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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

10-10-2023 , 09:04 PM
I do appreciate the rhetorical and logical jui jitsu being employed, everytime a progressive declares the Palestinian population, which has doubled in the last few years, is being genocided; and having nothing to say about the actual historical communities of Christians and Jews across the Middle East, which lasted for millennia, that have been completely or almost completely eradicated.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
But that isn't what happened, and in 2023 they are up against an elected govt that has vowed to wipe them from existence, and has shown no moral compunctions at all to do whatever they feel is necessary to achieve this end;
this can be said about both sides right now.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
What other country in the world has carried out a 50 year military occupation and implemented a fully completed system of apartheid?

No, the criticism is based on the historical record. Which posts in this thread have exhibited "pure racism/antisemitism/transferred white guilt."
Originally Posted by Dunyain
I do appreciate the rhetorical and logical jui jitsu being employed, everytime a progressive declares the Palestinian population, which has doubled in the last few years, is being genocided; and having nothing to say about the actual historical communities of Christians and Jews across the Middle East, which lasted for millennia, that have been completely or almost completely eradicated.
Since you had the post before Bill's, I'm assuming you're replying to him, but I don't see anything about a genocide.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
I do appreciate the rhetorical and logical jui jitsu being employed, everytime a progressive declares the Palestinian population, which has doubled in the last few years, is being genocided; and having nothing to say about the actual historical communities of Christians and Jews across the Middle East, which lasted for millennia, that have been completely or almost completely eradicated.
every conservative accusation is an admission. would you not say this is exactly the case for conservatives in America in regards to systemic racism, affirmative action, and discrimination towards African Americans. conservatives are "get over slavery it was so long ago" about something that was 150 years ago and you're in here about "millennia".
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
Does anyone doubt that the Israeli response in Gaza will kill far more civilians than Hamas did?
Gaza is basically going to be removed. It's been openly stated, essentially now. Palestinian civilians vs Israeli doesn't seem to be their concern.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
having nothing to say about the actual historical communities of Christians and Jews across the Middle East, which lasted for millennia, that have been completely or almost completely eradicated.
The Israeli author Avi Shlaim came from one of these communities. He's an Iraqi Jew whose family was driven out in the wake of the Nakba.

You should read some of his work.

Originally Posted by Dunyain
I am not saying Israel is deserving of any higher moral ground. I am just saying they are a nation of humans, like everyone else. And the response is entirely predictable, and not a single group of humans is above responding like this. And there is no historical or logical reason why they should be held to a different standard
How about we hold Israel to the standard we hold Russia in Ukraine?

Last edited by Bill Haywood; 10-10-2023 at 09:31 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
The Israeli author Avi Shlaim came from one of these communities. He's an Iraqi Jew whose family was driven out in the wake of the Nakba.

You should read some of his work.
And yet at the end of the day the Iraqi Jewish community that thrived for over a thousand years is no more. And no one ever will offer him or any of the rest of the descendants of survivors any right of return. He has to just make the best with the lot he was given, and no liberal white saviors thousands of miles away will be shedding any crocodile tears for him.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Since you had the post before Bill's, I'm assuming you're replying to him, but I don't see anything about a genocide.
If you are unaware of the actual genocides of Jews and Christians throughout the Middle East in recent history (where the populations literally went to 0) you should probably read some history. I know it isn't something progressives bring up very much, because it isn't convenient to the narratives.

I do appreciate Hayword's sporadic forays into this forum, because even if he does hold the Israeli Jew to some impossible moral standard he would never impose on anyone else, he at least understands the history of the region (much more than me) unlike most progressives, who know nothing but their chosen propaganda.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood

How about we hold Israel to the standard we hold Russia in Ukraine?
If the Ukranian govt had made it their official position they would fight Russia until Russia ceased to exist, and then spent 20 years doing their best to fulfill this claim, including multiple instances of deadly violence aimed at Russian civilians, I guarantee our position towards the Russia/Ukraine conflict would be very different.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 10:25 PM
We are all glossing over the part one of the parties in this conflict has made genocide their explicit, desired end, and through practice is becoming increasingly better at achieving it.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 10:47 PM
Apologies to the liberal Mods for my breach of decorum in this thread. Pogroms bring out an honesty in me that troubles more effete sensitivities.

