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Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions

06-25-2019 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
In your own words, what are the distinguishing factors between these facilities and KZ Dachau c. 1934 that render the comparison wholly inappropriate?
Why use words, when pictures will suffice.

Are you arguing you believe this is the Republican parties "final solution" and this is where things are headed?

This is what concentration camps mean in the world today. And there is a lot more pictures where that one came from. Do you need more illustrations, or do you get the point?
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Why use words, when pictures will suffice.

Are you arguing you believe this is the Republican parties "final solution" and this is where things are headed?

This is what concentration camps mean in the world today. And there is a lot more pictures where that one came from. Do you need more illustrations, or do you get the point?
Me: asks question about circa 1934

You: posts image from over a decade later


I don't know where we are going. I don't know if we are heading towards death camps. But I do know how death camps started, and it wasn't with death camps.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 12:07 AM
Making a comp between Dachau and the US border today is some real sick false moral equivalancy and whitewashing history.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Making a comp between Dachau and the US border today is some real sick false moral equivalancy and whitewashing history.
Try using words and discussing how Dachau got started rather than how it ended. Spoiler alert:

I've both read the wikipedia article and been there personally.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 12:12 AM
I am going to go to bed now. I think we all get the point. I will find it very amusing if Well Named has to erase Wookie's posts making equivalencies of the Holocaust and border detentions so Mason doesn't get accused of running an antisemitic hate site.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
I am going to go to bed now. I think we all get the point. I will find it very amusing if Well Named has to erase Wookie's posts making equivalencies of the Holocaust and border detentions so Mason doesn't get accused of running an antisemitic hate site.
Cowardly troll and a liar about what I actually said.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 12:22 AM
Anyways, to address the issue at hand and bring it back a little; giving asylum seekers a court date and releasing them into some sort of humane living situation sounds infinitesimally better than what is currently going on, and hopefully something along these lines gets implemented sooner rather than later.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
You seem confused about something. I don't object to them being called concentration camps - they are concentration camps.

Where we disagree is on your name calling thingy. And that polorization is a political disaster - the idea is to get things changed not to be able to be on the worthy side of a divide.
You’re basically describing the difference between politics and society. The "name calling thingy" isn’t politics. Politics assumes people have different views, beliefs, agendas, etc., some of which are in opposition and irreconcilable and seeks to provide a framework to essentially negotiate settlements, e.g., “I’ll give you some of what you want if you give me some of what I want.” In other words, there’s a lot of compromise with politics, which requires a certain degree of civility like Biden recently referred to. That’s not the case with those advocating for large-scale societal change like modern progressives. Their objective is to radically change those underlying beliefs or change minds and their modus operandi is confrontational and polarizing, with compromise not being an option because to them it’s not about finding equitable solutions or really even to “get things changed” in a political sense but rather a battle between good and evil at the overarching societal level, hence the related naming and shaming rhetoric.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 05:24 AM

Children have already died in these concentration camps. We can't use the name until the death toll reaches acceptable levels for you? Aren't you all polly prissy pants about the correct names being used for things no mater who it offends and all that garbage? People, men women and children are being concentrated in camps where they are facing torture and death based on nothing more than their ethnicity. Your first thought is that the people describing these death camps are possibly being too imprecise in their language? **** off.


You're not an ally in any regard so your council is of no value. **** off also.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 05:35 AM
Like if you're utterly frothing at the mouth insane over ~5 dumb college kids doing something asinine but when it comes to the caging and murder of children you go straight to the ruler and protractor set to get exact measurements for what is and isnt defined as so and so you just might be a prick.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 05:45 AM
The name isn't terribly important. For the parent of a dead child who spent their last time in life without a proper bed, soap or company of someone they knew, I don't think it is terribly important of you call it "detention center", "internment camp" or "concentration camp" on the official documents.

Any regime or government that engages in brutal practices of this type does the same thing anyway. They use language in a manner meant to reduce the ethical severity of their actions. That is how the term concentration camp was born in the first place. It later came to mean a thing of evil, when we admitted what they were used for.

And sure, we can engage in a pointless debate on the volume of deaths. The only thing that matters is if you accept that these things happen. After that, volume is just a technicality. And by accept I mean if you take it in and move on without caring, not what you answer here on this forum or any other public discussion when asked if you do.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by well named
The simplest immediate alternative is to dedicate an appropriate amount of resources necessary to house detained immigrants/refugees in humane conditions, and to process asylum requests in a reasonable amount of time.

