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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

10-21-2023 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Nobody other than the hundreds of thousands on twitter and in videos and in the rallies in the street? The support in Canada alone blew my mind.

If you mean nobody in this thread, I'm prepared to maybe entertain this concept, but skeptically.
Yes I mean no one in this thread.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by FazendeiroBH
Why is Israel against the partitition of the land between them and the palestinians? Why do they insist in going to the west bank, an occupied territory, and build communities around just to divide the territory, making a Palestine state an impossibility?
The challenge here is the question has changed so many times over since '48. The answer to that changed every 5 years. The OG version was effectively pretty close to 1-state, wouldn't you say?

Since then you're right. It's been lamentable.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
I'll make a few posts here this morning. The first is on the antisemitism part, because many of you non-Jews simply can't entirely get it, and it's at a minimum gaslighting the hell out of those of us who live it. I'll break this down into separate bullets:

1) Maybe YOU think it's just about Israel, but the lived experience of Jews all over the world is that it's also often about the Jews. You saw the synagogue burned down in Turkey the other day. This is all our lived experience. To go to synagogue since I was a child, it was ALWAYS under armed guard. Imagine needing armed guard to go to Church Sunday? And in the last decade as anti-Israel sentiment has increased, we've experienced a dramatic rise in hate crimes directed at us (that wasn't my first police report fwiw). The stats on this are clear, I don't I need to share the data on the meteoric rise in antisemitism over the same period.

2) 99.7% of that region is self-determined by Muslims. Every single aspect of life, government, religion, business, it's countries that are majority Muslim. Now they may feud between Sunni and Shia, but still that's the land they were offered post-colonialism to self-determine. The idea that only the Jews can't have the Vancouver Island sized place to self-determine for themselves, IS antisemitic. It's predicated on the notion that somehow only the Muslims should be offered that privilege. Why? What possible non-racial argument could support this bizarre choice on the 0.3%? And it's not even that they (the Arabs) couldn't live there, they were invited to. Which is a lot more than I can say for Jews in the Muslim countries (who REALLY had to get the hell out of dodge).

3) Antisemetic tropes and stereotypes are all over this conflict. You can't go on social and not see them, you'd need to be blind. I saw a really funny post on twitter after the "hospital" thing that said "it's getting hard to say the Jews control the media now". Ain't that the truth.

4) If your idea is maybe that the Jews of Israel need to up and leave, if THAT is your solution, then you're definitely at antisemite. If you think every Israeli citizen is a blood thirsty genocidal maniac, you're also an antisemite. If you have a more thought out nuanced approach, if you don't paint an entire country with one racial brush, you most likely are not.
I am Jewish and half-israeli. I do not see myself as gaslit into my current position. If anything I see the people of Israel as having been gaslit by decades of fascism governments and a media that convinces them that an existential threat justifies anything in the name of self-defence. A government that has cracked down on dissent. A country that started off on socialist principles and has now become a capitalist dream. My family who still live in Israel were very socialist, and now they abide by capitalist, nationalist principles. There are PLENTY of jews around the world who are decrying the actions of the IDF and loudly saying that they do not want to be associated with their genocidal actions. The media has largely sought to silence those voices and instead magnify those most rabid. This is gaslighting.

Theocratic ethnostates should not exist. Well, taking it further, states should not exist, but if states are to exist, the ones we should not tolerate are the theocratic ethnostates. That the muslims get their own theocratic ethnostate is not a justification for Israel existing in that guise. Jews should obviously get a place of refuge when antisemitism is an ever present, but there's absolutely no reason it should be Israel. I say this as the grandson of polish jews who fled Auschwitz and settled in Qiryat Haim in 1948 (I believe).

While some have engaged in antisemitic tropes and peddled ignorance, you should not take that as justification or excusing the actions of not just the IDF, but in the defenders of the IDF.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Nobody other than the hundreds of thousands on twitter and in videos and in the rallies in the street? The support in Canada alone blew my mind.

If you mean nobody in this thread, I'm prepared to maybe entertain this concept, but skeptically.
You should talk about and rather learn about the hundreds of thousands of Jews in Israel that protest their own government in the streets in support of Palestine. Irs crazy. They have a far right too you know? and they don't like that.

