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How will coronavirus affect the US election? How will coronavirus affect the US election?

03-22-2020 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by well named
It's not at all clear to me that halting international travel was the most important action. I mean, just given that it's clear from how the disease has spread that the US banning travel from one country was completely ineffective, because of international travel between other countries. China stopping outbound international travel early enough might have worked better, but given how unlikely it seems that we were ever going to react quickly enough to stop the spread just via simple international travel bans it also seems to me that other measures were always going to be necessary and more important, and it would have been really useful to start taking some of them sooner.

Bearing in mind that I think this was going to be a pandemic no matter who was president at the time, and always going to be bad in the US. It's hard to say just how much better it could have been. I just don't buy the argument that the very limited travel ban is evidence of a sufficient or well planned response. It doesn't really seem like either.
Their is anecdotal evidence to suggest that our rate didn't accelerate like Italy's did.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
So by Friday is a 100,000 cases realistic?
100K cases by Friday means that the thing was massively overblown.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 03:51 PM
32,356 +8,149

Site might have been hacked or something. New figures, not 14k today in USA.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by maulaga58
Their is anecdotal evidence to suggest that our rate didn't accelerate like Italy's did.
I think it's probably too early to draw very strong conclusions but the data wookie just linked doesn't suggest that at all.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I think it's probably too early to draw very strong conclusions but the data wookie just linked doesn't suggest that at all.
Didn't both countries get their 1st confirmed case on same day?
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
So by Friday is a 100,000 cases realistic?
Probably low, unless we just give up on trying to test more people.

Originally Posted by well named
It's not at all clear to me that halting international travel was the most important action. I mean, just given that it's clear from how the disease has spread that the US banning travel from one country was completely ineffective, because of international travel between other countries. China stopping outbound international travel early enough might have worked better, but given how unlikely it seems that we were ever going to react quickly enough to stop the spread just via simple international travel bans it also seems to me that other measures were always going to be necessary and more important, and it would have been really useful to start taking some of them sooner.

Bearing in mind that I think this was going to be a pandemic no matter who was president at the time, and always going to be bad in the US. It's hard to say just how much better it could have been. I just don't buy the argument that the very limited travel ban is evidence of a sufficient or well planned response. It doesn't really seem like either.
Delaying the start of exponential growth by a day or a week or even a month is completely meaningless if you do nothing else. If you think the "travel ban" that doesn't absolutely cutoff commerce is going to stop the virus from ever getting here, lol.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by maulaga58
Their is anecdotal evidence to suggest that our rate didn't accelerate like Italy's did.
Post that evidence

Originally Posted by maulaga58
Didn't both countries get their 1st confirmed case on same day?
Italy had community spread about 10 days earlier than us.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Probably low, unless we just give up on trying to test more people.

Delaying the start of exponential growth by a day or a week or even a month is completely meaningless if you do nothing else. If you think the "travel ban" that doesn't absolutely cutoff commerce is going to stop the virus from ever getting here, lol.
Trump bought us time that he didn't use effectively I understand that.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
100K cases by Friday means that the thing was massively overblown.
What do you need in order to have a confirmed case of covid-19?

formula72: Uhm.... (10 hours later).... A test?

Yes! Good job! High five man you got it! Well almost. What you need is a working...

formula72: Uhhh Uhhh Uhhh, (24 days later).... A working test?

YES! BINGO! You need a working test that doesn't give false negatives more than half the time. It's also nice to have enough to test people who have symptoms, as well as, test nurses and doctors who might have it. We haven't been able to do that until just now. And to match South Korea's testing strategy, we have to be testing anyone who wants a test, even if they aren't showing symptoms.

formula72: Uhh I don't get it...
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by maulaga58
Trump bought us time that he didn't use effectively I understand that.
He didn't use it at all. And to this day he still hasn't mandated increased production of vital PPE and ventilators via the DPA, and states are currently bidding against each other for the meager supplies we have.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
He didn't use it at all. And to this day he still hasn't mandated increased production of vital PPE and ventilators via the DPA, and states are currently bidding against each other for the meager supplies we have.

That one baffles me that states are bidding against each other. The FEMA guy was on the news this morning and not stepping in to stop this.

Why wouldn't the federal government do all the purchasing and distribute?
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
That one baffles me that states are bidding against each other. The FEMA guy was on the news this morning and not stepping in to stop this.

Why wouldn't the federal government do all the purchasing and distribute?
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:16 PM
Morain said they’ve ordered 2 million more masks and are awaiting the shipments. Those typically take at least five weeks to arrive: two weeks to make the masks, two weeks of shipping and a week to get through the port. Meanwhile, he said, Direct Relief has received well over 100 requests from hospitals and health centers down to their last boxes.

In an effort to fill the gap, Minnesota-based 3M is running its Aberdeen, South Dakota, plant around the clock, producing millions of N95 masks per month. The company is also ramping up production of surgical masks and commercial cleaning solutions, CEO Mike Roman said.

