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Intellectual Dark Web Containment Thread Intellectual Dark Web Containment Thread

05-12-2019 , 01:01 PM
There were so many things to enjoy about the Andrew Neil interview.

I liked how Shapiro seemed genuinely incapable of figuring out the connection between being asked about his string of inflammatory comments and his book's content about how anger is a problem in American politics.
05-12-2019 , 10:44 PM
05-14-2019 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
There were so many things to enjoy about the Andrew Neil interview.

I liked how Shapiro seemed genuinely incapable of figuring out the connection between being asked about his string of inflammatory comments and his book's content about how anger is a problem in American politics.
Yea I thought that was a funny part of the interview.
05-14-2019 , 08:09 PM
Any relationship with the “autistic dark web”- who are purportedly on a mission to “overpower” the nuerodiversity movement? Or totally different X dark web?
05-15-2019 , 08:11 PM
I read the NYT article. Sounds like a bunch of cults of personality. These never thrive in the mainstream, it's hard to cull dissent there.

Good for them that they occasionally meet up with competing views so their followers can get the impression that the battle is real and relevant.

But hey, at least it isn't just one of them. That's always a bad omen.
05-16-2019 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
First off, none of them are center or center left. Second, Intellectual Dark Web is a name they GAVE THEMSELVES, it's from a Bari Weiss puff piece.

Third, and this ties in with this guy getting the very basics of both political orientation and group membership wrong, Ben Shapino left the bubble of Rubin Reports and articles written by his Dad to get interviewed by Vox about his book. It went... fantastic:
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
How do you not research this stuff before posting about it? Everything about this post is incorrect!
He was probably thinking of the "Dark Enlightenment".

And thinking about it again just now, I gotta say I'd prefer those guys. They openly state that they're racists and white supremacist and don't hide behinid the bull****. They'll get mad if you don't notice their defining characteristics.
05-16-2019 , 06:26 PM
Or maybe that's the wrong metric. Maybe it's not that they're not bull**** peddlers or cowards but rather simply they're just smarter and have figured out the natural definition for their beliefs.

"OK, I believe x, y and z... Hm... Well, I suppose that means I'm a white supremacist. Makes sense."

And we're all just waiting for the rest to figure it out. They're like,

"Hey wait a minute! Just because I believe x, y and z doesn't mean I'm a racist and white supremacist,'

and we're like, dude, those other white supremacists figured this out in like 5 seconds, it's not hard.

Last edited by 6ix; 05-16-2019 at 06:33 PM.
05-16-2019 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I mean, Jeez, where to start with this.

i was gonna start with this gif and go from there

05-16-2019 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by Do0rDoNot

For anyone looking for some real juicy right wing thought (and entertaining to boot), check out Mencius Moldbug at his blog here:


This diatribe is actually addressed to progressives, but I doubt any here will read it.

What's the minimum amount of words I'd need to type to convince you this is the dumbest **** I've ever read?

Originally Posted by guy who said No Hitler Is ACTUALLY Good

And why does this strange pattern exist? Because conservatism is not just an ordinary opinion. Suppose instead of a theory of government, conservatism was a theory of basketball. “Conservatism” would be a system of views about the pick-and-roll, the outside game, the triangle defense and other issues of great importance to basketball players and coaches.

The obvious difference is that, unless you are a basketball coach, your opinions on basketball matter not at all—because basketball is not a democracy. The players don’t even get a vote, let alone the fans. But conservatism can maintain a systematic pattern of delusion, because its fans are not just fans: they are supporters of a political machine. This machine will disappear if it cannot keep its believers, so it has an incentive to keep them. And it does. Funny how that works.
Will just clowning this analogy work?

I've gotta assume nobody actively decided to put the dumbest **** at the beginning. That'd be way too risky of a maneuver.
05-17-2019 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by 6ix
i was gonna start with this gif and go from there

One of the more annoying things about the online left is how so many of them seemed to have adopted a version of the one-drop rule in political taxonomy.
05-17-2019 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
One of the more annoying things about the online left is how so many of them seemed to have adopted a version of the one-drop rule in political taxonomy.
Fair assessment but my actual flaw is being a habitual gruncher. I made that post before I saw your much longer follow-up post.

In fact 3 of those 4 posts were obvious bad grunches considering the Dark Enlightenment also was thoroughly covered.
05-17-2019 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by 6ix
What's the minimum amount of words I'd need to type to convince you this is the dumbest **** I've ever read?

Will just clowning this analogy work?

I've gotta assume nobody actively decided to put the dumbest **** at the beginning. That'd be way too risky of a maneuver.
"An Open Letter to Progressives"

"Chapter 1 of 14."
05-19-2019 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by 6ix
Or maybe that's the wrong metric. Maybe it's not that they're not bull**** peddlers or cowards but rather simply they're just smarter and have figured out the natural definition for their beliefs.