It is a complicated Matter and I don't begrudge the Muslims for their actions. True Believers have to act in accordance with their faiths and sometimes counterparties have to put the money in the middle.

I will refrain from advocating for race specific Biological warfare, or from implying that not all lives are created equal going forward.

I thank the more levelheaded members of this forum for maintaining a respectful and productive discussion.

PS those carpet-bombings in Gaza were pretty ****ing cool

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
We are all glossing over the part one of the parties in this conflict has made genocide their explicit, desired end, and through practice is becoming increasingly better at achieving it.
Hamas wasn't created until the 1980s. What was the excuse for the original Nakba, the expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians in 1948? That was before even the PLO was created.

Speaking of the PLO, it recognized the Jewish state years ago. What's the excuse for continuing to occupy, and annex, the West Bank? All the PLO did was give up the struggle and become an arm of Israeli security. In return, they got continued occupation instead of a state.

You are engaging in the hoary trope that all Muslims, by nature, want to destroy Israel. Look, the Arabs who were not expelled, 20% of Israel, are not at war with Israel. Only the ones confined to the Gaza ghetto and West Bank are. It's the occupation.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood

Gazans report their homes being destroyed without warning. "Lt. Col. Richard Hecht of the Israeli Defense Forces said that the Israeli Air Force was too stretched to fire the warning strikes — known as “roof knocks” — that it has fired in previous Gaza conflicts to encourage Palestinian civilians to leave an area before it is hit with larger missiles. He said that Israel was telling Gazans to move from areas that would be targeted, and advised them to leave through the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.
That's really crappy of them considering the Gazans had a common courtesy to beat on safe room doors before breaking in and butchering kids.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
Hamas wasn't created until the 1980s. What was the excuse for the original Nakba, the expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians in 1948? That was before even the PLO was created.

Speaking of the PLO, it recognized the Jewish state years ago. What's the excuse for continuing to occupy, and annex, the West Bank? All the PLO did was give up the struggle and become an arm of Israeli security. In return, they got continued occupation instead of a state.

You are engaging in the hoary trope that all Muslims, by nature, want to destroy Israel. Look, the Arabs who were not expelled, 20% of Israel, are not at war with Israel. Only the ones confined to the Gaza ghetto and West Bank are. It's the occupation.
I am not assigning Israel any moral high ground. If I was king of the world in 1948 I would have chosen to have things go very differently. I dont approve of the settlements in the West Bank. But given current realities, especially the last 2 weeks, I dont think anyone should be surprised or appalled at how Israel is acting towards Gaza. And I couldn't think of a single country, especially a Muslim majority one, that would be acting in a more "moral" fashion by your standards.

I mean as far as I know Israel has much less hanging of gay people and oppressing women than the rest of the Middle East, but as far as the "Apartheid" angle goes, it doesn't seem too different than the rest of the countries in the region. I mean if you put the names of all the Middle Eastern countries in a hat and started pulling out tags randomly, how often would you pull out a country that respected civil rights of minority populations?

Last edited by Dunyain; 10-10-2023 at 11:23 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
You are engaging in the hoary trope that all Muslims, by nature, want to destroy Israel. Look, the Arabs who were not expelled, 20% of Israel, are not at war with Israel. Only the ones confined to the Gaza ghetto and West Bank are. It's the occupation.
I definitely wouldn't say there is anything "natural" about it. There is a sophisticated anti-Israel propaganda machine doing all the heavy lifting IMO. But I dont think saying general opinion on Israel in the greater Muslim Middle East is EXTREMELY low right now is going way out on a ledge.

And I would definitely argue this low opinion is due to targeted propaganda, and not any philosophical commitment to human liberty and civil rights. You could argue Western majority opinions are due to targeted propaganda too, and you may be right. But that doesn't invalidate any point I am making.

Last edited by Dunyain; 10-10-2023 at 11:50 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
If you are unaware of the actual genocides of Jews and Christians throughout the Middle East in recent history (where the populations literally went to 0) you should probably read some history. I know it isn't something progressives bring up very much, because it isn't convenient to the narratives.

