillas Any other actual articles exist in tiny numbers with basically zero real power.

If you refuse to see the connection/dynamic at play and how they're closely related in this whole thing not much to be accomplished wrt solving it imo.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I don't view the problem you are describing as a problem for me personally. It's easy enough to figure out which people on the left and the right are prone to playing fast and loose with facts and characterizations. I attach little or no weight to what those people say. If I care enough, I'll dig around for the real answer. But life is short, and sometimes I don't care enough about the issue or have enough time to bother, so I just ignore what those people are saying and move on with life.
Sure but you are better informed, less susceptible and more diligent than 90% of the population. The tactic is directed at the broader public who is not. And it is enormously effective, thus why the far left is so emboldened by it.

But even in the Rogan thread, you admitted taking a position based on no data and the representations (unless I mis-remembering) of the guy who then went on to lie about Rogan also being war monger or pro war or whatever characterization he used.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Nope you are confused and do not understand what a whataboutism is.

In a thread I created to discuss 'leftist cancel culture' your arguments that it is not appropriate because 'right does worse' is classic whataboutism.

If you are not smart enough to understand that is on you. I am under no obligation to create what you think would be a more balanced or focused topic because GOP sins are worse.

Be smarter.
do you just suck at reading comprehension? I wasn’t responding to your OP. I specifically responded to your post where you said it was a mistake to focus on the right without calling out the left. That is both not a mistake - especially when the asymmetry is so large - and also a demand we do a WHATBAOUTTHELEFT.

I never said you were under an obligation. Stopping making up ****. I’m rejecting your claim it is a mistake for me to focus on the right without also calling out the left.

If you want to obsess over college kids or any of your other obsessions, I’m not going to stop you. But it isn’t a mistake to not join you.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Describing anything as far left in this country is kind of silly--aoc and bernie etc are pretty frigging far from leftist geurillas Any other actual articles exist in tiny numbers with basically zero real power.
This is obviously true with respect to economic systems, social safety nets, health care, etc. It isn't nearly as true with respect to the social issues that tend to preoccupy the right and left wings in the United States.

There are plenty of people outside the United States whose views on economic issues would be extreme left wing by U.S. standards, but whose views would on social issues would be retrograde right wing by U.S. standards.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Sure but you are better informed, less susceptible and more diligent than 90% of the population. The tactic is directed at the broader public who is not. And it is enormously effective, thus why the far left is so emboldened by it.

But even in the Rogan thread, you admitted taking a position based on no data and the representations (unless I mis-remembering) of the guy who then went on to lie about Rogan also being war monger or pro war or whatever characterization he used.
None of your data or theories have value, since they are always teeming with your personal agendas and assumptions, and producing a massive volume of sentence paragraphs on your part will not change that. Just a variant of the derps in BFI who talked (often out of context) about studies from Liechtenstein to serve their agenda of the moment.

All the best.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
This is obviously true with respect to economic systems, social safety nets, health care, etc. It isn't nearly as true with respect to the social issues that tend to preoccupy the right and left wings in the United States.

There are plenty of people outside the United States whose views on economic issues would be extreme left wing by U.S. standards, but whose views would on social issues would be retrograde right wing by U.S. standards.
Maybe Cuepee should stop worrying about the the FarLeft here and focus on delivering himself and his fellow Canadians from the grips of the LiteralCommunism of socialized healthcare before the gulags start

A lot of conservatives claim to be fiscally conservative&socially liberal these days. Apparently they still can't bring themselves to admit that more or less describes the Ds. Economically the Rs/Ds are basically not all that far apart. But with the Rs all of that social conservatism comes along for the ride
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I doubt you get many here to admit to the 'bullying tactics' despite them being pretty prevalent here as you say.

There is a ton of denial over that.

The silence you see in the BFI to the worst of right leaning comments made is a result of bullying tactics. Even if right simply not wanting to be attacked by the right leaning mob there.

And it is the same in this forum, but generally to the more left stuff. If an obvious wrong statement is made it is just ignored, rather than engaged as long as the target of that comment is on the wrong 'side'.

Flip those scripts in both forums and you will see demands for accountability, citations and maybe threats of 'cite or ban'. Curious how that works, eh.
Maybe it's a bias of mine but I expect it from the right while it's still more of a shock coming from the liberals. Also the breadth and depth of the liberal bullying tactics have been just extraordinary and become interesting in their own right.

It's still going on but it's a pale shadow now with no mod backing. Just have to enjoy trolley's suggestion that tuker carlson keeps banging on about wanting trump to be prosecuted. And monty is still helping me with my drinking habit.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Maybe it's a bias of mine but I expect it from the right while it's still more of a shock coming from the liberals. Also the breadth and depth of the liberal bullying tactics have been just extraordinary and become interesting in their own right.

It's still going on but it's a pale shadow now with no mod backing. Just have to enjoy trolley's suggestion that tuker carlson keeps banging on about wanting trump to be prosecuted. And monty is still helping me with my drinking habit.
I think the problem with the Rights cancel culture is it is generally designed to stop people from exposing problems and creating positive change from a perceived negative attribute of the status quo. And it is usually done through the control of the laws or police.

I also think the Left cancel culture tactics have been ramped up because they have had some national success with using it to control people's thoughts and words. Lefties want purity of thought from their flock and use it to cast everyone who says words that hurt or thoughts that unacceptable as bad and evil, making themselves the force of good in the fight.

I am more concerned about a person's actions rather than their moral beliefs and word choice. As most of the cancel culture on the left is over something someone said (10 years ago), I don't real worry about comedians, musicians and actors who make millions in the public sphere being cancelled. I will still buy, watch and listen to those I feel provide me proper entertainment without worrying about a insensitive joke they did ten years ago or some stray remark on twitter. One instance of stepping across the perceived line of decency does not make a person a racist, bigot or whatever purity test the ukes and trolls of the world make up to give themselves a sense of superiority. It just means they are human and fallible.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
03-30-2022 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
do you just suck at reading comprehension? I wasn’t responding to your OP. I specifically responded to your post where you said it was a mistake to focus on the right without calling out the left. That is both not a mistake - especially when the asymmetry is so large - and also a demand we do a WHATBAOUTTHELEFT.

I never said you were under an obligation. Stopping making up ****. I’m rejecting your claim it is a mistake for me to focus on the right without also calling out the left.

If you want to obsess over college kids or any of your other obsessions, I’m not going to stop you. But it isn’t a mistake to not join you.
No I don't actually. You suck at logic.

This thread is the topic. So when you keep trying to inject the idea that instead of discussing this, we should be focused on the right because they are worse, I am going to call you on your whataboutism. When you then try to say I don't know what that is and you define the whataboutism as me continuing to engage the thread topic, I will laugh at you.

So this is me, laughing at you.
Leftist cancel culture writ large. Quote
