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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

05-13-2024 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
nope. you keep repeating this. and its been debunked by multiple sources linked in this thread multiple times. even the Israelis have admitted their numbers are historically accurate.
It is literally happening before your eyes TODAY
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Everything that happens there happens on their approval. They have been caught many times cooking the books. They also have a very perverse incentive to have the biggest numbers possible.
Well, at least you're saying the quiet part out loud, that's progress.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 10:24 AM
One of the stats studies that set this all in motion came from:

One of the really obvious other studies showed that the deaths being reported never really lined up with military operations. The graphs could never make sense with the reality in the field. All this is now culminating in the UN realizing the extent they've been mislead. Of course, quiet quiet on that front.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
It is literally happening before your eyes TODAY
no it did not. the UN guy even said they will continually revise the numbers based on what they can "absolutely confirm" and they wont know the true numbers until the conflict is over.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Well, at least you're saying the quiet part out loud, that's progress.
Trolly, dead civilians get them everything they want. Protests, arms shipment delays, bds. They'd be crazy to not want this. It's clearly working.

There is a reason they don't fight this war the way normal armies do. As undergunned as the Ukrainians are, they don't fight amongst their most vulnerable. In this case Hamas very much brings the fight where their most vulnerable are. By design. And demonstrably so. Billions in aid and no bunkers for civilians is all you need to say in that regard.

Last edited by rafiki; 05-13-2024 at 10:40 AM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
no it did not. the UN guy even said they will continually revise the numbers based on what they can "absolutely confirm" and they wont know the true numbers until the conflict is over.
But even the White House uses the numbers today (which is the problem!). So you see the problem with anyone using them at all to prove a point. They aren't worth the paper they're written on. The dead kid numbers flaunted in this very thread were exaggerations of exaggerations. You guys were up at like 50k kids! Soon 300k dead!

We're seeing neither. We won't see either.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 10:33 AM
You guys were up at like 50k kids! Soon 300k dead!
yes this is where it is going very soon if not already there.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 10:36 AM
05-13-2024 , 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
yes this is where it is going very soon if not already there.
the UN doesn't just totally disagree, but it shows that as flat as the curve is now (a point Micro was all over), it'll be very hard to get there. The way the IDF is performing operations today makes is nearly impossible.

What's weird, again, is this is GOOD news. Or at least, it should be.

We all hope and pray for a very pinpoint mission in Rafah, with max evacuation of civilians.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 10:41 AM
Where will they be evacuated to?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 10:59 AM
Not sure (I've seen map locations, I've never been/seen these places). But the big issue right now is the Egyptians have opted to stop sending aid. It's definitely one way to freeze things. Pretty bold "bluff" if it is one. I think the Israelis have to take it seriously though.

Hamas attacked Kerem Shalon (aid) crossing FOUR times recently and the Egyptians won't use their aid route. So suddenly the flow of aid gets very dicey. How the flow of aid got dicey is pretty spicy though.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
the UN doesn't just totally disagree, but it shows that as flat as the curve is now (a point Micro was all over), it'll be very hard to get there. The way the IDF is performing operations today makes is nearly impossible.

What's weird, again, is this is GOOD news. Or at least, it should be.

We all hope and pray for a very pinpoint mission in Rafah, with max evacuation of civilians.
it would be very good news if every single other bit of information didnt indicate it was wrong
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Mets, the above is an example of posting that is no longer allowed in this thread. Try to avoid speaking to peoples perceived intentions and attack their arguments instead please.
If you find yourself having a pro israeli poster bias, what will happen? Seems odd that you threaten some posters but not others.

I guess you have two options; keep posting the way you are, or you can try and find your biases and adjust for them

Originally Posted by rafiki
They do, the issue is the blended data includes terrorists too. The women and children were always definite no's as it relates to terrorist deaths. Now suddenly the UN data and the IDF data are converging on the number of dead adult males, and terrorists. But we're also learning that the Hamas numbers (aka Ministry of health) are totally unreliable fabrications.
terrorists? Surely israel has many more terrorists than Palestine. What do you call ex IDF soldiers who are killing palestinians?

Originally Posted by rafiki
"Health Officials"

Trolly, you just don't understand the system over there. And then you get on a soapbox and call us monsters for it. An internationally recognized terrorist organization runs Gaza. Everything that happens there happens on their approval. They have been caught many times cooking the books. They also have a very perverse incentive to have the biggest numbers possible.

I remind you when the "hospital" was bombed, they released the 600-800 dead within minutes. The world ran with the story and the instantly fake numbers (and by a large factor). Was that just a question of "overwhelmed health officials"?