"OK, I believe x, y and z... Hm... Well, I suppose that means I'm a white supremacist. Makes sense."

And we're all just waiting for the rest to figure it out. They're like,

"Hey wait a minute! Just because I believe x, y and z doesn't mean I'm a racist and white supremacist,'

and we're like, dude, those other white supremacists figured this out in like 5 seconds, it's not hard.
I think one trait that you and (mostly hypothetical) white supremacists have in common is supreme willingness to dishonestly mischaracterize someone else's beliefs to fit your own narrative.

I think if what you said was true in any sense, you should be able to state a belief a member of the so-called IDW has that is shared by white supremacists. I seriously doubt you will be able to do this without misrepresenting said persons belief.
05-20-2019 , 03:13 AM
I love how this guy got explained the "we call antifa the real fascists because they use violence" bit and thought that he could scale that down to "mischaracterizing beliefs". Aw yeah, you know the Nazis, they ****ing LOVE to uncharitably describe beliefs!

What the hell are you even talking about?

Also, your question is easy, "black people are dumber than white people due to genetic differences". Sam Harris believes that, as do probably ~90% of the rest of the IDW, as do you. You guys cloister yourself away from the left and only argue with strawmen so much you're just completely unprepared for contact with actual people who don't already agree with you.

But that's not even the end of it, because you've got it backwards. White supremacists and the IDW also both agree 2+2 is 4, and so forth. The more interesting question is where, in the arena of race and politics, does the typical IDW member DIFFER from a Klansman? Affirmative action, both oppose it. Black Lives Matter, neither a fan. AOC and Ilhan Omar not getting donations from either. Immigration? IDW members generally don't get that into the weeds with policy but I don't think any of them have really drawn a line over the child separation stuff or whatever.

This is the new Politics, son, you can fly the flag openly. Like you kinda popped back in here but did you see that the guy who took over for you in the battle against the regressive left did so by posting a link to Moldbug's blog? Not very hypothetical from where I'm sitting.

Last edited by FlyWf; 05-20-2019 at 03:22 AM.
05-20-2019 , 08:00 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
The more interesting question is where, in the arena of race and politics, does the typical IDW member DIFFER from a Klansman?
Their most fundamental difference with a klansman is similar to their most fundamental difference with the radical left. They would take issue with the view that political ideas should be viewed through the lens of group identity (whether racial, sexual, religious, or otherwise).
05-20-2019 , 10:09 AM
Is web status determinative here or can radio peeps also be in the Intellectual Dark Web? How does Paul Harvey fit into all of this?
05-20-2019 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by TrollyWantACracker
Is web status determinative here or can radio peeps also be in the Intellectual Dark Web? How does Paul Harvey fit into all of this?
Well, Shapiro does a radio show, so I do think radio personalities could theoretically be. But to answer your question, no, no one that died 10 years ago would make the cut.
05-20-2019 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I love how this guy got explained the "we call antifa the real fascists because they use violence" bit and thought that he could scale that down to "mischaracterizing beliefs". Aw yeah, you know the Nazis, they ****ing LOVE to uncharitably describe beliefs!

What the hell are you even talking about?

Actually, this sentence is exactly what I was thinking when I read your first paragraph. I have no clue what you are talking about, or even who you are talking to.

Also, your question is easy, "black people are dumber than white people due to genetic differences". Sam Harris believes that, as do probably ~90% of the rest of the IDW, as do you.

This is a topic that WN has intimated is out of bounds in this forum. I will say, Sam Harris has several podcasts devoted to articulating and his position on this topic, so anyone who is curious, I would recommend you go listen to what he actually has to say. I will say that if your "knowledge" is coming from Vox or NYT articles, there is zero chance you will be getting a very accurate depiction.

I have my own thoughts which don't align exactly with Sam Harris, but again I will respect the mods wishes and not get into that here. But FWIW you are very wrong with your made up assumptions, per usual.

You guys cloister yourself away from the left and only argue with strawmen so much you're just completely unprepared for contact with actual people who don't already agree with you.

I will say the irony and cognitive dissonance in this comment is staggering. First off, your entire argumentative "strategy" as far as I can see it is assigning people to imaginary groups of "you guys," making up straw men and ad hominen arguments for them, and then "dunking" on the made up arguments. So you accusing anyone else of straw manning is absolutely hilarious.

Also (for good or bad) probably 90% of the politics related posts I have ever made on 2+2 is arguing with the left. The only reason we have never met is because Wookie was very careful and insistent to not let me post in politics, probably to protect you from me. So you could keep making stuff up and noone who knew better would ever call you out on it.

