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Intellectual Dark Web Containment Thread Intellectual Dark Web Containment Thread

06-06-2019 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Again, we have a bunch of IQ data. People aren't dismissing Murray's work because he studied a taboo. This has been explained.

Again, the narrative that race is a social construct is based on actual studying of race in society.
I’m glad the powers that be blew this forum up so that we could enjoy more discussions with Leonard from Memento as he tries to get to the bottom of the conspiracy to subvert valid scientific inquiry into the genetic basis behind why immigrants smell bad and talk funny.
06-06-2019 , 12:54 PM
Really did not expect this thread to go towards defenses of ****ing Unit 731 lol but we do contain multitudes.
06-06-2019 , 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Man race is a social construct and the genetic nature of sickle cell(or whatever, a number of diseases are found in some populations more than others) are not contradictory at all, you really need to broaden your horizons and think more deeply about what it means to say "race is a social construct".

Like, watching Gangs of New York once will explain this pretty well. Or reading the Wikipedia page for the one-drop rule, or any of the coverage about Elizabeth Warren's Cherokee heritage claims.
I'm not arguing that the latter idea doesn't have merit. I'm arguing that it is being made very poorly.
06-06-2019 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Stentorian22
Maybe you should stop believing your fairytales that you can find power and inteliigence in throwing milkshakes and assaulting people who say things that upset you.

How can such a powerful group of people not have any voices in the mainstream media, not be the controlling regime or have a hand in building this world? Maybe Leftists have no power simply because they are losers with no ability to persuade the majority to enact their policies and must engage in their terrorist-like activities to remain remotely relevant in the political sphere.
Too few milkshakes thrown, in my opinion. Politically speaking, of course.
06-06-2019 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Maybe you should take the time to understand wtf you are defending before spend dozens of posts defending explicitly racist ideas and then flipping out and having a tantrum about people thinking that you are racist.
Am I doing either of those things by pointing out that I, in fact, didn't defend Nazi eugenics?

Is no one seeing the irony in these replies related to my actual point?
06-06-2019 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong

Irony is the expression of meaning via language that normally or literally means the opposite.

It is not a synonym for hypocrisy or inconsistency.

In your defense, it is misused routinely, even more often than “assault.”
Maybe it is time to update the meaning of the word. Word meanings change over time, and in every case it has to start somewhere.

06-06-2019 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Man race is a social construct and the genetic nature of sickle cell(or whatever, a number of diseases are found in some populations more than others) are not contradictory at all, you really need to broaden your horizons and think more deeply about what it means to say "race is a social construct".

Like, watching Gangs of New York once will explain this pretty well. Or reading the Wikipedia page for the one-drop rule, or any of the coverage about Elizabeth Warren's Cherokee heritage claims.
Interestingly, the version of race being actualized in Gangs of New York is probably more scientifically accurate, as it focused more on native geographic range, and less on melanin pigmentation. But they are still extremely problematic from a moral perspective, which is the point.
06-06-2019 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
Why is it that you feel obliged to assert that people who disagree with you are inferior to you? It’s never a valid logical argument and it makes you look like an ass.
To be fair, people are literally defending Nazi research on D-Day ITT, it’s hard to not get a little holier-than-thou.
06-06-2019 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Those Nazis might have found a cure for Malaria if people hadn’t so rudely disturbed all their scientific work.
What the **** do Nazis have to do with curing malaria?

What made the Nazis bad? What made racist eugenics bad?

How do those bad things apply to genetically eliminating suseptability to diseases?
06-06-2019 , 01:09 PM
I blame Alanis Morrissette.
06-06-2019 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
To be fair, people are literally defending Nazi research on D-Day ITT, it’s hard to not get a little holier-than-thou.
So you promise not to be as judgmental tomorrow?
06-06-2019 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
What the **** do Nazis have to do with curing malaria?

What made the Nazis bad? What made racist eugenics bad?

