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Joe Rogan Joe Rogan

02-05-2022 , 03:29 PM
As an aside the way the sharks are now circling for Rogan, I find despicable but also template.

I think it is exactly why many on the right have learned you never apologize as that leads to a feeding frenzy, on the left to try and end you. It is what they call the left eating their own, and yes, Joe Rogan is a lefty even if you believe he is left who says wrong things and lacks polish.

In the very segment I am watching on CNN as i type this Jim Costa keeps saying "Joe Rogen was caught repeatedly saying the 'N-Word' when Jim is doing the same thing. Rogen just thought hiding behind saying the 'N-Word' instead of saying the actual word was not productive or silly.

So Costa says 'that guy just the said N-word' and every one says, that is fine to say.

Rogan says 'That guy just said n*&^er' and they say that is wrong to say and worse they cut the reply of that quote so tight you only hear the word said without context so you will assume he was using it despairingly when he was not.

And I am not saying Rogan has never, in all his years of making long form public statements said anything that does not sound off or bad as he has and has admitted it. But anyone who has listened to much of his comment and context over the years would never assume he was anything but a lefty. this idea of him being a righty only really took root as he was in opposition to much of the science around covid and some people believe being so then requires you be put on sides.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-05-2022 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
It is what they call the left eating their own, and yes, Joe Rogan is a lefty

I mean sure he thinks weed should be legal etc, but having now spent some time watching his podcasts to gain some foothold of being informed in this cycle of news, his own personal political agendas revolve around themes of "woke" and " cancel culture" two absolute canards of the alt right.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-05-2022 , 04:00 PM
Also, would be amazed if the MSM is getting within a million miles of NMSM attacks like this.

Apologies for linking to such trash.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-05-2022 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1

I mean sure he thinks weed should be legal etc, but having now spent some time watching his podcasts to gain some foothold of being informed in this cycle of news, his own personal political agendas revolve around themes of "woke" and " cancel culture" two absolute canards of the alt right.
I would disagree that questions the lefts focus on woke and cancel culture is anti left. I mean, you can say he is misguided, clumsy or even wrong in some of his beliefs, but i don't think those beliefs at their core (cancel culture is going to far, work culture is going to far) are anti left.

I am talking more about though what he supports and votes for and how he is quite a bit left of almost all democrat politicians and more in line with the Canadian left.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-05-2022 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I would disagree that questions the lefts focus on woke and cancel culture is anti left. I mean, you can say he is misguided, clumsy or even wrong in some of his beliefs, but i don't think those beliefs at their core (cancel culture is going to far, work culture is going to far) are anti left.

I am talking more about though what he supports and votes for and how he is quite a bit left of almost all democrat politicians and more in line with the Canadian left.
No comment on rogan who i've only heard of because of these boards and have no intention of listening to but you illustrate exactly the problem whereby some (often silly) purity test is failed so the facts about what politics they support, which is what really matters, is dismissed.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-05-2022 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I would disagree that questions the lefts focus on woke and cancel culture is anti left. I mean, you can say he is misguided, clumsy or even wrong in some of his beliefs, but i don't think those beliefs at their core (cancel culture is going to far, work culture is going to far) are anti left.

I am talking more about though what he supports and votes for and how he is quite a bit left of almost all democrat politicians and more in line with the Canadian left.
So he is consistently anti vax, thinks woke is the most pressing issue facing us today, but is definitely left even though almost none of the messaging he is pushing via his massively watched pod cast is pro a leftist agenda. The leftist who made a big deal of moving from California to Texas.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-05-2022 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
So he is consistently anti vax, thinks woke is the most pressing issue facing us today, but is definitely left even though almost none of the messaging he is pushing via his massively watched pod cast is pro a leftist agenda. The leftist who made a big deal of moving from California to Texas.
I don't think calling him anti vax is fair at all.

He absolutely believes in the vaccine and its efficacy. There is no question there.

WHat he did not believe was the science was compelling or proven that young people got benefits from the vaccine that outweighed the risks.

Now you can argue he was wrong on that and that is fine but he was not anti vax, in any way I would define it.

