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How will coronavirus affect the US election? How will coronavirus affect the US election?

03-21-2020 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
The CCP thanks you for your support at this difficult time.
Guidelines for US propaganda relating to COVID-19:

1. China bad
2. When people say US bad, its China saying US bad

I admire the simplicity, it really is that easy.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
yes trump is an idiot for making false promises and such, no argument

but i dont really see how that made things worse

the cities that got hit the worst had democrat mayors, who were free to quarantine and pass whatever laws they deemed necesary

the federal government still has not mandated anythning, nor shouild they other than to support the states in whatever they choose to do and help out financially
Yes, Trump is an idiot. More than that he once again placed himself above the country he is sworn to protect.

States may have held back on some preparedness measures due to expectations based on the false promises from Trump.

Most big cities have Dem mayors, but we have no idea yet of any sort of correlation between outcomes and political party of the mayor.

Federal guidelines are appropriate because what one state decides can have an affect on other states, like air pollution for example.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
yes trump is an idiot for making false promises and such, no argument

but i dont really see how that made things worse

the cities that got hit the worst had democrat mayors, who were free to quarantine and pass whatever laws they deemed necesary

the federal government still has not mandated anythning, nor shouild they other than to support the states in whatever they choose to do and help out financially
Are you saying, say, Newsom or Cuomo should have issued statewide lockdowns while the president of the United States spent 2 months telling the country this is a giant nothingburger democratic hoax?

I don’t know how you can argue that trump, privy to the most sensitive information in the world, misleading everyone on the gravity of the situation for 2 full months and letting this spread unchecked and putting us further behind didn’t make things worse than they would have been otherwise
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:27 PM
I always thought humanity was too stupid to survive. Reading this forum just confirms it.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
I always thought humanity was too stupid to survive. Reading this forum just confirms it.
When you get your inevitable COVID-19 test, ask the nurse to hold on tight to the swab lest she lose it up there in the vacuum.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
yes trump is an idiot for making false promises and such, no argument

but i dont really see how that made things worse

the cities that got hit the worst had democrat mayors, who were free to quarantine and pass whatever laws they deemed necesary

the federal government still has not mandated anythning, nor shouild they other than to support the states in whatever they choose to do and help out financially
This is all wrong. Literally all of it.

This is exactly what the federal government is for. The federal government had the expertise. They used to have a team to respond to a crisis just like this, get out in front of it and coordinate a response. States don’t hold that expertise or the resources to oversee this most effectively.

They are only doing it now because the administration failed the whole country and they were left with no choice. The administration continues to fail the country every single day.

Trump can get production of productive gear and ventilators started in five minutes. No governor can do that. Trump continues to refuse to do it.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by wiiziwiig
That chart is stupid, that's not how data works.

I speculate that China had a massive death toll early on, under reported it, and when they got things under control, started reporting accurately.
The irony here is with the slappies blaming it all on China and saying China is still lying about numbers, that means the US government should have been doing much, much more, much much sooner.

They are doing nothing and doing it slowly, but if things were much worse in a China then the urgency to act in the US should have been much greater, which means Trump’s failure to respond is much worse.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:38 PM

How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
Trump knew. He squandered the opportunity because of his stupidity and ego. He is just the worst possible President we could have and we are now putting a down payment on the price we will soon be paying for electing him and then not removing him. Obviously we're now in a situation everyone knew would eventually come but all hoped we would hit a one-out miracle river and dodge it. Nope. We're royally ****ed.

I don't give a **** what anyone else has done, who else shares blame, what other countries have done, or any of that ****. Trump sucks at this and we're way more ****ed because of it.
The Trump suckophants don’t get it is not about placing blame it is about how a trump and his administration should have been doing stuff for months to help and THEY ARE STILL NOT DOING THEM!

People are dying, people will continue to die. More people will die unnecessarily simply because Trump refuses to do anything. And all we get here is slappies trying to divert blame off trump onto others instead of holding him accountable for what he continuously refuses to do. It is absurd.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:04 PM

I think anyone who thinks any POTUS, or any country was prepared for something like this is a moron. I really do. Your need to blame Trump follows your posting of the last four years. This is just one more thing for you to rail about. It's actually disgusting you are using it for your shtick, but what ever, you do you.

Before Wookie and his ilk show up, this is not a defense of Trump, this is criticism of people who are using this to play the same folks really are pathetic. How I know this is, none of you who do this, would have given Trump credit for anything he's done/did, if it was objectively determined he did a good thing. I don't care about Trump getting credit, or blame. Nor do most people. We get it, you don't like Trump, and it's always affected your objectivity, to the point you are using dead people now. You don't care about the dead people, you care about putting the blame on Trump, and it's ****ing sick.

