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Joe Rogan Joe Rogan

02-10-2022 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
That's very different. Joe is from the stand up comedy scene, the stand up scene couldn't be any more anti racism. He is also friends with kanye and Mike Tyson.
Oh, so he banged a Jew and has 2 black friends? Well, in this case, I guess he has completed the non-racist trifecta, where can I tune in to the medal ceremony?
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
This is a long-winded way of saying of "'luck' is when opportunity meets preparation", which is not what I was saying. I was saying I want to get lucky. Like, win the lottery lucky.

That was my short form.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I am not as much a believer in luck as you, and his story has a bit of a self serving aw shucks element to it that may not be entirely reality. Nobody really tells stories that are perfectly accurate decades later except maybe Marilu Henner (google her and memory if you like).

This guy did not get lucky so much as he created his own luck, and he was successful at that. Credit where credit is due. He is still a derp that has generated a huge following. Not hard to see he is up there of people you deeply admire, which is your choice. Seems like you could write his biography for him. Dude is still a derp.
Taxi was one of my favorite shows back in the day and I remember Marilu well. One of my early life crushes as I recall.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Yes. I listened to the video. I'm not saying that you are wrong. I am saying that I don't know enough to have an informed opinion on his overall influence. But whatever. I'm not trying to talk you or anyone else out of listening to Joe Rogan. Listen to whatever you want.

So does that 4 minute clip give you any pause as to the way Trolly would selective edit him and present him to you for hanging?

Can you see there is likely much more to the man than the cartoonish over the top racist they certain people are trying to craft him as?

Can you understand, even if you don't agree with it, how a person might think saying the actual word instead of replacing it with 'the Nword' was silly as the listener knew what you meant and that would not be racist if you do so. Unwise maybe, but not necessarily racist.

And I am not a big fan. I listen to a lot of stuff and I can't remember any of his episodes I have ever recommended to anyone. I just don't like woke character assination.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
You're so wrong about him being a racist it's hideous! He is also a lifetime martial arts practitioner and he admires and trains with coloured guys all the time. From Brazil, middle East, everywhere. Where the heck did u get he is a racist?
Originally Posted by lagtight
I know almost nothing about Rogan, so I certainly am not in any position to disagree with anything you said above. That said, what particular "active Nazis" has he given a "mouthpiece" to. Thanks.
That guys is a pretty obvious gimmick account troll, much like the guy in the trans thread, who seems to be over exaggerating the position he is saying to mock it.

I've been ignoring as i do the guy in the trans thread, as not feeding the trolls is best for the forum.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
That guys is a pretty obvious gimmick account troll, much like the guy in the trans thread, who seems to be over exaggerating the position he is saying to mock it.

I've been ignoring as i do the guy in the trans thread, as not feeding the trolls is best for the forum.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 12:33 AM
I just saw the clip where he was explaining that he was raised in San Fransisco by hippie parents and has never voted Republican in his life.
He considers himself a lefty. He's for free education, medicare for all, universal income and all that stuff. At least he's extremely open to the ideas.
No wonder the neo liberals in the Democratic party are throwing pebbles at him. They don't ever really want the unwashed masses to have nice things.


The left really are eating their own intestines again. Why do I love it so much is the problematic question.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

So does that 4 minute clip give you any pause as to the way Trolly would selective edit him and present him to you for hanging?

Can you see there is likely much more to the man than the cartoonish over the top racist they certain people are trying to craft him as?

Can you understand, even if you don't agree with it, how a person might think saying the actual word instead of replacing it with 'the Nword' was silly as the listener knew what you meant and that would not be racist if you do so. Unwise maybe, but not necessarily racist.

And I am not a big fan. I listen to a lot of stuff and I can't remember any of his episodes I have ever recommended to anyone. I just don't like woke character assination.
It sounds like your issue is with Trolly, so you probably should take it up with him.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee

That was my short form.
Cuepee, you know I like you, but, bro... You don't have a short form.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by tame_deuces
Rogan has a long career in media, he he has landed a 100+ million dollar deal with a "publisher" while retaining creative control, and he is very likely among the the top most influential media personalities in the western world.

You don't achieve those things without being good at what you do and knowing you're good at it. There is luck and then there are odds so insurmountable that we safely discount them.

From this thread alone, I'll also feel safe in assuming he he is very good at connecting with the listener and making the listener like him.
Bolded is like the USA creation myth that explains all that is wrong with the country culturally and economically.

The most likely inference given that someone is successful is that that person is a lying, cheating POS.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Legit laughed at that one.

Again to summarize, if Joe Rogan is one that gets by more on luck than anything else he is riding one of the best heater streaks.

He has talked about his Stand up career and how he made good money. Not top tier money but was playing big venues that paid really well at a time when very few but the top comedians made millions.

He then went into TV and I think he said of the 1st four shows he auditioned for he, got them all. He talks about how lucky he was and that he never had that feeling others did of dreading auditions due to that.

When MMA became a thing he immediate set his sights on getting a job within it and got a job with the UFC. He was making about $500k/yr in disclosed earnings but the UFC was always famous or paying out more in undisclosed bonuses than people got in base pay, if they were happy with your performance. I've seen reports that Joe made 2 to 3 times his base $500k in a year with the UFC but even at $500k/yr he was doing well.

Then his podcasts. 4 for 4 and this was his grand slam homerun of luck. He says he had no plan or design for this to become a thing. He just did what he enjoyed which was these rambling long from conversations when everything was going from FB to Twitter to Tiktok in the form of shorter, attention deficit disorder sound bites.

