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Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection

06-09-2020 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
When an obvious athlete such as Ben Shapiro boycotts sports it really says something.
Would be even nicer if he just boycotted humanity altogether and crawled back under whatever rock he came from. Pretty much all of these youtube politics morons need to just go away anyway imo.

Can anyone even pinpoint the magical time when sports had no politics involved?
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I'm sure Ben Shapiro's opposition to the politicization of sports is significantly more principled than Laura Ingraham's:

Especially given that the two instances he cites in that video of I Didn't Leave Sports, Sports Left Me are...*checks notes* Caitlyn Jenner being in Sports Illustrated and the Kaepernick saga. Yep, definitely based on principles
Ben Shapiro is a conservative oriented commentator by profession. His company advertises itself as right wing. Being "outraged" by Caitlyn Jenner and Kaep kneeling is completely in line with his principles.

If you want to call out hypocrisy for someone who says they are a centrist, but always goes right, that is fine. But it is a little bizarre to accuse someone who advertises themselves as right wing for having a right wing principle.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
When an obvious athlete such as Ben Shapiro boycotts sports it really says something.
He is actually probably a very big sports consumer. This is stereotyping a little bit, but I know a lot of Los Angeles Jews, and most of them are big sports fans, especially baseball, because that is one of the few mainstream sports that has a history of Jewish players. It is pretty much a lock he is a big Dodger fan.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
Ben Shapiro is a conservative oriented commentator by profession. His company advertises itself as right wing. Being "outraged" by Caitlyn Jenner and Kaep kneeling is completely in line with his principles.
Right, his operating principle here is not "I am against the politicization of sports" like he claims, but rather "I am against liberal politics in sports". There is of course nothing surprising about that, it's just hilarious to watch people like him and Ingraham claim their objections are not partisan.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 03:49 PM
Ya, I mean tons of jewish people are sports fans. I don't really think it's stereotyping to recognize that. Don't think that changes the fact that hanging out to watch a game with BS is probably a guaranteed bad time
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Right, his operating principle here is not "I am against the politicization of sports" like he claims, but rather "I am against liberal politics in sports". There is of course nothing surprising about that, it's just hilarious to watch people like him and Ingraham claim their objections are not partisan.
This is further compounded by much of his brand being outrage at how liberals don't want certain voices to be given privileged speaking positions and wanting so-called "safe spaces" where they can be protected from conflicting ideas, when actually he wants sports to be a safe space for him.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by wet work
Would be even nicer if he just boycotted humanity altogether and crawled back under whatever rock he came from. Pretty much all of these youtube politics morons need to just go away anyway imo.

Can anyone even pinpoint the magical time when sports had no politics involved?
The 1939 Olympics ? (when America was great)
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Kelhus100
He is actually probably a very big sports consumer. This is stereotyping a little bit, but I know a lot of Los Angeles Jews, and most of them are big sports fans, especially baseball, because that is one of the few mainstream sports that has a history of Jewish players. It is pretty much a lock he is a big Dodger fan.

Using your logic he should be a liberal though.
I don't know. He may just be a contrarian by nature.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
when lebron and kd donate 5 million of their own funds to all people not just their chosen ones then they get an opinion.
wtf is this racist bullshit?
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
wtf is this racist bullshit?
Par for the course from beckyHeilHitler.
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-09-2020 , 11:45 PM
What about the people who watch football on television and view (don't view) the national anthem as a reason to fetch some food or beer or think of it as a warning to defecate before the "important "stuff starts?
Kneeling is "Disrespecting the troops" talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 01:58 AM
Ludicrous as the national anthem before your sports is, is it any worse than your actual sports?

At least when they sing 'god save our national thingy' before the cricket we then get 5 x 7 hour days of something good. God I miss the cricket - just when they make us stay indoors and sit on the sofa all day, they take away the best reason to do it.

<runs away>
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
This is further compounded by much of his brand being outrage at how liberals don't want certain voices to be given privileged speaking positions and wanting so-called "safe spaces" where they can be protected from conflicting ideas, when actually he wants sports to be a safe space for him.
Actually, sports IS supposed to be a "safe space.".

People watch sports for entertainment; as an "escape" from the real world.

Having said that, if the NFL team owners are fine with players kneeling while "on the clock", then it's all good.
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Actually, sports IS supposed to be a "safe space."
According to whom?
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Actually, sports IS supposed to be a "safe space.".
Sports have long been political, just not in a way that offended conservative sensibilities. Slobbering over the flag, anthem, and country have always been a thing, and that kicked into overdrive after 9/11, when sports officially became our national healing device and they started singing God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch. The military spends millions of dollars a year promoting itself during NFL games.

The politics have always been there; you just didn't notice because you liked it.
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Kaepernick and his 49ers teammate Eric Reid said they choose to kneel during the anthem to call attention to the issues of racial inequality and police brutality. "After hours of careful consideration, and even a visit from Nate Boyer, a retired Green Beret and former NFL player, we came to the conclusion that we should kneel, rather than sit, ... during the anthem, as a peaceful protest," said Reid. "We chose to kneel because it's a respectful gesture.
You need to contend with the fact Reid, Kapernick do not determine what's respectful, or disrespectful, to other people. It's entirely in the eye of the beholder It would ring more true if they said they did not care if those other people thought it was disrespectful. However, we have arrogant millionaires trying to invalidate what other people think of their behavior. Reid, et al are not the arbiters of what's respectful and disrespectful to other people, but they damn sure are trying to be.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 06-10-2020 at 08:35 AM.
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by auralex14
According to whom?
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Sports have long been political, just not in a way that offended conservative sensibilities. Slobbering over the flag, anthem, and country have always been a thing, and that kicked into overdrive after 9/11, when sports officially became our national healing device and they started singing God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch. The military spends millions of dollars a year promoting itself during NFL games.