I would call him left as he supports almost all the policy positions Bernie Sanders supports but if people say you have to align on vaccine views or none of the rest of that matters, I guess we would define being left differently.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
So he is consistently anti vax, thinks woke is the most pressing issue facing us today, but is definitely left even though almost none of the messaging he is pushing via his massively watched pod cast is pro a leftist agenda. The leftist who made a big deal of moving from California to Texas.
Kind of sounds like a smidge right of Bill Maher.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
I don't think calling him anti vax is fair at all.

He absolutely believes in the vaccine and its efficacy. There is no question there.

WHat he did not believe was the science was compelling or proven that young people got benefits from the vaccine that outweighed the risks.

Now you can argue he was wrong on that and that is fine but he was not anti vax, in any way I would define it.

I would call him left as he supports almost all the policy positions Bernie Sanders supports but if people say you have to align on vaccine views or none of the rest of that matters, I guess we would define being left differently.
In that podcast as well when talking about young people not getting vaccinated he did say he urged his parents to get vaccinated and anyone with any co-morbidities as well

Lets be clear cancelling or taking Joe Rogan of the air is the threat he poses to main stream media and they want him gone.

Any suggestion that he is right is just nuts . Its clear MSNBC and CNN are doing their best even as their own viewers are moving over to Fox of all things

He has also been big on personal health and how no one wants to address the issue of Obesity. If there is a topic he is on the right it would be guns
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 11:48 AM
He has kind of been big on apologies lately, and here is the Fox coverage of the latest (where you believe viewers are flocking toward), since otherwise it is a "what about CNN" type thing with you. Hey, at least you will like the comment section for this one!

Breitbart also has an article as well, though almost no comments, because not really much for the extreme derps to say about this. Maybe it is Antifa's fault or something.

All the best.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
Kind of sounds like a smidge right of Bill Maher.
Rogan's main characteristics are he's pretty dumb and he instinctively believes or wants to believe BS. Given he's a white guy with only a HS education, guess which party he's going to find increasingly attractive on culture/societal issues?
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Rogan's main characteristics are he's pretty dumb and he instinctively believes or wants to believe BS. Given he's a white guy with only a HS education, guess which party he's going to find increasingly attractive on culture/societal issues?
If a gun is pointed to your head you can group him there but he doesn't exactly walk the party line. He's for single payer healthcare and I compare him to Maher because he will stray from party lines if his high school educated common sense tells him to.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 02:06 PM
Some of the attitudes on the left to working class white guys is quite staggering.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 02:54 PM
Its incredible to me that people can be so out of touch of how political coordinates work now, that anyone can even get close to disputing Joe Rogan is right.

Sure the guy astounded by JR having a target market is but anyone else is genuinely mind blowing.

Also just let the olds take the vaccine is a consistent trope of the derp anti vax posters on this forum and wider world.

Which I guess is a good way of anyone confused on this issue to orientate themselves.

Several tropes consistently parroted by the usual suspect right wing derps on these boards will also be a consistent theme on Rogans pod cast.

Especially if they reference the "culture war" etc.

Last edited by O.A.F.K.1.1; 02-06-2022 at 03:04 PM.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Rogan's main characteristics are he's pretty dumb and he instinctively believes or wants to believe BS. Given he's a white guy with only a HS education, guess which party he's going to find increasingly attractive on culture/societal issues?
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Some of the attitudes on the left to working class white guys is quite staggering.
Who do you mean specifically, because eric is your classic centre right, or "rational" right poster.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Rogan's main characteristics are he's pretty dumb and he instinctively believes or wants to believe BS. Given he's a white guy with only a HS education, guess which party he's going to find increasingly attractive on culture/societal issues?
This above is one of the normal type character assassinations of anyone who does not fall in line with all aspects of the left and far left. The fervor for 100% compliance to eat any one who dissents in any area. Thus you cannot be a complex (ie normal) person who holds many far left ideas but diverges in some other areas. That divergence is simply not tolerable for people like e_d who then reduce you to a blanket smear.

See Joe is a dumb everyman (which even he would not deny) so of course he must be right on Cultural and Societal issues. We need not think any more beyond that he is an uneducated white. GUILTY!!!