I do appreciate Hayword's sporadic forays into this forum, because even if he does hold the Israeli Jew to some impossible moral standard he would never impose on anyone else, he at least understands the history of the region (much more than me) unlike most progressives, who know nothing but their chosen propaganda.
You are truly bizarre if you thought my post said anything about my knowledge of history, or that it was a good opportunity for another rant about progessive narratives. The point was much simpler. The post before yours talked about apartheid, and your post following immediately afterwards took a leap to "everytime a progressive declares the Palestinian population, which has doubled in the last few years, is being genocided" blah blah blah. I quoted both posts for you and bolded the words; this isn't complicated. Your obsession with lecturing people about progressive mindset and MSM narratives is not only exceedingly dull, it's also impairing your reading comprehension.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by sickhuman

PS those carpet-bombings in Gaza were pretty ****ing cool

do you think you are any different than the edgey leftists on twitter that were happy that tripping ravers got massacred?

we know where those bombs go and who they kill. and its a lot more than Hamas killed.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
do you think you are any different than the edgey leftists on twitter that were happy that tripping ravers got massacred?

we know where those bombs go and who they kill. and its a lot more than Hamas killed.
I was facetiously mocking Karl Marx post on here previously that got a pass from the liberal Mods. If we can't laugh then we cry.

All Life is sacred and all Death is Tragic.


and to answer your broader question, I see it is a PLO hand where Likud Bibi Torah Jews have top set and Muslims and edgy Leftists have Wrap w nut flush draw.. It's been this way since Rebecca's womb, the money just has to go into the middle. run it once, See who God Picks.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by sickhuman
I was facetiously mocking Karl Marx post on here previously that got a pass from the liberal Mods. If we can't laugh then we cry.

All Life is sacred and all Death is Tragic.


and to answer your broader question, I see it is a PLO hand where Likud Bibi Torah Jews have top set and Muslims and edgy Leftists have Wrap w nut flush draw.. It's been this way since Rebecca's womb, the money just has to go into the middle. run it once, See who God Picks.
ya but if you are gonna celebrate Palestinian kids getting killed by bombs, then you cant really get upset about people loling at 18 yr old ravers getting killed by hangliding militants.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-10-2023 , 11:59 PM
i have the solution to the middle east guys, i just thought of it. im the new jared kushner. cut all US aid to israel from here forward, and bring all the Palestinians to the US and we'll use that 3-4 billion a year or so to build them houses. hell we can build a whole city in like the panhandle of oklahoma. get them all citizenship.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-11-2023 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
Does anyone doubt that the Israeli response in Gaza will kill far more civilians than Hamas did?
No. I think most are concerned with it becoming biblically bad for Palestinians. They've basically been used, abused and abandoned by their own people being left to rely on the mercy of their enemy. Even Egypt won't take them although they'll probably allow for a refugee camp, which is what I'm guessing we'll see.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-11-2023 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
ya but if you are gonna celebrate Palestinian kids getting killed by bombs, then you cant really get upset about people loling at 18 yr old ravers getting killed by hangliding militants.
I never got upset. Lib Mods kicked me out because I committed a thought crime and said I valued Israeli Lives at 20X Palestinian Lives and that we owed them 20,000 Bodies, and for implying that Biological warfare might be an acceptable way to obtain those bodies if traditional warfare was less feasible. Liberals dont like discourse outside their proscribed guidelines so they censored me.... *Of course I value my 2+2 tourney life and wholeheartedly reject those silly notions now.

Palestinians are perfectly entitled to play their hand and value themselves 1000X more than Jews and try to push us all into the Sea or Butcher Infants and Teenage Girls on ecstasy. I don't think it is a particularly noble way to wage war, but feels like they are trying to bait Biden into supporting Israel for whatever reason..

Whole thing is scary and fascinating. I hope the book I was indoctrinated in from birth is right and I hope top set holds lol, but I could never begrudge the dude with the wrap for wanting to get there.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-11-2023 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Slighted
i have the solution to the middle east guys, i just thought of it. im the new jared kushner. cut all US aid to israel from here forward, and bring all the Palestinians to the US and we'll use that 3-4 billion a year or so to build them houses. hell we can build a whole city in like the panhandle of oklahoma. get them all citizenship.
I'm good with that, but I think they have some weird attachment to the land they are on now and don't want to move.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-11-2023 , 01:08 AM
Poker analogies aren't applicable to every world event
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
10-11-2023 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Poker analogies aren't applicable to every world event
In your opinion oh Lib overlord, how should Israel handle 1200 of their Citizens being brutalized in a Pogrom?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
