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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

04-26-2024 , 10:00 AM

Ny post so micro will call it fake news

Paid protestors? Shocking
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:02 AM
Lol @netehyahu preventing hostage returns

I'll agree he probably wants the war to last for years but he's offered many 4 month ceasefires for hostages that you ignore
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

Ny post so micro will call it fake news

Paid protestors? Shocking
The research into where a lot of the financing is coming from is very interesting. The Game of Thrones level thinking on all this is pretty wild. I doubt we'll ever fully understand it.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
If all we were seeing around us was "too many have died" protests Micro, the world would be holding these daily for dozens of countries. We'd have camped in front of schools for 3 years for Syria.

These protests are happening because people view Israelis as white colonizers who have "stolen land" and locked innocent brown Gazans into "open air prisons". That's what these protests are rooted in. And more specifically still, it's that Jews did it. If this was say Iran and Arabs were doing this to Arabs, we'd have no protests. Not one.
You explained most of this first and I think you actually agree with me that primarily it's not about anyone being Jewish or not and it is about whiteness. Jews are white and are ok to protest. Syrians are not and thus not ok to protest. That doesn't mean it's an endorsement of Syria or Saudi Arabia or North Korea, but people on the left are not comfortable protesting against people they consider not-white, minorities, oppressed. I think you agree with that and that it's not mostly about it being Jews.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:15 AM
No one is stopping Dunyan or Lucium from protesting China about the Uighyers or Saudi Arabia about mass executions of course. No one on the left would interfere with them if they did that. Hit the streets guys!
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
You explained most of this first and I think you actually agree with me that primarily it's not about anyone being Jewish or not and it is about whiteness. Jews are white and are ok to protest. Syrians are not and thus not ok to protest. That doesn't mean it's an endorsement of Syria or Saudi Arabia or North Korea, but people on the left are not comfortable protesting against people they consider not-white, minorities, oppressed. I think you agree with that and that it's not mostly about it being Jews.

Micro if 500k Ukrainians die, we'll be lucky to see 1/50th the outrage. We'll see more than Syria, for sure. But even now, the aerial images of the Ukrainian cities that are dust are bonkers. The amount of refugees the conflict created is staggering. It won't matter how many of those people die by a pretty white hand. One key element IS missing.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

Ny post so micro will call it fake news

Paid protestors? Shocking
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Micro if 500k Ukrainians die, we'll be lucky to see 1/50th the outrage. We'll see more than Syria, for sure. But even now, the aerial images of the Ukrainian cities that are dust are bonkers. The amount of refugees the conflict created is staggering. It won't matter how many of those people die by a pretty white hand. One key element IS missing.
Israel is not the only country protested.

Why was South Africa protested?

Why is the USA protested?

I have come up with a consistent model that YOU led me to. I'll make an addition: conflict between one group perceived as white and another group not perceived as white and then the left is comfortable protesting it.

That explains ALL the protesting or lack thereof.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Micro if 500k Ukrainians die, we'll be lucky to see 1/50th the outrage. We'll see more than Syria, for sure. But even now, the aerial images of the Ukrainian cities that are dust are bonkers. The amount of refugees the conflict created is staggering. It won't matter how many of those people die by a pretty white hand. One key element IS missing.
Ukrainian refugess are many millions today but they are kind of a strange type, i'll try to explain.

Yes some people fled from actual war zones, but in general a ton of people in ukraine simply had wanted to move to the EU for very basic reasons, and they had the opportunity with the invasion.

So it's not like desperate people in rags, rather very normal people. The flows are analogous to the moldavian flows. Not too many people know that romania will basically automatically issue passports to most moldovans (for theoretical common ancestry), and with that in hand they can go everywhere in the EU. Which is why moldova lost most of its young people and so on, even with no invasion.

Ukraine kinda saw the same happening (but all concentrated in 2 years instead of 15) because with the invasion, we basically removed all bureaucracy to let any ukrainian in. It was the right thing to do because we had no ways to properly check if they came from actual war zones or not and so on, but a ton of the people where living normal lives in ukraine, and simply moved because they had a chance (+ money spent on them because of refugee status).

Ukraine is done for because of this, can never rebuild properly even if the invasion stops and putin leaves , because the vast majority of refugees won't go back home (and we won't kick them away even if the war ends).