Or is he.

Bernie Sanders’s Joe Rogan experience
Joe Rogan’s controversial endorsement of Bernie Sanders, explained.

If you’re a socialist like me, or even if you just have political preferences that are substantially to the left of Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I’d argue that advocating for escalated corporate censorship is playing with fire.

But let’s address one of the MoveOn petition’s most severe indictments of Rogan, which is that he’s a “white supremacist.” Put simply: He’s not.

When the Trump administration instituted a policy of separating undocumented immigrants from their children in 2018, Rogan responded with an eloquent harangue about how anyone who wasn’t horrified by that policy wasn’t on “Team Human,” and ended with an expression of enthusiasm for the newly elected democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The next year, Rogan interviewed the socialist academic Cornel West. Describing West as “brilliant,” Rogan tweeted that it was one of his all-time favorite episodes of the podcast. Anyone who believes MoveOn’s depiction of Rogan as nothing but a right-wing propagandist—much less a “white supremacist”—would be surprised by the content of that interview, where Rogan and West vibed on subjects ranging from socialism to Chekhov to standup comedy to the origins of white supremacy in America.

Those who’d pigeonhole Rogan in such a fashion would also be remiss to not watch Rogan’s classic skewering of the right-wing YouTube commentator Dave Rubin for wanting to privatize the Post Office and end the regulatory state, or Rogan’s blistering rebuke of Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw for opposing Medicare for All.

The truth, as my late friend Michael Brooks and I noted two years ago, is that Rogan’s political views are messy and somewhat incoherent—like the views of many millions of Americans.


I am not arguing Joe is smart, nor that he is not prone to traveling down some CT holes, as an avowed believer of the power of mysticism and drug induced spiritual journeys that can lead people to higher truths. he is pretty out there. He is also a 'not smart guy' who engages in 2-4 hours conversations live and unedited with people which would be impossible for even most of the smartest debaters to not make some gaffs or ill thought out comments.

Joe has always shown to be open to be challenged and his biases can be overcome, even if not easily. he is far more open than most.

I think the biggest sin Joe makes, is that the educated left hates him being in the mix amongst them on some issues and with his voice being heard and considered more than theirs. The educated left generally has disdain to begin with for the uneducated speaking and that Joe has such a big following is so distasteful for them they would rather just label him a righty and be done with him.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Who do you mean specifically, because eric is your classic centre right, or "rational" right poster.
i don't know who eric is but if you mean e_d what you say is absolutely true and then what Chez says is absolutely true as well. As e_d pretty much embodies the casual elitist disregard and hard to hide contempt for those who are not intellectuals, that is all too common amongst that centre right/left.

he shows it all the time including in the trans sport debate where he shows a clear disdain for sport generally and any value it could have as it is not 'calculus'.

A disdain that athletes and dumb people can garner attention and have a voice they believe should be limited to the intelligent, especially those who study stem.

e_d is only one degree removed from Tooth in that regard as far as what i have seen.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 03:52 PM
the educated left hates him being in the mix amongst them on some issues and with his voice being heard and considered more than theirs. The educated left generally has disdain to begin with for the uneducated speaking and that Joe has such a big following is so distasteful for them they would rather just label him a righty and be done with him.