Last edited by itshotinvegas; 03-21-2020 at 08:20 PM.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by metsandfinsfan
yes trump is an idiot for making false promises and such, no argument

but i dont really see how that made things worse

the cities that got hit the worst had democrat mayors, who were free to quarantine and pass whatever laws they deemed necesary

the federal government still has not mandated anythning, nor shouild they other than to support the states in whatever they choose to do and help out financially
You have no idea which cities will have gotten hit the worst when this is all done. You only know which cities got hit first. Also, the Trump administration deliberately sabotaged Seattle's efforts to test for (and thereby try to contain) the virus.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:14 PM
California 1,404 +13

That is actually pretty encouraging. We'll see if this holds for rest of day.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You have no idea which cities will have gotten hit the worst when this is all done. You only know which cities got hit first. Also, the Trump administration deliberately sabotaged Seattle's efforts to test for (and thereby try to contain) the virus.
thats a lie

and i have not denied that trump has done a bad job, especially earlier. but cuomo and newsom have praised trump as of late, and no i dont think it's for fear of not getting aid

i also dont think trump did anything out of spite like you imply. He did not want our economy to collapse and was hoping, stupidly, that it wouldn't spread to us the way it hasl.

as i said, hold him accountable at election time, but right now yelling at him and blaming him is not helpful
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by itshotinvegas

I think anyone who thinks any POTUS, or any country was prepared for something like this is a moron. I really do. Your need to blame Trump follows your posting of the last four years. This is just one more thing for you to rail about. It's actually disgusting you are using it for your shtick, but what ever, you do you.

Before Wookie and his ilk show up, this is not a defense of Trump, this is criticism of people who are using this to play the same folks really are pathetic. How I know this is, none of you who do this, would have given Trump credit for anything he's done/did, if it was objectively determined he did a good thing. I don't care about Trump getting credit, or blame. Nor do most people. We get it, you don't like Trump, and it's always affected your objectivity, to the point you are using dead people now. You don't care about the dead people, you care about putting the blame on Trump, and it's ****ing sick.
I would rather have had you as president during this than trump. I would rather have had 90+% of this forum as president during this than trump.

January 3rd. January 3rd is when the intelligence services started to ring the alarm that **** was gonna get bad....
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:34 PM
Yea guys, Trumps doing the best he can right now. There's nothing more he could really do guys, really.

How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You have no idea which cities will have gotten hit the worst when this is all done. You only know which cities got hit first. Also, the Trump administration deliberately sabotaged Seattle's efforts to test for (and thereby try to contain) the virus.
Sounds like a conspiracy theory. Didn't China also let the virus spread in Wuhan initially and crack down on information coming out about it?
This is why I call it the China-America-Joint Cooperation Virus.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
California 1,404 +13

That is actually pretty encouraging. We'll see if this holds for rest of day.
Hopefully in California the fact there is a lot less apartment living, people are generally a lot more spread out, and a lot of old/vulnerable people live by themselves and can quarantine more effectively will keep the morbidity down, even if cases skyrocket.

That being said, my retired boomer parents, who live in the IE, have done some level of unnecessary socializing pretty much every day the last couple weeks, so who knows?
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:41 PM
Free money is on the way via both parties.

That may have an effect on the election. Buying votes is a time tested tradition.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by Slighted
I would rather have had you as president during this than trump. I would rather have had 90+% of this forum as president during this than trump.

January 3rd. January 3rd is when the intelligence services started to ring the alarm that **** was gonna get bad....
I would rather not have Carolyn Goodwin as POTUS, than Trump.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by RFlushDiamonds
Free money is on the way via both parties.

That may have an effect on the election. Buying votes is a time tested tradition.
The economic fallout will be orders of magnitude worse than what the virus is doing to most people right now, and the virus is bad. They have to do it, whether it hands Trump a victory in November, or not.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
Sounds like a conspiracy theory. Didn't China also let the virus spread in Wuhan initially and crack down on information coming out about it?
This is why I call it the China-America-Joint Cooperation Virus.
China-Italy-UK-Spain-Iran-France-Germany-Australia-America-etc,etc,etc-Joint Cooperation virus, to be fair.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by joe6pack
China-Italy-UK-Spain-Iran-France-Germany-Australia-America-etc,etc,etc-Joint Cooperation virus, to be fair.
There only seems to be an indication that China and US deliberately botched the response. I haven't heard anything about the other countries doing so although the UK apparently changed their course of action from letting it spread to lockdown.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Luckbox Inc
There only seems to be an indication that China and US deliberately botched the response. I haven't heard anything about the other countries doing so although the UK apparently changed their course of action from letting it spread to lockdown.
The point I am trying to make is that it doesn't seem to matter what the response is. The thing is unstoppable, unless we go full Wuhan.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:58 PM
This pandemic is hitting every nation in the world. It's not like every day Trump didn't act, is a day we fell further and further behind a crisis of exponential growth.

It's not like lives could have been saved if we had started to act earlier, and it certainly isn't true that there is anything more we could be doing now to ease what's to come.

It's not like Trump wasted months spreading misinformation that put lives at even greater risk had he said nothing at all and just let the specialists handle everything.

How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-21-2020 , 08:58 PM

FFS Hobby Lobby, decorating your house during a pandemic is very very low on the list.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
