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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

05-20-2024 , 05:09 PM
IDF has over 10k hostages actually. they have been snatching people right and left. including many of the children that were released in November.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
if a bunch of Hamas people were dancing in the desert, how do you think Israel would respond? and would you support it?
Hamas people or gazans?

Oh right all Israelis are fair game in your eyes
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
IDF has over 10k hostages actually. they have been snatching people right and left. including many of the children that were released in November.
They have prisoners that committed crimes. Some of the crimes are dumb. But they weren't innocents at a music festival

You already know this
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:20 PM

At least be a man and admit you just hate Jews

You admit you hate women by starting dumb threads about men being oppressed

Just own that you ****ing hate Jews cause "they are white colonizers" and they deserved to be raped and murdered

You already admittedc the second part jew hater
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:20 PM
After I'm banned you can celebrate another jew out of your life

Bye loser
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:24 PM
Not trying to be rude but if we compare Manliness I’d eat you up and spit you out

I don’t hate Jews. Pretty much 75% of my closest friends are Jewish. I enjoy all of our times together and have been considering making jdate account so I could find a kind Jewish women to have some Jewish kids with

I guess you’ve been getting indoctrinated at synagogue for the last two decades. I heard the racist anti Palestinian drivel enough in 2010 and it sent me to practice my faith in private

I don’t hate women either. Until men have equal rights in our judicial system then I will view them as partially oppressed. Women get 10% as much jail time as men for same crimes. You think it’s ok for men to be punished TEN TIMES worse than women for the same thing? Jesus Christ simp more.

You don’t know the difference between European Jews and middle eastern Jews? My 23 and me shows me the diff in my Jewish lineage based on continent, does yours?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:26 PM
Yes american men and hamas terrorists

The oppressed

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
Yes american men and hamas terrorists

The oppressed

Men can be partially oppressed. It’s not binary.

Terrorists are people that kill civilians for political motives/ gain etc. IDF has killed 50k civilians in the last 10 years.

Hamas has killed 2000?

Who is the bigger terrorist ?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:44 PM
Mets. As a man who is manlier than you, and smarter, and in better shape , just wanna tell you that your world views on IDF and Hamas are wrong.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
After I'm banned you can celebrate another jew out of your life

Bye loser

You should take a voluntary timeout before they get you.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:54 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Will Mets agree with this or say it’s made up?
PointlessWords, please take a timeout from this thread until 12:00 AM Eastern Time for starting this nonsense.

The rest of you, please stop talking about each other or the thread is going to take another timeout for everyone. This conversation is NOT meant to be a debate about each others’ character.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:55 PM
It's impossible at this point to intervene in this thread answering PW or Viktor claims without breaking several rules
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
It's beyond ****ing ridiculous and him and victor get away with saying bullshit like that all day long and i get timeouts for being argumentitive when i respond

It's bullshit

And it's pure antisemetic because no normal person that didn't hate Jews would think the murders AND RAPES at the music festival are okay


because they are Jews

****ing antisemitic pos

I'll see you whenever
Metsandfinsfan, you know the drill, friend. We’ll see you at 12:00 AM Eastern time. Thank you
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
It's impossible at this point to intervene in this thread answering PW or Viktor claims without breaking several rules
What did I do?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 06:12 PM
The audacity of literally that guy making that assessment about anyone but himself
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
The rest of you, please stop talking about each other or the thread is going to take another timeout for everyone. This conversation is NOT meant to be a debate about each others’ character.
Luciom, Victor and StoppedRainingMen, Do you two need to reread my above posts or do we also need timeouts? As we have observed here, it only takes one contentless post to derail the entire thread. Mother is tired.

Last edited by Crossnerd; 05-20-2024 at 06:31 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Crossnerd
Luciom, Victor and StoppedRainingMen, Do you two need to reread my above posts or do we also need timeouts? As we have observed here, it only takes one contentless post to derail the entire thread. Mother is tired.
I am not talking character, rather claims.

Like the claim that 10 7 wasn't a terrorist attack.

I am just saying I am not addressing those false claims anymore because I don't think it's possible to do so following rules.

I thought it was important to say that because the thread has been very active, so a claim left there unaddressed might create the idea it's hard to counter it.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 06:36 PM
Reading over the logistics for how the IDF evacuated 1 million Gazans from Rafah in two's impressive.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
I am not talking character, rather claims.

Like the claim that 10 7 wasn't a terrorist attack.

I am just saying I am not addressing those false claims anymore because I don't think it's possible to do so following rules.

I thought it was important to say that because the thread has been very active, so a claim left there unaddressed might create the idea it's hard to counter it.
It's not just that it was terrorism, but one of the most well documented terrorist attacks of all time. The footage Hamas filmed of themselves is just beyond. When you have combat experts watching the film saying they've never seen bloodlust like it, it gives you pause.

I think most of the world understands it was terrorism today. My bigger concern is 30 years from now.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
It's not just that it was terrorism, but one of the most well documented terrorist attacks of all time. The footage Hamas filmed of themselves is just beyond. When you have combat experts watching the film saying they've never seen bloodlust like it, it gives you pause.

I think most of the world understands it was terrorism today. My bigger concern is 30 years from now.
Fact is the war crime claim is bizzarre though (if applied to 10 7). There was no war, you can't have war crimes without a war. That's why it was terrorism.

I am not sure I understood the charges to the Palestinians, I read war crimes but I am not sure it's about 10 7 or later events
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 06:47 PM
Hamas had an exceptional ratio of civilians to soldiers killed even if you attribute all of the civilian deaths to them and include all the reservists as civilians.

Israel has beheaded and burned alive more people and more children every couple hours since Oct 7th. I have never seen such bloodlust or even thought it possible.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Mets. As a man who is manlier than you, and smarter, and in better shape , just wanna tell you that your world views on IDF and Hamas are wrong.
Just stop with this nonsense. If you can’t support your views without attacking other people instead of ideas, you should consider not posting at all
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
I have never seen such bloodlust or even thought it possible.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-20-2024 , 07:03 PM
This thread is taking a 24 hour rest while we all consider whether we want to have it at all. I've had enough for today. Thanks, friends.

Israel/Palestine thread Quote
05-21-2024 , 01:42 PM
Alright, lets try this again, friends.

Reminders and amendments:

1- Post about the topics, NOT ABOUT EACH OTHER

2- The use of the term "bloodlust" will not longer be permissible when describing EITHER SIDE and will be moderated as Islamophobia/Antisemitism from this point forward

Please do not discuss bans, debate the rules, or otherwise further derail this thread. The existence of this thread is in the balance of how well the posters within it comport themselves, and this is your warning that the ice is QUITE thin. Do your best and for the love of God if you have issues with someone or something, report it or PM me, do not respond in kind.

Thank you
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
