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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

Today , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
If Pakistan had a sizeable Hindu population that it treated as second class citizens, denying them their own state and breaching international laws in taking land from them and killing an order of magnitude more Hindus than the Muslims who were killed, maybe people would question whether its creation had been such a good idea after all.
or maybe people would say "see, these Hindus should be in India not in Pakistan".

there is an Hindu state it is called India.

and there are many Arab states where Palestinians can go to live their Arab lives in Arab societies that share their Arab values. they move and the problem is solved.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's a mindless word game that the IDF apologists insist on forcing into the conversation. "Israel has a right to exist, therefore the wholesale killings will go on" --it doesn't make a lick of sense, it doesn't follow at all and it's not supposed to, it's a thought-killing mantra designed to end the conversation.
I’d like to know who is in charge of deciding who has the right to exist or not
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
If Pakistan had a sizeable Hindu population that it treated as second class citizens, denying them their own state and breaching international laws in taking land from them and killing an order of magnitude more Hindus than the Muslims who were killed, maybe people would question whether its creation had been such a good idea after all.
You dont have a good grasp of Indian/Pakistan history, do you? This is more or less what happened and is still happening. You should probably familiarize yourself with the creation of Pakistan and genocide of non Muslims that took place during said formation.

When Pakistan was created could you imagine if the rest of the world insisted all the displaced Hindus could live in Kashmir, where foreign nations would provide military support for Hindus to constantly attack Pakistan over 80 years while promising to eventually destroy Pakistan. And Pakistan would be told they just had to suck it up and live with it.

Of course not, it is completely absurd, just as it is for the Palestinian situation.

And this is on top of the tremendous amount of murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing that took place under various Muslim regimes against Hindus in the last few hundred years, when Muslims were in charge. In totality, Muslim holocausts against Hindus are probably numerically the greatest numerical genocide in the history of humanity.

Last edited by Dunyain; Today at 07:32 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by 57 On Red
The nearest comparator to Israel is Pakistan, a state created around the same time for a similar reason (as a homeland for Indian Muslims who might otherwise tend to be oppressed by the Hindu majority), and with far more violence -- over two million dead in a couple of months at the time of Partition. Pakistan, like Israel, has become a nuclear state, but, unlike Israel, it's a rogue nuclear state since a Pakistani sold nuclear secrets to North Korea. Pakistan has fought a number of border wars and is involved in a territorial dispute (with India, over Kashmir). Its history has been quite troubled and unstable, with the odd military dictatorship thrown in. It was the state sponsor and protector of Al-Qaeda and some of its laws don't meet human-rights norms. Yet, oddly, no one ever questions Pakistan's 'right to exist' the way they do Israel's. Israel, the only Jewish state, is also the only state whose 'right to exist' is questioned, even though states don't exist by right but only by fact and plenty of other states are pretty unsavoury in various ways.
You seem to be making an argument Israel is being treated grossly unfairly by the world. If so, I wont disagree. There can be no peaceful solution until the world starts treating Israel better; and stops supporting Palestinian/Arab belligerence.

Last edited by Dunyain; Today at 07:39 PM.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
indeed. And also true ont he other side where they end up supporting terrorist organsiations. A descent into a destructive cycle of 'had enough'

A feedback cycle more than a 2 way street. The cycle has to be broken. Politics.
Asking the little country of 15 million people being attacked relentlessly from all directions by all its numerally much larger neighbors to be the one to unilaterally engage in politics while the other side promises nothing but violence and destruction is asking way too much.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
No one cares if Americans and Canadians make derogatory remarks about each other because there isn't a background of decades of warfare and an ongoing slaughter with one side always having the upper hand and murdering ten times as many people as the other.

What a completely useless analogy.
If there has been decades of slaughter with one side always having the upper hand shouldn't the weaker side stop with it's Jihads and Intifadas?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
