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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

10-17-2023 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
I read somewhere or maybe I heard on NPR years ago (or both) that the tunnels were mostly destroyed and now there are only small tunnels that can escape detection but cant carry as much personal or weaponry.

for this particular incursion, they just broke thru the gate after using drones to take out the guard towers and machine gun nests. they proly did use some tunnels too tho.
You are probably confusing Egypt and Israel. Egypt was MUCH more aggressive destroying the tunnels in the south and making sure new ones weren't built, as geopolitical realities have allowed them to operate in their nation's best interest without the global microscope of criticism Israel has.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 10:41 AM
Dun, have you seen this:

They can't confirm anything yet.
But it wouldn't wonder me if this is actually happening. Mexico is friends with Palestine and the cartels are with Hamas.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
I read somewhere or maybe I heard on NPR years ago (or both) that the tunnels were mostly destroyed and now there are only small tunnels that can escape detection but cant carry as much personal or weaponry.

for this particular incursion, they just broke thru the gate after using drones to take out the guard towers and machine gun nests. they proly did use some tunnels too tho.
tunnels are alwaws being found from time to time. about 2 years ago this found this bad boy, who knows how long it was up for. this was the longest tunnel ever that they found. but these tunnels always exist. even right now.

'Stretching for 4,309ft (1,313m), the tunnel had a lift, rail track, drainage and air ventilation systems, and high voltage electrical cables. The passageway connected an industrial site in the Mexican city of Tijuana to the San Diego area in California.30.01.2020' › news › worl...
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
How would it work exactly?
It may well not, but I'm suggesting just like it sounds. One state with all being citizens.

I could be wrong, but aren't you old like me? (50s)

Even in 1980 most people would have thought universal citizenship in South Africa would be impossible.

I'm not saying it's likely, but big changes often seem very unlikely not too long beforehand, so not impossible.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by ArcherOfLoaf
I am not going to get into the semantics of what the proper term is. That’s an easy way to make a bullshit argument, and that ain’t gonna happen.

In my view, “detaining” a bunch of kids at a music festival is significantly different than “detaining” someone who is pointing a gun at you. They are not at all the same contexts, and unless you are a stupid ****, you know that.
The person I linked to was taken from his home by the IDF and didn't point a gun at anyone. You don't know what the breakdown of the 1200+ "detainees" is and Israel won't tell you or even them why they are held.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 11:11 AM
countries that recognize Palestine

this year Mexico:

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
The person I linked to was taken from his home by the IDF and didn't point a gun at anyone. You don't know what the breakdown of the 1200+ "detainees" is and Israel won't tell you or even them why they are held.
I checked his Wikipedia, and it explicitly states the Israeli govt states he cannot engage in activism as part of his release program (the Amnesty article doesn't include this fact, as it doesn't fit their narrative). And in that Amnesty article he admits he will not stop. So he keeps getting arrested and detained basically for intentional parole violations.

I mean, you can completely disagree with the Israeli govt and agree with his stance as an objector, but it isn't a mystery why he continually keeps getting arrested and held.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
It may well not, but I'm suggesting just like it sounds. One state with all being citizens.

I could be wrong, but aren't you old like me? (50s)

Even in 1980 most people would have thought universal citizenship in South Africa would be impossible.

I'm not saying it's likely, but big changes often seem very unlikely not too long beforehand, so not impossible.
South Africa is on the brink of being the next failed state. Crime is off the charts. They struggle to provide basic services like like sanitation and water, and every day life includes rolling blackouts. At best it's a kleptocracy over there right now, and potentially much worse very soon. The 33% unemployment rate is only going up, and I don't know if there's a single segment of their economy and life that's not totally corrupt. So as models go, I don't really know if that's the one to shoot for. I did have a look at the mechanics of how they did it (which in the end lead to 25% of the white population just leaving, and hey maybe that's full circle). I think it's certainly the model to NOT follow in this case. But you're right, the general idea was valid.

Honestly it's really hard. It's all predicated on believing that any Jews are "allowed" to live in Israel. And what some posters have been trying to explain is that it's been made pretty clear that the answer to that is "no". It's a hard place to start a 1 state solution from, isn't it? That would be the starting point in a dream world different than this one.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
I checked his Wikipedia, and it explicitly states the Israeli govt states he cannot engage in activism as part of his release program (the Amnesty article doesn't include this fact, as it doesn't fit their narrative). And in that Amnesty article he admits he will not stop. So he keeps getting arrested and detained basically for intentional parole violations.

