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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

10-12-2023 , 05:47 PM
It appears that HRW have confirmed Israel's use of white phosphorus in its attacks.

White phosphorus burns at over 800C when exposed to air, with horrendous results for populations.

Last edited by jalfrezi; 10-12-2023 at 05:53 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 05:59 PM
it's only a "war crime" when it's not the US or Israel doing it...
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 06:14 PM
Or the UK.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Are the Israeli government as bad as Hamas?
They don’t have to be completely equivalent to both be well over the line of what should be acceptable. On top of that, we should be holding allies that receive aid from us and call themselves a democracy to a much higher standard than we do terrorists. Not hacking up babies ain’t gonna cut it. You’re going to have to also not go to blowing them up and starving them out as the first option.

Originally Posted by corpus vile
Oh I have empathy for innocents killed but unlike you I can recognise the reactive context and how Hamas are using the Palestinians as shields by hiding among them.
You don't because Israel bad. Even if you'll never admit it.
You only recognize the reactive context starting on Saturday. That’s the problem. The reactive context started decades ago. What happened on Saturday is partially a result of that. Aren’t you Irish? Shouldn’t you understand that oppression breeds violence? It’s not a justification to simply acknowledge that this is a fact that has played out again and again across history. If you are unwilling to face the context nothing is ever going to change. And again, in any other scenario people would find the human shield argument for killing innocent people because it’s convenient and you value the lives of your soldiers over their babies abhorrent, because it is.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 06:38 PM
I find the banning of pro-Palestinian demonstrations in France and Germany pretty worrying. It’s being done in the name of intolerance of antisemitism. And while I’ve seen the videos and know that there has been an antisemitic element to at least some of these events this is clearly not the entirety of the pro-Palestinian side and I’m not hearing condemnation of the rampant anti-Muslim rhetoric that’s occurring across social media at the moment. There’s also (rightfully) increased security for synagogues across Europe. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I haven’t heard of the same for mosques. The combination of these factors seems to give tacit approval from moderate politicians that what the far right has been messaging in Europe, that Muslims in your community are dangerous, is actually true. I’m pretty concerned that just like after 9/11 we’re going to see attacks on Muslims or people who even look like they might be Muslim. If things continue this way I think it’s also going to be a gift to the far right in future elections.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by corpus vile
Are the Israeli government as bad as Hamas?

Bruv how is this even a question? How brainwashed are you?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
Bruv how is this even a question? How brainwashed are you?
I think what’s important is that it’s completely irrelevant. Both are way over the line. If one’s leading the other by whatever metric you care about it doesn’t change the fact that neither are acting in a manner that should be acceptable.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 06:52 PM
It's bizarre how being 'not as bad' can be used as a justification for appalling acts.

The reason we dont support appalling acts is precisely because we are not as bad as those who do.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 06:54 PM

Former Israeli PM outraged at being asked how they can insure that a siege on Gaza doesn’t kill more kids. Kudos to the journalist for the professional integrity at a time where a lot of media seems to be just falling into lockstep.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
Bruv how is this even a question? How brainwashed are you?
Questions are so hard for you. I'd ask why, but I feel like that would be too difficult to answer.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
It's bizarre how being 'not as bad' can be used as a justification for appalling acts.

The reason we dont support appalling acts is precisely because we are not as bad as those who do.
Right it's being used as justification. Western media response is horrifying.

But we are indeed as bad as Hamas and others. It's what we do.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 07:25 PM
There are plenty of voices speaking against appaling acts . They are the good voices imo.

I dont agree 'we' are as bad as hamas. 'We' are more powerful though.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 07:32 PM
Choosing between Israel and hamas
(I’m talking about their leaders and politics not the population they represent )
is like choosing between aids and cancer .
One might be slightly better than the other but both are worth $h!t anyway .
Dog $h!t or horse $h!t is still $h!t …
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Choosing between Israel and hamas
(I’m talking about their leaders and politics not the population they represent )
is like choosing between aids and cancer .
One might be slightly better than the other but both are worth $h!t anyway .
Dog $h!t or horse $h!t is still $h!t …
I'll take horse **** over dog **** all day
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
I'll take horse **** over dog **** all day
Well I wouldn’t eat either one of them .
Glad to know u can eat horse **** any day .
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Well I wouldn’t eat either one of them .
Glad to know u can eat **** .
I never said I'd eat it, lol. Doesn't smell as bad and makes for better fertilizer
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
I never said I'd eat it, lol. Doesn't smell as bad and makes for better fertilizer
Would inject yourself with aids or cancer then ?
Me neither , that’s my point .
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Would inject yourself with aids or cancer then ?
Me neither , that’s my point .
Never been of fan of jabs
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by wreckem713
Never been of fan of jabs
I’m not talking about jabs either …..
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
I find the banning of pro-Palestinian demonstrations in France and Germany pretty worrying. It’s being done in the name of intolerance of antisemitism. And while I’ve seen the videos and know that there has been an antisemitic element to at least some of these events this is clearly not the entirety of the pro-Palestinian side and I’m not hearing condemnation of the rampant anti-Muslim rhetoric that’s occurring across social media at the moment. There’s also (rightfully) increased security for synagogues across Europe. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I haven’t heard of the same for mosques. The combination of these factors seems to give tacit approval from moderate politicians that what the far right has been messaging in Europe, that Muslims in your community are dangerous, is actually true. I’m pretty concerned that just like after 9/11 we’re going to see attacks on Muslims or people who even look like they might be Muslim. If things continue this way I think it’s also going to be a gift to the far right in future elections.
Typically the security is going to be pretty reactive rather than proactive, and sadly no one's come up with, or at least implemented, a good way to curb hateful rhetoric on social media. I agree that authorities need to be careful with what they're messaging, and that if we start to see a rise in anti-Muslim hate or violence it should be treated as seriously as similar anti-Semitic behaviour would be.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Bubble_Balls
I I’m pretty concerned that just like after 9/11 we’re going to see attacks on Muslims or people who even look like they might be Muslim. If things continue this way I think it’s also going to be a gift to the far right in future elections.
The tolerance shown to Muslims after 9/11 in the US is probably the greatest act of tolerance in the history of human kind. Could you imagine a minority in a Muslim country committing an act of terrorism that killed thousands of civilians? Every member of that community would be either murdered or run out of the country on the spot. No questions asked.

The minuscule amount of discrimination Muslims received after 9/11 is actually amazing.

You seem to mean well, but you have a tremendous case of white savior syndrome, where you hold any community to perceive as white to impossibly high standards and have no standards at all (as evidenced by your waffling on the baby killing) for anyone you perceive as non white.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
It appears that HRW have confirmed Israel's use of white phosphorus in its attacks.

White phosphorus burns at over 800C when exposed to air, with horrendous results for populations.

On a scale of 1-10, how shocked would you be if you found out this wasn't true, and there was no white phosphorous at all?

My shock level would be a 1 (not shocked at all it wasn't true).
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 11:07 PM
It’s easy to tell it’s WP from the videos. You have to dig it out of your skin or it will burn through your body. Nasty stuff.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
The minuscule amount of discrimination Muslims received after 9/11 is actually amazing.
I don't think sent of my Muslim friends would agree with your characterization here.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-12-2023 , 11:45 PM

I am thinking that evacuation order is impossible to comply with
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