The politics have always been there; you just didn't notice because you liked it.
How do you know what I like?

I'm not a fan of the National Anthem being played/sung at sporting events at all.

Why do some people ASSUME what I believe before asking me?
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by lagtight
Actually, sports IS supposed to be a "safe space.".

People watch sports for entertainment; as an "escape" from the real world.

Having said that, if the NFL team owners are fine with players kneeling while "on the clock", then it's all good.
I agree with this. And I personally really don't want to hear about politics during a game. But politics are inextricably linked to sports and social media has really changed the dynamic of...everything

I used to watch ESPN's First Take every morning to see Stephen A Smith and Max Kellerman argue typically interesting points imo. But there is so much flooding of politics that I stopped watching. It's just overload...I want to be conscious of everything but I also would like to just watch a game and just enjoy it as pure entertainment so I get it if some people are annoyed by the kneeling and also aren't fake outraged bc Trump said so

Even apolitical Michael Jordan said Republicans buy sneakers too or sth. Mahmoud Abdul Rouf protested the anthem. Tommie Smith and John Carlos...

In reality, it functions like a safe space from politics, even the Olympics is supposed to be "frozen in time" to gather for competition, but is interspersed with it from time to time because it's inevitable
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 12:34 PM
as long as everyone is aware of the MASSIVE amount of privilege involved in saying "i dont want politics in mah sportsballz", while politics is life and death for millions of people in america.

im sure the people in cages would also like a time out from politics.. or coivd patients that would have been likely prevented through any decent non republican stooge in officer would enjoy a time out from that.. or just people sick with no health care, im sure they'd be down for a timeout where everyone had access to doctors for a couple hours..
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
wtf is this racist bullshit?
please feel free to let me know where lebron and kd have given 5 million to a community. not 5 million to a targeted entity. i respectfully will apologize if you think this is racist but let me ask you a question about racism. wtf do you know about it?
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by becky88
please feel free to let me know where lebron and kd have given 5 million to a community. not 5 million to a targeted entity. i respectfully will apologize if you think this is racist but let me ask you a question about racism. wtf do you know about it?
LeBron James had a school built. Are you serious right now?

I have had the unfortunate experience of being in the direct ire of racism many times. I have also had the odd experience of having people reveal themselves to me about how they feel about minorities while also not realizing I actually am a minority. I grew up in both rich and poor worlds at the same time and have seen and experienced a lot. A lot of which, each world does not and may never know of the other world...

You don't even realize what you just said. Your words - "to a community" and "not a targeted entity"

Think about that for a second.
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by TeflonDawg
LeBron James had a school built. Are you serious right now?

I have had the unfortunate experience of being in the direct ire of racism many times. I have also had the odd experience of having people reveal themselves to me about how they feel about minorities while also not realizing I actually am a minority. I grew up in both rich and poor worlds at the same time and have seen and experienced a lot. A lot of which, each world does not and may never know of the other world...

You don't even realize what you just said. Your words - "to a community" and "not a targeted entity"

Think about that for a second.
drew brees rebuilt a city devastated by katrina. he was the shining light in that moment. he is the man in new orleans. lebron built a school in a minority district. that is a great thing to do . i agree. but brees gave his dough to the minorities, the majorities and the in between. when you help out a certain group of people that is a fine thing because that is what charity should be all about. i personally give to the shriners hospital cuz in my time of need they were there for my family when i did not have. now i have and i go out of my way for them. does that make me a racist? i think not just as i would not call lebron a racist or brees a racist. the folks out here have gotten to enamored with this word RACIST. you all have to learn what the word signifies. it is a bad word. much like the n word ias a bad word to POC racist is a trigger word for others. and as where i grew up it as in winchester square in springfield mass. i was the only white kid in my school. i lived in an entirely poor black neighborhood until i was 7 years old. and let me tellyou a secret about that neighborhood. we slept with our doors unlocked. i have never been in a safer place in my life. EVER. so you can feel what you want that is your right but much like i will not use the n word as an insult i think perhaps some of you folks should think before u use the r word. best of luck to you in your future endeavors and hopefully someday when you get older you will reflect on this
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:26 PM
so you can feel what you want that is your right but much like i will not use the n word as an insult i think perhaps some of you folks should think before u use the r word.
lol. equating the word racist to the n word is my favorite thing.

beckyheilhitler is the hero we deserve at 2+2

Last edited by Slighted; 06-10-2020 at 02:37 PM.
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
06-10-2020 , 02:56 PM
Ya, that is some bizarro last line of defense circle talk bs. Oh ya, well calling me racist is racist you racist! lol
Kneeling is &quot;Disrespecting the troops&quot; talk is pure conservative projection Quote
