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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

Today , 07:43 AM
Israel can't play in the heart of Europe because of "security risks", that's how non-violent pro-Palestine crowds are in Europe
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Israel can't play in the heart of Europe because of "security risks", that's how non-violent pro-Palestine crowds are in Europe
It is pretty wild we have gotten to the point that it is probably safer for Israel to play in Saudi Arabia and UAE than Europe; but here we are.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 09:23 AM
I do find it amusing that leftists/Islamists point to extremely fringe Jewish cults agreeing with them on this single issue (when they dont agree with them on literally anything else) as evidence they are on the right side.

In truth, it should probably be a warning sign. Anytime you are aligned with a super fringe cult you should probably take a step back and evaluate what is going on.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Well that's convenient.

We don't have any information about the pedestrians and it's going to be difficult now considering they're in a a thousand pieces and strewn across a wide area. Oh well, let's just call them Hamas and move on to the next targets.
Actually we do. You dont, because you only consume edited pro Islamist propaganda. But the actual unedited video was released by Israel indicating the 2 "pedestrians" were identified as armed militants leaving a known Hamas compound in a UNRWA school, and were monitored and followed, and not eliminated until it was determined it was safe to do so with no collateral damage.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 10:11 AM

So this is a video Hamas intentionally released. It begins with an attack on a tank that clearly misses, and ends with a bunch of mortars being fired haphazardly in a dense urban setting. And these are the videos Hamas is choosing to show. Think of how dangerous and unprofessional the material they choose not to show must be.

As I have said many times, whatever the actual Palestinian casualty count is, a very high % of it pretty much is guaranteed to be directly from Hamas, given their tactics.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 10:17 AM
"Civilian fighter"...

Earlier on (and probably now, but I'm not paying attention as much) these videos were doubled up so you'd see this clip, then someone else would post a clip of Israel returning fire but making the clip appear as if Israel was just randomly destroying a home or building.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
It is pretty wild we have gotten to the point that it is probably safer for Israel to play in Saudi Arabia and UAE than Europe; but here we are.
Israel shouldn't be playing in a European competition anyway.

The fact that it does while Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon etc don't is testimony to how well the West has brainwashed people into thinking Israel has some kind of special status where the normal rules don't apply. After decades of this bullshit no wonder Israeli governments think they can genocide with impunity.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Israel shouldn't be playing in a European competition anyway.

The fact that it does while Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon etc don't is testimony to how well the West has brainwashed people into thinking Israel has some kind of special status where the normal rules don't apply. After decades of this bullshit no wonder Israeli governments think they can genocide with impunity.
LOL. That isn't the reason. Israel isn't allowed to compete in many (Muslim) Asian countries, so it isn't logistically possible to have them play in Asian competitions. Israel being in UEFA is to accommodate the rampant antisemitism of the Muslim world.

You think Israel wants to play against much tougher competition and never make the finals of international tournaments?

Of course, given how Islamism and antisemitism is spreading in Europe, Israel might have to start playing in North American tournaments.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Israel shouldn't be playing in a European competition anyway.

The fact that it does while Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon etc don't is testimony to how well the West has brainwashed people into thinking Israel has some kind of special status where the normal rules don't apply. After decades of this bullshit no wonder Israeli governments think they can genocide with impunity.
Turkey is european for FIFA, you should move this take in the conspiracy thread
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 10:59 AM
Turkey is partly in europe
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 12:21 PM
"Hostility to Israel has been a thread throughout [Wapo's] reporting. But there’s another pattern among reporters on the Post’s foreign desk. At least six members of the Post’s foreign desk previously wrote for Al Jazeera, the Doha-based news outlet bankrolled in part by the government of Qatar, which is now sheltering Hamas’s top leaders, a Washington Free Beacon review found.

They include the paper’s Middle East editor, Jesse Mesner-Hage, who spent more than a decade as an editor at the outlet’s English edition, London correspondent Louisa Loveluck, investigative reporter Evan Hill, visual enterprise editor Reem Akkad, WaPo Live host Libby Casey, and breaking news reporter Adela Suliman.

The Al Jazeera-Washington Post pipeline raises ethical questions for an American newspaper that prides itself as a bulwark against threats to 'democracy.' Founded in 1996, Al Jazeera has been described by an Israeli court as an 'intelligence and propaganda arm' for Hamas, and the outlet is banned from broadcasting in Israel, where officials alleged in February that Al Jazeera 'journalist' Muhammed Wishah served as a commander in Hamas’s guided missile units. In the United States, the Justice Department ordered the network’s English language affiliate to register as a foreign agent of Qatar in 2020, though it has refused to do so.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
LOL. That isn't the reason. Israel isn't allowed to compete in many (Muslim) Asian countries, so it isn't logistically possible to have them play in Asian competitions. Israel being in UEFA is to accommodate the rampant antisemitism of the Muslim world.

You think Israel wants to play against much tougher competition and never make the finals of international tournaments?

Of course, given how Islamism and antisemitism is spreading in Europe, Israel might have to start playing in North American tournaments.
Maybe Israel would have been welcome in the correct tournament if they hadn't broken international law and made a pariah of themselves.

Israel might as well play in the North American tournament, it's so culturally American anyway.

Just a thought. Poor old Israel, eh?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Maybe Israel would have been welcome in the correct tournament if they hadn't broken international law and made a pariah of themselves.

Israel might as well play in the North American tournament, it's so culturally American anyway.

Just a thought. Poor old Israel, eh?
Ehm what the "correct" tournament is , is up to FIFA to decide, not me and not jalfrezi.

In 1986 and 1990 Israel played in the Oceania division lol.

Since 1994 they play in the Europe one, which to be clear is the worst possible outcome for Israel: far harder to qualify for the world cup than everywhere else, obviously.

So they are already in the worst possible division for them, and now they can't even play their game normally because pro-hamas people are too numerous ... in the heart of europe.

Yes, poor Israel.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 12:45 PM
If Israel made itself less barbaric and allowed other people self-determination instead of oppressing and genociding them maybe the world would open up for it.

Poor old Israel eh?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 12:52 PM
Iraq was allowed to play with no problems even while they gassed qurds.

They gassed 5k+ people in 1988 and went to win the Arab league cup that year. That's how much the arab league care about self determination of people and human rights.

They got suspended one cycle after they invaded Kuwait, then were allowed to play again even while Saddam son (in charge of the national soccer team) tortured the players, sent them to prison and so on.

Iran can hang as many homosexuals as it wants, and torture as many women who wear the veil wrong as they want, and they don't get suspended.

But sure keep going
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 01:28 PM
You think I'm defending the politics of Arab nations when I'm obviously not.

But I am saying that Israel should expect to be barred from playing sports against Arab nations when it's been actively pursuing a policy of oppression and now genocide against Arabs. This shouldn't be so hard for you to grasp.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
Iraq was allowed to play with no problems even while they gassed qurds.

They gassed 5k+ people in 1988 and went to win the Arab league cup that year. That's how much the arab league care about self determination of people and human rights.

They got suspended one cycle after they invaded Kuwait, then were allowed to play again even while Saddam son (in charge of the national soccer team) tortured the players, sent them to prison and so on.

Iran can hang as many homosexuals as it wants, and torture as many women who wear the veil wrong as they want, and they don't get suspended.

But sure keep going
We aren’t in 1988 so who cares. Stop saying an entire country behaves one way cause its rules did one thing 36 years ago. It’s silly and wrong
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 02:03 PM
why would israel want to play football with the 17 time world champions of throwing people off buildings. of course they play in europe lol
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