My view is that if a government official in charge of deciding how to handle detainees recognizes that there is no way to detain them humanely, then they ought simply to not detain them. I don't think that position should be subject to compromise. There's no doubt that this will still leave a crisis to handle, but my goal isn't necessarily to find some easy solution that fixes every problem, but to avoid committing egregious human rights violations.

From a longer term perspective, I'd argue that if we want to slow the rate of migration we should do more to try to help improve conditions in the countries people are fleeing. Given the dangers and difficulty people face trying to migrate, I think that's a good idea almost regardless of one's views on immigration. That said, from my perspective there is no compelling reason not to simply welcome most of these people as immigrants and to try to help them settle in the US. But I don't think restrictions on immigration are all unacceptable. I do think that if you want to restrict immigration you have to be willing to commit the resources necessary to resolve immigration enforcement without forcing children to live for weeks in these conditions.
$4.5 Billion in Emergency AID at Border Stuck in Congress Over Inside the Beltway Partisan Political BS

Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 08:00 AM
Yeah it seems pretty standard for Trump to say he's going to veto the bill because it includes restrictions to prevent the money that is supposed to be for humanitarian aid going to immigration enforcement instead.

It's obviously awful that this is somehow a partisan issue but given that it is Trump's rhetoric and policies that are responsible for the situation it's not surprising that some Dems are hesitant to fund more money without tight restrictions on its use when previous funding has been used to create the situation in the first place.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 08:29 AM
Jesus. The "Inside the Beltway Partisan Political BS" in this case being that dems want to restrict the money so it can only be used to feed clothe and take care of dying children and the gop want the money to be spent rounding up and killing more children. Can't these guys just find a middle ground where we murder some kids but give toothbrushes to others? Weird that 'not killing children' is such a partisan issue. I wonder which side is to blame for that?

Last edited by tomdemaine; 06-25-2019 at 08:36 AM.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Anyways, to address the issue at hand and bring it back a little; giving asylum seekers a court date and releasing them into some sort of humane living situation sounds infinitesimally better than what is currently going on, and hopefully something along these lines gets implemented sooner rather than later.
“Infinitesimally” doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
You seem confused about something. I don't object to them being called concentration camps - they are concentration camps.

Where we disagree is on your name calling thingy. And that polorization is a political disaster - the idea is to get things changed not to be able to be on the worthy side of a divide.
What we disagree about is everything, but why would you jump into this thread to argue against Wookie and me if you were going to immediately walk this back:

Originally Posted by chezlaw
It's hard to take your complaints seriously when you and a few others throw 'nazi' abut so much - what do you expect when you then start talkign about concentration camps?. It ain't about you so sorry if you get tired about it. I get tired of politics wasting so much effort on name calling instead of focusing on the issues but we will cope wont we?

I agree on closing them. If not then humane conditions is an absolute minimum for all prisons/detention centres/etc
You know maybe if you weren't always kneejerking to defend reactionaries from name-calling but actually was more interested in defending victims of oppression you wouldn't need to pull this ****

Last edited by FlyWf; 06-25-2019 at 10:02 AM.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
Making a comp between Dachau and the US border today is some real sick false moral equivalancy and whitewashing history.
Originally Posted by Kelhus999
I am going to go to bed now. I think we all get the point. I will find it very amusing if Well Named has to erase Wookie's posts making equivalencies of the Holocaust and border detentions so Mason doesn't get accused of running an antisemitic hate site.
Identity politics is BAD guys. Also, getting mad about our treatment of migrants is a media narrative that Kelhus is TOO SMART to fall for. But MrWookie's posts? Real sick stuff.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
What we disagree about is everything
Fly, the fact is that we agree on pretty much everything that's important politically. You just can't see it or wont admit because you're completely stuck on your polarisation name calling thingy

Because I don't do your polarisation thingy I can disagree with you on that while recognising we agree on pretty much most political issues.

The rest of you post was nonsense, so sorry i'll leave you to do your thing about me ignoring it.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by tomdemaine

Children have already died in these concentration camps. We can't use the name until the death toll reaches acceptable levels for you? Aren't you all polly prissy pants about the correct names being used for things no mater who it offends and all that garbage? People, men women and children are being concentrated in camps where they are facing torture and death based on nothing more than their ethnicity. Your first thought is that the people describing these death camps are possibly being too imprecise in their language? **** off.