So in a way a country of what, 40m people before the invasion will linger on for a generation or two with impossible demographic imbalances even if we can somehow miracolously manage to send putin back to russia. That's already something infinitely more dramatic than what happens in gaza and west bank, where they have no normal country to lose to begin with
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
Israel is not the only country protested.

Why was South Africa protested?

Why is the USA protested?

I have come up with a consistent model that YOU led me to. I'll make an addition: conflict between one group perceived as white and another group not perceived as white and then the left is comfortable protesting it.

That explains ALL the protesting or lack thereof.
Yes, with the detail that perceiving jews as "whites" requires a ton of deep hatred and antisemitism, given what "whites" did to them for centuries.

The left will only protest when it can frame it as white vs coloured, with the white as oppressor, and with at least a good touch of anticapitalism. They never care about human quality of life or anything else. They only want any excuse to hate on "whites" and capitalism.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Yes, with the detail that perceiving jews as "whites" requires a ton of deep hatred and antisemitism, given what "whites" did to them for centuries.

The left will only protest when it can frame it as white vs coloured, with the white as oppressor, and with at least a good touch of anticapitalism. They never care about human quality of life or anything else. They only want any excuse to hate on "whites" and capitalism.
The last part there is true to some degree, but the right doesn't care about anyone. Anyone. For example, free Tibet protests were never huge, but they still came from the left. And yeah the left won't do anything for the uighyers because the Chinese are not capitalists or seen that way anyway and they are not white. That means that no one will do anything for theuighyers. You certainly won't.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
The last part there is true to some degree, but the right doesn't care about anyone. Anyone. For example, free Tibet protests were never huge, but they still came from the left. And yeah the left won't do anything for the uighyers because the Chinese are not capitalists or seen that way anyway and they are not white. That means that no one will do anything for theuighyers. You certainly won't.
I dont think free Tibet came from the left. that was a mainstream bipartisan movement.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:44 AM
Who cares about this left right ****

It's not relevant to this conversation except to cause more division
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
The last part there is true to some degree, but the right doesn't care about anyone. Anyone. For example, free Tibet protests were never huge, but they still came from the left. And yeah the left won't do anything for the uighyers because the Chinese are not capitalists or seen that way anyway and they are not white. That means that no one will do anything for theuighyers. You certainly won't.
This is obviously a giant segue, but I think liberals should be more concerned than they are that the "lefts" animating focus is anti white hatred, instead of any first principle concern for moving humanity forward. For all its fault, the western world still is what is driving the bus on progress; dragging most of the world kicking and screaming along with them as much as it can. So by default the "left" has made itself an anti progress, anti humanity movement.

Given the demographics of the left (young educated elites), this doesn't not bode particularly well for the future of humanity or civilization.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Who cares about this left right ****

It's not relevant to this conversation except to cause more division
Segues happen. It is ok.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Who cares about this left right ****

It's not relevant to this conversation except to cause more division
? the totality of the antisemite protests in the west are from the left.

There are antisemites on the right as well but they don't protest in streets or colleges and stuff against Israel (because as usual , rightwing people protest far less in general).

I think it's very relevant to the conversation that specific parties of people, specific associations and groups, linked to specific ideologies, are what keep 24/7 the attention in the west against Israel and pro Hamas.

The division exists even without Israel on the picture, because it's a deep division of values. I don't share basic values with those antisemites protesting pro hamas and against jews. Many people agree with me. It's the same people that before 10 7 protested the climate or whatever
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
This is obviously a giant segue, but I think liberals should be more concerned than they are that the "lefts" animating focus is anti white hatred, instead of any first principle concern for moving humanity forward. For all its fault, the western world still is what is driving the bus on progress; dragging most of the world kicking and screaming along with them as much as it can. So by default the "left" has made itself an anti progress, anti humanity movement.

Given the demographics of the left (young educated elites), this doesn't not bode particularly well for the future of humanity or civilization.
You don't understand. You take the results as anti-white and anti-progress. But it's not. It's a combination of being anti-oppression and being reluctant to criticize groups that are generally oppressed inside the community in question anyway.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
The last part there is true to some degree, but the right doesn't care about anyone. Anyone. For example, free Tibet protests were never huge, but they still came from the left. And yeah the left won't do anything for the uighyers because the Chinese are not capitalists or seen that way anyway and they are not white. That means that no one will do anything for theuighyers. You certainly won't.
Protesting for uigurs doesn't help.

