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Israel/Palestine thread Israel/Palestine thread

Today , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi

Nice shooting, Israel!
LOL. "Forensic Architecture". None of us has never heard of this group until 5 minutes ago, and none of us will never hear from them again.

It is amazing how people will uncritically accept any propaganda that positively reinforces their preferred narrative.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Nonsense, and not in this case.

ABC News, 2018
If you work for Hamas you work for a terrorist organization and you deserve death
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
If you work for Hamas you work for a terrorist organization and you deserve death
I mean, I think we can accept that Hamas isn't giving anyone a choice. It is either work for us or we kill you.

So I think we have to keep some perspective and this is going too far. However, if someone from Gaza is making statements, you need to ask yourself "Could this person make a negative statement against Hamas without being punished for it," and if the answer is "No" exerything they say should have a giant * behind it.

And this is certainly the case with the "director of Gaza health."
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 06:03 PM
It is actually wild how we all know that there is no such thing as freedom of speech in Gaza, and you cant say anything that doesn't fit Hamas narrative without great risk to the well being of yourself and your family. And yet even knowing this, Islamist sympathizers will take all the controlled propaganda that reinforces their worldview completely at face vale.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
I mean, I think we can accept that Hamas isn't giving anyone a choice. It is either work for us or we kill you.

So I think we have to keep some perspective and this is going too far. However, if someone from Gaza is making statements, you need to ask yourself "Could this person make a negative statement against Hamas without being punished for it," and if the answer is "No" exerything they say should have a giant * behind it.

And this is certainly the case with the "director of Gaza health."
I believe this only if someone credibly claims the same for Schutzstaffel physicians experimenting on jews
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
I believe this only if someone credibly claims the same for Schutzstaffel physicians experimenting on jews
I dont think German doctors that were compelled to do Nazi experiments should have been put to death for it. If you disagree that is fine. If they were given a fair trial and there was clear evidence they were willing volunteers who weren't compelled at all, then that is a different consideration. I really dont know enough about the specifics of the Schutzstaffel physicians to know which bucket they fell into.

I remember when the Russia/Ukraine war started there was a lot of energy about "punishing" Russian hockey players who mostly were silent on the matter. But the truth is whatever their actual political leanings most of them have family in Russia whose lives could be in danger if they went hard in the paint against Putin or the war. So I dont think they should be judged/punished for remaining silent.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 06:32 PM
The Russian government might have made evil decisions but sports teams playing for Russia clearly have nothing to do with Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Unlike every single person with a medical degree deciding to stay in Palestine, even with ample options to move, and work with a terrorist organization ILLEGALLY controlling the area.

Not leaving is already a moral choice
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
The Russian government might have made evil decisions but sports teams playing for Russia clearly have nothing to do with Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Unlike every single person with a medical degree deciding to stay in Palestine, even with ample options to move, and work with a terrorist organization ILLEGALLY controlling the area.

Not leaving is already a moral choice
Well, Palestinian people still need medical care; so it is certainly reasonable a doctor may stay to give needed care, even knowing they have no freedom of speech.

That being said, anything they say on the record pertaining to political topics should have a giant * behind it; and mostly discounted.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 07:07 PM
So AOC and Bowman just did a political rally where the main theme was taking on (((AIPAC))) and the next day a synagogue in Los Angeles is being attacked. Now that the far left has decided their main political angle for 2024 is to go after (((Zionists))), it will be interesting to see the fallout from this.

As has been pointed out, Ivy League graduate student and faculty protests against (((Zionists))) are going to be mostly peaceful, because of the nature of the people engaging in said protests.

But the far left deciding to make going after (((Zionists))) a more general, Populist movement; the expectation for violence against Jews should be much higher.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 07:12 PM
There are at least 40k violent BLM assault troopers who participated in riots against the state ready to be activated as a militia.

A normal country would start acting against programmed eversion and domestic enemies, but the USA is not a normal country anymore.

They still have far right terrorism as the only thing at the top of the list for domestic priorities while tens of thousands of armed radical leftist terrorists are ready to strike.

That's the nature of life in western societies these days.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Dunyain
So a Hamas sympathizing Dr. (and likely direct operative) gave an interview on ABC 6 years ago; and is now peddling unsubstantiated propaganda. So what?
there is no indication he is associated with Hamas let alone a "direct operative".

Originally Posted by Luciom
Was any Hamas member in the car? Because that's actually the only thing that matters .

If terrorists are so atrocious that they put their 6y old on the fire line, that's their fault.

Of course taking a 6y old in the car with you doesn't allow you safe passage of you are a terrorist, I hope every decent person agrees with this for obvious reasons
there was no Hamas in the car. nor were the paramedics that were lured into the trap Hamas.

Originally Posted by Dunyain
LOL. "Forensic Architecture". None of us has never heard of this group until 5 minutes ago, and none of us will never hear from them again.

It is amazing how people will uncritically accept any propaganda that positively reinforces their preferred narrative.
no they have been posted here many times. they debunked the original Israeli lies about the bombing of Al Ahli.

I think before you uncritically dismiss them, you should actually do some due diligence. they have done many investigations world wide. they even have a website!
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by Luciom
The Russian government might have made evil decisions but sports teams playing for Russia clearly have nothing to do with Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Unlike every single person with a medical degree deciding to stay in Palestine, even with ample options to move, and work with a terrorist organization ILLEGALLY controlling the area.

Not leaving is already a moral choice
would you also execute all of the Western doctors who have been volunteering at the Gazan hospitals?
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
Today , 08:45 PM
AOC is just anti-money and anti-establishment to her core and she can't help but associate the Jews with the establishment, the antisemitic implications of such associations be damned.

Meanwhile, Bowman seems determined to take it to the next level, whatever that level may be.
Israel/Palestine thread Quote