You're not an ally in any regard so your council is of no value. **** off also.

good talk
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by xnbomb
good talk
Ninja edit? They didn't enter the country illegally.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Lapidator
Please post the number of people who weekly (or monthly) present themselves to the boarder for asylum or immigration currently.

Please describe in detail what would be the required housing/detention conditions for these people. Please describe whether these facilities exist currently or if they will need to be built (and if so, how long will it take to build, and where).

Please describe in detail how much you think it will cost given the # of people posted above.

If detention is not an option, explain in detail your plan for housing and supporting (e.g. feeding) these people. Have you signed up personally to sponsor an asylum seeker? Should other Americans do so? What should happen to asylum seekers if the break other laws (other than illegally crossing the border)?

Please explain why asylum seekers shouldn't seek asylum in Mexico. Is Mexico not a suitable destination, and if so please describe exactly why.

Given the current US immigration waiting lists, how should new immigrants presenting themselves to the boarder today be treated compared to people who are already on the lists, some who have been on the waiting list for many years?

Should immigrants from Mexico have priority over immigrants from India just because they are physically closer to the USA?

How many federal immigration judges are there currently? How many should we have on an immediate basis?
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 02:56 PM
Even though FCMP was delivering a higher compliance rate than other “alternatives to detention” (ATD) systems like ankle monitors and random house visits, and doing so at a fraction of the cost of keeping people locked up pending trial, Trump’s ICE leaders pulled the plug.

The reason? Too many families turned out to have legitimate arguments for obtaining legal status in the U.S. Though Trump and his loyal GOP colleagues now insist family detention is necessary because people won’t show up for court otherwise, the FCMP was delivering near-perfect compliance from immigrant families – it just wasn’t getting enough of them deported.

“Since the inception of FCMP, there have only been 15 removals from this program, as opposed to more than 2,200 from ATD,” ICE spokeswoman Sarah Rodriguez said in June 2017. “By discontinuing FCMP, ICE will save more than $12 million a year — money which can be utilized for other programs which more effectively allow ICE to discharge its enforcement and removal responsibilities.

It was the kind of blandly frank statement that tends to skid by in the bombastic, gaudy Trump era. But Rodriguez was openly saying that a system that delivers good results isn’t a good system unless the results it delivers are deportations.
FCMP was cheaper. It was more effective. It was ended. None of what Trump says is necessary is actually necessary to achieve the goals he claims to pursue when he’s behind a White House desk with loyal senators alongside him.

The only rationale that actually does add up, consistently, is that Trump and Stephen Miller and the rest are aching to punish migrants for daring to seek safety inside the U.S.

The new policy still fits their real goal: To punish and terrorize families in the hope that fewer would view escape to the United States as a superior option to the brutality they were fleeing back home.
In plain English releasing kids to their families and having case workers work with them was cheaper and more effective than even ankle bracelets, but it allowed more people to present credible cases that would allowed them to stay in the US, which isn't what the Trump admin wants.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 06-25-2019 at 03:01 PM.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 03:02 PM
Yeah, I think that whole cite is just an exercise in rhetorical dishonesty.

It does not appear to me that Trump cares about immigrants at all, in either a positive or negative direction. He is just pandering to his base. And I would argue Trump's base also doesn't have any particular malicious attitudes towards migrants specifically, they are just self concerned and playing out their evolutionary conserved tribal programming against the "other."

I think ascribing malicious intent, when the truth is probably closer to lack of empathy, and being caught in instinctual emotional feedback loops, isn't doing anyone any favors.

But you do you.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 03:04 PM
"playing out their evolutionary conserved tribal programming against the 'other'" often involves malicious attitudes towards migrants specifically?

I don't want to paint with too broad a brush but it's not hard to find examples of Trump supporters who will tell you in no uncertain terms how they feel about immigrants.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
06-25-2019 , 03:19 PM
Trump doesn't have to play to his particularly racist base either, but he chooses to and he chooses to say things about immigrants that would be hard to describe as agnostic or nonchalant about them.
Immigrants and Refugees being held in inhumane conditions Quote