I mean, you can completely disagree with the Israeli govt and agree with his stance as an objector, but it isn't a mystery why he continually keeps getting arrested and held.
Yeah, it's not a mystery. He's a political prisoner being held for speech. Calling it parole violation is like saying it's ok because Israel says it's legal. Israel also says it's legal to detain people indefinitely without charge. The US does that too. It's not ok and it's just kidnapping/abduction and not legal arrest whether it's the USA or Israel or Hamas or North Korea doing it.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
South Africa is on the brink of being the next failed state. Crime is off the charts. They struggle to provide basic services like like sanitation and water, and every day life includes rolling blackouts. At best it's a kleptocracy over there right now, and potentially much worse very soon. The 33% unemployment rate is only going up, and I don't know if there's a single segment of their economy and life that's not totally corrupt. So as models go, I don't really know if that's the one to shoot for. I did have a look at the mechanics of how they did it (which in the end lead to 25% of the white population just leaving, and hey maybe that's full circle). I think it's certainly the model to NOT follow in this case. But you're right, the general idea was valid.

Honestly it's really hard. It's all predicated on believing that any Jews are "allowed" to live in Israel. And what some posters have been trying to explain is that it's been made pretty clear that the answer to that is "no". It's a hard place to start a 1 state solution from, isn't it? That would be the starting point in a dream world different than this one.
Why won’t Israel let Palestinians live in Israel?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
South Africa is on the brink of being the next failed state. Crime is off the charts. They struggle to provide basic services like like sanitation and water, and every day life includes rolling blackouts. At best it's a kleptocracy over there right now, and potentially much worse very soon. The 33% unemployment rate is only going up, and I don't know if there's a single segment of their economy and life that's not totally corrupt. So as models go, I don't really know if that's the one to shoot for. I did have a look at the mechanics of how they did it (which in the end lead to 25% of the white population just leaving, and hey maybe that's full circle). I think it's certainly the model to NOT follow in this case. But you're right, the general idea was valid.

Honestly it's really hard. It's all predicated on believing that any Jews are "allowed" to live in Israel. And what some posters have been trying to explain is that it's been made pretty clear that the answer to that is "no". It's a hard place to start a 1 state solution from, isn't it? That would be the starting point in a dream world different than this one.
As a sort of aside and speaking of water in SA and as you likely know, they almost ran out of water in Cape Town, not because of corruption, but because of drought and ordinary waste. After a large campaign they drastically cut water usage and waste and indefinitely put off turning off the water supply.

And for sure hard and definitely imo no one should be kicked out of their homes - Jews or Palestinians.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Why won’t Israel let Palestinians live in Israel?
1.6 million do, but it would be good if the rest could as well.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
As a sort of aside and speaking of water in SA and as you likely know, they almost ran out of water in Cape Town, not because of corruption, but because of drought and ordinary waste. After a large campaign they drastically cut water usage and waste and indefinitely put off turning off the water supply.

And for sure hard and definitely imo no one should be kicked out of their homes - Jews or Palestinians.
But that's the hardest part imho. No killing/violence AND no resettling? I don't know how to get there. It would look like a machine to vanish Hamas (and foreign influence) and all the hardcore right wing Israelis. And if you somehow did manage that, then you still have to solve for the crazy Jerusalem situation so steeped in extreme religious beliefs (on both sides) that you never arrive at something acceptable to all. And that's an element I think was largely not present in South Africa (so many diverse holy sites in a dense area).

Trauma is passed down generationally. All these people aren't just living their own. They're also inheriting it. So some very powerful force would need to come along to collectively convince all these people that there's a bigger cause to unite over. I dunno, aliens/climate change in advanced states/AI Terminator 2 scenario. Short of that, there's no 1 state solution. And you're talking to a pie in the sky optimist over here.

Maybe there's some obscure scenario where Iran's present regime falls as step 1, and somehow overall regional (like the whole middle east) stability arrives. I guess then you would have the first glimmer of hope. Some sort of big regional technology and investment boom where the tide rises all boats, and there's a broader foundation to be hopeful about. But in the age of oil maybe eventually being phased out and water becoming an issue, I'm not sure that's the most likely thing to expect long-term, regionally.

Last edited by rafiki; 10-17-2023 at 11:50 AM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Why won’t Israel let Palestinians live in Israel?

that's why

BLM chicago was ******ed or something. Or that's how they really think more or less. anyway, they are trying to kill each other would be the reason imo.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 12:11 PM
If you don't know pointless Hamas came with parachutes and then shot innocent civilians and babies.
And then these idiots with 60.000 followers tweeted this.