Nonetheless, one federal contract with 3M for $4.8 million of N95 masks dated March 12 says the masks will be delivered April 30 — seven weeks later, according to public contract data.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Subterranean2
the US will be above 200deaths/day before next weekend
Are you making this post to underscore that being a lot?
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Trump, 7 weeks ago: "We pretty much shut it down coming in from China. We're going to be fine."
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
Sorry Joe, but this is fake news. I have it on good authority that the only country that makes these begins with a C.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
He didn't use it at all. And to this day he still hasn't mandated increased production of vital PPE and ventilators via the DPA, and states are currently bidding against each other for the meager supplies we have.

Manufacturers are racing to boost production of the medical ventilators required to save the lives of many critically ill coronavirus patients, but there still may not be enough of the crucial machines if cases surge, industry officials say.


Even companies that don’t make medical devices may chip in. General Motors Co. and Ford Motor Co. are exploring the possibility of making ventilators, spokespeople for the companies said Thursday. The auto makers have temporarily suspended vehicle production in North America until at least March 30.


The critical-care society estimates that the number of trained physicians, respiratory therapists and nurses would limit the maximum number of ventilated patients to about 135,000.
What's a mandate going to do? MrWookie's post is an example of finding a reason to be critical, the criticism about the DPA is 100% political BS. Seriously, what's the mandate going to do?

He does not care about any of this, just par for the course....
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
That one baffles me that states are bidding against each other. The FEMA guy was on the news this morning and not stepping in to stop this.

Why wouldn't the federal government do all the purchasing and distribute?
Because the guy that can make this happen is grossly incompetent.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
What's a mandate going to do? MrWookie's post is an example of finding a reason to be critical, the criticism about the DPA is 100% political BS. Seriously, what's the mandate going to do?

He does not care about any of this, just par for the course....
Ventilator production is only one part of that post.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:31 PM
Rand Paul got the virus and probably spread it to a bunch of other GOP senators.

How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Ventilator production is only one part of that post.
I edited my post to indicate that....Trump is bad all his own without you regurgitating political spin, but we all know you could care less about the truth and legitimacy.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by well named
It's not at all clear to me that halting international travel was the most important action. I mean, just given that it's clear from how the disease has spread that the US banning travel from one country was completely ineffective, because of international travel between other countries. China stopping outbound international travel early enough might have worked better, but given how unlikely it seems that we were ever going to react quickly enough to stop the spread just via simple international travel bans it also seems to me that other measures were always going to be necessary and more important, and it would have been really useful to start taking some of them sooner.

Bearing in mind that I think this was going to be a pandemic no matter who was president at the time, and always going to be bad in the US. It's hard to say just how much better it could have been. I just don't buy the argument that the very limited travel ban is evidence of a sufficient or well planned response. It doesn't really seem like either.
This may not be the dumbest take possible but its probably the "wrongest"

The virus originated in china. It is not transmitted or spread through bird migration, wind, or some ****. It's also not crossing the ocean by rail, whale or even ship in large numbers. Cruise ships in small numbers which are easy to detect, track, and contain if you're trying

People are modeling the effects of exponential growth. Its not rocket surgery. Imagine moving the effectiveness of self isolation one step further and eliminating a significant portion of seeds. We could make a list of things from temperature/season, observing china, canada, and europe, drugs/treatment, vaccines, equipment/ventalators etc that all benefit greatly from more time

Minimizing or dismissing the restriction of air travel from china and to a lesser extent europe is so wrong I'm temped to quote makrssman but I suspect I am subject to my own set of rules

How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas
I edited my post to indicate that....Trump is bad all his own without you regurgitating political spin, but we all know you could care less about the truth and legitimacy.
You didn't address PPE at all, you didn't address that even with the companies talking about ramping up production, we may still not hit our needs in time which could be improved via DPA work, and you didn't address that with DPA authorization, we could have the federal government buying these things and distributing them as the single payer, rather than having a bidding war between states. You pounced on a single nit you thought you could pick in your eternal rage against the liberals, and even there you fell flat on your face.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by juan valdez
This may not be the dumbest take possible but its probably the "wrongest"

The virus originated in china. It is not transmitted or spread through bird migration, wind, or some ****. It's also not crossing the ocean by rail, whale or even ship in large numbers. Cruise ships in small numbers which are easy to detect, track, and contain if you're trying

People are modeling the effects of exponential growth. Its not rocket surgery. Imagine moving the effectiveness of self isolation one step further and eliminating a significant portion of seeds. We could make a list of things from temperature/season, observing china, canada, and europe, drugs/treatment, vaccines, equipment/ventalators etc that all benefit greatly from more time

Minimizing or dismissing the restriction of air travel from china and to a lesser extent europe is so wrong I'm temped to quote makrssman but I suspect I am subject to my own set of rules

This gif completely wrecks your whole argument and you are too stupid to realize it.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-22-2020 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You didn't address PPE at all, you didn't address that even with the companies talking about ramping up production, we may still not hit our needs in time which could be improved via DPA work, and you didn't address that with DPA authorization, we could have the federal government buying these things and distributing them as the single payer, rather than having a bidding war between states. You pounced on a single nit you thought you could pick in your eternal rage against the liberals, and even there you fell flat on your face.
Do you not understand capacity to produce is the issue, not the lack of desire to make a buck. An activated DPA will have no impact on the number of ventilators available.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