Last edited by washoe; 10-21-2023 at 10:36 AM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
In a thread full of of dogshit posts this is really up there.
Don't blame him. Thats what he is fed.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
I am Jewish and half-israeli. I do not see myself as gaslit into my current position. If anything I see the people of Israel as having been gaslit by decades of fascism governments and a media that convinces them that an existential threat justifies anything in the name of self-defence. A government that has cracked down on dissent. A country that started off on socialist principles and has now become a capitalist dream. My family who still live in Israel were very socialist, and now they abide by capitalist, nationalist principles. There are PLENTY of jews around the world who are decrying the actions of the IDF and loudly saying that they do not want to be associated with their genocidal actions. The media has largely sought to silence those voices and instead magnify those most rabid. This is gaslighting.

Theocratic ethnostates should not exist. Well, taking it further, states should not exist, but if states are to exist, the ones we should not tolerate are the theocratic ethnostates. That the muslims get their own theocratic ethnostate is not a justification for Israel existing in that guise. Jews should obviously get a place of refuge when antisemitism is an ever present, but there's absolutely no reason it should be Israel. I say this as the grandson of polish jews who fled Auschwitz and settled in Qiryat Haim in 1948 (I believe).

While some have engaged in antisemitic tropes and peddled ignorance, you should not take that as justification or excusing the actions of not just the IDF, but in the defenders of the IDF.
Yeah! right on! tell those nippleheads what they don't know!
libtards think they know everything but they really don't or are hypocrates.

Tell them you would be one of the hundreds of thousands of Jews protesting in Israel against apartheid, right?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 10:40 AM

That's Israel u donks! have a read!
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 10:43 AM
I feel this forum has taught me a lot in this regard (maybe in regard to rafiki's post?). Goes back to a time when I think sklansky or mason, or a red hat, made an nvg thread that went something along the lines of "Why are amount of poker champs overwhelmingly jewish?" Might have been even worded more controversial etc. At the time it struck me as obviously unfair, thinking if I made a similar comment I would be exiled at as the worst murderous criminal ever. But I really quickly realized my initial thoughts were silly and untrue. Perhaps part of the intent of the thread. In this forum, my understanding is anti-semetic posts are viewed as unclassy, unintellectual, and spammy-rather than the highest level of blasphemy.

If 'the jews are in control' here, you CAN totally criticize that, and you can boast about jewish success in counter response as well, which is equally as fair. I feel like that thread really helped me understand many things that i don't' have the time to travel the world to understand.

And in response to other points and sentiments...

I think its rather natural human response, if there are for example people, jews (but its not a jewish things imo) that feel incredible passion and defensiveness for their boundaries, as a response to the division of them. Simply the existence of the division. I think this is very understandable when one observes that division but without trying to solve it.

I sort of learned that from a jewish elder, can't remember what video, but he was angry, if you were anti-Semitic you would point to this person as your stereo-type, and he was saying 'you are anti-semetic if you try to solve the problem or offer a solution'. It's none of your business he said. And I really saw the truth in that I think.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by FazendeiroBH
Why is Israel against the partitition of the land between them and the palestinians? Why do they insist in going to the west bank, an occupied territory, and build communities around just to divide the territory, making a Palestine state an impossibility?
Because they want it ALL. Barring that they will cage up Palestinian areas.

When I was landing in Tel Aviv in March the lady next to me looked out the window and said "isn't it beautiful? God gave it to us." (which is very curious logic and makes zero sense).
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 10:56 AM
Boulton have a read and tell them.

"Hundreds of thousands march in Israel against Netanyahu's judicial overhaul

But their critics say the plan will destroy the country's system of checks and balances and put it on the path toward authoritarian rule."

Guess he was right:

"The legislation is crushing those things shared by Israeli society, is tearing the people apart, disintegrating the IDF and inflicting fatal blows on Israel's security," the former officials wrote.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by grizy
There of course still a chance that my initial guess (Iran made Hamas do it) was the correct one and Iran/Hamas are surprised by Israeli/Arab responses and now they are scrambling to find a way out.
Well when I heard about the Russia-Iran arms deal, I recall thinking Putin can't risk Iran getting involved a military conflict. Of course all due to the conflict Putin got embroiled with in Ukraine, which he likely wouldn't have knowing the West's response.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
BTW, first of all it should be called 'whatabouttery', 'whataboutism' implies a credo or theory that one can believe in like marxism or socialism or fascism, where 'whatabouttery' more directly implies a practice. These days the latter seems to be dominant but when I first started hearing the term the former was more dominant.