But that's not even the end of it, because you've got it backwards. White supremacists and the IDW also both agree 2+2 is 4, and so forth. The more interesting question is where, in the arena of race and politics, does the typical IDW member DIFFER from a Klansman? Affirmative action, both oppose it. Black Lives Matter, neither a fan. AOC and Ilhan Omar not getting donations from either. Immigration? IDW members generally don't get that into the weeds with policy but I don't think any of them have really drawn a line over the child separation stuff or whatever.

Most of this paragraph is just plain out wrong. Most of the members do get into the weeds with policy on pretty much every topic. The only one who I could think of that doesn't is Jordan Peterson. Again, you are coming mainly from a place of ignorance.

This is the new Politics, son, you can fly the flag openly. Like you kinda popped back in here but did you see that the guy who took over for you in the battle against the regressive left did so by posting a link to Moldbug's blog? Not very hypothetical from where I'm sitting.
I dont even know who Moldbug is, and I doubt I agree with him on a whole lot. But I am sure in your "reality" he and I are part of some abstract group of "you guys" and you will assign me made-up beliefs accordingly.
05-20-2019 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by Janabis
Their most fundamental difference with a klansman is similar to their most fundamental difference with the radical left. They would take issue with the view that political ideas should be viewed through the lens of group identity (whether racial, sexual, religious, or otherwise).
Just an incredible coincidence how overwhelming white, male, and wealthy the members are, huh?

This is something that Harris always faceplants on, there's no introspection by any of these people, they'll see a intersectional academic write about how white is the default race and they get mad, but their entire output is devoted to that exact concept.

But you see how, in your response, you never actually got to where the IDW and the Klansman disagree about the end product? Like actual real world policy, there's no daylight on any controversy.
05-20-2019 , 12:22 PM
The "IDW" is just a bunch of people doing their own thing. Eric Weinstein found some things they all had in common and came up with a label to describe it/them as a group. It's kind of nerdy but he does make a valid point in distinguishing what they are doing and why it's important

Here's what they actually believe

Originally Posted by Original Position
One of the more annoying things about the online left is how so many of them seemed to have adopted a version of the one-drop rule in political taxonomy.
I think this is true but i think its just a tool in a larger tactic

Male aggression is obvious and well understood. Feminine aggression is different. They actually rely more on character assassination and gossip. This is a common tactic of the far left. Nobody is totally immune to this but they absolutely love it. Instead of actually arguing an idea, point, etc on its merits, you can just dismiss and avoid all of it by discrediting the source. The one drop tactic is a great tool for this. You don't have to actually defend or justify your position if the person you disagree with was on an interview show that once talked to alex jones. It's obviously an alt-right platform that can be deleted from discourse.
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I love how this guy got explained the "we call antifa the real fascists because they use violence" bit and thought that he could scale that down to "mischaracterizing beliefs". Aw yeah, you know the Nazis, they ****ing LOVE to uncharitably describe beliefs!

What the hell are you even talking about?

Also, your question is easy, "black people are dumber than white people due to genetic differences". Sam Harris believes that, as do probably ~90% of the rest of the IDW, as do you. You guys cloister yourself away from the left and only argue with strawmen so much you're just completely unprepared for contact with actual people who don't already agree with you.

But that's not even the end of it, because you've got it backwards. White supremacists and the IDW also both agree 2+2 is 4, and so forth. The more interesting question is where, in the arena of race and politics, does the typical IDW member DIFFER from a Klansman? Affirmative action, both oppose it. Black Lives Matter, neither a fan. AOC and Ilhan Omar not getting donations from either. Immigration? IDW members generally don't get that into the weeds with policy but I don't think any of them have really drawn a line over the child separation stuff or whatever.

This is the new Politics, son, you can fly the flag openly. Like you kinda popped back in here but did you see that the guy who took over for you in the battle against the regressive left did so by posting a link to Moldbug's blog? Not very hypothetical from where I'm sitting.
You don't even think IQ tests are valid

Does anyone have actual evidence of actual racism?
05-20-2019 , 12:26 PM
Kelhus- I don't think saying black people AREN'T genetically inferior to white people is off limits to this forum, buddy.

We literally just did this song and dance about Harris in the old forum, man, you guys can't think "I can't tell you what his views are, but I assure you, his critics are wrong" is persuasive rhetoric. Not when he's putting his views out on his own podcast.

Also (for good or bad) probably 90% of the politics related posts I have ever made on 2+2 is arguing with the left.
Wow I'm shocked, who could've predicted a reactionary would disagree with his political opponents?

The only reason we have never met is because Wookie was very careful and insistent to not let me post in politics, probably to protect you from me. So you could keep making stuff up and noone who knew better would ever call you out on it.
LOL what? Man you can't even work the quote tags
05-20-2019 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Kelhus- I don't think saying black people AREN'T genetically inferior to white people is off limits to this forum, buddy.