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Metod Tinuviel
Why is it idiotic?
It's not. From a moral point of view, murdering, raping and torturing women and children practically has no moral equivalent. However, just because Hamas has set the bar so low, it does not mean Israel just has to clear their standard. Israel still has a moral duty to uphold the Geneva Convention and should rightly be open to criticism when it doesn't.

However, Israel may well view this as an existential threat. If they uphold the highest moral standards and end up getting wiped off the map, then the moral bragging rights are not particularly worth much.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 12:22 PM
Don't think we need to get too distracted with BLM or all the rest. What's the o/u on the next major terror attack on US soil? 5 years? That's going to swing the pendulum back, and round and round we'll go.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Don't think we need to get too distracted with BLM or all the rest. What's the o/u on the next major terror attack on US soil? 5 years? That's going to swing the pendulum back, and round and round we'll go.
This is Western Europe and not the USA, but another reminder that things can change a lot in a generation. Most people probably don't even know about the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna in Spain or the Red Army Faction in Germany in the 70s.

And things may always seem like they are getting worse, but they aren't always.

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 12:46 PM
No need for tunnels if there are no walls
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Even in 1980 most people would have thought universal citizenship in South Africa would be impossible.

I'm not saying it's likely, but big changes often seem very unlikely not too long beforehand, so not impossible.
Yes that's true about SA 10 years before Mandela was released, but there are some big differences that make progress in Israel much tougher - the two SA sides weren't at war with each other, I don't think the mutual hatred between the two "governments" was nearly as severe and the situation hadn't gone further and further into decline. Then there's the thing I've mentioned before about SA being ostracised by the international community while Israel is generally strongly supported by non-Muslim states.

Not impossible but very unlikely without different rulers in place.

Last edited by jalfrezi; 10-17-2023 at 01:00 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
This is Western Europe and not the USA, but another reminder that things can change a lot in a generation. Most people probably don't even know about the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna in Spain or the Red Army Faction in Germany in the 70s.

And things may always seem like they are getting worse, but they aren't always.

in Germany there just was one in 2016. and there was never anything like it. this was an illegal, a refugee with a long crime record. But they didn't throw him out. we have thousand like that now. in the US I would be worried too. Mexico controls the borders. and not the official Mexico but the cartels. this is all relatively new. They can get anyone in at anytime. They are friends with Palestine.

in fact read this, it's coming from a cartel boss:

Beriain asks Junior why he has Osama bin Laden’s face engraved on the handle of his pistol.

“The whole world knows that bin Laden never betrayed anyone,” Junior says, ashing his cigarette. “And here in Culiacán, we respect that!” he exclaims. Apparently the cameraman found this funny, because Junior points at him and says, “Are you laughing?”

“No, no, not at all,” says the cameraman.

“Tell me why are you laughing,” Junior says, drawing the pistol with a jittery hand.

On camera, Beriain sits perfectly still.

“I was not laughing, really,” the cameraman says. The fear in his voice is evident.

“Look, I’m going to tell you something,” says Junior, charging the pistol and getting to his feet. “I engraved his face, and I’m going to see him in Hell.”

He ends the interview by flinging his beer can into a swimming pool and shooting it. The partygoers on the dance floor barely react

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
This is Western Europe and not the USA, but another reminder that things can change a lot in a generation. Most people probably don't even know about the Euskadi Ta Askatasuna in Spain or the Red Army Faction in Germany in the 70s.

And things may always seem like they are getting worse, but they aren't always.
The 60s/70s/80s in the West were decades of terrorism/freedom fighters when young people wanted to overthrew capitalism or colonial rule, and some were prepared to die if necessary. Some of them won concessions, some of them became absorbed into more mainstream politics, some disappeared.

These are different times. No one talks about overthrowing capitalism much despite its obvious failings, hardly even on twitter which if it was around in the 60s/70s would be full of chat about it.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 01:12 PM
You don't like trump, but I would prefer him now.

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
If you don't know pointless Hamas came with parachutes and then shot innocent civilians and babies.
And then these idiots with 60.000 followers tweeted this.

Hamas is less than 5% of the Palestinians stuck in Gaza. Why doesn’t Israel allow them inside? The Bible would say to help them.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-17-2023 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
It's like a catch phrase in lieu of thought or analysis and an appeal to the peanut gallery in lieu of discussion. The same is true for a bunch of other idiocy people just toss out in political "discussion" like "bad look" or "carry water". It acts like it's making a point, but it's just an accusation meant to end discussion.
Ok I appreciate your explanation. I tend to view it a short retort to the "both sides bad" take. But will think about this some more.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