Reverse snobbery is almost never correct.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
If a gun is pointed to your head you can group him there but he doesn't exactly walk the party line. He's for single payer healthcare and I compare him to Maher because he will stray from party lines if his high school educated common sense tells him to.
Nobody is saying he toes the party line. We are saying he’s going to sympathize with republicans on vaccines, anti trans, cancel culture war etc stuff. That’s no coincidence. That stuff has been selected out by Republicans partly because it appeals to Rogan types.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Reverse snobbery is almost never correct.
Whats funny is we can't even keep the story straight with respect to Rogan. There are clips of him angrily attacking skeptics over a supposedly unknown 6 ft big foot like Ape creature found in Africa that was obviously a hoax, denying the moon landing having on some dude who thinks Atlantis was real etc and the argument from his fans is he's an idiot it's just a comedy podcast only a moron takes him seriously etc. It's only snobbery to say that now because he's ventured into more political/culture wars topics. And shocker, the guy that credulously bought into nonsense about big foot and Atlantis isn't doing so hot on vaccine side effects. His brand was always wacky stuff to mostly laugh at. It's only become an issue because he's letting himself be used by more insidious people than an Atlantis or big foot truther
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by ecriture d'adulte
Whats funny is we can't even keep the story straight with respect to Rogan. There are clips of him angrily attacking skeptics over a supposedly unknown 6 ft big foot like Ape creature found in Africa that was obviously a hoax, denying the moon landing having on some dude who thinks Atlantis was real etc and the argument from his fans is he's an idiot it's just a comedy podcast only a moron takes him seriously etc. It's only snobbery to say that now because he's ventured into more political/culture wars topics. And shocker, the guy that credulously bought into nonsense about big foot and Atlantis isn't doing so hot on vaccine side effects. His brand was always wacky stuff to mostly laugh at. It's only become an issue because he's letting himself be used by more insidious people than an Atlantis or big foot truther
I specifically addressed this tendency and don't know who you think would deny it.

The question is not whether Joe is smart or correct.

The question is 'is he automatically right leaning if he is not smart or correct' as your slight suggests in saying 'he is dumb... therefore right'.

The question is can a person not be dumb and also left leaning?
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 06:06 PM
There's no requirement for people to be perfect or pure. Clever people fall for scams, left wing people fall for right wing points at times. Many people go both ways to some extent depending on the issues and fads of the day. Rejecting them and pushing them into the exclusive hands of the right is a staggering bad idea for the left

Maybe it would be far better to do the reverse and encourage obstensibly right wing people when they have some left wing views. Imagine the people who say they can't be left wing because they talk about culture wars instead saying they can't be right wing because they support socialised services.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-06-2022 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by 5 south
If a gun is pointed to your head you can group him there but he doesn't exactly walk the party line. He's for single payer healthcare and I compare him to Maher because he will stray from party lines if his high school educated common sense tells him to.
I mean he told Alex Jones "Yeah, you were wrong on Sandy Hook, but you've gotten so many things right". Not exactly a good display of common sense. You can say Rogan is getting grifted etc, but that he has sympathy for right and even far right anti-establishment views doesn't seem the least bit controversial.
Joe Rogan Quote
02-07-2022 , 09:53 AM
Again people on both the left and right can be dumb and also believe in the type of rabbit hole CT's that Alex Jones used to make his bread and butter. Most of the CT's Alex Jones espoused were not left or right they were just nutty CT's that would defy political labelling.

This is just one more area were e_d is adding yet another category that 'if you believe CT's that means you are 'right'' which is again, nonsense.

e_d wants to separate himself from the people he sees as the 'deplorables' and that leads him, in a child like manner, to then cast them all as 'right'.

On the major policy planks that drive the Dem and Republican party (War, Social Infrastructure (MC4A, War on Drugs (Policy), Gov't Community Spend and Infrastructure, Corporate Welfare, etc) he tends to be further left than both parties and far closer to Bernie than where the actual Dem party is under someone like Biden or Obama and certainly left of where Hillary would be.

I would assume e_d would argue Biden, Obama and Hillary are Dems and left, and Joe is further left generally than any of them. But because Joe is a pot smoker, druggie hippie type who also gets caught up in CT's he would argue, his general policy belief positions mean nothing (or less) and what matters is he is dumb and believes in CT's thus = 'Right'. And because Biden, Obama say words that the left wants to hear, that makes them left.

Joe Rogan Quote
02-07-2022 , 10:29 AM
I get a kick out of Brian Stelter declaring CNN is real news because they have multiple departments to check facts while Joe Rogan wings it for three hours.

From the guy that gets better ratings when he goes on vacation and soon to be next on the chopping block at CNN

Lets be honest CNN is a dying a slow death and Rogan is a threat with executives praying that Trump runs in 2024

Starts at the 1:00 minute mark and only 30 seconds long. Only way I could find the clip is other folks podcasts

Were almost at the point that there should be a Rogan thread
Joe Rogan Quote
