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How will coronavirus affect the US election? How will coronavirus affect the US election?

03-04-2020 , 07:19 PM
Yes it could go up but I think we agree that's less likely. Deaths from other conditions may go up as well if health services are overwhelmed or break down.

Re the Spanish flu. There's a school of thought that the particularly high death rate wasn't down to the virus as much as the poor conditions. This might become true of the Corona virus in some countries or refugee camps.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-04-2020 , 08:13 PM
Meanwhile using one number is silly because it changes so much depending on the category you are in. It would be like using one number for your chances of getting lung cancer.

If I were to guess I would say about 3% of infected are 30% to die, !0% are 5%. And 87% are under half a percent. At the most.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-04-2020 , 08:40 PM
California declare state of emergency because of virus
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 01:07 AM
Trump says it's OK to go to work when sick with coronavirus, and also that people who don't get seriously ill apparently don't count for the infected total.

Just staggeringly irresponsible.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 01:16 AM
I had to watch that twice. I mean lolllll wut?
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 02:42 AM
Don't worry, Mike Pence says Donald Trump is doing an amazing job at dealing with the pandemic. They have an unprecedented TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED tests to bring to bear on this problem.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Meanwhile using one number is silly because it changes so much depending on the category you are in. It would be like using one number for your chances of getting lung cancer.

If I were to guess I would say about 3% of infected are 30% to die, !0% are 5%. And 87% are under half a percent. At the most.
I'm struggling with another problem when comparing to flu. Maybe someone knows. With corona people seem to be trying to estimate the ratio of deaths to number infected. The flu stats seem to be the ratio of deaths to number who present with flu like symptoms.

Those are obviously different even if the ratio of infected to those who present symptoms are the same for both diseases, which itself may not be close to true.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 10:31 AM
I am not going to enjoy sarcastically thanking awval when this thing blows up.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 01:21 PM
It won't
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 04:00 PM
It already has, or do you buy into the idea that you don't have a pandemic if you never test for it?
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 04:33 PM
The election is going to be cancelled.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 06:06 PM
Had no idea you were in upper management of the active measures team. Kudos for putting in time on the front line, comrade6pack.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 08:08 PM
i feel like the market might fall big time tomorrow. monday it was, fed going to act! up 1000. Tues it was, so they acted, have u seen the news wtf....down 1000, then wednesday, hey looks like joe biden and that is same old same old, we can get through this, up 1100, today it was...have you seen the news...down 1000.
think tomorrow it will be a have you seen the news friday imo.

just a feelin though i cant guess these things.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 08:20 PM
Times of San Diego: First San Diego-Area Coronavirus Case Is AT&T Store Employee in Chula Vista.
Just now. They closed down the mall. I mean this is going to be the new normal.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-05-2020 , 10:07 PM
Was at the grocery store a couple hours ago and it was weirdly overfilled. Like twice as many people as you would see before a blizzard. And then when I got in line the old lady in front of me was coughing/runny nose visibly ill. She coughed right into her hand then took out her grocery bag folded it up with her tainted hands and then sat in on the conveyor(self-checkout was comically long) right between our stuff--wtf? Now I feel like my throat is scratchy.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-06-2020 , 01:10 PM
Some people have issues with trolling online. No worries, cable news will do it right to your face. lol

Last edited by Majik19; 03-06-2020 at 01:12 PM. Reason: why am I still paying for this crap?
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-06-2020 , 09:17 PM
im old enough to remember the outbreak of Vitas Gerulaitis
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-06-2020 , 09:32 PM
His backhand was pretty lethal.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-06-2020 , 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by Former DJ
A Cruel Twist In The Coronavirus Saga?

Here's some "good news" and some "bad news".

Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC has reported that a Florida man who had just returned from China decided to do "the responsible thing" and get tested for the coronavirus. The good news? His test came back negative. The bad news? He was presented with a $3,000.00 bill for the test.

As Mr. O'Donnell pointed out: "How many people do you think will [voluntarily] get tested after hearing about that?" (In the interview with Mr. O'Donnell, Joe Biden claimed that the test would have been "automatically covered" under Obamacare, but Trump - and the Republicans - got rid of that coverage.)

The actual truth of all this needs to be verified, but it's clear that this virus is going to be a lightning rod of political controversy.
do you have any idea how much Obamacare costs per year? that 3k would be a small fraction of the deductible.

you wanted to kill yourself to keep the price that high. just so you dont forget and neither does any one else.

Republicans and Democrats are the same.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-06-2020 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
im old enough to remember the outbreak of Vitas Gerulaitis
Don't catch a dose of vitus gerulaitus more than 16 times.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-06-2020 , 10:54 PM
so corona virus has canceled the massive music festival in Austion South by Southwest. thats tons of money to workers that wont happen. they wont make rent or pay their bills or will lose health care.

also lots of hotel workers have been laid off across the usa. they lost their health care.

really glad that Former DJ and xnerd were able to get Joe Biden to the top so that these people can continue to suffer.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-07-2020 , 02:19 AM
A downtown Seattle Starbucks was closed and deep cleaned overnight after a worker was diagnosed with the coronavirus illness COVID-19, the company’s executive vice president said in a statement Friday.

"Late last night, we learned one of our store partners at our 1st & University store in downtown Seattle was diagnosed with COVID-19 and is self-isolating at home for a period of time," Rossann Williams said in a message to partners.

City officials have encouraged the company to reopen the store after further preventative cleaning.

King County, where Seattle is located, has had 58 cases of COVID-19.
i dont have any comment idk man
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-07-2020 , 02:24 AM
ok i will comment. read this is how you get starbucks in Beijing. 1. You order on your phone. They take your temperature going in. You make no contact with anyone, your drink appears like magic idk, but the receipt has the body temperature of the person who made your coffee and your own temperature printed on it. u get your drink, then you leave.

Just sayin...italy had 800 new cases today, like 50 dead. and they boarded up 10 towns. im calm. dont worry about me, maybe i am obsessed with this doing some work, playing chess, taking walks. not crazy imo. but idk man.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-07-2020 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by anatta
but the receipt has the body temperature of the person who made your coffee and your own temperature printed on it.
Really? Why? If your temp is high, presumably they're telling you to GTFO straight to a hospital. Same with the barista. So you're always going to get a receipt with two normal temps.
How will coronavirus affect the US election? Quote
03-07-2020 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
do you have any idea how much Obamacare costs per year? that 3k would be a small fraction of the deductible.

you wanted to kill yourself to keep the price that high. just so you dont forget and neither does any one else.

Republicans and Democrats are the same.
We have tested more people in the province of BC than all of the USA. The USA has done a horrible job at the state and federal levels. Its in Vegas now were all screwed. Ontario has a case from someone picking it up in Vegas

My brother was blaming Trump and I was yup he has done a horrible job but even under the Obamacare system and deductibles why would anyone spend $3000 for the test. Stay home from work without pay for 2 weeks? That would make many homeless that live paycheck to paycheck
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