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Joe Rogan Joe Rogan

01-24-2023 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
is Cooper deep state? probably. I know Tucker is CIA.
Cooper is a Vanderbilt.
Joe Rogan Quote
01-24-2023 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Cooper is a Vanderbilt.
ya I knew he was blue blood.

this is a good article..written by Cooper himself

So an interesting thing happened today. A Web site has published an article saying that I once worked for the CIA.
For a couple months over the course of two summers, I worked at the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
deep state undefeated

but frfr this was my favorite part

Oh, yeah, in case you're interested, after I graduated college, I briefly worked as a waiter, but I decided not to make a career out of that job either.
I gotta say that its pretty ****ed up that old money scions are stealing jobs from good hard working illegals.
Joe Rogan Quote
01-25-2023 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
it might and probably is. or maybe not. I mean people will lean towards more truth and less bs.
imo Cooper is lying to me more than tucker.

I'm just trying to find arguments for why tucker is beating Cooper by a landslide.
Mostly because Tucker is entertaining and Cooper is kinda boring.

Why do you think Johnny Carson always had much higher ratings than Nightline?

Funny > Facts
Joe Rogan Quote
01-25-2023 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by shortstacker
Mostly because Tucker is entertaining and Cooper is kinda boring.

Why do you think Johnny Carson always had much higher ratings than Nightline?
I'm going to guess that Washoe does not have an opinion on Carson vs Ted Koppel.
Joe Rogan Quote
01-25-2023 , 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
I'm going to guess that Washoe does not have an opinion on Carson vs Ted Koppel.
Give him 3 minutes, he can come up with one.
Joe Rogan Quote
01-26-2023 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
You just gave me a business idea. A news channel where all the anchors are wrestlers. I'm picturing Randy Savage talking about AOC wants to take away your gas stove, and brother I have some news for her..... When stuff is going on with Iran they can bring in the Iron Sheik.
At first I started chuckling a little bit. Then I felt a little dread when I realized something like that will actually happen at some point. With a system so broken and immovable it seems inevitable that theatrical, intentionally distracting partisan politics will merge with various forms of entertainment explicitly. If you can't fix the system and you have no control it only makes sense to sit back and laugh or otherwise be entertained by it. The planners could only welcome it as a distraction or substitute for any consequential political actions. As things fail and fall apart everyone will get to say oh well I rooted for the good guy, I did my part.

I would pay money to see Chomskian talking points fed to a Hacksaw Jim Duggan.
Joe Rogan Quote
01-26-2023 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
yeah and you know why that is?
Yes, because they were being sued.

Originally Posted by washoe
I can only assume but I assume this very heavily, it liability. given this is America, the land of the law suits, and that Alex Jones just got fined 1 Billion dollar, or whatever, a crazy high amount, I think this is safely net they build to fall back on.
While the US could definitely be argued to be the "land of the law suits", and the Alex Jones lawsuit judgement (not a fine) was extremely high, that lawsuit was very well-founded. In a previous post you put him in a category with others in which he definitely didn't belong. Jones clearly runs with any nutty conspiracy theory he likes if it will get him viewership, and he doesn't give two shits about truth or who his complete bullshit hurts. Now he's paying the price.

Originally Posted by washoe
while in theory it might be possible that some bonehead snakecharmer was taking over American news television, I really doubt that is the case here.
In a country where this is the case:

Washington, we have a problem — politically, informationally and societally — when 15 percent of Americans agree with the QAnon statement that the U.S. government, media and financial worlds “are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation.”

Or when 20 percent agree with this statement: “There is a storm coming soon that will sweep away the elites in power and restore the rightful leaders.”

Or when another 15 percent agree that “Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.”

And 11% of people believe (5% strongly, 6% somewhat) that the moon landing was faked, it's not even slightly difficult to imagine that 1% of the US population would be watching "some bonehead snakecharmer". As for "taking over American news television", he isn't. Unfortunately US news has become very tribal in recent years, and Fox has staked a claim to a lot of the conservatives. Carlson was top of the heap there for a while; apparently "The Five" has surpassed him now.

So he's far from taking over US news television. And then consider how fragmented programming has become, and that cable news is less relevant all the time with the many online sources available; he's not taking anything over.

Originally Posted by washoe
please tell me if you know where this has ever happened in the history of the US or Canada or anywhere. I picked US and Canada because I know this is what you are familiar with.

no snakeoil salesman (liar and nutter) ever took over and dominated the news sector. thus you have to trust the people imo in their judgement.

and this in interesting because now we are in a complete different time.

the time of information, the internet.
or as some call it the war of information. some call the war of misinformation.
You explain the first two paragraphs with the last two. No, I don't think a news commentator this partisan has been this influential on cable news before. But times are indeed changing; the US is divided like never before, and news "sources" being extremely partisan has become more normalized. And thus there is no reason to blindly assign credibility to a news personality simply because a few million people watch them.

