Originally Posted by Victor
"became a country" is a pretty nice euphemism.
when "Israel became a country" they did one of the most massive ethnic cleanses of the modern era. and it was premeditated and executed deliberately and precisely.
If you do not believe Israel should exist, this is the type of sophomoric, not based on reality argument one would make. One would certainly not mention the genocide committed against Jewish populations in all the surrounding Arab countries, which of course absolutely did happen when Israel was created.
This is why there is no role for debating facts here, given that there is no agreement as to the facts, other than for one.
The only one undeniable fact is that your side would like Israel to cease existing, by any means necessary. Genocide was already committed against Jews in the surrounding countries, and your side intends to repeat that with Israel. That is why Israel is engaged in a war and will not stop. You see, in a war your goal is to destroy the other side until they agree to end the war. But, for now, the other side has pledged to continue fighting on. Therefore, this war must continue until Gaza no longer exists, or they finally agree to live in peace alongside Israel.
Just copy and pasted this to everything you say going forward.