Secondly, whatabouttery isn't what I'm doing here. Whatabouttery is when you say to me 'hey stop leaving the dishes for me' and then i go 'what about when you don't flush your turds', i.e. a deliberate attempt to distract from the issue you've brought up and take the moral high ground by addressing your faults. That's not what I did in my post - what I did was provide an analogy. If I were whataboutting, of which there has been plenty ITT, it would be of the form 'yes hamas may have targeted civilians, but what about Israel targeting civilians'.
Yeah it is when you were all "Oh the British army shot plenty of civilians too dontchaknow" when I pointed out how the IRA deliberately killed civilians, as if that somehow excused the Provos deliberate targeting of civilians and I'm not interested in your semantic play on words either re whataboutism. Your whole North comparison was really just your gussied up way of saying Israel bad, cuz it's really all their fault at the end of the day innit? Whether their civilians are slaughtered or not and when they react you'll find fault in that too because reasons.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:19 AM
That's not what I was doing and I will not accept any responsibility for you intentionally taking me as saying something that I definitely did not say
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by natediggity
God gave it to us." (which is very curious logic and makes zero sense).
In some ways it doesn't make sense. But we are biologically hardwired for this. Once we feel that something of ourselves is being unjustly threatened the firmware structure of our brain changes. Thats why presenting someone with the solution to their land is infuriating-it makes you want to throw a rock at the solver.

Originally Posted by John21
Well when I heard about the Russia-Iran arms deal, I recall thinking Putin can't risk Iran getting involved a military conflict. Of course all due to the conflict Putin got embroiled with in Ukraine, which he likely wouldn't have knowing the West's response.
Russia has been loudly and specifically stating the whole time that they are doing this preemptively against Nato's invasion. I think then it would be weird to say they were unware that the west would underhandedly fight thru proxy/ukraine.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by natediggity
Because they want it ALL. Barring that they will cage up Palestinian areas.

When I was landing in Tel Aviv in March the lady next to me looked out the window and said "isn't it beautiful? God gave it to us." (which is very curious logic and makes zero sense).
God does not exist, and religion is poison. Should have been your answer to her
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by natediggity
Because they want it ALL. Barring that they will cage up Palestinian areas.

When I was landing in Tel Aviv in March the lady next to me looked out the window and said "isn't it beautiful? God gave it to us." (which is very curious logic and makes zero sense).
I don't get what you're doing in
Israel in the first place if you don't even respect the faith of its people.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
I don't get what you're doing in
Israel in the first place if you don't even respect the faith of its people.
Seems silly. I assume most Israelis are pretty secular.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
I don't get what you're doing in
Israel in the first place if you don't even respect the faith of its people.
Do you think Israel is a theocracy?

And why would any right-minded person ever respect someone else's belief in a sky daddy?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Seems silly. I assume most Israelis are pretty secular.
Secular doesn't mean non religious imo.

'In 2022, 45% of Israel Jews self-identified as "secular"; 10% as haredi (ultra-orthodox); 33% as masorti ( lit. 'traditional'); and 12% as dati ( lit. 'religious' or 'orthodox', including religious zionist). Of the Arab Israelis, as of 2008, 82.7% were Muslims, 8.4% were Druze, and 8.3% were Christians. › wiki
Religion in Israel - Wikipedia'
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by d2_e4
Do you think Israel is a theocracy?

And why would any right-minded person ever respect someone else's belief in a sky daddy?
pretty much now, definitely.

How come you're an atheist Jewish person? How many of these are in israel you think?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
Secular doesn't mean non religious imo.
Maybe iyo, but not ido. In fact, that's pretty much exactly what it means.

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
pretty much now, definitely.

How come you're an atheist Jewish person? How many of these are in israel you think?
You literally just posted stats that 45% of Israeli's identify as secular.

I'm Jewish by ancestry. My parents and grandparents aren't religious; my ancestors beyond that, no idea, never met them.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:50 AM
They are basing their right of the land
exclusively on religion. what more arguments do you need?

How religious are bibi and his followers?

=means less religious imo, not ultra orthodox, more open to the world but still can be religious.
similar to The protestants ... in Christianity.
I'll have to ask my Jewish friends.
What does it mean if you wear a
David star? is that secular? why would someone convert to Jewism and then not be religious?

Last edited by washoe; 10-21-2023 at 11:58 AM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
I don't get what you're doing in
Israel in the first place if you don't even respect the faith of its people.
Huh? Should I have not gone to Petra because Jordan is almost all Muslim?

Religion has no bearing at all in where I go.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-21-2023 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by washoe
They are basing their right of the land
exclusively on religion. what more arguments do you need?

How religious are bibi and his followers?
This is literally the second paragraph in the link you just posted:

Overall, Jews are less religious than members of Israel’s other major faith communities – Muslims, Christians and Druze – by most comparable measures. For instance, fully 68% of Israeli Muslims say religion holds a very important place in their lives, followed by 57% of Christians, 49% of Druze and 30% of Jews.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