What helps is voting for parties that will punish China for that (and many other crimes) more than others who wouldn't. Campaigning for those parties and so on. Which in the USA obviously meant republicans till a while ago, but now could be bipartisan (good development) given the tiktok ban.

So if you want to help uigurs, you can't. They are done. If you want to reduce the chances of future chinese genocide against others, help the candidates of either party that are staunchly against china and so on. Or the parties in europe that are more anti-china. In italy it means the right, elsewhere it depends .
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 10:57 AM
And rafiki,

Your impressions are a little skewed by having a lot of experience in france, which is way more anti-semitic than the United states. I mean from christians not from muslims. They had a town called death to the jews.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan

Ny post so micro will call it fake news

Paid protestors? Shocking
Good article. I'm glad to see them getting some funding from a variety of sources.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Who cares about this left right ****

It's not relevant to this conversation except to cause more division
Going to disagree with you here.

Bibi's outcomes are from a strong move to the right. A move Hamas pushed Israel to, but there's your first right/left issue.

The antisemitism in America today, which is impacting Biden, which is in turn impacting this conflict, is also a right/left issue (obviously the left).

We just talked about the left's antisemitism. We don't need to re-explain it. For the right's antisemitism, I invite any of you to read an Israel-related post on zerohedge, and scroll down to the comments. That's where you get into the deep conspiracy stuff. You start to have fairly significant overlap with the 9/11 inside job/ micro-chips in the vaccine / fiat is finished crowd. It's all Rothschild and Soros and false flag etc. It's definitely brutal, and typically I find the same people are pretty quick to call blacks "apes" or some monstrosity like that. It's the sort of antisemitism that 20 years of Trumpism could unleash kind of thing.

But we better all understand these forces. You can't get anywhere without that.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Going to disagree with you here.

Bibi's outcomes are from a strong move to the right. A move Hamas pushed Israel to, but there's your first right/left issue.

The antisemitism in America today, which is impacting Biden, which is in turn impacting this conflict, is also a right/left issue (obviously the left).

We just talked about the left's antisemitism. We don't need to re-explain it. For the right's antisemitism, I invite any of you to read an Israel-related post on zerohedge, and scroll down to the comments. That's where you get into the deep conspiracy stuff. You start to have fairly significant overlap with the 9/11 inside job/ micro-chips in the vaccine / fiat is finished crowd. It's all Rothschild and Soros and false flag etc. It's definitely brutal, and typically I find the same people are pretty quick to call blacks "apes" or some monstrosity like that. It's the sort of antisemitism that 20 years of Trumpism could unleash kind of thing.

But we better all understand these forces. You can't get anywhere without that.
Strong disagree that Trumpism has anything to do with it, for the rest yes, the approx 60 house republicans who voted AGAINST aid to Israel have a constituency which is made up by a lot of the guys you describe.

Trump killed Soleimani and worked really hard to get saudis and their friends back in business with Israel.

Trump was very much in favor of aid to Israel as well.

Trump also pushed WARP (accelerated vaccine research).

Trump also loves fiat money and low interest rates so he can do carry trades with real estate.

Meanwhile the subculture of actual antisemites exists on the right. It has a lot to do with Tuckerson style marxist rightwing approach against "big finance" (which is a "jewish thing"). "main street against wall street" for them is "the white man against the rapacious jew".

And the antisemites read Trump "media is the enemy of the people" as an anti-jews thing (again the old trope of jews controlling media), while instead it's an anti-left thing given the media skews left.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Micro if 500k Ukrainians die, we'll be lucky to see 1/50th the outrage.
What a baffling comment. You understand the US has been very actively assisting Ukraine with military aid?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 12:16 PM
and theres a ton of outrage for Ukraine. twitter is still full of Ukraine flags.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
04-26-2024 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
What a baffling comment. You understand the US has been very actively assisting Ukraine with military aid?
Yes and how many anti Putin protests do Yoh see in American colleges, blocking bridges and so on?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