How do those bad things apply to genetically eliminating suseptability to diseases?
No one considers Zolgensma to be "eugenics," except you, maybe.
06-06-2019 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
No one considers Zolgensma to be "eugenics," except you, maybe.
Irrelevant. Scott Alexander's point is that eugenics is an off limits taboo subject. I posted his opinion in this thread and have directly been called a supporter of Nazi eugenics for doing so.
06-06-2019 , 01:23 PM
I'm too busy today to moderate this latest kerfuffle and I feel like TTHRIC anyway and debating the semantics of "eugenics" vs "genetic engineering" is not really that interesting. so I'm locking the thread for now. I may revisit later.
06-06-2019 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by coordi
Irrelevant. Scott Alexander's point is that eugenics is an off limits taboo subject. I posted his opinion in this thread and have directly been called a supporter of Nazi eugenics for doing so.
It's quite relevant. If you think genetic engineering and eugenics are synonymous terms, you should try educating yourself before demanding that people take you seriously. If you don't think genetic engineering and eugenics are synonymous terms, then it's pretty darn fair to attack you for standing up for Nazi eugenics when you insist on standing up for eugenics for the betterment of the human race. Nazi eugenics wasn't just limited to gassing Jews.
06-07-2019 , 02:02 PM
I haven't finally decided what I want to do with this thread, but I'll post some thoughts. Feedback is welcome by PM. There would probably be some value in a thread to discuss this as a moderation problem, but I expect that would be noisy and create its own, extra, moderation problem, so I'm not doing it for now.


It's not surprising that this thread has moved from being about members of the so-called "intellectual dark web" to being about the kinds of controversial subjects that explain that name, i.e. The Bell Curve and so on. The focus on controversial subjects creates one moderation problem, having to do with what content or what viewpoints should be tolerated in this forum. In the guidelines, I wrote this:

4) You should understand the boundaries of acceptable discourse in this forum

Bearing in mind the above, one of the goals of this forum is to allow discussion between people from across the political spectrum. In general then, expressing views that lie within the mainstream of American politics will be acceptable, even if some posters find those views bigoted in some way. However, you may be asked to moderate the way you present your views in accordance with the prior guidelines, and you should not expect to be shielded from other posters arguing that your views are bigoted, racist, sexist, or etc. Those are, themselves, political arguments, and thus on-topic in this forum.

Fringe views well outside of the mainstream will not be allowed: offensive conspiracy theories, racist views, etc.
It's almost inevitable that discussing The Bell Curve, eugenics, or other topics likely to come up in this thread will lead to posts that bump into those boundaries, regardless of who interprets where the lines are. For the most part, I've been comfortable with the idea that we can, theoretically, discuss some of these topics without condoning or allowing viewpoints which violate the rule, if we're all conscientious about the sensitivity of the topics, and keep in mind the guideline about respecting the shared humanity and basic equality and dignity of all people. Further, I think at least some of the discussion that's taken place is potentially useful for people, and the topics are still relevant to contemporary politics. Race and racism, for example, are still very relevant in American politics in my view. Despite the strong disagreement that some people have with this, I continue to think that this thread has been mostly tolerable with respect to acceptable content.

However, the second problem is just that having this thread creates a lot of noise, and it's not clear to me that every topic that might get discussed here is worth the noise. By noise I mean both the inevitable complaints about the subjects being allowed, as well as the tendency for the thread to get overheated.

Some of you think (roughly) that the noise is illegitimate in the sense of being only an expression of an irrational taboo against certain topics, and hold that the forum, or this thread, should not be held hostage by those social norms.

I disagree with that view at least to some extent. Taboos also serve a useful purpose, and in any case the guidelines recognize boundaries to acceptable discussion for reasons which I think are good, and probably also necessary from 2+2's perspective. Of course, it's also true that I said I don't think the content of this thread has crossed the line in my view (there are a few borderline posts), so I obviously disagree with some of the people who think it's absolutely outrageous and intolerable to have this thread.

But, I think the level of outrage matters even when I disagree with it, and as I said above I don't think every possible controversial subject is worth debating in this forum given the costs in moderation and public disapproval. Right now, I don't see a good way to manage those costs. I don't think either the level of outrage or the average quality of posts in this thread are likely to be very sensitive to the tweaks to moderation that I could easily make, for example.

I also am not super excited about the idea of this thread sucking up so much of the oxygen in the forum that nothing else gets talked about.

So, for now, I'm inclined to just leave this locked.
06-07-2019 , 10:34 PM
forum eugenics in action!

Last edited by Mat Sklansky; 06-07-2019 at 10:35 PM. Reason: or is it dianetics?