Originally Posted by washoe
whatever, the point being is that now is better. now people really can really access information, fact check it and really make up their own minds and nothing can really get hidden from them.
Yup. And as a result, millions of people believe the most ridiculous things, like this:

Originally Posted by washoe
so yes, one news show outperforming the other should mean more honesty and more credibility for the winning show.
Nope. But sadly, you aren't the only one who believes silly things like this, and that's part of the problem.
Joe Rogan Quote
03-08-2023 , 09:18 PM
Good luck cancelling him now: Joe Rogan Opens His Anti-Cancel Culture Club in Austin
Joe Rogan Quote
03-08-2023 , 11:03 PM
Watched an oldie Rogan ep a little while ago with a Sci fi dude that I can't remember. It's cool campfire, story telling fun more than anything.

I'd def watch a Luckbox or Deuces episode for the fun of it as well.
Joe Rogan Quote
04-07-2023 , 10:12 PM
I've noticed Rogans older videos are just better all around. Once you've got the attention or the big shots on, it's a but more screenplay or ideology driven. I'd rather just listen a dude's stories about shoveling horse **** for min wage.

Last edited by formula72; 04-07-2023 at 10:17 PM.
Joe Rogan Quote
05-15-2023 , 08:16 PM
Brazils roswell, have you heard of that? ever?

Joe Rogan Quote
05-15-2023 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
I've noticed Rogans older videos are just better all around. Once you've got the attention or the big shots on, it's a but more screenplay or ideology driven. I'd rather just listen a dude's stories about shoveling horse **** for min wage.
His older stuff is definitely better. Reminds me a bit of Howard Stern. He was absolutely hilarious in the 90s, then I spent a few years in the 2000's still listening to him, hoping he would become good again.
Joe Rogan Quote
08-29-2024 , 02:20 AM
I know half of you people have a stick up your ass and won't watch anyone who doesn't align with your bullshit and often wrong political ideas but Billy Walters - one of the biggest names and most successful sports betters was on Rogan and I'd might put his show in the top ten of all Rogan episodes.

Rogan stayed quiet for most of the show just like he used to do, which was nice, and was clear that he should because of the info Billy was spewing.
Joe Rogan Quote
08-29-2024 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
I know half of you people have a stick up your ass and won't watch anyone who doesn't align with your bullshit and often wrong political ideas but Billy Walters - one of the biggest names and most successful sports betters was on Rogan and I'd might put his show in the top ten of all Rogan episodes.

Rogan stayed quiet for most of the show just like he used to do, which was nice, and was clear that he should because of the info Billy was spewing.

I enjoyed that podcast as well. So many interesting stories
Joe Rogan Quote
08-29-2024 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
I know half of you people have a stick up your ass and won't watch anyone who doesn't align with your bullshit and often wrong political ideas but Billy Walters - one of the biggest names and most successful sports betters was on Rogan and I'd might put his show in the top ten of all Rogan episodes.

Rogan stayed quiet for most of the show just like he used to do, which was nice, and was clear that he should because of the info Billy was spewing.
He did the same thing with Sebastian junger and it was excellent
Joe Rogan Quote
08-29-2024 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by formula72
I know half of you people have a stick up your ass and won't watch anyone who doesn't align with your bullshit and often wrong political ideas but Billy Walters - one of the biggest names and most successful sports betters was on Rogan and I'd might put his show in the top ten of all Rogan episodes.

Rogan stayed quiet for most of the show just like he used to do, which was nice, and was clear that he should because of the info Billy was spewing.
i used to love listening to Rogan when he had other comedians on and they would talk about all the behind the scenes stuff in getting into comedy. they were some of my favorite podcasts. then he got brain worms and not only is most of it the dumbest things i've ever heard its not nearly as entertaining going "wow how come no one is doing something about that" about something that is completely made up.
Joe Rogan Quote
08-29-2024 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i used to love listening to Rogan when he had other comedians on and they would talk about all the behind the scenes stuff in getting into comedy. they were some of my favorite podcasts. then he got brain worms and not only is most of it the dumbest things i've ever heard its not nearly as entertaining going "wow how come no one is doing something about that" about something that is completely made up.
The thing with rogan and what makes him good, at least in my opinion, is the long format of having interesting people speak unscripted, in a comfortable manner, that leads to them discussing all kinds of interesting back stories that you never would have learned about anywhere else.

Rogan got worse when he delved into some right wing shenanigans but what also made things worse was he had a period during that time where he just talked too much and wouldn't shut up. You'd often see during that time that he'd just interject himself and go off on a tangent of some really horrendous bs and completely ruin the flow of the conversation that makes the show great. He kind of has to realize that the success of the show is the person across the table from him.

I havent watched much lately but rogan did a good job of staying quiet and letting Billy wonder off on his thoughts which made the episode really enjoyable and what I personally like about the show.
Joe Rogan Quote
08-29-2024 , 02:53 PM
Is the Spotify contract over or what?
Joe Rogan Quote
08-29-2024 , 02:54 PM
New contract that allows him to upload on youtube too.

Pretty sure he signed an extension for 200m or something crazy.
Joe Rogan Quote
08-29-2024 , 02:56 PM
Cool thanks for the info.
Joe Rogan Quote