There is an information war happening Trolly. Welcome to it.
People that support genocide and or the wanton killing of innocents are monsters for it.

Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Where will they be evacuated to?
and with what resources can they evacuate?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Not sure (I've seen map locations, I've never been/seen these places). But the big issue right now is the Egyptians have opted to stop sending aid. It's definitely one way to freeze things. Pretty bold "bluff" if it is one. I think the Israelis have to take it seriously though.
is Egypt able to send aid? they dont control the crossing anymore. Israel broke international law and their treaty with Egypt to take over the Rafah crossing.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:07 AM
I call them terrorists because that's what our collective governments have designated them as. That's the main reason I use the term. Well that and what happened on Oct 7th.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
is Egypt able to send aid? they dont control the crossing anymore. Israel broke international law and their treaty with Egypt to take over the Rafah crossing.
They could. They have decided not to. They have "halted deliveries". They are refusing to coordinate aid now.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
I call them terrorists because that's what our collective governments have designated them as. That's the main reason I use the term. Well that and what happened on Oct 7th.

What's the definition you are using for terrorist? uhh what governments do you take orders from? Its amazing to me people dont realize how many Americans have allegiances to isreal, and how many of those people spy for israel against the US as well.

Last edited by PointlessWords; 05-13-2024 at 11:16 AM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
They could. They have decided not to. They have "halted deliveries". They are refusing to coordinate aid now.
gee, cant imagine why

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:16 AM
Btw sorry for the lazy ask, but I missed all the excitement about the new modding standards.

What's the grunch/coles version for in here? A post someone can bump or summarize? Thank you!
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
If you find yourself having a pro israeli poster bias, what will happen? Seems odd that you threaten some posters but not others.

I guess you have two options; keep posting the way you are, or you can try and find your biases and adjust for them
Victor's response was also not acceptable, and was deleted. Just relax, friend. You'll be fine.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Alright, friends. We're going to give this another try.

The first thing I'm going to ask of you is to re-familiarize yourselves with the below posts:

2+2 Rules

Posting guidelines for Politics and Society

These are our baselines. We're not reinventing the wheel here. If you aren't sure if something is acceptable to post, its better to ask first. If you think someone is posting something that violates the above guidelines, please report it or PM me rather than responding in kind.

To reiterate some of the points:

1. No personal attacks. This is a broad instruction, but, in general, we want to focus on attacking an argument rather than the poster making it. It is fine to say a post is antisemitic; it is not okay to call someone an antisemite over and over. If you believe someone is making antisemitic posts, report them or PM me. The same goes for calling people "baby killers" and "genocide lovers". You are allowed to argue that an action supports genocide or that the consequences of certain policies results in the death of children, but we are no longer going to be speaking to one another's intentions. It is not productive to the conversation and doesn't further any debate.

2. Racist posts and other bigoted statements that target a particular group or individuals of such groups with derogatory comments are not allowed. This should not need further explanation.

3. Graphic Images need to be in spoilers with a trigger warning.

4. Wishing Harm on other posters will result in an immediate timeout.

5. Genocidal statements such as "Kill 'em all" etc, are no longer permissible in the thread.

If anyone has any questions about the above, please PM me. I don't want a discussion about the rules to derail the content of this thread. If anything needs clarifying, I will do that in this thread.

I'm really hoping that we can all agree on the above rules being fairly simple to follow and generally acceptable to everyone. Lets all try to get along and continue to have a productive conversation together. Thanks guys!
For Rafiki
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Btw sorry for the lazy ask, but I missed all the excitement about the new modding standards.

What's the grunch/coles version for in here? A post someone can bump or summarize? Thank you!
those questions are only supposed to be asked and answered via PM. You have two options, you can ask questions via PM or you can take a little break

thats what I was told anyway

I took option 3
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
For Rafiki
haha I see a lot of our goose friend in there. Seems like good rules. Needed to happen.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
I call them terrorists because that's what our collective governments have designated them as. That's the main reason I use the term. Well that and what happened on Oct 7th.
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
For Rafiki
this post is racist. It is targeting Palestinians. How do I discuss this with the thread without getting a timeout?

Its racist for the brown people to be terrorists but the white people killing more people in worse ways are not held to the same standard.

for the ignorant

Its racist for the indigenous people to be terrorists but the colonizers killing more people in worse ways are not held to the same standard
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-13-2024 , 11:28 AM
PW, you are allowed to argue that the terrorist designation is racist, while we remember that Rafiki did not coin that term.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