No one really thought that long form conversation, outside educational platforms and that specific audience was the way to reach more casual listeners and quite the opposite the view was snippets were better.
Sounds like a hustler that broke good every time he could
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by revots33
I can't say for sure as I've only listened to clips of Rogan here and there, but I just don't think his core audience is right-wing Trump supporters. Many of his guests seem too educated to ever appeal to that group. I suspect it's mainly libertarian-type males, aged 20s-50s, who like to see themselves as smart and open-minded but are not really up to reading any of the source material. So they rely on Joe to kind of be their regular-dude proxy to get the Cliffs notes version.
I think a decent chunk of his core audience are blue collar workers. People like truck drivers who don't get time or can afford to read books, but nonetheless want to listen to something interesting on their drive. I think it's this kind of reach that makes the liberal elites mad, as this demographic stopped listening to them a long time ago.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
I think a decent chunk of his core audience are blue collar workers. People like truck drivers who don't get time or can afford to read books, but nonetheless want to listen to something interesting on their drive. I think it's this kind of reach that makes the liberal elites mad, as this demographic stopped listening to them a long time ago.
Could pretty much sum up the thread with the quoted post.

Dude with decent social skills makes 8-9 figs using social skills. People on internet with no social skills get mad and think he got lucky.

Sure, fine, he got lucky. Someone wins the lottery every week. He got less lucky than that. I'd love to be as "dumb" as he is.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 03:07 AM
For what it's worth, I'll say "n***er" as many times as you want for 1 mill, let alone 100. So would most people whom you all are offended on behalf of.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
That guys is a pretty obvious gimmick account troll, much like the guy in the trans thread, who seems to be over exaggerating the position he is saying to mock it.

I've been ignoring as i do the guy in the trans thread, as not feeding the trolls is best for the forum.
It's what used to pass as unquestionably correct arround here. Objections to the utter nonsense were met with accusations of tone policing, carrying water, bad looks etc along with a pile in by the mob which the target got blamed for.

Quite likely one of the unstuckied treating us to a bit of nostalgia.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 06:17 AM
Jordan Peterson spotting at my local this morning:

Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
I just saw the clip where he was explaining that he was raised in San Fransisco by hippie parents and has never voted Republican in his life.
He considers himself a lefty. He's for free education, medicare for all, universal income and all that stuff. At least he's extremely open to the ideas.
No wonder the neo liberals in the Democratic party are throwing pebbles at him. They don't ever really want the unwashed masses to have nice things.


The left really are eating their own intestines again. Why do I love it so much is the problematic question.
Yes the left is eating themself up. That's what's so funny, they are exposing their own hypocracies.

Joe Rogan is as lefty as possible. He is rebellish, if you were rebellish and questioning things you were usually labelled a leftist, now however the tables turned and if you are rebellish you are labelled a far right. Just go with the masses and the media guys, that's what the left told you if you do, you are a brainless brainwashed follower of the evil establishment. Now the crazy thing is this is exactly what the left is telling you not to do, they used to say be open and critical and now the opposite! Joe Rogan is the enfant de terible, the rebel just as Howard Stern was. The dirty establishment don't like that. He is spitting in a lot of soups, but he don't care.

He could have retired about 10 years ago when he was already making millions as best buddy of Dana white, the founder of the UFC, where Rogan was also star commentator. Instead he quit this job there to make his podcast. If Joe says a company sucks their stocks fall and vice versa. He has more power than Oprah ever did imo.

If you only want to get the tip of the iceberg go listen to CNN etc. If you want a dose of reality (the blue pill as in matrix) listen to Joe Rogan.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 07:15 AM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
I think a decent chunk of his core audience are blue collar workers. People like truck drivers who don't get time or can afford to read books, but nonetheless want to listen to something interesting on their drive. I think it's this kind of reach that makes the liberal elites mad, as this demographic stopped listening to them a long time ago.
I think most of them are artists, academics, and lefties. You couldn't even listen to him if you are a far right racist because of his firm stances against racism as his guests.

He is best buddies with ALL Hollywood, wallstreet, athletes, everything. Nobody ever did this imo except Howard stern. He is also getting a lot if liberals. Yes he also gets the truck drivers, but all groups.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 07:39 AM
Originally Posted by nucularburro
Bolded is like the USA creation myth that explains all that is wrong with the country culturally and economically.

The most likely inference given that someone is successful is that that person is a lying, cheating POS.
No, the most likely inference is that they're good at what they do.

In countries with corrupt institutions that often means coordinating mafia-like groups to seize resources. In countries with functional institutions it usually means doing things that other people value and are willing to pay for.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by Jackontheturn
No, the most likely inference is that they're good at what they do.

In countries with corrupt institutions that often means coordinating mafia-like groups to seize resources. In countries with functional institutions it usually means doing things that other people value and are willing to pay for.
Bro, looks like your sarcasm detector might have malfunctioned.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Bro, looks like your sarcasm detector might have malfunctioned.
Bots don't do sarcasm.

Or do they ?
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Bots don't do sarcasm.

Or do they ?
No, they just talk about how sky daddy is eating up all the left before they eat themselves, or something to that effect.

Don't ever take the following tests: Turing, IQ. You'll fail.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
No, they just talk about how sky daddy is eating up all the left before they eat themselves, or something to that effect.

Don't ever take the following tests: Turing, IQ. You'll fail.
Don't be silly. The left is going to eat themselves way before Sky Daddy (capitalize for grammar) does.
If anything Sky Daddy will enjoy the spectacle.

And don't be mean. You know damned well that if I'm a bot my developer has more financial potential than Rogan.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
You know damned well that if I'm a bot my developer has more financial potential than Rogan.
Oh my, we do have a high opinion ourselves, don't we?

Ok, question 1:

What is the answer?
Joe Rogan Quote
02-11-2022 , 08:57 AM
No, not got it? BOT ALERT!!!!
Joe Rogan Quote