Well, you seem to be making a value proposition that "dumbness = inferiority," which you seem to believe is true. I don't actually believe that at all. Sounds like you might actually be the bigger bigot between the 2 of us in this conversation, which doesn't surprise me in the slightest. You definitely seem to have a very strong superiority complex.

We literally just did this song and dance about Harris in the old forum, man, you guys can't think "I can't tell you what his views are, but I assure you, his critics are wrong" is persuasive rhetoric. Not when he's putting his views out on his own podcast.

Again, with the "you guys." I actually wish for a second I could see the world through your eyes so I could get a better idea of who you are even talking about. Although, I suspect you don' have a clue yourself.

Also, WE did not do any song and dance. You did a fake song and dance under very controlled conditions that the last moderation team set up for you. Now, someone is here to call you out on all the completely wrong things you are saying, which is pretty much everything you have posted in this thread.

Wow I'm shocked, who could've predicted a reactionary would disagree with his political opponents?

LOL what? Man you can't even work the quote tags
As far as I can tell, you seem to be basically acknowledging that you dont have a clue what you are talking about. Every time I point out that you are completely wrong in specific statements you have made, you have pulled a Trump and refused to even acknowledge it and just moved on. It seems pretty clear, you have not every listened/read anything actually said by the people in question that we are talking about, which is fine. However, given this maybe you shouldn't be making up stuff that you are claiming other people said that they didn't.
05-20-2019 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Just an incredible coincidence how overwhelming white, male, and wealthy the members are, huh?

This is something that Harris always faceplants on, there's no introspection by any of these people, they'll see a intersectional academic write about how white is the default race and they get mad, but their entire output is devoted to that exact concept.

But you see how, in your response, you never actually got to where the IDW and the Klansman disagree about the end product? Like actual real world policy, there's no daylight on any controversy.
If % of members who are privileged white males is a metric for determining an organization is racist, than the old politics subform (currently exiledpoliticsforum) should be on the SPLC hate list.
05-20-2019 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
But you see how, in your response, you never actually got to where the IDW and the Klansman disagree about the end product? Like actual real world policy, there's no daylight on any controversy.
Everything you highlighted that they have in common relates to their mutual dislike of the radical left. Regarding policy differences, a klansmen presumably would be in favor of affirmative action if it benefited whites. The IDW obviously would not.
05-20-2019 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
I think this is true but i think its just a tool in a larger tactic

Male aggression is obvious and well understood. Feminine aggression is different. They actually rely more on character assassination and gossip. This is a common tactic of the far left. Nobody is totally immune to this but they absolutely love it. Instead of actually arguing an idea, point, etc on its merits, you can just dismiss and avoid all of it by discrediting the source.
I think ascribing this to male or female differences or thinking that this is a unusually characteristic of the far left is inaccurate. First, rightwing conservatives are at least as likely in my experience to dismiss an idea or claim by discrediting the source. Trump is of course the most prominent current example of this, with his constant claims that we shouldn't accept something as true because it is "fake news." But this isn't new, conservatives have for years rejected mainstream sources in both science and the press because they think they are biased against them or their views.

Second, the actual left in the US - eg people like Bernie Sanders, and especially the far left, are more likely to engage with people on ideas than people in or closer to the center. People in the center have more interest in policing the boundaries of discourse, since they are the ones who benefit the most from making some ideas too extreme to be considered. You'll notice that Sam Harris, who puts himself forward as a champion of open discourse, struggles to have conversations with people who are actually on the far left because their worldview has too little in common with his, and he isn't willing to bracket so much of his own beliefs in a conversation.

The one drop tactic is a great tool for this. You don't have to actually defend or justify your position if the person you disagree with was on an interview show that once talked to alex jones. It's obviously an alt-right platform that can be deleted from discourse.
This is different than what I meant fwiw. The guilt by association stuff is often wrong and driven by a stultified perspective on the world. Many left people online have become habituated to assuming that most people who disagree with them are dishonest about their views unless they are stating that they hate minorities, women, poor people, etc and want to start the Fourth Reich. Since they think these people aren't being honest, they don't really care about the surface meaning of what is being said, and instead look for clues to their true underlying pathologies. Obviously, in this way of doing conversation, a focus on statistical correlations can be useful for sussing out your "true" beliefs and political attitudes. And, obviously, who you associate with will generally correlate with your political beliefs.

What I meant with the one-drop analogy was different. People's views usually don't fit into a neat left-right binary. For instance, someone might hold mostly leftwing views on a topic, but be okay with gun rights. Or maybe they are very conservative, but favor single-payer. The approach above leads people to take the actual complexity in people's views as a clue to their secretly held rightwing views (at least, when it is useful to do so). So if you have a single right wing view, that is a sign that you are right wing, whatever else you might say.
